Speak Out: The Real Information about DACA and DAPA

Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 10:28 AM:

Here is the real info concerning the DACA and DAPA executive orders by Ex-President BHO. President Trump made void an illegal EO by Obama and then instructed Congress to within 6 months come up with a LAW concerning these matters. Whereas;Trump is accused to be mean and cruel to these illegals - good grief.


Replies (384)

  • semo, one would not think this has to be explained to the superior logic progressive SO posters.

    Some are angry with Trump for giving the liberals a nod to continue seeking amnesty and open boarder policy to anyone coming illegally. I predict they will be planning another large entitlement program for illegals while being against any tax relief for middle class and small business.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 10:53 AM
  • You have people in this country for 20 years, they've done a great job. They've done wonderfully. They've gone to school. They've gotten good marks. They're productive. Now we're supposed to send them out of the country? I don't believe in that.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:19 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:19 AM

    Do you believe in the Constitution and our system of government? A simple yes or no will suffice.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:25 AM
  • Were these Dreamers parents dropped off by aliens from a UFO and can't get back to their home planet ? If they have degrees , are educated , and advanced , it would seem the best thing they could do is go back to their homelands to help the poor and needy instead of thinking just of what's best for themselves . It's the liberal thing to do .

    What is the use of a Constitution if it's not going to be used ? How can one President enact a program that's illegal and be a hero but another President stop the program because it's illegal and be a villain , how does this work . A President can not set Laws , Congress writes Laws , it's in the Constitution , it's called a check and balance Government . When a President only writes the Laws it's a tyranny .

    Did the USA just have a tyranny for a hero ? Do today's victims in the USA think only of what's best for their self instead of what might be best for others ? Does the USA Constitution even mean anything anymore or is it just a piece of paper hanging on a wall somewhere in Washington , DC. ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:28 AM
  • How many "black" People are unemployed and want jobs ?

    How many "latino" People are unemployed and want jobs ?

    How many "Dreamers" are employed taking up jobs ?

    What do today's "Liberals" want ? They can have anything they want but not everything they want . Choose .

    Quit stomping your feet like kids and grow up , things don't always go your way , life doesn't work like that , not in reality .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:37 AM
  • Do you believe in the Constitution and our system of government? A simple yes or no will suffice.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:25 AM


    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:39 AM
  • Were these Dreamers parents dropped off by aliens from a UFO and can't get back to their home planet ? If they have degrees , are educated , and advanced , it would seem the best thing they could do is go back to their homelands to help the poor and needy instead of thinking just of what's best for themselves . It's the liberal thing to do .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:28 AM

    For many of the people in question, the US *is* their homeland. They've gone to school here; they only speak English.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:41 AM
  • You have people in this country for 20 years, they've done a great job. They've done wonderfully. They've gone to school. They've gotten good marks. They're productive. Now we're supposed to send them out of the country? I don't believe in that.

    No you and the progressives have them in this country. No, the only people talking about rounding them up and sending them out of the country are you progressives that want them here to vote democrat. If they are grown adults they should be offered a way to stay but if they are underage children the can leave with their illegal parents.

    I also think the constitution should be amended to grant citizenship only to children born here or elsewhere to legal parent/s.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:43 AM
  • For many of the people in question, the US *is* their homeland. They've gone to school here; they only speak English. -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:41 AM

    I was in France once. Gee, maybe I should have stayed illegally and gotten guaranteed "homeland" status - whatever that is.

    Sorry - other countries are much much tougher than the US on immigration (Mexico and Canada included).

    The liberal/progressive/Obama/Sneller/Lettau immigration policy is 100% racist. You can't come to this country as a Chinese, Australian, French, African, Russian or English citizen and stay. ONLY if you are Mexican does this work.

    Another example of racism from the left. Use race as a determinate in federal law. Yet these leftists scream "Bias!" if you don't like gay marriage.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:53 AM
  • For many of the people in question, the US *is* their homeland. They've gone to school here; they only speak English.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:41 AM

    WTF does that even mean ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:55 AM
  • Mike Sneller

    You believe in the USA Constitution ?

    A simple yes or no .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:56 AM
  • English *is* spoken World wide for you bigots who think it's only spoken in the USA...Sneller , hint , hint...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:58 AM
  • If they are grown adults they should be offered a way to stay but if they are underage children the can leave with

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:43 AM

    In order to apply, someone had to be at least 15. Underage children were the exception in DACA, not the rule.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:00 PM
  • *

    For many of the people in question, the US *is* their homeland. They've gone to school here; they only speak English.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:41 AM

    And that changes our Constitution *HOW*?

    I will repeat the question....

    Do you believe in the Constitution and our system of government? A simple yes or no will suffice.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:03 PM
  • You can't come to this country as a Chinese, Australian, French, African, Russian or English citizen and stay. ONLY if you are Mexican does this work.

    Another example of racism from the left. Use race as a determinate in federal law.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:53 AM

    You're the one bringing race in. DACA makes no differentiation based upon ethnic heritage. You're tipping your hand as to the real reason you oppose it, not that that is a surprise.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:06 PM
  • WTF does that even mean ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:55 AM

    It means that the people effected by DACA can't "go back" to their homeland, because the United States is the only home they know.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:08 PM
  • Mike Sneller

    You mean like speaking English ?

    Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:08 PM
  • It means that the people effected by DACA can't "go back" to their homeland, because the United States is the only home they know.


    Why can't they "go back" ? Are they from a different planet , they came from somewhere . Why not go back and help those who could really use their help , doctors , lawyers , engineers , instead of being so selfish ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:12 PM
  • *

    Another example of racism from the left. Use race as a determinate in federal law. Yet these leftists scream "Bias!" if you don't like gay marriage.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:53 AM

    Doug, I personally thing queer marrying queer is the biggest travesty that Leftists have pushed off on the institution of marriage.

    I don't care if they want to cohabitation with a goat, that's their business. Personally I think I would rather the goat than another man. I find the whole thing disgusting and revolting.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:13 PM
  • Mike Sneller

    Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    Why are you avoiding this simple question .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:13 PM
  • How many of these "Dreamers" are Nazi and/or Anifa ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:16 PM
  • You're the one bringing race in. DACA makes no differentiation based upon ethnic heritage. You're tipping your hand as to the real reason you oppose it, not that that is a surprise. -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:06 PM

    Complete and utter BS. You just make things up Sneller. It is ALL about hispanics in Mexico and Central America. You can't do this if you are from any other country. Period.

    Get educated. It's tiring trying to teach you. We should charge you tuition.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:17 PM
  • Why can't they "go back" ? Are they from a different planet , they came from somewhere . Why not go back and help those who could really use their help , doctors , lawyers , engineers , instead of being so selfish ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:12 PM

    Because their home is the US! They can't just "go back" somewhere that they have no recollection of, no ties to, and might not even speak the language.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:18 PM
  • Because their home is the US! They can't just "go back" somewhere that they have no recollection of, no ties to, and might not even speak the language. -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:18 PM

    More BS! No surprise.

    People who immigrate leave their country of ties and language to come here with NO TIES and NO LANGUAGE. Yet you support that.

    More twisted illogical claims. So I guess based you your interpretation of this illegals should all be sent back because they have "no ties" and "no language" in the US?

    Spin out of that Ms. Sneller.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:22 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:08 PM

    Mic2: They came with their parents, they can go back with their parents.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:22 PM
  • *

    Because their home is the US! They can't just "go back" somewhere that they have no recollection of, no ties to, and might not even speak the language.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:18 PM

    They are illegal Sneller, what partm of that are you having a problem understanding.

    Add to that, Obama pulled off an illegal action giving these people false hope. Try wrapping your head around that. If this were Americans in Mexico they could be imprisoned.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:22 PM
  • Complete and utter BS. You just make things up Sneller. It is ALL about hispanics in Mexico and Central America. You can't do this if you are from any other country. Period.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:17 PM

    What part of DACA indicated that? I only see age, residency, schooling/military, and criminal qualifications. Please point me to the race/ethnicity qualifications.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:23 PM
  • A person makes an oath to uphold the Laws of the USA Constitution when they swear into the Presidency of the USA ...well , until DACA proved that to be a lie...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:28 PM
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    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:23 PM

    What other race do you find over here illegally in great volumes. The problem is what it is.... face it.

    I had a cousin from Holland who had tried for years to immigrate. She finally was given a permanent visa a little over a year ago. She came legally, with an education, a promise of a job by an international company and money in her pocket. She is not on welfare today and is working and paying into the system.

    What makes illegals from south of the border so special that we must take them in, pay them welfare and educate them. Something their own government will not do for them. Mexico is richer than the US in natural resources I have read and we are supposed to subsidize them. BS

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:29 PM
  • Because their home is the US! They can't just "go back" somewhere that they have no recollection of, no ties to, and might not even speak the language.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:18 PM

    Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    Why are you avoiding this simple question .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:29 PM
  • *

    Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    Why are you avoiding this simple question .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:29 PM

    Sneller is not going to answer that question Rick. First they are a Leftist Democrat and Second an American.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:33 PM
  • Remember Bill Clinton and little Elián González ? Let me refresh your memory .



    Now , explain your Dreamer concept to me .

    Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:33 PM
  • Wheels

    I know . Sometimes it's fun to watch the worm squirm on the hook , no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:35 PM
  • Remember Bill Clinton and little Elián González ? Let me refresh your memory .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:33 PM

    I remember quite well. That a tough situation, and it definitely was not handled well. Ultimately, I don't think the correct decision was made. At the time, though, if I was in Ms. Reno's shoes, I don't know if I would have made a different call.

    I'm not sure what that has to do with DACA, though.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:36 PM
  • Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:39 PM
  • I'm not sure what that has to do with DACA, though.


    I think you do . It makes your arguments fabrications .

    Now , do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:42 PM
  • *

    I'm not sure what that has to do with DACA, though.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:36 PM

    How about both here illegally?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:44 PM
  • I'm not sure what that has to do with DACA, though.


    I think you do .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:42 PM

    You think incorrectly. I have no idea how the Gonzalez case and DACA are related.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:44 PM
  • "I have no idea"

    Bingo , there's a winner ! Right on the spot , you have no idea what you're talking about .

    I'll ask for the 7th time : Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ? If I continue to hear crickets I'll take the answers as a "no" .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:47 PM
  • Right on the spot , you have no idea what you're talking about .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:47 PM

    Wow, you just unabashedly took my statement out of context. I said "I have no idea how the Gonzalez case and DACA are related."

    Perhaps you could explain?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:50 PM
  • Obviously one Barack Obama does not believe in the USA Constitution either ....and the Obamberals love him too !!

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:51 PM
  • Perhaps you could explain?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:50 PM

    ..uumm , "you have no idea what you're talking about" ....it's all right there if you'd read it ..nothing "unabashedly" , made my point .

    Now answer my question -- Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:53 PM
  • ..uumm , "you have no idea what you're talking about" ....it's all right there if you'd read it ..nothing "unabashedly" , made my point .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:53 PM

    What point? You brought up the Elian Gonzalez case. I asked what that had to do with DACA.

    I would think your point would be to explain the connection.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:56 PM
  • Why won't you answer one simple question , it's not hard , a simple up or down .

    Do you believe in the USA Constitution , yes or no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:57 PM
  • I would think your point would be to explain the connection.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:56 PM

    I'll make you a deal , I've asked you 8 times if you believe in the USA Constitution and you've avoided the simple question .

    When you grow the stones to answer me , then I'll get into the more complex discussions .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:59 PM
  • *


    I think it fairly obvious that Sneller does not believe in the US Constitution and our System of Government. And that it is OK for an Leftist element to step all over it as they see fit. This Thread and the get Trump to Resign Thread and Sneller's responses pretty much spell it out.

    Sometimes what is not answered speaks louder than words.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:59 PM
  • ...where did I put that garden hose...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:01 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:59 PM

    First, no one owes you an answer to anything you might ask. If someone chooses to ignore a question, that is their right.

    Second, I answered long ago. Perhaps you should read the entire thread before harassing someone.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:04 PM
  • Sneller's responses pretty much spell it out.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:59 PM

    Maybe you should actually read Sneller's responses instead of just deciding what he thinks?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:06 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:06 PM

    How could I, you just refused to answer the question, so it is left up to me to think what you are by your previous responses over time.

    You want a President to resign over something that has no legal connection what so ever.

    Then you want illegals to stay in this country in spite of what our laws say.

    What else would I think?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:09 PM
  • I don't want to read the whole thread because there won't be a simple yes or no . I don't "owes you an answer to anything you might ask" either , far as that goes .

    A simple yes or no now , why is that so hard . Why the hold up , excuses , and run around ?

    If you really want to see "harassing someone" that would be great , I'm good at that , real good , I beat you like a step child every time . The thing is , you're sensitive and soft , try your damnedest to ban me , we been down that road before....

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:14 PM
  • If you really want to see "harassing someone" that would be great , I'm good at that , real good

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:14 PM

    I can tell! You've spent the past 2 hours demanding I do something I 1) have no obligation to do and 2) has already done.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:17 PM
  • I take that as a "no" .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:34 PM
  • I take that as a "no" .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:34 PM

    You can take it as whatever you want; that doesn't make it truthful.

    I gave me answer long ago. I'm not going to repeat myself.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:38 PM
  • Maybe you should actually read Sneller's responses instead of just deciding what he thinks? -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:06 PM

    Can't do that. Because Sneller won't respond if it has anything to do with violent Antifa / Communists. He says "I'm not talking about them" and then iterates 100 times anti-Nazi's good.

    You don't condemn anything that agrees with your leftist beliefs. Including violence. Only after Pelosi, etc. condemn them then you say "I denounce them". Sneller has no response to anything that compromises him.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:54 PM
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    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:54 PM

    Doesn't need to answer, we already know the answer. It can easily be interpreted from history.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:10 PM
  • He says "I'm not talking about them" and then iterates 100 times anti-Nazi's good.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:54 PM

    Exactly. Why is that not good enough? Why do you feel it is necessary to bring down the anti-Nazi protesters?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:38 PM
  • Doesn't need to answer, we already know the answer.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:10 PM

    Wow, who's a know-it-all again?

    That's right, it's still you, just like I always say. You even claim you can read minds!

    Here's a helpful hint: You can only know about me what I say. You DO NOT know anything else.

    Of course, you don't read at least half of what I actually say, but that's another issue.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:42 PM
  • -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:42 PM

    You never answered another question above. You stated that people who don't know a language or have never lived somewhere have no business being sent there.

    Yet you support illegals coming here who don't know the language or have never lived here.

    Can't have it both ways Sneller. Squirm out of that one.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:57 PM
  • *

    Here's a helpful hint: You can only know about me what I say. You DO NOT know anything else.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:42 PM

    Here's a practical hint: Wanna bet.

    Not that it makes any difference. People are pretty transparent these days.

    I know 12 years would qualify one as a career student.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 3:11 PM
  • *

    First, no one owes you an answer to anything you might ask. If someone chooses to ignore a question, that is their right. -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 1:04 PM

    Mic2: Good grief - look at the thread S.O. 9/5/17: You're too funny. I ask over and over for you to explain something...and then you blame me for your refusal to do so. What were you saying about conservatives taking responsibility?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 11:21 AM

    Mic2: Guess you got caught in your own lie.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 3:12 PM
  • Was the DACA executive order constitutional? Looks like it depends. Read opinions about from constitutionally educated people and it isn't. Read opinions from SJW's and it isn't. I go with the first group. The SJW group generally is too busy wringing their hands to type or think clearly.

    Trump is putting the onus on Congress to make DACA(or something similar)A LAW,not Lil Barry's personal fiat. He's given Congress 6 months to sh*t or get off the pot. All these protestors,including the SO's,can't see past the hate for Trump.

    "Dreamers". Isn't that a natty term for the hand wringers? Where were they when Lil Barry pulled the school vouchers for DC school children? Crickets. Those kids had no dreams?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 3:24 PM
  • Just realized my proofreader needs to be fired. Two "isn't's" don't make sense. First one is an "isn't" which makes the second one an "is" which still means I stick with the "isn't" scholars not the woe is me and poor pitiful them hand wringers.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 6:38 PM
  • Methinks those who back the Dreamers are wet dreamers ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 7:04 PM
  • Has anyone seen Sneller? He refuses to answer the question.

    You stated that people who don't know a language or have never lived somewhere have no business being sent there.

    Yet you support illegals coming here who don't know the language or have never lived here.

    Can't have it both ways Sneller. Squirm out of that one.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 8:15 PM
  • *

    You all have fun. I have been given a few days off starting at 7:00 am tomorrow. Getting a shoulder replacement and will be cooling my heals for a bit.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 8:45 PM
  • Ralph, Nothing like getting my days mixed up, went to bed Wednesday thinking it was Thursday and woke up thinking it was Friday. Then got to wondering how you were posting while getting a new shoulder. Godspeed my friend!

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 8:55 PM
  • -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 8:45 PM

    Good luck Ralph. Don't stop posting - you can do it with just one hand. :-)

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 8:58 PM
  • Amazing...

    65 replies from 10:28 AM to 8:15 PM, with almost everyone whining about a non-existent Constitutional issue. No laws were made nor were any broken.

    Justice is part of the Executive Branch.

    Enforcement of the law is responsibility of the Justice Department.

    There are about 11 million illegals in the country, all subject to being deported, except that the vast majority are picking your tomatoes, making your hotel beds, raking your leaves, etc., etc. And Americans have been paying them to work for us for years.

    So to deport all of them, even the conservatives agree, will take years and years. The previous administration decided to deport hardened criminals and gang members first. President Trump agrees with this approach.

    So by now, we've probably deported a couple of million, with 9 million left to go, but that'll still take 5 or 6 years.

    Now we also have about 800,000 "dreamers" who are the most educated, employed, well trained, of the bunch.

    So the administration does not grant citizenship (which would be unconstitutional), does not grant amnesty (which would be unconstitutional), or does not give "pardons" (which would be unconstitutional), or would forgive them as a group (which would be unconstitutional). Instead it gave them a limited guarantee in writing that they would not be deported until the last "million" (which is not unconstitutional.)

    All that was done was to review each case individually, conduct background checks (extreme vetting) and place dreamers into that last set of million of deportees. Prioritizing the prosecution of deportation cases is not unconstitutional.

    The logical approach is deport the "bad guys" first, and the "good guys" last. That should be easy enough to understand.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:17 PM
  • Rick Lettau

    In other words , Obama did it so it's just fine . People can see through you like a step ladder . Since Obama did it and it's all peachy keen , then somebody else can do it and it's all peachy keen too .

    Prove where it is legal and Constitutional . Why is Pelosi backing Trump's tweets all of a sudden ? Your love affair is beyond obvious....

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:23 PM
  • semo

    I owe you a huge apology , you were right from the get-go and I didn't listen . The best course of action is to ignore Sneller's crass , indignant , childish posts to get attention .

    I'll take your sage advice now . Some of life's hardest lessons are self taught . The only good thing , Sneller finally admitted they have posts removed and posters banned . So if anybody wonders where their post went , now you know .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:29 PM
  • Ah,Mr Lettau appears to have spent the day reading those hand wringing SJW pieces then explains what he doesn't know.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:40 PM
  • The logical approach is deport the "bad guys" first, and the "good guys" last. That should be easy enough to understand.But as you just explained, that would be unconstitutional.

    There are about 11 million illegals in the country, all subject to being deported, except that the vast majority are picking your tomatoes, making your hotel beds, raking your leaves, etc., etc. And Americans have been paying them to work for us for years.

    They ain't picking my tomatoes, I have no hotel beds and mulch my own leaves.

    Enforcement of the law is responsibility of the Justice Department.

    That;s why Trump kicked it back to congress, rewrite the laws if you don't agree with the current law and then be prepared to have the law enforced.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:51 PM
  • Bottom line , those 800,000 "Dreamers" are not American citizens . If they want to share the American Dream then become an American citizen like the other 300,000,000 Americans .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:52 PM
  • Whoever said life was fair lied .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:59 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 8:45 PM

    Wheels: Good luck with the shoulder replacement as Dug said you can type with one hand.


    The logical approach is deport the "bad guys" first, and the "good guys" last. That should be easy enough to understand.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:17 PM

    Common: Right now that's the best way to deporting the illegals. Congress will have to enact a LAW to control our imingration policy which will be legal and constitutional. If our previous Presidents would have secured the border much like President Trump is trying to do, then we wouldn't have the problems that we do now with the illegals. Addressing whose cutting the grass picking produce from the fields, we have plenty folks drawing unemployment checks and welfare checks who should be doing these jobs until they can find a better job....wow, work that's a dirty nasty 4 letter word to some of our population.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 7:51 AM
  • The previous administration decided to deport hardened criminals and gang members first. President Trump agrees with this approach.The logical approach is deport the "bad guys" first, and the "good guys" last. That should be easy enough to understand. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:17 PM

    Your sources of information are the worst. You're living in a dream world surrounding by news and people who agree with you. Obama deported hardened criminals? No. From ICE and Obama's own administration data.


    "The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers.

    Overall, those released into virtually every state and territory of America had a total of 64,197 convictions among them, for an average of 3.25 convictions each, according to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies. ICE also said that the group were convicted of 8,234 violent crimes."

    "Under President Obama's immigration policy changes, many criminal immigrants are being ignored even though local police and sheriff have urged ICE to take control of criminals in their jails and deport them.

    She said that the slash of arrests is why the number of releases by ICE is down. In 2014, 30,000 criminal illegals were released."


    "Obama ENDS program that deported 283,000 criminal aliens after promising to expel 'felons, not families'"



    Making up stuff might work in Marble Hill Lettau. Not on this forum though.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 8:54 AM
  • You never answered another question above. You stated that people who don't know a language or have never lived somewhere have no business being sent there.-- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:57 PM

    No, I did not.

    Yet you support illegals coming here who don't know the language or have never lived here.-- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:57 PM

    No, I don't.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:57 PM

    Was there supposed to be a question there?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 9:57 AM
  • Here's a practical hint: Wanna bet.-- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 3:11 PM

    Yes, unless you are claiming supernatural powerw.

    Not that it makes any difference. People are pretty transparent these days.-- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 3:11 PM

    Or maybe you just don't care about reality.

    I know 12 years would qualify one as a career student.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 3:11 PM

    OK, thanks for your opinion, I guess.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 9:59 AM
  • You stated that people who don't know a language or have never lived somewhere have no business being sent there.-- Posted by Doug Williams on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 2:57 PM

    No, I did not. -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 9:57 AM


    Yes you did. No need to lie again. Lying such a strong play for you. In your own words:

    They can't just "go back" somewhere that they have no recollection of, no ties to, and might not even speak the language. -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 12:18 PM


    So if they can't just go back somewhere that they have no recollection of, no ties to, and might not even speak the language then how can they come here? With no recollection of, no ties to and might not even speak the language?

    If they can't be sent somewhere because of YOUR WORDS then why can they emigrate here?

    Try not to lie again. I know, it's hard for you but try.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 10:11 AM
  • Sneller finally admitted they have posts removed and posters banned .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 9:29 PM

    Lies. I've admitted neither because it's not true. I do not have the power or authority to remove posts or ban users.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 10:11 AM
  • Try not to lie again. I know, it's hard for you but try.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 10:11 AM

    You've stopped making any sort of sense at all. You're so obsessed with trying to claim I lied that you're just throw quotes and nonsense out there with no rhyme or reason.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 10:17 AM
  • -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 10:17 AM

    AKA - "I lost the argument" - Sneller

    You know very well what you said. And you have no answer. Pretty simple question. If you can't comprehend even your own words then you'll have to do what I've told you a number of times.

    Seek help.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 1:19 PM
  • You know very well what you said.-- Posted by Doug Williams on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 1:19 PM

    Of course I do.

    And you have no answer.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 1:19 PM

    Answer to what?

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 1:22 PM
  • -- Posted by Doug Williams on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 10:11 AM

    Makes plenty of sense.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 2:18 PM
  • -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 2:18 PM

    Sure does make sense. This is what Sneller does when he gets caught in his own deception. Starts down this "you make no sense" BS.

    Predictable. He's doing it on another thread to.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:16 PM
  • Sure does make sense.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:16 PM

    I apologize, I must be too stupid.

    Please reword you 10:11 post in a simpler way so even a dolt like me can understand.

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:33 PM
  • -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:33 PM

    Read your own words. If you can't interpret them and my questions then you would be a dolt.

    They are your words.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:37 PM
  • Read your own words. If you can't interpret them and my questions then you would be a dolt.

    They are your words.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:37 PM

    What questions?

    Sheesh, it's like pulling teeth!

    -- Posted by Mike Sneller on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:48 PM
  • "...we have plenty folks drawing unemployment checks and welfare checks who should be doing these jobs until they can find a better job.."

    Of course, that's the solution...

    What's your guess as to how many unemployed individuals will take this kind of job?

    Help wanted -- Pick beans in Salinas Valley, pick grapes in Napa Valley, then pick apples in the Yakima Valley. Low pay, no health insurance (or care), no housing (aside from shacks), no transportation, no subsistence (other than beans, grapes and apples).

    Now stand out of the way of the rush of applicants...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:54 PM
  • What's your guess as to how many unemployed individuals will take this kind of job? -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:54 PM

    When people like you push and support free food, free housing, free cell phone, free insurance, free other money, etc. why would they take a job?

    I'm all for open immigration if you cut welfare for those that can and won't work. Cut it to ZERO.

    Then they'll take the jobs.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 4:41 PM
  • Democrats:1862-Who will pick my cotton now?

    Democrats:2017-Who will mow my lawn now?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 4:44 PM
  • Help wanted -- Pick beans in Salinas Valley, pick grapes in Napa Valley, then pick apples in the Yakima Valley. Low pay, no health insurance (or care), no housing (aside from shacks), no transportation, no subsistence (other than beans, grapes and apples).

    Now stand out of the way of the rush of applicants...



    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 5:00 PM
  • *

    What's your guess as to how many unemployed individuals will take this kind of job? Now stand out of the way of the rush of applicants...-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 3:54 PM

    Common: If their checks depend on the work performed then yes they will take the jobs and if they don't - that's their problem no sympathy for them. Everyone works to eat except those that have been fed for years by the Federal Government.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 5:10 PM
  • Drones can do wonderful things these days , like pick fruit from trees , fruit from vines .....

    And today's "Liberals" can write great sob stories too .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 5:41 PM
  • "Bigot"


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 6:33 PM
  • A lot of children took short term jobs de-tasseling corn in SEMO and went on to get part time jobs on farms and in stores while in school. More of those ended up getting further education or good steady jobs after high school. It has to do with learning a work ethic.

    With the progressive socialist goal being equality, I would think liberals would embrace the idea of people working low wage jobs and voting for democrats that keep telling them they are going to make those rich growers pay up.

    When the Lettau minded people in the U.S. want to pay ten times the price of grapes, berries and apples, the producers will raise wages and the deadbeats will still sit on the porch complaining they can't find work.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 6:51 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 6:51 PM

    OJ: I might come out of retirement to flip burgers for $15 per hour.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 7:56 PM
  • Semo. I actually did come out of retirement after 3 years for $8 and no benefits. Stayed for 4 years till my health and the ignorance of the quitting time and payday attitudes of most of the employees got me fed up.

    My old daddy told me you should never have to back up to get your pay. I took it you should feel fine looking your employee in the eye when handed your check. So many now have fell into that company bad- me deserve more that. the company is afraid to reward a good worker for fear of the slackers raising hell.

    I did enjoy some of the exceptional young folks that have now moved on to good jobs.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 9:10 PM
  • "Bigot"


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 6:33 PM

    You're a smart man . Don't be obtuse .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 8, 2017, at 11:10 PM
  • Why not just answer instead of dodging the question.

    How does suggesting that most unemployed individuals in Southeast Missouri would likely refuse to move for migrant farm labor jobs, comprise "bigotry?"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 8:34 AM
  • I didn't see Southeast Missouri in your post for one . For two , how many People migrant to Southeast Missouri , would it be enough to make a difference . For three , what is the difference between the tasks you listed and picking cotton which would be slavery .

    I dodge nothing , your being obtuse is not on me.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 9:45 AM
  • You're still dodging, where is the bigotry?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 9:50 AM
  • The less People know , the more stubbornly they know it .

    ~~ Osho


    I'm under the opinion you would be the one who is now dodging .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 9:53 AM
  • The less people know, the more apt they are to dodge simple questions.

    Where is the "bigotry" in pointing out that very few unemployed people, around here or anywhere else for that matter, are seeking migrant farm labor jobs?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 8:21 PM
  • "What's your guess as to how many unemployed individuals will take this kind of job?"

    My guess is not many as long as they get paid more to sit on the porch.

    The farmers of produce in America have plenty to contend with as the administrative rule makers cause them to keep a team of consultants on the payroll to advise of possible risk of fines for breaking some stupid restriction on plowing a puddle.

    I see nothing wrong with people crossing our border legally to work for low wages under a contract with farmers.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 9:34 PM
  • The less people know, the more apt they are to dodge simple questions.

    Where is the "bigotry" in pointing out that very few unemployed people, around here or anywhere else for that matter, are seeking migrant farm labor jobs?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 8:21 PM

    You are right , I must have mis-spoke . Picking fruit and beans does not correlate with picking cotton which does not correlate to slavery or People of color . The Confederacy outrage of bigotry going around the USA at the present time . I have no idea what I was thinking .

    Do not , I repeat , do not forget your accusations of dodging questions . Accusations find a way of coming back to bite People in the *** .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 9:41 PM
  • If you want to play Sneller school yard games , fine with me , let's rock...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 9, 2017, at 9:41 PM
  • Thanks, then we agree. My point had nothing to do with "bigotry."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 12:10 AM
  • okay . What did your point have ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 7:32 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 7:37 AM
  • How often does this need explaining...

    There is nothing "bigoted" about pointing out the most unemployed individuals will not travel to California or elsewhere for low wage migrant farm labor jobs.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 8:18 AM
  • I take that as your opinion , not as a fact .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 8:20 AM
  • *

    There is nothing "bigoted" about pointing out the most unemployed individuals will not travel to California or elsewhere for low wage migrant farm labor jobs.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 8:18 AM

    Common: The unemployed/welfare check receivers within an hour drive of the fields are the ones that I refer to that should have to work for the checks. Every region has some crops that need manual labor - put these government check folks to work.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 8:27 AM
  • You got time to lean , you got time to clean .

    ~~ Michael Jordan

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 8:43 AM
  • Take it however you want, but it's true.

    As for welfare recipients an hour from the fields, they should work. But they may tell you that on welfare they get Medicaid, if they work they probably don't.

    More rationale for single payer.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 10:23 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 10:23 AM

    Common: You are missing my point. Those on welfare/unemployment receiving a government check will have to work (if able bodied) in order to continue receiving those checks and like you said Medicaid benefits.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 10:52 AM
  • If they're working, why do they need government "benefits?"

    For that matter, since capitalism works so well, why don't the capitalists pay their workers sufficient wages so those same workers don't need government assistance such as food stamps.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 12:34 PM
  • The reason they don't pay high wages for is the communist thinking people want their stuff cheap.

    That remark about capitalism is telling of the progressive agenda.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 2:03 PM
  • Why not get rid of food stamps and go back to monthly commodities ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 5:24 PM
  • *

    If they're working, why do they need government "benefits?"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 12:34 PM

    Common: You are sounding like Mic2. They are working because they are forced to or they will stop receiving the government checks. They will be actually doing something for their Government checks and not sitting on the couch watching football/baseball games.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, Sep 10, 2017, at 6:48 PM
  • "That remark about capitalism is telling of the progressive agenda."

    Where in the "progressive agenda" do you find high praise for the capitalist system?

    But in allowing that, it's obviously curious that such an effective system cannot pay employees enough to keep them from needing food stamps to survive.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 3:33 PM
  • But in allowing that, it's obviously curious that such an effective system cannot pay employees enough to keep them from needing food stamps to survive. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 3:33 PM

    It certainly can't survive when you have leftists / progressives who look away from doubling debt and subsidize the welfare state to a level where those who can work will not work because government programs keep them at home.

    You own that.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 3:51 PM
  • common, How many people do you know that have a job and need food stamps to survive?. How does that capitalist industry of construction and engineering pay? Do you need food stamps to survive? Must be the big government using other people's money to pay you the big bucks?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 5:08 PM
  • According to the State if you are a family of 3 and earn less than $26,124 you're eligible for $511 per month.

    Per the State statistics there are over 600,000 families that qualify. Do they work in construction or engineering, probably not, and I don't get anything.

    I'd guess that you know some of those 600,000. Why do you think that the companies they work for can't or won't increase their pay by $511 per month? I'd say it's because the taxpayers are on the hook to pay those employees some of their wages (so the company owner doesn't have to.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 6:18 PM
  • - Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 6:18 PM

    You could increase the pay of some people by a thousand a month and they would still need government assistance per those in government that want everyone dependent on government.

    You also make my point that anytime government subsidizes the cost of anything, the price goes up be it rent, cell phones or labor or basic family needs.

    Yes I have know many people collecting government money, some that are disabled from doing the jobs they identify with but are still very able to perform less physical jobs that pay more.

    Without capitalism and private property There would be no wealth for government to share and redistribute.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 6:50 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 6:18 PM

    The problem may be , the Government will always define the levels or class and therefore define subside amounts .

    Any amounts of adjustments will still determine who qualifies for how much and who doesn't . It's Government control and Government oppression , a concept either the pro-Government People either won't understand or refuse to accept .

    As long as the Government controls classes , levels , or labels of the Peoples , it will control , 600,000 and $511 not with standing . No matter the (D) , the (R) , or otherwise....

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 7:57 PM
  • DACA/DAPA was nothing but kicking the can down the road , no more , no less .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 7:58 PM
  • "...per those in government that want everyone dependent on government."

    Exactly who is the "those in government?" And if you don't have any idea, that's to be expected, after all Limbaugh doesn't know either.

    "You also make my point that anytime government subsidizes the cost of anything, the price goes up..."

    Right, the government is "subsidizing" wages with food stamps, so why aren't wages going up?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 10:31 PM
  • "Exactly who is the "those in government?" And if you don't have any idea, that's to be expected, after all Limbaugh doesn't know either."

    Washington , DC and/or State Capitols


    "Right, the government is "subsidizing" wages with food stamps, so why aren't wages going up?"

    AI (Artificial Intellegience , or , advancing technology ) plus supply and demand .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:19 AM
  • The Federal State would also qualify as "those in government?" .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:21 AM
  • after all Limbaugh doesn't know either. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 11, 2017, at 10:31 PM

    In other words, Lettau lost the argument and settled on his "I can't handle the truth" response.

    You must know if Limbaugh knows... you listen and quote him more than anyone else on here.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 7:27 AM
  • *

    Common: The Democratic Party is the one that's wants to keep all minorities and illegals under their thumbs in order to ensure their votes - that's all the Dems want, their votes in exchange for the give away programs....been that way since President Johnson and his War on Poverty program which has been one of the largest waste of tax payer's money.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 7:38 AM
  • I made a comment recently about where were Antifa and black lives matter,etc, when help was needed during hurricane Harvey. Now there's Irma. I was wrong. There's plenty of evidence that they were on site saving flat screen tv's,expensive shoes,designer clothing risking their lives even if it meant breaking windows and tearing off plywood barriers to save other people's stuff.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:37 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:37 AM

    DA: They were tearing off the plywood so they could be first in line to place their job applications.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:11 AM
  • Like the "War on Drugs" , the "War on Poverty" has been lost .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:13 AM
  • The first concern of any bureaucracy is to grow it's importance.

    If you have a government card paying for your steak do you use a coupon or shop for the best price?

    So does the grocer target SNAP card holders with higher prices and target in-house credit card payers with cash back deals?

    Far left agenda supported by Lettua is hard to defend.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:56 AM
  • DA: They were tearing off the plywood so they could be first in line to place their job applications.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:11 AM

    Surely not,they skipped right over the work clothes.

    I have a relative in Tampa that was about to move to higher ground when he saw looters scoping out the empty houses for "shopping".

    He stayed and definitely would have ruined their shopping experience if the local PD had not scattered them.

    There's morons justifying looting after Harvey because Texas voted for Trump.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 10:46 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 10:46 AM

    DA: Saw items on Face Book from Texans that had their guns locked and loaded and said to any potential looters - go ahead and try to loot.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 11:45 AM
  • "The Democratic Party is the one that's wants to keep all minorities and illegals under their thumbs in order to ensure their votes..."

    It's easy for you to make that up. It would be infinitely more convincing if you were to find a valid source in writing.

    Otherwise it remains routine conservative BS.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 1:04 PM
  • "Far left agenda supported by Lettau is hard to defend."

    That's wrong on many counts. I do not have a "far left agenda." I don't have any idea of what it's supposed to be. I find it very easy to defend my personal "agenda."

    And the stuff you make up is just crazy.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 1:09 PM
  • *

    Mr. Leftaut, I'm back.

    You do have a far left agenda but you don't recognize it. You have been so brainwashed and so indoctrinated that there is not a crack left open in your mind for anything else. You have no feeling left for another man's thoughts anything past your own are foolish, ridiculous, laughable it goes on and on.

    You need to learn to be a little more tolerating, some of us still want to think for ourselves.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 1:47 PM
  • Postings of US job openings hit a record high in July

    Published 5 Hours Ago  | Updated 3 Hours Ago

    The Associated Press

    The Labor Department says openings edged up 0.9 percent from June to 6.2 million, the highest on records dating to 2000. Hiring also increased, but the record number of openings make clear that employers have plenty of jobs to fill but are still searching to find qualified workers at the pay levels being offered.

    The number of people who quit their jobs also rose, a trend that generally means workers are leaving for jobs that pay better.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 2:35 PM
  • "I do not have a "far left agenda".says common.

    If so, why do you support and defend those that do?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 2:48 PM
  • Wheels, good to see you back. Practice shooting with the 10- guage tomorrow?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 2:56 PM
  • *

    It's easy for you to make that up. It would be infinitely more convincing if you were to find a valid source in writing.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 1:04 PM

    Common: Do you actually think that the Democratic party would have that ideology in writing......come on, use your head.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 2:56 PM
  • *

    Welcome back Wheels....are you back 100%?

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 2:57 PM
  • FEMA sure could use those billion$ of dollars Obama gave away to Iran , no ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 3:08 PM
  • "Do you actually think that the Democratic party would have that ideology in writing......"

    Come on, get real. If it's not in writing, it's most likely made up by conservatives. All it boils down to is that you can make that kind of garbage up and conservatives will believe it, without any proof whatsoever.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:32 PM
  • "If so, why do you support and defend those that do?"

    Who are you talking about and what's this supposed "agenda."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:34 PM
  • "You do have a far left agenda but you don't recognize it."

    Again, your imagination is overwhelming any sense you may possess. Exactly what is that "far left agenda" I'm supposed to support.

    I'd say you don't have a clue, so go ahead and make something up...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:36 PM
  • "You have no feeling left for another man's thoughts..."

    I'm perfectly willing to discuss any valid "thoughts" but all you've offered is your "limbaughesque" diatribes. It would be beneficial if you were able to think for yourself.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:41 PM
  • Wasn't much of that happening between 2008 and 2016...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 5:20 PM
  • ..the trend continues...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 5:58 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:41 PM

    You have just proven exactly what I said. You have no tolerance for an opinion contrary to your own pre-developed thoughts and opinions. You discuss nothing but your own opinions. Nothing else matters, nothing else is important. You have the total solution .... all of the answers. We have heard it over and over again.

    No, you are not far left, you are off the chart Leftist.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 6:21 PM
  • Who listens to Rush spew his daily hate anyway ?

    What's the use or purpose of it , the same ol' blah , blah , blah ...day in and day out ...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 6:39 PM
  • There are still too many hogs eating at the Government's trough .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 6:43 PM
  • Rick Scaggs make a point by asking Who listens to Rush spew his daily hate. common only listens to what the left wingers say he said. If you don't listen how do you know he's spewing hate?

    Common reminds me of when I still lived on the farm. For fun we would make barking dog sounds and on a quiet night you could hear dogs from a mile away repeating. Just like democrats of today repeating what they heard with nothing to back it up except he's the only one right.

    Who are you talking about and what's this supposed "agenda."

    You certainly supported Obama and voted for Hillary and now you are asking me to explain their agenda?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:01 PM
  • Don't think outside of the box , get rid of the box .

    ~~ Osho

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:12 PM
  • Hillary lost for one simple reason , she was an extension of Barack Obama . The exception to the rule no longer mattered . Those who supported emotional black mail of exception to the rule lost , they still argue about the election . Had the same Congressional investigations , committees , and intense media attention had happened in 2008 , 5 kinds of Hell would have had to been paid .

    It's stupid and a sure sign how divided this Nation has become ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:20 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 6:43 PM


    Taxes collected by government are legal plunder.

    Read http://bastiat.org/en/the_law.html

    When said Legal Plunder is collected from one citizen to give to another, the country is headed down the long road to hell. That hell is Socialism and it's end goal is Communism.

    We are well on our way.

    Lettau is one of them and too dumb to figure it out.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:26 PM
  • Trump is a rouge Leader , his decisions are determine by his bowel movements , his tweets follow . This is the State of the Union . This is the creation of Obama .

    But . The Obama People yell , cry , everything is wrong now , everything is bad . Be proud of yourself , it took you 8 years to get here , it took you 8 years to get all of us here .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:37 PM
  • Wouldn't picking a President be easier like bingo , just stick a hand in a jar and pull out a (D) or a (R) ?

    Everybody moans and biatches , nobody wins..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:04 PM
  • Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 8:26 PM

    I read a lot of that link. and realized how long it was and began to scan through. It is the " in writing" Lettua keeps asking for. Not hard to understand the ideas and where they come from, but I doubt it could influence anyone so brainwashed by the far leftist socialist progressive propaganda.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:44 PM
  • *

    "Do you actually think that the Democratic party would have that ideology in writing......"

    Come on, get real. If it's not in writing, it's most likely made up by conservatives. All it boils down to is that you can make that kind of garbage up and conservatives will believe it, without any proof whatsoever.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:32 PM

    Common: That's ok just play dumb - hope you're just playing and not actually that dumb.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:51 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:44 PM


    Bastiat, in 1850 thought America's system was as close as it gets. Far superior to Europe and the mess there that so many of our forefathers escaped from. What if he could see us now?

    I read that book that Mises had reprinted several years ago st the suggestion of my cousin James N., I know you are aware of who I speak of. I have read the book at least 3 times and am currently having it read to me by a text to voice program.

    He goes through our natural rights which I demonstrated to my wife this evening when trying to figure out what kind of damned pill I am taking. She tells me it's a generic Tylenol, all you have to do is read the chemical name. Yes some thief is selling someone else's property, I understand. Oh but that is legal after so many years. Yes, Legal Plunder, someone works and developed a product then after so long a time the government steals the patent and makes it public property.

    Our natural righs..... our life, our liberty and our property. Tylenol's property was stolen, no doubt about it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 10:25 PM
  • *


    I am alive and healing, but that surgeon severely wounded me.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 10:28 PM
  • Ralph, That sounds like a Ford vs Ferguson thing. By the time the argument is settled over who invented it, other people stole the power-shift. I think government has a legitimate roll in protecting patents but free market capitalism should prevail. Tell her to go back and get the real thing. :)

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 10:54 PM
  • Appears to have been another day of SO conservative “Kabuki dancing,” filled with whining and wailing about how evil and appalling everyone that disagrees with them is.

    As usual, Mr. VanGennip is confused and unable to put a few coherent posts together without needing to try to “elevate” himself by labeling others “dumb” because of their differing opinions, and he's still predicting inevitable doom, gloom, socialism and communism.

    Mr. Bess goes back to painting everyone as “brainwashed” if they don’t conform to his favorite agenda, and therefore they must listen to and obey some nebulous “far leftist socialist progressive propaganda” (which he is unable to explain or articulate.)

    And when asked to locate some manner of link, Mr. Schaefer, has to admit that there’s nothing in writing to validate his claims.

    Mr. Scaggs extends his streak of bashing every one by blaming all the ills of the world and our nation solely on President Obama.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    In any case, I made a serious attempt to locate this “far leftist socialist progressive” agenda paving the way to ultimate socialism and communism, and was unable to find anything of the sort.

    I did find an outline of democratic goals which even a conservative could agree with…

    • Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class

    • Create Good-Paying Jobs

    • Fight for Economic Fairness and Against Inequality

    • Bring Americans Together and Remove Barriers to Opportunities

    • Protect Voting Rights, Fix Our Campaign Finance System, and Restore Our Democracy

    • Combat Climate Change, Build a Clean Energy Economy, and Secure Environmental Justice

    • Provide Quality and Affordable Education

    • Ensure the Health and Safety of All Americans

    • Principled Leadership

    • Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans

    • Confront Global Threats

    • Return to being A Leader in the World

    Absolutely nothing in there about making all Americans dependent on government.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 5:30 AM
  • Unfortunately for you Lettau your beloved messiah Obama failed in nearly every category you listed - along with House and Senate majorities for years.

    He - and you - supported illegal voting, illegal immigration, diminished US leadership in the world, lied about "red lines" in Syria, lied about health care savings, lied about access to your doctor and current plan, nearly destroyed VA care for veterans, reduced income for middle Americans, raised the largest taxes in world history - every year - and ran down fellow, successful Americans.

    Where is he today? Jet-setting with a huge carbon footprint with the rich elites. Fortunately he has suckers like you to worship his failed legacy.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 7:06 AM
  • "Mr. Scaggs extends his streak of bashing every one by blaming all the ills of the world and our nation solely on President Obama."

    Wrong . My father has long passed back to the other side .

    Now me , yes I do because he is the worse President in the history of the United States of America . I have long posted it will take years for this Nation to recover from the damage he has done . And you blindly jump to his defense 100% no matter the issue , or as you say , "not able to think for yourself" when it comes to Obama .



    Supreme Court lifts restrictions on Trump travel ban

    By Lydia Wheeler - 09/12/17 07:09 PM EDT

    The Supreme Court agreed late Tuesday to lift restrictions on President Trump's travel ban until further notice, allowing the administration to continue barring most refugees under the ban.

    The court granted the government's request to block a federal appeals court ruling that said the administration cannot ban refugees who have formal assurances from resettlement agencies or are in the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 7:34 AM
  • Never argue with stupid People , they will drag you down to their level then beat you with experience .

    ~~ Mark Twain

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 7:37 AM
  • *

    "Do you actually think that the Democratic party would have that ideology in writing......"

    Come on, get real. If it's not in writing, it's most likely made up by conservatives. All it boils down to is that you can make that kind of garbage up and conservatives will believe it, without any proof whatsoever.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 4:32 PM

    Common: That's ok just play dumb - hope you're just playing and not actually that dumb.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 12, 2017, at 9:51 PM


    And when asked to locate some manner of link, Mr. Schaefer, has to admit that there’s nothing in writing to validate

    his claims.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 5:30 AM

    Common: You are that dumb after all. Do you actually think that the DNC will post their Top Secret so those dependent voters of free stuff would see what the DNC is up to.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 7:51 AM
  • Rick Lettau

    I see you still insist I'm Conservative , how many times have I trashed Trump ?

    This tells me volumes , this tells me I'm spot on regarding you "not able to think for yourself" when it comes to Obama .

    I call it like I see it...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:08 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 5:30 AM

    Nice word salad.... and just the tip of the iceberg.

    The Forestry Folks rebutt everything you say in only four words......


    Their logic.... it takes away their independence and makes them dependant upon you.

    Yes Commie that is Socialism, the pathway to Communism.

    Pretty it up with flowery words and phrases to your hearts content.

    It has failed worldwide and it will fail here.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:09 AM
  • Maybe Mr. know-it-all Lettau will read what a black man says of democrats efforts to keep blacks poor?

    "Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart was whites. For example, Democrats say having to show ID when voting disenfranchises blacks. However, in the process, they are saying blacks are too stupid to find their way to the DMV or other places to acquire proper ID. This is just one example of numerous ways Democrats tell blacks they are inferior and need Democrats' help to succeed."

    "Democrats thrive on blacks believing themselves to be victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Foreigners are trying to get to America in cardboard boats held together with duct tape. Democrats punish and hate blacks who compete with whites and succeed without Democrat lowered standards and involvement."



    Of course Lettau in his "white privilege" in Marble Hill will know more than this black American man, right? His next comment will be to claim he doesn't read links or he can't get it to work.

    Same thing Sneller does when he paints himself in a corner. A lot of similarity between those two.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:57 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:57 AM

    Doug, I have news for that black man. He is on target, but it doesn't stop there, the Democrats want to move as many whites as they can into the dependant class as well. As many as it takes to insure their existence.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 9:31 AM
  • *

    Where is Sneller, did he get caught in the crossfire of a couple of rival gangs.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 9:33 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 10:50 AM
  • “Now me, yes I do because he is the worse President in the history of the United States of America. I have long posted it will take years for this Nation to recover from the damage he has done.”

    That’s strictly your opinion, and as always, you’re welcome to it, however that’s also why I don’t argue with you.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 10:58 AM
  • "Do you actually think that the DNC will post their Top Secret so those dependent voters of free stuff would see what the DNC is up to."

    That's more laughable than ever. "Top Secret" stuff??? Give me a break...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:00 AM
  • That’s strictly your opinion, and as always, you’re welcome to it, however that’s also why I don’t argue with you.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 10:58 AM

    Knock off the accusations too , bub ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:02 AM
  • "He is on target, but it doesn't stop there, the Democrats want to move as many whites as they can into the [dependent] class as well."

    Finding a black guy that agrees with you and Limbaugh proves nothing.

    Still have never been shown any document that says this is the official democratic position. I'd suggest that you won't find it because it's not true.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:09 AM
  • "Knock off the accusations too , bub .."

    How is declining to argue with you any manner of accusation?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:25 AM
  • How is declining to argue with you any manner of accusation?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:25 AM

    Conservative , accusations....don't be obtuse .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:27 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:09 AM

    Mr. Leftaut,

    Only a fool would expect to find documented and widely circulated information you ask others to produce.

    I wold be surprised if you could find documentation on who dreamed up and who signed off on the great syphilis experiment visited on the black population not so many years ago.

    But would you deny it happened?

    I stand on what I said.

    Every man/woman has the right to Life, Liberty and his/her Property. I am tired of having a Political Party or, a mob with a cause messing with my rights.

    Will I be able to find documentation this is their intent, probably no, is it happening, definitely yes.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:40 AM
  • *

    That's more laughable than ever. "Top Secret" stuff??? Give me a break...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:00 AM

    Common: That's your opinion even if it's wrong....you can laugh all you want because I know that I'm right and you can twist, turn, and defect all you want. You are as bad as Mic2 in that respect.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 11:55 AM
  • "Conservative, accusations....don't be obtuse."

    I know you're not a conservative, but I didn't accuse you of anything, I'm just not arguing. As a matter of fact, I'll compliment you on expanding your vocabulary.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 12:37 PM
  • "...and you can twist, turn, and [deflect] all you want."

    No "twisting and turning" on my part, you can formulate as may bogus opinions as you care to. Doesn't bother me in the least.

    "Top Secret" stuff??? GMAB... Even Limbaugh doesn't go that far.

    "Only a fool would expect to find documented and widely circulated information you ask others to produce."

    Maybe you should coordinate with Mr. Schaefer, he thinks it's "Top Secret" and someone with your talent should be eligible for a TS clearance.

    Of course I don't expect you to find anything, because there's no truth to any of such claims.

    There is no reason whatsoever why anyone should believe you. "Twist and turn" to your heart's content.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 12:48 PM
  • *

    No "twisting and turning" on my part, you can formulate as may bogus opinions as you care to. Doesn't bother me in the least.

    "Top Secret" stuff??? GMAB... Even Limbaugh doesn't go that far.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13,2017, at 12:48 PM

    Common: Sometimes the truth hurts doesn't it....sad that the whole DNC top secret plank is to give as much away as they can in order to entice the victim's votes. Remember don't feed the animals because they will be dependent for their food with the provider. BTW, guess you are the only one on here that listens to Limbaugh.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 1:07 PM
  • "Sometimes the truth hurts doesn't it...."

    Why should it hurt me? The democratic "plank" has always said that people should have good, productive, well-paying jobs. Nothing has ever been said about "creating dependency."

    As for Limbaugh, on the occasions that I've heard him, it's been one joke after another, all made up.

    And as you don't listen to him, you should be filing a lawsuit because he plagiarizes your fabricated material day after day. When he starts talking about Top Secret stuff, you've really got him.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 1:31 PM
  • Why should it hurt me? The democratic "plank" has always said that people should have good, productive, well-paying jobs. Nothing has ever been said about "creating dependency." -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 1:31 PM

    More proof from a democrat lemming that "talk" is more important than "walk".

    Nothing but empty hot air like his messiah for the past 9 years.

    "Standing here today to raise America's debt limit is a sign of failed leadership" - Barack Hussein Obama

    Lettau buys his "talk" hook, line and sinker. And ignores his walk.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 1:41 PM
  • *

    fabricated material day after day. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 1:31 PM

    Common: It may be your so called "fabricated material" but to those who seek the truth for themselves and not to be spoon feed by the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, and NYT the dependence of the minorities and illegals for the free handouts by the Democratic party in exchange for their votes to empower the source of the free stuff.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 4:49 PM
  • Get ready for the price of life to go up , due to lack of refinery energy from Houston to the loss of food grown in Florida from hurricanes and wild fires in California .

    Also be sure the (D) will blame it all on the (R) , it keeps the nation divided , we can't have the Nation working together during hard times now , can we . Never let a crisis go to waste...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:04 PM
  • Speaking of Bernie , he has a big Bill push asking for a "Medicare for All" health insurance , it's getting a lot of attention in Congress , many are lining up behind him in support .

    Hey Bernie , how about all of the citizens get the same as you and your buddies in Congress gets ? You're all for the "middle" and "poor" , you talk the talk , let's see you walk the walk ....

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:08 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:11 PM
  • ..btw...Nancy Pelosi is adamantly against Bernie's "Medicare for All" Bill , she insists the PPACA is the real deal .

    "What a scwewy web we weave"

    ~~Elmer Fudd

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:19 PM
  • And of course , the (R) will blame it all on the (D) too , we can't be working together during hard times now , can we . Never let a crisis go to waste .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 8:38 PM
  • Let's recap.

    The question about where it is written was answered. In fact very astute people recognized hundred of years back the pattern of socialist bread and circus always leads to tyranny. That fact is rejected by modern progressives by blaming conservatives. Case in point is Hillary's excuses for being a loser. And speaking of her it is becoming clear that she will be proven a felon and John Kerry continued her deceit.

    There is an organized resistance to the Trump administration made up by elite democrats. Hillary said on national TV she was part of it. Their number one goal is to get back in power to feed the bears.

    SO liberals are all the same, they keep repeating the DNC talking points and accusing anyone standing up to them of doing just what they are doing. That is in writing too.

    Political power is a dangerous thing for our country. Even many of the so called conservative republicans in congress are addicted and will betray their constituents to be elected again.

    Trump has done much but the real draining of the swamp means a significant flush of some big turds and tons of paper clinging on.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Sep 13, 2017, at 10:43 PM
  • Not so fast...

    The "question of where it is written" has not been answered. Nothing has been shown that says "everyone should be dependent on government."

    Quite to the contrary, even the dimmest conservative must realize that the basis of a sound society is good productive work for all, which happens to be written in the democratic platforms. Those that believe otherwise are being led like sheep by conservative demagogues.

    As for Hillary losing, she admits now, what I pointed out months ago. Her loss was due to her use of this private server collection and the successful republican campaign to build it totally out of proportion, but had nothing to do with "progressivism."

    The claim of "organized resistance" is a lame excuse for consistently poor performance by the current administration. And yet rather than face failings, conservatives regurgitate republican talking points and blame everyone else.

    "Political power is a dangerous thing for our country." Very true and that's why during better periods political power is shared through sensible compromise and cooperation.

    Finally, rather than "draining the swamp" he has made it deeper by installing fanatics in Washington. As for example, hiring a Secretary of Education that seems not ot believe in educating poor people. It's somewhat ironic that a modicum of success that President trump has, is when he teamed up with "Chuck and Nancy."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 5:38 AM
  • Very true and that's why during better periods political power is shared through sensible compromise and cooperation.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 5:38 AM

    Obama talking about Republicans - "They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back." or "I won, you lost" or Obamacare passed with out compromising or getting a single republican on board.

    More wasted time with Lettau's "talk". We know he compares Obama to Christ. You're talking with a far-left voter who has lived at the government trough for decades. He's become just as much a waste of time as Sneller.

    Party, party, party... that's all he preaches. I'd hate to live in that house!

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 6:51 AM
  • *

    The "question of where it is written" has not been answered. Nothing has been shown that says "everyone should be dependent on government."-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 5:38 AM

    Common: Not everything has to be in writing to be so....for example the dumbing down of the Democratic voters - Votes for Free Stuff. Even ole Bernie tried that route by promising free college to all now he's trying to give Medicare insurance to all....problem is he doesn't have a way to pay for the latest give away program. That's the problem with the Liberal Democrats free stuff program, the National Debt goes up up and up. Yeah Common it's not in writing but it's in practice by the Democratic party.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 7:06 AM
  • It's somewhat ironic that a modicum of success that President trump has, is when he teamed up with "Chuck and Nancy."


    My opinion , he's using them just in case that impeachment card gets played . It's the second time he's went the way of the (D) in the past couple of weeks .

    "It's easier to fool a person than it is to let them know they've been fooled ."

    ~~ Mark Twain

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 7:07 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 7:23 AM
  • Hilary lost because she was a poor candidate , there was a sublime connection to Bill , and she was a continuation of Barack Obama .

    Excerpts of her book "What Happened" blames Bernie , Comey , Russia , Obama , and Trump stalking her around on the stage as she spoke during the debates . Very , very little does she blame herself or her campaign strategies . She also promises not to run for office ever again because she let down millions of People . For whatever reason she doesn't mention the tarmac , missing e-mails , or the involvement of world wide Clinton Foundation to her campaign .

    What's odd is why she decided to release this book at this time , was it for personal reasons or is there some sort of interior motive . In my opinion , it's not a good thing for the (D) , it doesn't help their cause at all . Bernie has already taken offense to "What Happened ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 8:28 AM
  • *

    Yes America left Hillary down. It was her turn to play President and America wasn't there for her.

    She promised to not run for office again. I will pray to God that she isn't lying about that like everything else in her life.

    Next Clinton to watch for is her homely daughter. She has been giving all of the signs she intends to go for it should the slightest encouragement be given.

    What the hell, she is entitled and being raised between two thieves qualifies her.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 8:45 AM
  • Too funny....


    Clinton cites Missouri as proof that her presidential campaign wasn't out of touch


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 9:30 AM
  • *

    Now that's funny. Hillary thinks her victory in Missouri over Bernie shows her message was resonating.

    The facts are Missouri Democrats had to supress a gag to vote for either of them. Missouri overall is a Conservative State, Democrats included.

    I just wish I could find a Republican Politician as Conservative as my Democratic Grandfather was.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 9:51 AM
  • More "Affordable Health Care" ..what say you Obama freaks ?

    Even more too funny


    Citing 'enormous' cost difference, Anthem says no to imaging tests at hospitals

    Frustrated over the “enormous” price variations among medical providers, Anthem Inc. has said it is no longer allowing patients to receive certain outpatient imaging at hospital-owned facilities.

    “We’re seeing differences of like 500 percent,” said Dr. Jay Moore, senior clinical director of Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri.

    “It just doesn’t make sense. It’s ridiculous in terms of the amount of cost differential.”


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:07 AM
  • *


    The Democrats have it right where they want it on healthcare. Fouled up beyond all recognition. And of course the hue and cry Single Payor System. This is where they have intended taking it to begin with.

    Commie will sing it's praises, he's pretty much been on the government teat most of his life and believes without the arm of almighty government to hold us upright, we cannot exist.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:19 AM
  • "Not everything has to be in writing to be so...."

    Just because you happen to want something to be true, doesn't mean it is.

    Find it in writing where the democratic party want "everyone dependent on government" or quit trying to pass that fable off as fact.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:43 AM
  • RS. The insurance company is doing what most anyone paying out of pocket would do, looking for the best without getting gouged.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:50 AM
  • "...believes without the arm of almighty government to hold us upright, we cannot exist."

    That's totally untrue. Why should anyone believe your fantasies.

    For that matter why would you say that serving in the military is being on "the government teat?"

    I guess that's the conservative view of the American military forces.

    Don't be such an ***** ...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:51 AM
  • *

    Find it in writing where the democratic party want "everyone dependent on government" or quit trying to pass that fable off as fact.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:43 AM

    Common: Knucklehead, have you not read what I said - it's not in writing that means no vowels and no consonants just empty space like what is between your ears.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 11:03 AM
  • *


    Serving in the military out where the rubber meets the road is one thing, being a desk jockey for 20 or 30 years is something else.

    I have the greatest respect for our fighting men. Not so much so for some others.

    I have military in my history going back to a G.G.G.G. Grandfather who was an Officer in Napoleon's army. Yes, I am 1/64th French if I counted correctly.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 11:10 AM
  • *


    A murder wasn't committed if the murderer failed to write down his plan. That is Leftaut's logic.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 11:14 AM
  • When did a "state of mind" become an "agenda" that needed written rules?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 11:49 AM
  • RS. The insurance company is doing what most anyone paying out of pocket would do, looking for the best without getting gouged.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:50 AM

    "If you like your insurance you can keep it . Period ."

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 11:58 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    "...Knucklehead, have you not read what I said..."

    Of course I read what you said and you have not produced a shred of evidence to support your contention.

    Pulling a "VanGennip," by calling names when you have no basis for your claim, is a "nice touch."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:05 PM
  • "...out where the rubber meets the road is one thing..."

    How about in Korea days after the USS Pueblo incident.

    A year in Viet Nam from '69 to '70 and back again in '72 and '73.

    In Turkey and Europe during the height of cold war.

    In Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, and Columbia during drug wars and insurgencies.

    How much more "rubber" do you need.

    Do not keep acting like a fool over things you know nothing about.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:12 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:12 PM

    Yeah, doing what?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:22 PM
  • Read the preamble to the democrat party platform and it's easy to wonder if Lettau wrote it. Everything he dreams of should be a right given by government via confiscation of wealth from those that have it.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:33 PM
  • *

    Of course I read what you said and you have not produced a shred of evidence to support your contention.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:05 PM

    Common: What party did the dependent free stuff folks voted for in 2016 - the Democratic party. There's that top secret plank of the Democratic party....give them anything free and they will vote for us. Good grief Common open your eyes to the truth. Enough of wasting my time with you, girlfriend and I are off to Cape to attend the fair later today. Enjoy yourself.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:50 PM
  • Yeah, doing what? -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:22 PM

    I think doing payroll or something?

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 1:56 PM
  • "Yeah, doing what?"

    Defending your freedoms, your rights to do business and your right to avoid military service.

    Jeez.. What a "blanking" "*******"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 2:26 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 2:26 PM

    Not a response you loud mouthed little man.

    I defend my freedoms against the likes of you daily.

    FYI, I did not avoid military service, they avoided me. I registered, I notified them as required, any status changes. I was approaching 24 when my 2nd daughter was born. When I notifield the draft board of this change, I was notified to not bother with any more reports.

    Now tell us you were a foot soldier instead of a pencil pusher.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 2:40 PM
  • You're "bleeping" hopeless...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 3:01 PM
  • *

    You're "bleeping" hopeless...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 3:01 PM

    Why, because I see you for what you are?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 3:27 PM
  • You seem to be hopeless and blind to boot.

    You don't bother me in the least, but absolutely nothing says I have to pay attention to your absurd conclusions.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 3:32 PM
  • *


    Having grown up in Bollinger County, it sure makes me wonder what in the world you're doing here. Specimens of your stripe are few and far between.

    You aren't in the witness protection program are you?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 5:44 PM
  • *

    Let's take a little trip down memory lane.

    Found this love letter to Barrack Hussein Obama.


    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 6:37 PM
  • What?, No "you be a *** " reply from Mr. Lettau? Another written response to the question of where is it written.

    For more look up Rules for Radicals.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 8:55 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 3:01 PM

    Just another vulgar, far-left democrat. Nothing more. Absolutely nothing more.

    A waste of time.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 9:07 PM
  • You have to have some measure of sympathy for our conservative friends on SO.

    Lacking a coherent agreement, they spend more time making silly accusations and spin their wheels needlessly.

    Good example is the Limbaugh claim that democrats want everyone "dependent on government," which has no basis in fact nor could they find anyone that says that.

    One would think that they would recognize the futility of their position by simple acknowledging that were everyone "dependent on government" there would no rational or legal tax base or source of funds to do that.

    The democratic position, in writing, is that everyone should work, hopefully at good jobs, and be therefore independent of government, and free from being "plundered."

    Taxation is clearly in the Constitution, but taxes should as low as possible, and simplified. The contradictory idea that "everyone should be dependent on government" remains a republican fable, totally without any support from democrats, and is not even said by anyone, never mind putting it "in writing."

    Apparently even this strangely bizarre, and surrealistic "rules for radicals" says nothing of the sort or our SO friends would have quoted it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:53 PM
  • "Apparently even this strangely bizarre, and surrealistic "rules for radicals" says nothing of the sort or our SO friends would have quoted it."

    Nothing secret or surreal about it. look it up. Your BS is beginning to bore people. The entertainment you offer is like watching the same squirrel climbing the same tree over and over again and there is little to be learned from that squirrel.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 11:39 PM
  • There's a straightforward and easy solution for you. Just pay no attention to opinions and contributions that you happen to disagree with.

    It's possible that close-minded individuals are more easily "bored," and confuse "entertainment" with education.

    So in the future, just disregard statements of my opinions and corrections I insert to misinformation that crops up on SO.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 2:56 AM
  • *

    Good example is the Limbaugh claim that democrats want everyone "dependent on government," which has no basis in fact nor could they find anyone that says that.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:53 PM

    Common: The claim that you deny is true - a good test would be a Democratic news release saying that the Democratic party is in favor for all government free stuff to be done away with before the 2018 elections....the Democrats who have been beaten badly in previous elections will then see a complete landside vote for the Republicans. This won't be done because the Donkey party will never do anything to lessen their dependent group of freeloaders to vote for them....am I not right Common.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:34 AM
  • -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:50 AM
  • North Korea fires missile over Japan, lands far out in the Pacific

    Video provided by Seven News

    North Korea fired a missile that flew over Japan's northern Hokkaido far out into the Pacific Ocean on Friday, South Korean and Japanese officials said, further ratcheting up tensions after Pyongyang's recent test of its most powerful nuclear bomb.

    The missile flew over Japan and landed in the Pacific about 2,000km east of Hokkaido, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters in a hastily organised media conference.

    "These repeated provocations on the part of North Korea are impermissible and we protest in the strongest words," Suga said.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:01 AM
  • You have to have some measure of sympathy for our conservative friends on SO. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Sep 14, 2017, at 10:53 PM

    Nobody on here needs sympathy from you. And nobody needs it more than Sneller and Lettau. What a miserable world of dependence and imagination the two of you live in.

    The only reason I read is to see the mind of a couple of far-left liberals who will say anything to support their ideology. It's quite revealing to examine that psyche. I've never, ever heard someone compare an insult to a politician as equal in kind to an insult to Christ except on here. From Lettau! Absolutely amazing!

    But your love and ideology of men and party has failed miserably since Obama got in office. The worst election losses in US history.

    Thanks Lettau!

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:12 AM
  • Taxes are one thing , how much , where , how they are spent is another . The priorities , amounts , and who sets them are the biggest problem .

    The USA is currently some $20 trillion dollars in debt . No single political party got the USA in a $20 trillion dollar debt , it was a team effort . Finger pointing accomplishes nothing , it will take both political parties to get the USA out of this $20 trillion dollar debt .

    Not all 100% of Liberals are bad , it's impossible just as not all 100% of Conservatives are bad , this is impossible too . In my opinion , the divide between the two is as wide as the space in the Grand Canyon at this time . As long as this abyss stays this wide and growing , that $20 trillion debt will keep growing .

    If either political party went extinct , either the (D) or the (R) , and never came back again , when something went wrong -- and it will -- who would get blamed ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:16 AM
  • Getting back to "The Real Information about DACA and DAPA" , my opinion , the original Executive Order is what caused this mess , the original Executive Order not only kicked the can down the road , it made the entire mess a National issue . The President who originated the mess isn't taking the heat for any of it . And it's a damned shame too . Just as the PPACA is crumbling and no responsibility is being placed on it's creator , neither is this mess .

    It must be nice....

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:27 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:27 AM

    Rick: Very true, the President who is responsible for both failed programs is now jet setting (big carbon footprint) and pretending to be the President of the USA....glad his third term was lost by the election of Trump.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:39 AM
  • "....am I not right Common."

    You are not right. For one thing red states get much more free stuff...


    1 Kentucky

    2 Mississippi

    3 New Mexico

    4 Alabama

    5 West Virginia

    6 South Carolina

    7 Montana

    8 Tennessee

    9 Maine

    10 Indiana

    11 Arizona

    12 Louisiana

    13 South Dakota

    14 Missouri

    So the most dependent state in Kentucky and th.e 14th most is Missouri

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 2:34 PM
  • "....original Executive Order not only kicked the can down the road, it made the entire mess a National issue."

    Actually the "original" executive order was a completely legal prioritization of individuals being subject to deportation, that was acceptable to most Americans. It was the republicans that made it a national issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 2:39 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 2:34 PM

    Common: Once again you use a link that means nothing to the subject in hand. A real study/report is the following link that only uses the dependent freeloaders programs and not general grants, federal contracts, IRS tax returns, and other items that was used in your link that throw off the true findings of what States are the biggest freeloader States. The top 11 States with the largest amount of freeloaders are:

    * Alabama - Red

    * California - Blue

    * Hawaii- Blue

    * Illinois - Blue

    * Kentucky - Red

    * Maine - Blue

    * Mississippi - Red

    * New Mexico - Blue

    * New York - Blue

    * Ohio - Red

    * South Carolina - Red

    Totals: Red 5 States, Blue 6 States (California and New York both blue States with the largest population)

    "The calculation was based on the number of people in those states who were dependent on Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) or food stamps (officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP), vs the number of people who were gainfully employed."


    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 4:30 PM
  • *

    Actually the "original" executive order was a completely legal prioritization of individuals being subject to deportation, that was acceptable to most Americans. It was the republicans that made it a national issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 2:39 PM

    Common: The 2016 election made void your comment.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 4:33 PM
  • *

    "Actually the "original" executive order was a completely legal prioritization of....."

    More or your lying BS Lettau. Even Obama said he couldn't legally do it, but went ahead anyway.

    America is getting about fed up with redefining "is" to justify illegal actions.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 5:07 PM
  • Mr. Lettau U need to write another love letter to Obama, Maybe he will forward it to Hillary since she has joined the resistance.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 5:37 PM
  • "A real study/report is the following link that only uses the dependent freeloaders programs..."

    Except that ...

    "The calculation was based on the number of people in those states who were dependent on Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) or food stamps (officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP), vs the number of people who were gainfully employed."

    The omission is that people gainfully employed are also eligible for TANF, SNAP and Medicaid, depending on their income level, so the statistics being utilized are less than accurate.

    The point is that there are millions of republicans, even one or two conservatives that are 'freeloaders" and dependent on government. And no one in the democratic party wants anyone (not even republicans) dependent on government.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:12 PM
  • "The 2016 election made void your comment."

    Only if President trump chooses to persecute, oppress, intimidate and bully kids who have lived almost their whole life as Americans.

    It would be legal and simple to keep the same system of priorities in place, but something so rational may be beyond the capacities of the current administration.

    But maybe not, even AG Sessions says he'll keep the priorities...

    "The policy is that if people are here unlawfully, they’re subject to being deported. Our priority is clear. Our priority is to end the lawlessness at the border, stop the additional flow of illegals into the country and then to prioritize those who have gotten into trouble with the law, recent arrivals, people who have been deported previously, drug dealers, and other criminal activists."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:35 PM
  • "....write another love letter..."

    That's not what it was by any means. It was a rebuttal to the silly stuff that Mr. Pritchert wrote, but then you all still have tremendous problems with facts and the truth.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:42 PM
  • "...joined the resistance."

    The actual fact is that there is no such thing as "the resistance," and the administration uses it as an excuse for their own incompetence.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:45 PM
  • -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 8:23 PM
  • The point is that there are millions of republicans, even one or two conservatives that are 'freeloaders" and dependent on government. And no one in the democratic party wants anyone (not even republicans) dependent on government. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:12 PM

    And yet they vote in more republicans to cut welfare and free loading. Missouri - redder than ever.

    What does that tell you Lettau? They care more about their country and their freedom than your welfare state.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 9:41 PM
  • Doug, Don't bother him now, He is rewriting his bio to add to his rank during the AF Career Freeze days of the '60s.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 9:57 PM
  • What reason do you have to make stupid statements like that?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 10:10 PM
  • The reason is it is getting hard to believe anything you say.

    when your BS is countered you ignore and accuse everyone of making up stuff. Check it out and show where I am making stuff up. The link clearly proves the Resistance is not something made up to counter Trump's incompetence by conservatives to counter Trump's incompetence that you think is accepted fact.

    You're so so predictable and so easy. All anyone has to do to get you started is to say something non-flattering about Obama. It's like pulling the string on the back of a talking doll. Same over and over Obama great, anyone think not must be of defective SO Conservative logic.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 11:05 PM
  • "The president has basically insulted and attacked South Korea. South Korea is literally, you know, within miles of the border with North Korea. Hillary Clinton on MSNBC

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 11:27 PM
  • What she was referring to was Seoul, South Korea being within "miles of the border," and most people would understand that.

    Others would intentionally not.

    That's a good example of the type of misinformation I have no problem correcting.

    As for your link, perhaps it escaped you that the word "Resistance" was in quotes and is not literal.

    What conservative proponents of "limbaughism" claim is that there is some sort of "shadow government" working within the administration to "resist" and counter all of the "accomplishments" of the Trump presidency. That's what's BS.

    As you know, it's hard to believe anything the SO conservatives say on here. It's all a matter of opinion, right?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:52 AM
  • As for "defending" President Obama, why would I not do that in light of the attitude of most critics on here.

    Were you to say he was wrong in not qualifying some of his statements on the ACA, or he was wrong in not pushing Simpson-Bowles, or he was wrong in approving gays and women in all combat units, or he was wrong in not cutting spending enough, I would easily and quickly agree with you.

    Those are the kind of things that you refuse to accept or understand. There's nothing "automatic" about my defending him, as it all depends on what you're claiming.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 1:06 AM
  • I'm always accepting of your expressing your own opinions, as long, that is, as you don't try to pass them off as fact.

    Therefore, there should be no reason for you to get so upset or "discombobulated" if I express my own.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 1:17 AM
  • "....original Executive Order not only kicked the can down the road, it made the entire mess a National issue."

    Actually the "original" executive order was a completely legal prioritization of individuals being subject to deportation, that was acceptable to most Americans. It was the republicans that made it a national issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 2:39 PM

    I did not say anything about legality , I did not say anything about political Party . I said without the original Executive Order kicking the can down the road , there wouldn't be the out rage happening now , the issue should have been taken care of then by Congress . Now that you have introduced legality , a President can not create Legislation , this is for Congress , a check and balance Government .

    I'll ask again , how can one President take action on an issue and be a hero but another President take action on the same issue and be a villain ?

    "that was acceptable to most Americans" And you know this how ? Do you speak for most Americans or do you speak for the mass media ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 6:09 AM
  • Rick Lettau

    Would you be OK with exchanging a permanent enactment of DACA in exchange for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 6:38 AM
  • Federal judge says Sessions can't withhold grant money from sanctuary cities

    CHICAGO --

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions can't follow through - at least for now - with his threat to withhold public safety grant money to Chicago and other so-called sanctuary cities for refusing to impose new tough immigration policies, a judge ruled Friday in a legal defeat for the Trump administration.


    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 6:50 AM
  • *

    Every time one of these politically-motivated federal judges makes a ruling like that and then gets over turned by the Supreme Court I believe they oughta disbar them.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 7:55 AM
  • *

    Ulrich must be sleeping in this morning.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 7:56 AM
  • Found Mr Lettau:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 8:23 AM
  • You're so so predictable and so easy. All anyone has to do to get you started is to say something non-flattering about Obama. It's like pulling the string on the back of a talking doll. -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 11:05 PM

    BINGO! Sums up Lettau perfectly. And why steel-trap minds like his are a waste of keyboard strokes.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 8:53 AM
  • *

    Good one DA

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 8:54 AM
  • I'm always accepting of your expressing your own opinions, as long, that is, as you don't try to pass them off as fact. Therefore, there should be no reason for you to get so upset or "discombobulated" if I express my own. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 1:17 AM

    Here's a fact - your opinion:

    "IN QUALITY OR IN CLASS, I’d say it’s right up there with the guy that put a figure of Christ in a jar of urine and insanely called it art. The “cartoon” is EQUALLY obscene, pornographic, detached from reality, and devoid of any decency. -- Posted by Rick Lettau

    Upset? No. Discombobulated? No. Simply stunning. In quality or in class an insult to Jesus Christ is equally obscene to an insult to Barack Obama.

    Do your friends at the coffee shop know how you worship Obama?

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 9:00 AM
  • *

    The point is that there are millions of republicans, even one or two conservatives that are 'freeloaders" and dependent on government. And no one in the democratic party wants anyone (not even republicans) dependent on government.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:12 PM

    Common: Ha, biggest lie of the day. Without the dependent freeloaders voting for the Democratic candidates the Democratic party would be just a small third party nationally.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 9:52 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 7:55 AM

    Wheels: The SCOUS will take up the case and slam those illegal sanctuary cities.


    Here's the meaning of "Discombobulated" - The way Hillary Clinton felt at 2am on Nov. 9, 2016.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 10:00 AM
  • The actual fact is that there is no such thing as "the resistance," and the administration uses it as an excuse for their own incompetence.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Sep 15, 2017, at 7:45 PM

    What conservative proponents of "limbaughism" claim is that there is some sort of "shadow government" working within the administration to "resist" and counter all of the "accomplishments" of the Trump presidency. That's what's BS.

    As you know, it's hard to believe anything the SO conservatives say on here. It's all a matter of opinion, right?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:52 AM

    So which is it?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 10:00 AM
  • *

    If Ulrich comes in all snarly you can blame Richard. He kept Commie up late last night and spoiled his routine. ;-)

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 10:01 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 10:01 AM

    Wheels: Don't blame OJ, that's Common's every day MO.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 10:14 AM
  • *


    Got to blame somebody, it's the American way these days. You cannot blame an off the chart Leftist.... it's un-American.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 10:28 AM
  • *

    Wheels: How's things in St. Louis today? St. Louis needs to hire only black police and fired all the white ones so to keep peace in the ghettos.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 11:29 AM
  • *

    Back to the topic of this thread, here's a thought to solve the DACA problem....have all of the 800,000 be put up for adoption - those finding families can stay and those that don't will be deported to Mexico. Come on Leftist what do you think?

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 11:33 AM
  • "So which is it?"

    Which is what? There's no "resistance," there's no "shadow government."

    Only made up excuses for non-performance.

    The sound you hear is Southeast Missouri laughing at the antics, whining, confusion and foibles of our SO conservative friends.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:26 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:26 PM

    Common: The only laughter in SEMO is due to your comments. Keep it up we need more laughter.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:31 PM
  • "....enactment of DACA in exchange for a wall..."

    Why would we spend anything for a senseless wall (the one that Mexico was to have paid for). Improvements in border security have been ongoing for the past 10 years.

    "...take action on an issue and be a hero but another President take action on the same issue and be a villain?"

    Different actions, the 6 month deadline is what's changed.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    "Do you speak for most Americans..."

    I don't but opinion polls do, whether you like the results or not.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:34 PM
  • "...a waste of keyboard strokes."

    That, incidentally, is why I ignore a few of the sadder participants.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:36 PM
  • *


    I retired early last night and I guess things got a little hairy after 10:00. Saw it this morning and some police got hurt. They were throwing bricks and one officer I saw got his shoulder busted up, a sensitive thought for me right now. Far as I am concerned throwing bricks constitutes assault with a deadly weapon. See one of em doing it, wrap one of those sticks some of the cops are carrying around the SOB's head. And swing it like a baseball bat when doing so. That will tame at least one of them down for awhile.

    This is pure BS, there is no other group that gets this kind of leeway. Demonstrate all you want peacefully. Once you start disrupting the routines and jobs of others, you have crossed the line and need to be dealt with.

    If Greitens turns some of those red neck country boys loose on them they may find a different attitude.

    There is no way to deal with this kind of idiocy with "Political Correctness, somebody is going to have to be physically offended if the violence continues.

    As of now doesn't appear to be a lot happening.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:44 PM
  • *

    The sound you hear is Southeast Missouri laughing at the antics, whining, confusion and foibles of our SO conservative friends.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:26 PM

    I believe the following is the rule that applies here.....

    5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

    We know the tactics Ulrich, they won't work here.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:52 PM
  • *

    "...a waste of keyboard strokes."

    That, incidentally, is why I ignore a few of the sadder participants.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:36 PM

    Consider this a ditto to my last post.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:55 PM
  • Thanks.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 1:42 PM
  • The sound you hear is Southeast Missouri laughing at the antics, whining, confusion and foibles of our SO conservative friends.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:26 PM

    Uh Missouri agrees about 70% with everyone on here except the leftist club of Sneller and Lettau.

    Sorry Commie Lettau but you're the one that gets laughed at. Every time there is an election you get rejected.

    Keep dreaming on your couch with the only other person in SEMO who might share your views. LOL!

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 3:51 PM
  • I don't but opinion polls do, whether you like the results or not. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:34 PM

    Your "opinion" and "polls" were all in for Hillary. And your "opinion" and "polls" got it wrong.

    Just like you do here every day. Nothing new.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 3:52 PM
  • "....enactment of DACA in exchange for a wall..."

    Why would we spend anything for a senseless wall (the one that Mexico was to have paid for). Improvements in border security have been ongoing for the past 10 years.

    "...take action on an issue and be a hero but another President take action on the same issue and be a villain?"

    Different actions, the 6 month deadline is what's changed.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    "Do you speak for most Americans..."

    I don't but opinion polls do, whether you like the results or not.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Sep 16, 2017, at 12:34 PM



    I take senseless wall as your pick which would be a "no".

    I said the same issue -- DACA . Of course the actions are different , both are an action beyond the scope of a President , hence the 6 months for Congress to write legal Legislation .

    "Polls" ? What polls ? Polls are like food , everybody has their favorite . For every pro you find I could find an anti , whether you like the results or not.

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 7:12 AM
  • Protestors should step their game up and start blocking rail road crossings .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 7:13 AM
  • "...find an anti..."

    So find one that says Americans want DACA kids deported.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 10:58 AM
  • "...an action beyond the scope of a President..."

    That's just it, executive action to prioritize deportations is not illegal.

    The difference is that President Trump quit extending and renewing the program and will start deportations in about 5 months. President Obama left that open.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 11:03 AM
  • We are a nation of laws, not polls. Failing to uphold the law and hindering those assigned to enforce the law is not within the scope of presidential power beyond individual pardons.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 12:28 PM
  • "...find an anti..."

    So find one that says Americans want DACA kids deported.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 10:58 AM

    Sorry , I won't do your research for you . ..btw , "whether you like the results or not" ...I'll determine what I like and nobody else , I think for myself .



    That's just it, executive action to prioritize deportations is not illegal.

    The difference is that President Trump quit extending and renewing the program and will start deportations in about 5 months. President Obama left that open.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 11:03 AM

    So it's the same issue as I said , one is a hero and one is a villain . How does that work? Do you speak in the (D) or the (R) ? Is Trump your President , yes or no ? ..as you say "whether you like the results or not"...?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 12:46 PM
  • Rick Lettau

    I can't find anywhere in the Constitution that gives a President the authority to do as Obama did with DACA or DAPA . Maybe I missed it...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 12:48 PM
  • Where did this specific extending and renewing program originate that Obama left open ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 1:15 PM
  • Who created DACA and DAPA ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 1:17 PM
  • So find one that says Americans want DACA kids deported. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 10:58 AM

    Another waste of key strokes. You challenge someone to "find one" and then you post "just because you find one person to agree with you...".

    Seek help.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:13 PM
  • "...is not within the scope of presidential power..."

    Mr. Bess,

    You would be better off thinking for yourself, instead of embracing the SO conservative brand of "Limbaughism."

    The executive branch clearly has the "power" over the Department of Justice, which enforces immigration laws, and has the authority to prioritize deportations. Deporting gang members and multiple offenders first, and DACA Americans last makes all the legal sense in the world.

    Neither the "law" nor the "Constitution" says the the government must deport good people first and bad people last.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:46 PM
  • "Maybe I missed it..."

    Right, you did. Article 2 Section 2 gives the president power over the cabinet members and departments, including Justice which oversees immigration priorities.

    See how easy that was...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM

    Ulrich, this is not a fiction piece you're writing for the local writer's guild. Stick to facts. President's do not make new laws.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 4:16 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    With all due respect to this moment of your senior status, no laws were made.

    It requires Congress to "make laws," all that was done was to prioritize deportations.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:04 PM
  • *

    Right, you did. Article 2 Section 2 gives the president power over the cabinet members and departments, -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM

    Common: Does that mean that a President can fire his FBI Director without any problems in doing so?

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:27 PM
  • *

    all that was done was to prioritize deportations.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:04 PM

    Another lie Ulrich, Obama gave illegals the ability to legally take jobs of Americans. And let's don't go with the lettuce picking either. These illegals, educated at America's expense are holding better jobs.

    Be an Obama apologist all you want but stick to the truth.

    11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

    Won't work here.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:30 PM
  • -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:30 PM

    Lettau is definitely the underdog.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:41 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Try to get a grip on reality. Americans have been employing illegals for many decades. None of those "employers" went to jail.

    The DACA kids are paying taxes just like anyone else, as did most of their parents. Furthermore, they didn't take jobs from Americans, they are as American as anyone else that has grown up here.

    Your "Limbaughism" is showing through again.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 7:04 PM
  • The DACA kids are paying taxes just like anyone else -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 7:04 PM

    Where do these "kids" work? How do you know such things? Are there a bunch in Marble Hill working at the coffee shop you go to alone? As the only democrat in red red Bollinger county?

    Your "Maddowism" is showing through again. Sorry - gonna take a lot more than your opinion on here.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 7:14 PM
  • *

    "Furthermore, they didn't take jobs from Americans, they are as American as anyone else that has grown up here."


    They are American (US Citizens) only when born here or take the citizenship oath.

    More of that childish crap where you repeat it often enough it becomes true.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 7:31 PM
  • Article 2 Section 2: “the President shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” Thus, treaty making is a power shared between the President and the Senate.

    I don't see "prioritize" in there.

    Maybe Mr Lettau in his writers block picked the wrong part of the constitution that says the president can prioritize which law should be enforced. I suggest if he is going to make claims about the constitution he should base it on something more substantial than MSNBCisms

    Also might go back and reread some history about California growers that were hurt financially with legal fees defending against government when attempting to follow the law regarding immigrant hiring.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 8:05 PM
  • "Maybe I missed it..."

    Right, you did. Article 2 Section 2 gives the president power over the cabinet members and departments, including Justice which oversees immigration priorities.

    See how easy that was...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM

    Priorities ?

    "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an American immigration policy established by the Obama administration in June 2012. The policy allows some individuals who entered the country illegally as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit. As of 2017, approximately 800,000 individuals—referred to as Dreamers after the DREAM Act bill—were enrolled in the program created by DACA"

    The key word would be "bill" . How can a President create and pass a "bill" ? At what point in time can a President create and pass Law ? Another key word would be "illegally" . Obama clearly broke the Law with an illegal action .

    It really doesn't matter what I post , you will find a way to make Obama squeaky clean .

    As an Independent I can think for myself . For instance , Trump is a chump , has been all along . The only thing he has done is gotten career Politicians out of the White House in my opinion . Obama sucked for 8 straight years . He did nothing good or positive . At all . He broke the freakin' Law !

    Why or how People can put all of their faith so blindly behind one person , no matter the issue , is beyond me , I will never understand this . All through history People have done this , it's amazing how many can not and will not think for their self .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 8:52 PM
  • "See how easy that was..."

    Not at all . I don't understand why People can't think for their self .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 8:56 PM
  • "Maybe I missed it..."

    Right, you did. Article 2 Section 2 gives the president power over the cabinet members and departments, including Justice which oversees immigration priorities.

    See how easy that was...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM

    If all of this is just fine and dandy with you , what is your problem with Trump's actions ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:04 PM
  • What's wrong with Trump's travel ban , why is it illegal ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:05 PM
  • I smell wood burning , are you thinking ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:06 PM
  • Let's make it easy enough for everyone to understand.

    The Justice Department is in the Executive branch.

    Immigration comes under Justice.

    All illegals are subject to deportation.

    Justice and the Executive Branch determine the priority of deportations.

    No "laws" are made, no "laws" are broken, no amnesty was granted.

    If there aren't enough real problems, you can always count on conservatives to fabricate fake ones.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:19 PM
  • -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:19 PM

    Let's see... more credibility problems for Lettau - as if he needed any more than he has.

    Now Lettau's much-loved (and much defended) Syrian refugees are responsible for the terrorist attack in London this past week. Just arrested another one.

    More evidence of your poor judgement. But we're not worried. You've lost every election in the past 8+ years. You're no concern of anyone here.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:41 PM
  • "Justice and the Executive Branch determine the priority of deportations"

    So where it that written? [As Common likes to ask?]

    Is it written somewhere in IRS rules concerning who gets non profit status or maybe in FBI rules about FBI power to decide what criminal is charged or what law broken requires intent to be seen as a law broken ?

    Tell us O Wise Man, just where oh where is it written?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:49 PM
  • Let's make it easy enough for everyone to understand.

    The Justice Department is in the Executive branch.

    Immigration comes under Justice.

    All illegals are subject to deportation.

    Justice and the Executive Branch determine the priority of deportations.

    No "laws" are made, no "laws" are broken, no amnesty was granted.

    If there aren't enough real problems, you can always count on conservatives to fabricate fake ones.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 9:19 PM

    I don't deny this as true .

    I ask again , when does a President get to write and pass a Bill instead of Congress ? How can a President make someone or something that is illegal legal without Congress passing Legislation ?

    Where in the Constitution does it say any President has these powers over Congress ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:58 AM
  • Why is DACA sent to Congress for 6 months to get Legislation written ?

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:00 AM
  • No man stands above the Law .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:02 AM
  • It really doesn't matter what I post , you will find a way to make Obama squeaky clean .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:05 AM
  • This Independent would like to know the definition of the word "illegal" .

    Would one of today's "Liberals" please explain ....

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:09 AM
  • "So where it that written?"

    It's "written" that the President appoints cabinet members. Obviously, the Cabinet members run their departments, and they set priorities for their departments.

    We have had illegals in the country since Captain Smith, Miles Standish, Cartier and Ponce de Leon, and for decades Americans have been employing and paying them, ending up with their numbers increasing to about 11 million.

    Even the conservatives admitted we cannot "magically" deport all 11 million at the same time. Therefore, someone had to set priorities, and Congress refused to do so, so the President did, deciding to deport bad guys first and good guys last. Nothing "illegal" about that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:20 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:20 AM

    I'll put that down under Ulrich's Fables.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:39 AM
  • *

    Right, you did. Article 2 Section 2 gives the president power over the cabinet members and departments, -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM

    Common: Does that mean that a President can fire his FBI Director without any problems in doing so?

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 6:27 PM


    We have had illegals in the country since Captain Smith, Miles Standish, Cartier and Ponce de Leon, and for decades Americans have been employing and paying them, ending up with their numbers increasing to about 11 million-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:20 AM

    Common: There was not a USA then with a Constitution....better brush up on your history.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:41 AM
  • Common: There was not a USA then with a Constitution....better brush up on your history. -- Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 7:41 AM

    He's lost without Obama in office. Doesn't know what to quote, where to get it from or what "facts" are anymore.

    Rachel is his new messiah.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 8:06 AM
  • We have had illegals in the country since Captain Smith, Miles Standish, Cartier and Ponce de Leon, and for decades Americans have been employing and paying them,

    ~~~~~~~~~You left out Ahab the Arab.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 8:54 AM
  • People who are not citizens of the USA have the Right to do Illegal actions . People who are USA citizens do not have the Right to do Illegal actions .

    Thnx to Barack Obama , his DACA/DAPA , and his army of dedicated backers who blindly follow because they either can't or won't think for their self .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 12:27 PM
  • This Independent would like to know the definition of the word "illegal" .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 12:28 PM
  • il¡¤le¡¤gal



    contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law:

    "illegal drugs"

    synonyms: unlawful ¡¤ illicit ¡¤ illegitimate ¡¤ criminal ¡¤ felonious ¡¤ unlicensed ¡¤ [more]

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 12:30 PM
  • "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an American immigration policy established by the Obama administration in June 2012. The policy allows some individuals who entered the country illegally as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit. As of 2017, approximately 800,000 individuals—referred to as Dreamers after the DREAM Act bill—were enrolled in the program created by DACA"

    The key word being "illegally" . Barack Obama broke the Law with DACA .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 12:34 PM
  • "The key word being "illegally" . Barack Obama broke the Law with DACA."

    He would have "broken the law" if he had "legalized" them, which he did not do. They are still "illegal" but they are at the end of the queue. No law was broken.

    After the first 10 million are deported, they will be next.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 12:52 PM
  • Believe whatever you like. Doesn't alter the facts.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 1:32 PM
  • Let us not seek the Democrat answer or the Republican answer . Let us seek the right answer .

    ~~ John F. Kennedy

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 5:08 PM
  • Agree completely, that's exactly what I did. In my opinion, President Kennedy would never have deported or threatened to deport the DACA kids.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:05 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:05 PM


    Don't be so cockey. Always trying to be relavant. You sought no solution and DACA was not a program dreamed up by you. All you're trying to do is defend a President who is not a has been.... Obama is a never was.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:31 PM
  • Figured common would be writing his article saluting the Air Force today.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:55 PM
  • *

    In my opinion, President Kennedy would never have deported or threatened to deport the DACA kids.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:05 PM

    Common: Why do you think that Kennedy would never have deported or threatened to deport the DACA kids?


    Right, you did. Article 2 Section 2 gives the president power over the cabinet members and departments, -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 17, 2017, at 3:59 PM

    Common: You never answered my question: Does that mean that a President can fire his FBI Director without any problems in doing so?

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 9:41 PM
  • "Why do you think that Kennedy would never have deported or threatened to deport the DACA kids?"

    Because he was the type of President that aspired to do the right thing always.

    "Does that mean that a President can fire his FBI Director without any problems in doing so?"

    Of course he can fire who ever he wants to. Why he does it is up to the President, and if there are "problems" in his having done so, that's possibly because the President has done something wrong or unethical.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:53 AM
  • *

    "Why do you think that Kennedy would never have deported or threatened to deport the DACA kids?"

    Because he was the type of President that aspired to do the right thing always


    What about his affair with Marilyn Monroe and other women - lots of evidence of this. One thing for sure Kennedy would not have let the DACA kids into the USA to begin with.


    Of course he can fire who ever he wants to. Why he does it is up to the President, and if there are "problems" in his having done so, that's possibly because the President has done something wrong or unethical.


    You just said that he can legally fire a cabinet member so there should be no problems then because he's got the right to do so no matter what was the reason.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:53 AM

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 7:18 AM
  • Because he was the type of President that aspired to do the right thing always. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:53 AM

    Kennedy had an affair with a young high school girl. Along with his brother. In the White House. No wonder he's your moral guide light.

    Kennedy welcomed Cuban refugees with open arms. Obama returned them to Cuba for punishment. More evidence of your marxist beliefs Lettau.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 7:31 AM
  • *

    Ok, Ulrich. How long will it take for you to prepare your criticism of Trump's Speech to the UN?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 9:50 AM
  • Ok, Ulrich. How long will it take for you to prepare your criticism of Trump's Speech to the UN? -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 9:50 AM

    He hasn't seen Rachel Maddow's show telling him what to think or say yet. Maybe he'll watch the recorded version today.

    He's lost without Obama's White House talking points. Still searching for another reliable, marxist talking point person.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 10:27 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Doug Williams on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 10:27 AM

    We finally have a President with the ..nads to tell the UN where the Big Bear defecates in the woods.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 10:35 AM
  • *

    IMO, Rocket Man probably messed in his pants during Trump's speech.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 11:10 AM
  • I'm not a big believer that the President has a whole lot to do with the stock market but I do believe he can make it worse or better. So for the small-minded Lettau, I'll push this news story to remind him of Trump's success - based on his own metric for Obama. The stock market.


    "The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic. Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts.

    * President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

    * On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!

    * Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs."


    Chew on that Obama-worshipper!

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 12:24 PM
  • "...to prepare your criticism of Trump's Speech to the UN?"

    What is there to criticize? Do you think anyone took him seriously or believed him?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 2:58 PM
  • *

    What is there to criticize? Do you think anyone took him seriously or believed him?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 2:58 PM


    Your responses.....

    What is there to criticize? Nothing!

    Do you think anyone took him seriously or believed him? YES!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 3:26 PM
  • "Let's show tomorrow there will be no question about the outcome of this election!" - Hillary Clinton the night before the election.

    "“You’ve got this. I’m so proud of you,” - Barack Obama on election night.

    "If we get out and vote tomorrow, Hillary Clinton will win." - Michelle Obama

    "Donald Trump has promised to win the White House in an electoral upset which would be “Brexit times 10” as the polls show Hillary Clinton’s lead narrowing."


    Commie Lettau - who got it right? Who should you believe? Hillary? Barry? Michelle?

    Nope - you'd better start believing Trump. He got it right, they (and you) got it wrong.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 3:52 PM
  • "YES"

    Not surprising, but you probably believe that Mexico will pay for the"wall," that jobs will come back from China and the the coal mines would reopen.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 4:33 PM
  • *

    Not surprising, but you probably believe that Mexico will pay for the"wall," that jobs will come back from China and the the coal mines would reopen.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 4:33 PM


    I believe Trump is trying mightily against organized resistance.

    It will take years to overcome the damage done to America by the Community Organizer.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 5:29 PM
  • So do you believe the "wall," "China," or "coal" or do you not? In my opinion, that's the problem, the President has no concept of the truth.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:28 PM
  • *

    So do you believe the "wall," "China," or "coal" or do you not? In my opinion, that's the problem, the President has no concept of the truth.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:28 PM

    I believe he will try. Will he succeed? Depends on the organized opposition and if their hate for Trump overcomes any love they have left for America.

    As far as Trump’s concept for the truth.... I will take it over what you have exhibited since you have posted on here.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:40 PM
  • *

    So do you believe the "wall," "China," or "coal" or do you not? In my opinion, that's the problem, the President has no concept of the truth.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 6:28 PM

    Common: Sounds like you want America to lose....that's sad. Don't you want less drugs and gang members coming up from Mexico. Don't you want more jobs and the good paying manufacturing ones that went to China and elsewhere to come back to the USA. Don't you want coal miners to be able to support their families.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 7:15 PM
  • *


    Trump proved he was up to dealing with world powers today. Contrary to the pink line artist we just got rid of.

    It's embarrassing for Ulrich to have invested so heavily into Obama and then watch how a real leader proves him inadequate.

    I think he needs a hug about now. :-)

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 7:26 PM
  • Ralph, Thing is everyone in Scopus knows where D.C. is, none of common's heroes in D.C. know where Scopus is or care.

    Sad how democrats are so bent on twisting things to keep the people denied opportunity by their liberal politics voting for them.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 8:05 PM
  • *



    I think it is safe to say Ulrich's prayers that Trump would look foolish and weak in front of the UN were not answered.

    Hmmm! If we sent Obama a map, do you suppose he would visit his most loyal supporter in Scopus?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 8:29 PM
  • *

    Hmmm! If we sent Obama a map, do you suppose he would visit his most loyal supporter in Scopus?-- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 8:29 PM

    Wheels: Obama would have to land his private jet on Hwy. B going into town. The town drunk could offer him a sip from his paper bag and the freeloaders could salute him from their front porch couches as he drives pass on his way to meet the Scopus sage at the coffee shop.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 19, 2017, at 8:43 PM
  • Agree completely, that's exactly what I did. In my opinion, President Kennedy would never have deported or threatened to deport the DACA kids.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Sep 18, 2017, at 6:05 PM

    In my opinion , Kennedy would have never took it upon himself to create DACA/DAPA to begin with because it's not the right answer , it's a political answer . And , it's illegal . The immigration Laws should be written by Congress , the issue should not be set by the Executive Branch .

    As it is now , each Executive Branch can set the parameters , the out come being chaos do to political answers . Left , Right ..Right , Left ..back and forth , back and forth...it all depends on which Political Party holds the Executive Branch .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 4:44 AM
  • il¡¤le¡¤gal



    contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law:

    "illegal drugs"

    synonyms: unlawful ¡¤ illicit ¡¤ illegitimate ¡¤ criminal ¡¤ felonious ¡¤ unlicensed ¡¤ [more]

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 4:46 AM
  • “Don't you want less drugs and gang members coming up from Mexico.”

    Yes, but a phony 40 foot, 2000 mile wall is not going to do that. The vast majority of drugs come in trucks, by sea or by air. Gang members can buy their way in. Some parts of the border need more physical security, more electronic security is needed, but the wall that Mexico won’t pay for is not needed and definitely not the answer.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “Don't you want more jobs and the good paying manufacturing ones that went to China and elsewhere to come back to the USA.”

    Yes, but so many of the manufacturing jobs in China were sent there by US companies for cheap labor. Many more jobs in the US were lost to automation. The most promising efforts are in educating US workers to do better jobs.

    President Trump’s campaign rhetoric about “bringing jobs back” has gone nowhere. Apparently he could have brought his tie factory jobs back, but to my knowledge he hasn’t even done that.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Don't you want coal miners to be able to support their families.

    Yes, but the reduction in demand for coal has been driven by cheaper and cleaner natural gas. The alternatives have always been to develop cleaner coal technology and retrain into the renewable energy industry.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    I’m all for American winning, but the President has been all talk and no results. I would have thought that by now, we all would have been “tired of winning” so much.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 7:19 AM
  • *

    I’m all for American winning, but the President has been all talk and no results. I would have thought that by now, we all would have been “tired of winning” so much.-- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 7:19 AM

    Common: There has been plenty of jobs save here and some have come back which in only 8 months in office have more jobs created than Obama did in 8 years. As for as that Wall, trucks can't go though a Wall but only though a legal entry station where inspectors can search the truck. Gang members will have to have wings to top the Wall and the new enhanced electronic features. As far as tired of winning goes with all the anti-Trump from the biased news media, the Liberal Snowflakes, and the Republican Establishment - he is doing a great job so far. Look at his UN speech yesterday praising our allies and warning our enemies and putting the UN on notice that the USA can't keep carrying the majority of the cost and manpower of the UN. Now isn't that a lot better than your Crawdad-In-Chief Obama.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 8:04 AM
  • *

     I would have thought that by now, we all would have been “tired of winning” so much.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 7:19 AM


    Is that a typo? It should be "tired of whining"

    And Lord knows I would have thought you crybabies would have been tired of whining by now.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 8:18 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 8:18 AM

    Wheels: Understand there is a new wine on the market called "Snowflake"....it's bottled near Scopus, Mo. at the Obama/Hillary Winery.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 8:24 AM
  • Yes, but the reduction in demand for coal has been driven by cheaper and cleaner natural gas. -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 7:19 AM

    Wow - now you're not paying attention to your messiah Obama: "So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them."

    And then he went on to do what he said - bankrupt coal. And he did. Costing 10's of thousands of jobs.

    Just another pack of lies and spin from you Lettau to cover for your man-love.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 8:32 AM
  • Coal is going obsolete , not much is made of iron and steel anymore besides construction or military . The supply and demand side is what's hurting coal and it's jobs , everything's made out of freakin' plastic or aluminum -- even trucks and cars are plastic and aluminum .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 9:05 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 9:05 AM

    Rick: Lots of coal being shipped overseas.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 9:09 AM
  • Coal is the number one fuel for power plants in this area and in many areas of the country.

    -- Posted by Doug Williams 4/24 on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 10:05 AM
  • The amount of coal needed is changing slowly but surely , advancing technology and such . That supply and demand thing...

    Plus add in shipping costs , well ..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 11:45 AM
  • We made steel wire closet shelving at Rubbermaid . The wire was .250 or .306 gauge , sometimes .120 and came on spools that ran through straightening rollers before the shelves were welded together .

    It got to the point where we had to use a magnet on the spools of wire on the receiving dock to be sure the wire was pure steel . The suppliers were putting so much additive junk in their product , we couldn't get a good weld on our deck welders , our shelves were falling apart .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 12:00 PM
  • The steel tubing started to be the same thing .

    It wasn't long before a lot of our product started coming from China , when we moved the plant from St.Louis to Jackson there were around 1,200 workers in 1992 . When I left it was down to around 350 because of out sourcing...

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 12:03 PM
  • *

    Rick: Was the steel tubing/wire USA made or China made?

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 12:16 PM
  • USA

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 5:41 PM
  • We had kan-ban system set up with US Steel on wire and tubing out of Illinois . Plastic fittings kan-ban out of Wisconsin .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 5:50 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 5:50 PM

    Rick: Looks like the quality control at US Steel in Illinois was lacking. Hopefully your company was paying for a better quality than what they were getting.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 8:35 PM
  • Regardless of business faults of greed for profits, capitalism and free market has an uncanny ability to correct itself. Can't say that about progressive fascist systems of socialistic Marxist based economics.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 10:14 PM
  • Semo

    That mill is now shut down .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 10:32 PM
  • I see nothing wrong with trading quality can openers for quality cans but I think too often we cheapen our can openers.

    China produces some high quality stuff but there is no standards to know what we are getting. That little country China refuses to let go has initiated some standards akin to those of Hong Kong when it was still part of Great Briton.

    What we are headed for under the socialist progressive direction is a wealthy elite and equally poor pauper class. Just My opinion.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Sep 20, 2017, at 11:42 PM
  • China's mfg. system is the only thing that keeps them competitive , it's 24/7 eleven months a year with the workers living on site , or mfg. facilities . They work , eat , and sleep in a secured area with little or no pay until the Chinese New Year when everybody gets to go home for a month .

    There is no guarantee they will get the same job back , People scramble and line up for jobs at these facilities all across the Nation to work for the next 11 months for little or no pay , housing , and food at the end of the Chinese New Year (first full moon cycle of January) .

    If anybody cuts off an arm , leg , or any other body part , they're thrown out and another is let in to take their place , the beat goes on . The rate of suicide is high .

    It's pretty much the same system all through out Southeast Asia too .

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 7:21 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 7:21 AM

    Yes Rick, and Americans fill the parking lots of places like Walmart with their "Buy Union" bumper stickers on their pickup trucks to snatch up the sweat shop manufactured products they sell.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 7:43 AM
  • Wheels

    Our Quality Control Team went over there once a year , when they came back they said it was the damnest thing they ever saw . Those factories are fenced in with guards , well the pics they showed us did . The inside were filthy too . It looked like a ***** ant colony to me , People running everywhere .

    Cigarettes were the nastiest things I ever tasted in my life..

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 8:29 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 8:29 AM

    Hard to imagine those kinds of working conditions in this day and age.

    Why aren't all of America's do gooders not protesting these conditions?

    Where is Antifa on this and all of our socialist minions.... I thought they were against slavery. To listen to them we were the last country in the world to ban slavery.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 9:08 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Scaggs on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 8:29 AM

    Rick: Been on trips to our customers, suppliers, and competitors and the successful ones have good quality control methods with safety and cleanliness at the forefront.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Thu, Sep 21, 2017, at 9:50 AM

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