Speak Out: Do you realize what is happening?

Posted by Givemeliberty on Mon, Dec 23, 2013, at 9:44 AM:

Governor Nixon "hired away" a GOP state representative to the Probation and Parole Board. It was Stoddard County's Dennis Fowler, R-151.

See the Southeast Missourian story here:


The story appeared online on December 13.

There are now two fewer GOP representatives in the state House, Jason Smith (R-120) having been elected to the U.S. House for Missouri's Eighth District in June. Both of these seats are, of course, vacant.

On December 2, Representative Steve Webb (D-67) of Florissant resigned.

If my math is correct, there are 108 Republicans, 52 Democrats, three vacancies in the 163-seat Missouri House. 108 is 66.25% of 163. This is less than the 2/3 required for veto override.

Get the picture?

Replies (6)

  • Of course I realized what was happening. Did you just now figure it out? The joke will be on Fowler when he finds out the gun Jay had to his head wasn't loaded. That's politics. Please keep me apprised when you find out the illegalities of this move.

    -- Posted by left turn on Mon, Dec 23, 2013, at 9:53 AM
  • left turn,

    No, I didn't "just now figure it out." I knew the Governor would avoid calling a special election to fill the 120th, because the MO Constitution says that "Writs of election to fill vacancies in either house of the general assembly shall be issued by the governor." There is no date specified, however. So he can delay.

    But of course you already knew all this.

    Then, after Steve Webb (D) resigned, it was only a matter of time before a Republican representative was tempted away.

    -- Posted by Givemeliberty on Mon, Dec 23, 2013, at 10:33 AM
  • Dennis will do a good job in his appointment to Probation and Parole Board. He is a law enforcement officer not a politician I have known him for years. Good appointment Gov.

    -- Posted by swampeastmissouri on Mon, Dec 23, 2013, at 3:39 PM
  • I never understood how Fowler got elected as a republican, no great loss of conservative representation.

    -- Posted by Old John on Mon, Dec 23, 2013, at 3:42 PM
  • Fowler was elected because he was the best man for the job. I also know his background and there's nothing wrong with wanting to do better, approx $80,000 yearly from $30,000.

    Congrats Dennis, you will do a great job.

    -- Posted by Dexterite1 on Tue, Dec 24, 2013, at 4:44 AM
  • Dexterite1,

    My point is not to impugn Mr. Fowler.

    My point is to highlight the calculus, so to speak, of the Governor's action. The Missouri Constitution says that the governor "shall" issue a writ of election. "Shall" is really a mandate; it's not "may" or "can", which are different. If he doesn't not provide for a special election--that is, one before the even-year August primary and November general election, then the spots will remain open until filled in that even-year election cycle (2014) AND the swearing-in of all the winners of that election in January of 2015. So, vacant until early 2015.

    That means that the CALCULUS (the mathematics) of the 2014 veto session, if any, is affected. What does it take to override? 2/3. Much of the impulse to override falls along party lines (though that isn't the way it has to be, certainly.) There will not be a 2/3 GOP majority to override in 2014.

    What, or who, is the casualty in all this?

    TENS of thousands of people who have NO REPRESENTATION in their state house of representatives!

    -- Posted by Givemeliberty on Tue, Dec 24, 2013, at 7:02 AM

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