Speak Out: Biden's Next Mistake Vol III

Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 1:03 AM:

Due to the abundance of material and the other thread becoming a little cumbersome, I have created Volume III

Replies (931)

  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 1:11 AM
  • President Biden's greatest gift to normal Americans is the eviction of Donald Trump from the White House.

    Nothing that SO conservatives say will change that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 6:35 AM
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    Leftau, you can chant that like a Primary School kid as long as you like, but the fact remains as an Administrator, he has Biden beat hands down, personality and mouth aside. Little Joe has failed miserably to handle the successes handed to him. The Southern Border being number one.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:02 AM
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    Nothing that SO conservatives say will change that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 6:35 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Is that your only defense of Turnip Brain Biden? BTW Lettau, how's that Biden Hyperinflation Tax working for you? It's only going to get worse according to the Fed for most of 2022 - good grief man, wake up!

    Let's Go Brandon! Invoke the 25th Amendment and get rid of this circus act that is in the White House (Nut House).

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:16 AM
  • Successes handed to him???

    Like covid-19 with the US having 4.5% of the world's population and 20 to 25% of the world's cases and deaths. Thanks.

    Like unilaterally "surrendering" to the Taliban and leaving it to others to fix things.

    Like losing millions of jobs and not knowing how to prevent that.

    Even on the border, what Trump did was illegal and immoral and luckily for him, he let the pandemic grow to a point where even the immigrants didn't want to enter.

    How is the US president "bowing" to Putin a Success.

    Those are failures, not "succsees."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:22 AM
  • "...as an administrator..."

    How about Trump's clear failure to "administer" the vaccine distribution? He was much too busy lying and whining about his loss, and "administering" an insurrection, to worry about what the American people needed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:27 AM
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    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:22 AM

    They are primarily fitments of your imagination Leftau. The Southern Border being the largest. Illegal you say? Keeping our laws from being broken? Why did the Supreme Court tell Littlr Joe to reinstate Trump"s Border policy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:29 AM
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    Leftau, what do you attribute the Democrats election loses to from coast to coast?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:31 AM
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    Does Biden dislike (google friendly) America that much to close a pipeline that will only increase the cost of oil and gas? Yep Democrats hope you are satisfied with your nonsmart senile demented Dictator-In-Chief....good grief!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:36 AM
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    Have to go for now, have much to do.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:36 AM
  • Not a gift, but he was successful in his campaign, causing Trump to fail in his.

    That's an accomplishment for which all normal (non cult) Americans will be eternally grateful.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:38 AM
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    With the new hires of an extra 87,000 IRS agents, the salaries (87,000x$32,000? depends on what pay grade) will amount to $2.8 billion per year, and to prove their worth they will have to at least find that much in American's tax returns errors/fraud. 1984 Big Brother and The Thought Police are here!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 9:07 AM
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    That's an accomplishment for which all normal (non cult) Americans will be eternally grateful.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:38 AM

    Apparently Lettau you haven't seen Turnip Brain Biden's falling poll numbers - the majority of Americans disprove of Biden. However, the Dominion voting machines love him! LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 9:38 AM
  • Seems those “normal” Democrats are having voters remorse in view of latest polling and the recent voting.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 10:25 AM
  • Did you see where the 6 term democrat state senate President was defeated by a Republican challenger that spent $153 dollars on his campaign?

    In NEW JERSEY!!!

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 10:32 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Perhaps you're missing the point. Fraud, recounts, audits are totally unnecessary if a republican wins.

    Bit more hypocrisy from the conservative side.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 11:09 AM
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    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 10:31 AM

    The Build Back Better $1.75 trillion bill will be voted on no earlier than 11/15/21....Congress is out spending taxpayers money on trips abroad.


    50 Dominion machines used in New Jersey broke down before the votes could be transferred into the totals was listed as an item in the news....wonder if they were in a Republican area in that razor thin overall vote totals?


    The Infrastructure Bill passed last night will only feed the pigs more taxpayers' money and IMO along with the Feds will increase the Hyperinflation tax on all Americans.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 11:22 AM
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    DT bet a donut the bridges, water, power grid will have very little, if any,improvement.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 12:01 PM
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    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 11:48 AM

    Turtle: Don't think that the Infrastructure Bill will improve much except in the big cities and then the fraud and corruption will take most of it. BTW, got on that new interchange off of I-55 going towards Jackson and thought that I was in a NASCAR road race. No problem with your Dominion machine comment, wonder if they are used in counting the votes in Congress on new Bills!

    VP Harris going to France to clean up after Biden and Pelosi on to Scotland to do likewise there....that Biden is a messy person.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 12:50 PM
  • Mr World,I too having avoided the new exchange went through it last evening at dusk. I raced go karts on tracks that were easier to maneuver. Pretty sure the designer was a devotee of Timothy Leary. Someone is gonna get confused and hate to see the end result. BTW,my CR was used as a bypass when the construction was going on and the traffic has increased since finished. Just anecdotal evidence it’s being avoided.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 1:24 PM
  • https://youtu.be/csDMuPkM_aI

    Either that’s vodka she’s drinking or dementia is contagious.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 5:57 PM
  • Rick S.,

    Seems like that before the last election Biden said he would work "accross the aisle" to get infrastructure done on a bipartisan basis.

    Guess what. That's called remembering to fulfill his "pre-election" agenda.

    You probably recall that Trump had about 100 "infrastructure weeks" and never got a thing passed. And that was because he was the "unqualified" one.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 7:18 PM
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    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 7:18 PM

    Leftau, would you guarantee us that 100% of the money goes into real infrastructure and no, zip, zero money goes into pork programs with the phony name infrastructure attached?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 7:47 PM
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    You probably recall that Trump had about 100 "infrastructure weeks" and never got a thing passed. And that was because he was the "unqualified" one.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 7:18 PM

    Lettau being a typical Democrat cultist, it is obvious that your entire existence centers around how much pork you can pass out and how many votes it will buy.

    You can hot mouth Trump all you.like, it changes nothing, he had business experience, Biden was strictly a swamp dwelling politician with no real accomplishments, unless you are counting the bribing of a foreign government to get a Prosecutor fired who was investigating a company who employed his kid at a high salary for his real abilities. And he did it with taxpayer dollars.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 8:08 PM
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    Screw Biden's pet projects. We have bigger problems in this country. Yes, the following is not my words, it came from the internet, but it bears a lot of truths.


    My Grandfather watched as his friends die in WWI ...

    My Father watched as his friends die in WWII and Korea...

    I watched as my friends fought and died in Vietnam...

    I watched as our friends and children fought and died in Desert Storm...

    I watched and waited while our friends and children fought and died in Iraq..

    None of them fought for or died for the Mexican Flag or any other foreign flag...

    Everyone fought for and died for the U.S. Flag!

    In Texas, a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down.

    Guess who was expelled... The kid who took it down.

    Kids in high school in California were sent home this year on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the American flag printed on them.

    Enough is enough.

    And every American needs to stand up for America.

    We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough...

    I'm taking a stand..

    I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. Flag can't stand up...

    And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message...

    Let me make this perfectly clear!


    And, my making this statement DOES NOT Mean I'm against immigration!!!



    To come through legally:

    1. Get a sponsor!

    2. Get a place to lay your head!

    3. Get a job!

    4.Live By OUR Rules!

    5.Pay YOUR Taxes!


    6.Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants have in the past!!


    7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime Savings of Social Security Funds to you.

    When will AMERICANS STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???

    We've gone so far the other way...

    Note: I see the unknown author as totally correct.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 9:37 PM
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    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 9:34 PM

    Someone sure nailed that description.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 9:40 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 6, 2021, at 9:52 PM
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    Now that Turnip Brain Biden has once again did the crawdad, Why does Biden think people who break the law entering the United States Illegally should be rewarded by the American taxpayer (current ACLU - you know the commies, request $450,000 each). If the Illegals didn't want to be separated while entering Illegally they should have not entered, then why would the government take money from hard working law abiding Americans to give it to people who are illegal?

    BTW, if the ACLU is so worried about Individual Rights - what about those American Citizens who do not want the covid vaccines, where is the ACLU lawsuit for them....hummmmm

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 7:59 AM
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    Has anyone else noticed that only Republicans are prosecuted or "Canceled" and as long as they remain good sheep democrats they have nothing to worry about as they are protected by the "No Prosecution for Democrats" clause in the Constitution? I’m sure it must be in there somewhere because nothing else explains the blind eye turned by the FBI and DOJ at every turn.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 8:32 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 8:57 AM
  • There is still a lot of carping about that Virginia election with all that hollering racist bull. Did those doing the carping not notice the newly elected Lt Governor?

    Gotta love those racist Democrats.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 10:31 AM
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    - Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 10:31 AM

    Never mind the news, Leftau will be by to set all of us straight, soon as he gets his updated DNC talking points.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 10:53 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    What carping?

    It's a fact that one of Youngkin's campaign promises up to the end of his run, was he would ban critical race theory from being taught in Virginia schools on "day one."

    It's also a fact that CRT is not taught in Virginia schools, other than possibly in graduate law school classes.

    So why would he feel he had to make that "pledge?" I'm sure that his Lt. Governor could have easily explained the second fact to him.

    I believe that you'd be astute enough figure out the reason for his needless CRT "promise."

    It's just one more example of the lack of respect for the truth within the republican party.

    Incidentally, he also confessed to support for the big lie during his primary campaign, and then "shunned" Trump after being nominated. Funny, right?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 11:28 AM
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    Come on Man, Lettau get with the CRT program and confess your white sins to Turnip Brain Biden!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 12:41 PM
  • All that and not a word about the actual racist accusations I pointed out,Mr Lettau.

    About that CRT thing. Do you let the rattlesnake bite you before you kill it?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 12:48 PM
  • Pooting Joe finally spoke some truth when he “let one go” in front of Duchess Camilla. Best thing that’s ever come out of him.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 12:56 PM
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    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 12:56 PM

    See, what did I tell you, the taking points have already been distributed.

    And delivered per.....

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 11:28 AM

    Leftau, so you are a racist if you oppose that Critical Race Theory BS being instilled in our school children.

    My good friend Richared B. was correct a couple of years ago when he recommended sending your children to an approved parochial school vs send them to public school. God rest his soul.

    The Democrats want to instill Socialism into our children. My opinion, teach them to read write and think, not what to think. Leave their training on values to the parents.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 1:32 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Just curious. Can you describe what CRT is?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 1:47 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Apparently you also have no idea of what CRT is.

    It is definitely not being "instilled" and neither is socialism being "instilled."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 1:51 PM
  • Didn't think either of you did.

    I'm guessing that all you know is that CRT is about black people and you don't like it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 2:41 PM
  • Dang,I wasn’t aware I was on standby before you decided what I did or didn’t think about anything. I’ll just post something from a big proponent here:

    Critical race theory assumes multiple ideas, such as 1.) racism is an essential element of American culture, 2.) White over Black involves not only material social relations but also has an immense ideological presence in society, 3.) This presence is what critical race theorists call “racism as a social construct” where individuals are limited in their free agency because they are bound, in part, by their particular social class, and 4.) law is an important glue that legitimizes the hierarchy of race, class, and gender inequality.

    That’s from Malik Simba. As with every good intention others take the original concept and bastardize it to suit their particular views.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 4:33 PM
  • And just in case you aren’t familiar with Dr Simba:

    Dr. Simba is the author of “Black Marxism and American Constitutionalism: From the Colonial Background through the Ascendancy of Barack Obama and the Dilemma of Black Lives Matter”

    Nope,no Marxism here.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 4:36 PM
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    WOW, Lettau got slapped by DA Braswell (Rock)....LOL at Lettau as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 5:01 PM
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    Since VP Harris and Pelosi are out of the country, now would be a good time to close all borders and entry points of the USA....then Impeach Biden!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 5:03 PM
  • One thing I’ve learned from my short time here. My facts are lies and distortions and Mr Lettau’s “opinions” are facts.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 5:34 PM
  • Close the border? Just have to pay those illegals $450,000 to come back in.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 6:05 PM
  • Great that you found one definition of CRT. Based on that definition, do you actually believe that is being taught in Virginia grade schools and high schools.

    Simba's opinion is his right but just because you found a Marxist's definition doesn't mean that CRT has anything to do with Marxism.

    Which facts that I gave you have you reclassified as opinion?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 6:13 PM
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    Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 6:13 PM

    LOL LOL Ouch Lettau did that slap hurt? How many definitions do you need - oh till one suits your agenda. Come on Man!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 6:32 PM
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    Started to send this earlier this afternoon, before I had to leave and failed to hit save...

    Leftau, no I have not studied Critical Race Theory but the name speaks volumes and if parents don't want it drilled into their children by left leaning teachers that is good enough for me. I thought children quit being the property of the state with Adolf Hitler in Germany and Communist Russia.

    Obviously, being a loyal Democrat cultist you believe in it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 7:15 PM
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    Further Leftau, if you think the left leaning teachers aren't promoting their ideals off onto America's children you have no idea what is going on in this country.

    Over 65 years ago we had a left leaning Democrat on the staff trying to promote his ideals off onto us.

    I will repeat the schools are here to teach kids to read and write, which I see failure at in way too many cases. It is the parents responsibility to teach morals and ideals.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 7:23 PM
  • "...the name speaks volumes..."

    How so, Mr. VanGennip? Youngkin ranted about something that was never taught.

    Your and his interpretation seem to be, I don't know what it is, even so, I don't like it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 8:04 PM
  • Is it possible that Youngkin was trying to scare Virginia parents into drawing the same faulty conclusions that you did?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 8:14 PM
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    What is more true Leftau is you have no idea of what you are talking about and are just parroting your cults talking points.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 8:35 PM
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    Race left alone would heal itself. What a man is has much more to do with the respect he is given than what color he is with me. I have friends on both sides of the color line and I have folks I have little use for because of what they are, on both sides of the color line.

    It is you who tried throwing color into it Lettau, as follows.....

    I'm guessing that all you know is that CRT is about black people and you don't like it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 2:41 PM

    Instead of guessing Leftau try using reason some time.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 8:48 PM
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    Leftau, try getting your information from someone besides CNN. You might be surprised about what goes on with a little news outside the DNC talking points and the Communist News Network.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 9:04 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 9:11 PM
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    WOW, Wheels just spanked Lettau - that's twice in one day for Lettau....guys you will cause Lettau to fade away just like a Biden gas passage (google friendly).

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 9:11 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    So Ms. Schultz agrees, CRT is not being taught to grade school and high school students.

    Did you not read the last paragraph?

    Could it be that Youngkin's "ban" is nothing more than a "dog whistle" aimed at white parents?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 10:30 PM
  • Perhaps you should try being a bit more realistic and honest instead of just quoting the "conservative news network."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 10:36 PM
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    "So, yes Virginia; despite protestations of school boards in Fairfax and Loudoun that they are not “teaching” it, there has been a comprehensive, deliberative, and manipulative effort of school staff and the school boards, underway for years. The tactics have been advised and funded by outside progressive consultants, groups, and money - then intentionally expanded statewide - to embrace and deeply-embed critical race theory in our schools.

    Elizabeth L. Schultz is a Senior Fellow for Parents Defending Education. Elizabeth served as an official in the U.S. Department of Education, was twice-elected to the Fairfax County School Board, and is an education and public policy expert with more than 25 years of experience in asset management, information technology, and global and K-12 education. She is the mother of four sons, three former FCPS students and one current student."

    Is the above what you are talking about Leftau?

    First off, I think you would find the Fairfax County Times a lot closer to the situation than the Communist News Network is and are definitely not strictly a Conservative Paper as CNN is a Leftist Rag.

    Unless someone fights back this divisive BS will be the order of the day in our schools.

    And no Leftau Youngkin's "ban" is npt a dog whistle, it is a promise of help to the citizens of Virginia who oppose outside leftist sources from demanding what they must teach in their schools. Indoctrination is a better term for it and you know it Lefty. No child being sent to school, no matter his race or color should be taught that he should be ashamed of what he is. This is the kind of divisive BS that was brought to us by the greatest divider in America in 100 years, Barrack Hussein Obama.

    Thank you Governor Elect Youngkin for standing up for the citizens you represent, instead of some insidious political part with an agenda.

    Further, Leftau. with her credentials, I will take Ms. Schultz's word on what is going on over yours any day.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 7, 2021, at 11:10 PM
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    I don't really understand CRT will have to research it. As far as basic math DT, I think Common Core is the "new math". As someone who has had college level calculus I still cannot comprehend it and wonder how it will fit into advanced math for those kids who want to be engineers, physicists, math teachers etc. Maybe I am just old.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 7:17 AM
  • Mr.VanGennip,

    Still having problems with the truth?

    It is a fact that CRT is not taught in Virginia K-12 classes, and with her credentials, I'm sure Ms. Schultz is aware of that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:01 AM
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    BS Spearder Lettau: That "Dog Whistle" that you spoke of is the latest words of the day put out by the DNC and their propaganda arm of the news media - CNN & MSNBC, which they introduced after the tremendous defeat of the Dems in Virginia and almost upset in New Jersey - yep, "Dog Whistle" used by the Talking Heads to try to make light (google friendly) of the White Voters in those two states....can you say Racist? LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:06 AM
  • Rick S.,

    I'd suggest that the "common core" example shown in the video is only to demonstrate exactly how and why the "standard math" multiplication works. It doesn't mean that standard math can't or won't be used.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:08 AM
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    I have a cousin who is teaching her Grandson how to write cursive as they are not teaching him that in school. What are these kids going to do, sign with an X and look for a witness who can write? I thought that went out before my Grandfather's time.

    Teach the primary school children the basics and leave the theoretical BS for college students where they can elect to study all of the non usable BS that will not get them a job, but will get them a large debt and a nice piece of paper to hang on the wall.

    When my kids went to college my advice was, keep your common sense. One knew exactly what she wanted to do, the other had no idea. The one who knew exactly what she wanted changed her major twice, the other made her decision sometime during her freshman year and they both came out with accounting degrees and passed the CPA test, one passing it her first time through which was almost unheard of in that day as it was all done at the same time over about three days in Jefferson City. Today, my Grandson did the same number, but was required to take a year of graduate work to take the test but only took one section of the test at a time starting while still in school.

    Parent participation in a child's growing up and education is key. Force feeding political ideologies has no place in primary school education or high school either for that matter. Teach them to think, not what to think.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:26 AM
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    WOW, the Turnip Brain Biden voters are turning on his Socialist policies!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:32 AM
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    It is a fact that CRT is not taught in Virginia K-12 classes, and with her credentials, I'm sure Ms. Schultz is aware of that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:01 AM

    It is also a fact that outside so called progressives are pushing to have it required teaching and that is largely what this election was about, not your "dog whistle" herring you tried to drag over the path.

    That and Americans are tired of Joe Biden politics and the Democratic Party.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:32 AM
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    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:32 AM

    Day it ain't so Semo471, Uly may go into a state of depression.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:36 AM
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    "He damm well knows Lakota too , btw"

    As he should, and he should always be proud of his heritage. The best for him!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:39 AM
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    "That term "dog whistle" is a new one on my wrinkle , when did that catch phrase come about , it all depends on the dog , no ?"

    I think it is a political term you use when you don't have a logical argument to put forth.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:45 AM
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    "Dog Whistle" used by the Talking Heads to try to make light (google friendly) of the White Voters in those two states....can you say Racist? LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:06 AM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 9:00 AM
  • Rick S.,

    An actual "dog whistle" is one with a high frequency that is above the human hearing range, but in a range that dogs can hear.

    In politics it's when a candidate says something in a manner that his "base" or target audience understands but not recognized by the general public, and the true meaning is thereby "camouflaged."

    Like saying you're going to ban a non-existent topic.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 9:58 AM
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    Turtle: The CNN and MSNBC talking heads said that Republican Youngkin "dog whistle" the Trump MAGA White voters and they came running to vote!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 10:02 AM
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    Like saying you're going to ban a non-existent topic.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 9:58 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Much like saying that Turnip Brain Biden has gray matter between the ears!! (google friendly)

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 10:05 AM
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    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 10:15 AM

    Turtle: A person has to know what the enemy is talking about so as to make a reasonable comment unlike what Lettau does.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 10:38 AM
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    In the reality of politics it is opposition BS when they loose.

    If I were a parent with school children I would fight tooth and toenail to keep any Leftist propaganda out of my child's classrooms.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 11:09 AM
  • Rick S.,

    I agree with completely.

    The point is that schools are not teaching "leftist ideology."

    Certainly the internet can show you anecdotal examples, but that's not the normal and average situation.

    I spent several years substitute teaching around here and have never seen any examples of "leftist ideology." I also have 4 grandkids in grade school and neither they nor their parents have complained about "leftist ideology" being taught.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 11:38 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 11:26 AM

    Turtle was referring to CNN & MSNBC, those fake news folks.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 11:38 AM
  • *

    "A sharp increase in heating bills is expected this winter as prices for oil, gas and other fuels are surging worldwide. In fact, the United States government said on Wednesday that it expects homes to see heating bills jump as much as 54% compared to last winter," according to The Associated Press.Oct 14, 2021

    Thanks to the Demented Biden Administration! Can you say Hyperinflation!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 12:58 PM
  • *

    Rick S.,

    I agree with completely.

    The point is that schools are not teaching "leftist ideology."

    Certainly the internet can show you anecdotal examples, but that's not the normal and average situation.

    I spent several years substitute teaching around here and have never seen any examples of "leftist ideology." I also have 4 grandkids in grade school and neither they nor their parents have complained about "leftist ideology" being taught.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 11:38 AM

    BS Leftau, you are one, pushing Leftist BS constantly.

    So you substitute taught in Bollinger County I presume. How many Leftist Democrats do you think you created?

    As I have said before, we had a Democrat pushing the BS when I was in high school in the 50's. Far as I know he never succeeded.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 1:05 PM
  • Again you assume wrong.

    American schools don't create "leftists."

    Just one more conservative conspiracy theory.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 4:06 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 4:06 PM

    More BS!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 4:40 PM
  • *

    We dis-agree , if one's fake , they're all fake .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 2:52 PM

    True we disagree - but hey that's America. The only thing that I would like to point out is that I have seen the same storyline on CNN & MSNBC vs Fox & Newsmax and it was the complete opposite reporting so which one is true, they both can't be! The best way to know for sure is to see the storyline live and then watch the news media coverage on it. IMO, Fox and Newsmax by far are more reliable in the coverage that I have compared.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 4:41 PM
  • *

    American schools don't create "leftists."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 4:06 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: You are correct for once. Schools don't create Leftists the Liberal Teachers create Liberal ideas that are implanted into the young minds of their students. Just teach the facts and let opinions stay out of the curriculum.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 4:51 PM
  • *

    If Turnip Brain Biden doesn't want to fall even lower in the approval percentage then he and his demented administration should quit this insane money giveaway program for the Illegals who due to Their Fault were separated at the border when they entered Illegally into the USA!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:17 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:29 PM

    Hopefully, it will pass but with a Democratic majority plus a few RINO Republicans who are actually Democrats, I don't see it happening.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:48 PM
  • *

    38% approval for Biden and 28% for Harris - good grief!

    Let's Go Brandon

    Let's Go VP Brandon

    May God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 8:50 PM
  • *

    Re: $450,000 to illegals. The price for buying votes has escalated even for Democrats. Guess it's that inflation, uh, uh, you know, the thing!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 10:57 PM
  • *

    Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 8, 2021, at 10:57 PM

    Wheels: Careful or you will have Biden pointing that finger and making that creepy face at you like he did a reporter for asking a question about paying off the Illegals who were separated at the border due to their Fault of entering Illegally into the USA!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 7:53 AM
  • *

    Wait until that story goes viral across the Southern Border.

    Hurry, hurry, go north Senior Biden is buying votes.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 8:11 AM
  • *

    If a person did not get an 8.6% raise this year then you are losing money every month due to Biden's Hyperinflation tax on all items purchased, no matter your income - it's that Tax that keeps on giving thing!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 9:11 AM
  • Mumbling Joe joins a group of Presidents known just by their initials.

    There’s FDR,JFK,LBJ and now we have FJB.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 10:32 AM
  • *

    VP Harris is over in France trying to clean up Turnip Brain Biden's mess with their President Macron....hope she doesn't start a war! Wonder if Harris will be going to the Vatican to clean up another mess there left in a dumpster by the ooops Biden?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 10:58 AM
  • Anyone guess at a translation:

    Joe Biden: "Time is money. As one computer said, if you’re on the train and they say portal bridge you know you better make other plans."

    If he is trying to talk about the old Portal Bridge that’s a great analogy. It get stuck quite often just like Joe.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 11:07 AM
  • Hey Head Inflator Joe,you gonna brag about this years anticipated rise of a typical Thanksgiving dinner? You were all a flutter after that “I saved you .16 cents” on the 4th.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 1:53 PM
  • *

    If you miss the virtual meeting between Biden and China's leader Xi next week, it will be rerun on Sesame Street!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 6:34 PM
  • Now that Durham is closing in on Clinton and the fake Russian collusion I wonder how long before he “commits suicide”?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 6:37 PM
  • More conservative confusion...

    The Mueller report clearly identified significant factual evidence and refuted Trump's claim of no collusion and no obstruction.

    Durham fumbles around for a couple of years and now everything's Clinton's fault.


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 7:34 PM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 7:34 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: You might want to read your comments before hitting that enter key....senile Mueller and his report did not say a thing about Trump that would be considered criminal - looks like Hillary will be measured for an Orange Jumpsuit shortly....BTW, what's illegal is Turnip Brain Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandates. Guess you agree along with Biden to ignore the District Court Judge's temporary halt on the businesses vaccine mandate - isn't ignoring a Judge's order a criminal offense? Has Pelosi started the Impeachment proceedings yet? LOL at you Lettau as always.

    Let's Go Brandon

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 7:47 PM
  • Fumbled around? That’s a good one.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 8:40 PM
  • *

    - Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 9, 2021, at 8:40 PM

    You got to overlook Leftau, he is still smarting from the loss Crooked Hillary took back in 2016.

    I don't think there is any question that Hillary and Bill should both be fitted for orange jumpsuits.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 8:40 AM
  • *

    While Kamala Harris is jet setting to Paris, Illegal crossings on our southern border are higher than ever. While Turnip Brain Biden is sleeping on the job, businesses can’t get supplies and grocery bills keep rising. This administration could not be more out of touch with American families.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 9:18 AM
  • *

    To The Climate Change nonsmart folks (google friendly), this is what China is doing to clean the atmosphere:


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 9:29 AM
  • Nice picture to show what’s going on while Kerry promises to shut down our coal plants.

    Hey,weren’t we told there’s no CRT being taught in Virginia?


    Well,I’ll be darned!

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 10:46 AM
  • *

    Just saw an article, inflation is at it's highest level since 1990.

    Attached boy Joe!!!

    Waiting for a clarification from Leftau... like it's Trump's fault.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 10:49 AM
  • He really is off in a La La Land:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 11:01 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    You still don't get it. That school systems are aware of it as an analytical tool does not translate to direct K-12 classroom instruction.

    It's not that hard to understand.

    It's not being taught.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 12:01 PM
  • You even read the post?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 12:18 PM
  • While the Va DOE often repeats that analytical tool phrase there is never a neutral analytical tool. Always biased one way or another. If the teachers are being taught you think it doesn’t get to the classroom?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 12:44 PM
  • *

    It's not being taught.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 12:01 PM

    Leftau DA showed you proof it was. Other than your opinion how about showing proof it is not being taught.

    Your problem you would back any Democratic lie no matter what!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 1:11 PM
  • *

    No way for kids who have a high tolerance against the covid should take the shot!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 4:06 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    I'm still waiting for your evidence proving that K-12 students are specifically being instructed in CRT in their classrooms.

    It's not happening.

    The analytical actions and procedures taking place way over the classroom level are not proof that kindergarteners are taught how race theory influences various aspects of societal interactions.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 4:06 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Does 23,000 public schools in 1,500 school districts all across the USA spending $27 million for CRT books meet your approval of evidence of CRT being taught in schools? Using Google is not that difficult to find out things that you don't know - have your neighbor kid help you out!

    "In the OpenTheBooks government expenditure library posted online, there are at least $27 million in payments to Panorama from states, school districts, and local boards of education across 21 states between the years 2017 and 2020."


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 5:42 PM
  • I hope this Kyle Rittehouse has a sane jury that’s really interested in justice. After Rittenhouse’ trial by the standard racist repetition at CNN and MSDNC that already hung him he deserves a fair treatment.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 5:54 PM
  • *

    Thanks to Turnip Brain Biden it's going to be a costly Winter to keep your family warm (Hyperinflation)....what will happen to the cost for Electricity when all of those Biden sheep start buying Electric Cars and using all of that Electricity - could there be brownouts because under Biden coal fired electric plants will be shut down. However, China can proceed with more coal fired electric plants which will end the world earlier than excepted if you believe that Climate Change BS.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 6:07 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 6:07 PM


    If Biden keeps issuing dictatorial mandates, people's blood is going to boil causing a need for less heat.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 7:36 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: What no comments on my Nov 10, 2021, at 5:42 PM posting pointing out that CRT is being taught in public schools.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 7:46 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 7:46 PM

    Semo471, have you ever seen him admit he was wrong to date. Don't hold your breath while you wait.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 9:20 PM
  • *

    Wheels: We don't have to worry about Climate Change destroying the USA - Turnip Brain Biden is doing it already!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 9:32 PM
  • *

    I agree. He is going to make Jimmy Carter's disastrous administration, look tame in comparison. Highest inflation rate in 21 years.

    But hey, why should we worry, Leftau says he saved us from Trump.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 10:36 PM
  • *

    "IMO there's a loss of Critical Thinking across the board anymore , it reaches beyond race."

    Rick I think you have that correct!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 6:59 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:38 AM

    Turtle: Very True....good old fashion Common Sense is a rarity in government and in everyday life!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:07 AM
  • *

    Well as Leftau says, he saved us from Trump.,

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:23 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Lettau seems to have gone back to the underground while waiting on his DNC marching orders!


    More bad news for the Democrats, good grief a year to go till the midterms! Will there still be a Free America come Nov. of 2024 or will the USA be a territory of China?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 10:21 AM
  • *

    Turtle: Hope that you are correct! You are more optimistic than I am. I'm concerned that our enemies will try to take advantage of our weak (none) leadership.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 11:07 AM
  • *

    Schaefer's World Opinion on Veterans Day 2021:

    Our military has to be strong in all ways at all times and not to assume that things will work itself out. Remember Pearl Harbor when America got caught napping? In today's warfare that is a formula for defeat. Time to poke Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea and tell them LET'S GO BRANDON (Google friendly).

    Also, America needs to be monetary strong and not be dependent on any country for financial or energy help....our forefathers/mothers built this country by the sweat of their brows not to have the Freedoms that they fought and died for taken away or diminished in any certain terms.

    God Bless the USA, our Soldiers, and our peace loving citizens!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 2:02 PM
  • *

    You can see most anything on the internet.

    A friend sent this.

    If only 50% of it is true we have a definite problem in this country.

    Check it out....


    Subject: The Swamp is Deep and is Very Thick!

    You may have seen some of this but there is more for your interest.

    Subject: To Kick Off Another Week In America As We Are "Waking Up?" ....

    “Things you must know If You Want To Be Informed?

    The Facts Speak.... ‘













    Now you know why no one is investigated. They all have their hands in the cookie jar! You might remember James Comey who investigated the Clinton email scandal and the Clinton Foundation, and made the final decision to not recommend prosecution by the DOJ.

    It turns out that the Clinton Foundation was audited by the law firm DLA Piper. One of the executives there was in charge of the Clinton Foundation audit.

    Who was it? Peter Comey, James Comey’s brother. Peter Comey held an executive position with the Washington law firm that did the audit of the Clinton foundation in 2015. Peter Comey was officially DLA Piper “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas,” in 2015 when the Clinton Foundation scandals first broke and Hillary was preparing her Presidential campaign. Not only was DLA Piper, the firm where Comey’s brother worked involved in the audit of the Clinton Foundation, but according to the foundation’s donor records, DLA Piper has given between $50 - 100k to the Foundation. It gets even cozier. DLA Piper executive Douglas Emhoff is taking an extended leave of absence from the firm. Who is Douglas Emhoff? He is the husband of KAMALA HARRIS! Just a coincidence? Amazing if it is. You can't make this stuff up! Another example of the DC swamp.”

    And it only gets worse. This "Family Tree" will make your head spin . . THE SWAMP IS DEEP!!

    Dominion (voting machine provider) serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states - - The state of Texas rejected the machines.

    - Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden's transition team.

    - Neffenger was the President of the board of Smartmatic

    - Smartmatic (another voting machine supplier) entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009

    - Smartmatic counted votes in Venezuela

    - Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud

    - Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros (-he and Brown are life-long friends)

    - Brown chairs the Boards of a number of non-profit boards including the Open Society Foundation,

    - Brown chairs the Centre for Global Development.

    - Open society of course is owned by George Soros

    - Smartmatic partnered with DLA Piper Global

    - Douglas C. Emhoff works at DLA Piper Global

    - Douglas C. Emhoff is Kamala Harris's husband

    - Guess who owns Dominion? - -Blum Capital Partners, L.P.

    - Guess who is on the board for the company? -- Richard C.Blum.

    - Richard C. Blum is Dianne Feinstein's husband.

    - Nancy Pelosi's husband is also a major investor

    - An aide to Nancy Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, was hired by Dominion Voting Systems

    And it goes on & ON!!

    - Dominion Voting Systems is listed on the Clinton Foundation website.

    - Dominion Voting is listed as a $25,000 -$50,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 by The Washington Post

    - Georgia Governor Kemp used Dominion Voting after Texas and Florida rejected them

    - Dominion has a lobbyist named Jared Thomas

    - Jared Thomas was Governor Brian Kemp’s chief of staff and press secretary from 2012 to 2015

    - You must remember the Feinstein-Kavanaugh-Soros connections to understand this next information

    - Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) worked for George-Soros at the Open Society Foundation.

    - Debra Katz (Christine Ford's lawyer) also worked at Project on Government Oversight (POGO).

    - POGO is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation.

    - POGO is the co-signer of the letter Diane Feinstein presented against Kavanaugh's nomination.

    - Kamala Harris did not prosecute OneWest Bank for their fraud when she had the authority - Soros owned OneWest Bank.

    - Now you know why a woman who placed 7th in her State when running for President is now VP.

    God Bless America!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 3:11 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 4:04 PM
  • What's your point.

    All of that "word salad" equates to nothing.

    Hope you didn't waste time retyping all that nonsense.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 4:06 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Does 23,000 public schools in 1,500 school districts all across the USA spending $27 million for CRT books meet your approval of evidence of CRT being taught in schools? Using Google is not that difficult to find out things that you don't know - have your neighbor kid help you out!

    "In the OpenTheBooks government expenditure library posted online, there are at least $27 million in payments to Panorama from states, school districts, and local boards of education across 21 states between the years 2017 and 2020."


    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Nov 10, 2021, at 5:42 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: What no comments on my Nov 10, 2021, at 5:42 PM posting pointing out that CRT is being taught in public schools.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Nov 10, 2021,

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:08 PM
  • $27 Million for CRT books???

    What is the title and author of 1 of those books that are given to students and are being used in the classroom.?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:23 PM
  • *

    What's your point.

    All of that "word salad" equates to nothing.

    Hope you didn't waste time retyping all that nonsense.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 4:06 PM

    My point is politics stink and Democratic politics especially so.

    No Leftau I did not type it. Wasn’t necessary, have you not yet heard of copy and paste. I did so while I was waiting for someone, and on my phone.

    Feel free to dispute what you think isn't true.

    I did not dream it up but it was sent to me by someone I consider reliable and doesn't come from a really red state. At least I don't think Michighan is a red state.

    Just a blank it isn't so won't get it. I especially am familiar with certain parts I know are true and the rest can be checked as time permits. Personally I have a tendency to believe all of it.

    How about you give me just one point that isn't true?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:28 PM
  • "The swamp is deep."

    ...is just one silly claim out of the entire "word salad."

    As I asked before, what's your point?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:40 PM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:23 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Just read the link and if you have any questions just use that Google thing - have a concert to attend. If you still have questions I'll answer them tomorrow morning.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:50 PM
  • Just give us the title and author of CRT books being used in the classroom by K-12 students.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:54 PM
  • *

    As I asked before, what's your point?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:40 PM

    Try absorbing what you read, I already told you once. What out of the "word salad" did you find to not be factual?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 6:54 PM
  • So your "word salad" contains facts about who's related to who.

    Republicans probably have relatives too, what's your point?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:05 PM
  • "My point is politics stink and Democratic politics especially so."

    Democrats don't live by a big lie.

    Democrats don't worship Trump or his cult.

    Democrats don't organize insurgencies to try to overthrow a legally and honestly elected President.

    Democrats are honest compared to republicans.

    Democrats support America.

    Democrats don't idolize money.

    The biggest "stink" in politics today is the republican inability and unwillingness to speak the truth about Trump.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:18 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:18 PM

    You asked what my point was and I told you. Your response to that was self serving BS.

    The body of the document I copied and pasted to the post, you didn't touch. Haven't found anything in there that you didn't see as being factual would be my take on your failure.

    And this I found especially humorous...

    "Democrats don't idolize money."

    I will give you three quick examples of Democrats who have literally done nothing but became millionaires through politics.

    1.) Barrack Hussein Obama

    2.) AL Gore

    3.) Joe Biden

    There are many others. Take for instance, the Kennedy's. And most Democrats, not all, got their wealth through politics, while most Republicans earned theirs.

    Leftau you should not let your envy of those who used their brain and became independent and self sufficient show like it does.

    That old cliche you just voiced a version of in the quote above does not hold water and never did, but it does seem to work with the uneducated who made poor choices. Certainly seems ro have worked on you.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:42 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:18 PM

    What would you like to see Leftau, people whining incessantly about Trump like you have been since about 48 hours after he trounced crooked Hillary Clinton back in 2016.

    Yes Google it is civil after I removed Lectau's words.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 8:57 PM
  • *

    Semo471, something just popped up on my screen.... wish your girl friend a very happy birthday!!

    Hope you didn't forget it, or you will be in trouble.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:06 PM
  • "...those that used their brain..."

    Other than yourself, who are you referring to?

    Perhaps millionaires like McConnell, Mitchell and 28 other Republicans that are part of the 50 richest members of Congress.

    I'm sure it's only republicans that work hard...


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:40 PM
  • There may be a few honest Republicans in Congress today, but very few.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:44 PM
  • *

    There may be a few honest Republicans in Congress today, but very few.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:44 PM

    And how many honest Democrats do you suppose there are?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 10:09 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 6:04 AM

    Rick there was one exception to that recently in Virginia I believe where the truck driver beat the career petition and only spent about $650.

    Definitely an exception to the rule. Bet that was an embarrasssment to the career politician.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 6:41 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:44 PM

    Come on Leftau, how many honest Democrats have you found? Or can't you find any. You ran your mouth on Republicans. We need to know if you are being factional or is it just some more of your partisan bulletin.

    And it could reflect on your own honesty. Ever think of that when you start down that road?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 6:47 AM
  • *

    wish your girl friend a very happy birthday!!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 9:06 PM

    Wheels: Didn't forget girlfriend, took her to a Billy Swan (hit song - I Can Help) a Cape Girardeau native who came back home for the Cape Veterans Home fundraiser concert. Jerry Ford had his big band there also and of course did some patriotic music.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:44 AM
  • My opinion is that the democrats in Congress are all as honest as the 15 to 20 republicans that are on record denying the big lie and voting in a bipartisan manner.

    The dishonesty of the remaining 200 or so republicans is confirmed by their embrace of the big lie.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:47 AM
  • *

    $27 Million for CRT books???

    What is the title and author of 1 of those books that are given to students and are being used in the classroom.?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 11, 2021, at 5:23 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: If you did some math and not so fast to try to get that gotcha moment, you would have divided $27 million by 23,000 schools and arrive at $1,174 per school for a total of 3 YEARS as mentioned in the link that I provided but apparently you didn't see it. $391 per school per year is not much money with the cost of textbooks. As far as the name and author the link as you know did not provide it and that's not the issue here - it's the fact that CRT is being taught in the public schools in the USA....good try at spinning and twisting the facts. BTW, if you need a title and author try: CRT For Liberals To Indoctrinate America's Children, written by Turnip Brain Biden with comments by China's Leader Xi.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 8:13 AM
  • *

    the big lie.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:47 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Every time you come up with this, all I have to do is to say look at the Big Lie who was appointed to sleep in the White House (Nut House) basement with an approval rate of now ONLY 38% and his VP Harris of ONLY 28%....good grief man get your head from old Turnip's behind. BTW Lettau how's that Biden Hyperinflation tax on almost everything purchased on ALL Americans working for you?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 8:20 AM
  • So there are no CRT books being used in K-12 classes.

    Mr. Schaefer knew that was the case but simply couldn't help but be dishonest about it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 9:29 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:47 AM

    Oh I see, that's only your opinion. Opinions from cultist Democrats are worth less than the cyberspace they are spread in.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 9:49 AM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 9:29 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Once again just to make it clear to you Lettau, CRT is being taught in schools that's because 23,000 schools bought $27 million dollars worth of books from Panorama between 2017 and 2020, you got it now, don't think school boards would spend that much money on books just to let them stay in storage boxes - do you Lettau? If not have your neighbor's 6 year old kid explain it to you.

    And before posting your nonsense of book names and authors that's not the issue here....come on man just admit that you were wrong and you knew it from the start - enough said, you have been corrected now for the umpteenth time.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 9:56 AM
  • *

    Americans are waking up that's why Turnip Brain Biden's approval LOL is only 38% and his VP Harris of ONLY 28%....good grief man get your head from old Turnip's behind.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 9:58 AM
  • How does the fact that about 200 members of Congress refuse to deny the big lie devolve into an "opinion?"

    That fact confirms Congressional republican dishonesty.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:30 AM
  • *

    Lettau: Why don't you try to defend the failed policies of Turnip Brain Biden....Hyperinflation, open borders, increased national deficit/debt, unconstitutional vaccine mandates, climate change hoax , Afghanistan Withdrawal Fiasco, oil/gas independence to dependency, weak senile Demented president who is the laughting stock of the world....just to name a few of Turnip's miscues in only 10 months. God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM
  • *

    How does the fact that about 200 members of Congress refuse to deny the big lie devolve into an "opinion?"

    That fact confirms Congressional republican dishonesty.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:30 AM

    What is the requirement they do so? Or is that another one of your self declared Littmus tests. I didn't know there was a requirement that Americans had to submit an opinion on that.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 11:09 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 11:11 AM

    You are correct.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 11:14 AM
  • *

    Guess Leftau has found yet where his little Litmus test is a requirement for all US citizens.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:03 PM
  • Rick S.,

    Agree in part. It would be fantastic if Trump would simply fade away.

    The problem is that republicans still worship the ground he walks on as demonstrated by their refusal to tell the truth about his loss.

    There are only a handful right now that are willing to stand up to his lies.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:17 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:17 PM

    Poor old Leftau, he's still smarting over Trump's trouncing Hillary. You seem to be really concerned that Trump may have lied like most politicians do and seem to hVe no concern about Biden's bald faced lies.

    Yes Google it is civil.

    Have you found a requirement that says all Americans must denounce Trump to please you?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 12:33 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Let's Go Brandon! What no defense for Turnip Brain Biden's failed policies as listed in my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:26 PM
  • That's not a requirement, but either way about 75% of Americans already have "renounced" him.

    The issue remains, that the republican politicians (with a few notable exceptions) seem to be totally incapable of publicly stating he lied. They almost all admit that privately but do not have the courage to say so out loud to their voters.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:33 PM
  • *

    Trump lives rent free in poor little Biden Sheep Lettau's head! Any replies yet Lettau to my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments? Now that's bad when you can't defend your leader's failed policies....LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:56 PM
  • So you still can't produce an actual title and author of a CRT book being used in K-12 classrooms.

    Thought that would be the case.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 2:20 PM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 2:20 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Don't need to since I proved my point! If you remember or if you suffered as does Biden from memory loss the original question was if CRT was taught in public schools. Now just watch Fantasy Biden White House reruns and leave the Adults to this tread.

    LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 2:29 PM
  • *

    The issue remains, that the republican politicians (with a few notable exceptions) seem to be totally incapable of publicly stating he lied. They almost all admit that privately but do not have the courage to say so out loud to their voters.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:33 PM

    Why do you feel it is necessary, many voters feel thew were screwed as well. I have heard it. Right now they do not trust their government.

    Why not concentrate on Biden's lies. He is the President. God save America.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 3:56 PM
  • *

    Oh, and Leftau, I wouldn't trust that snake, Biden, as far as I could throw him.

    Yes Google it is civil.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 3:58 PM
  • "Screwed" how?

    Have you not figured out that had Trump not constantly and blatantly lied about a "rigged election," no one would have concluded there was fraud.

    Guess what? There wasn't any.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 4:04 PM
  • *

    Guess what? There wasn't any.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 4:04 PM

    Leftau, you made the statement, prove it. I have no direct knowledge either way, but a broad statement that there wasn't "any" fraud would be impossible to prove.

    I think we can go back ro the Democratic statement that the Covid Virus was a blessing for the Democrats, or whatever term was used.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 5:17 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Once again Lettau has overloaded his mouthpiece with his BS!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 5:53 PM
  • *

    Google doesn't like how?

    Answer: They didn't elaborate

    Have you not figured out that had Trump not constantly and blatantly lied about a "rigged election," no one would have concluded there was fraud.

    Answer: Another unprovoen assumption by you. Sounds like a DNC talking point.

    Guess what? There wasn't any.

    Answer: I already addressed

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 4:04 PM

    Leftau, you are just full of unproven talking points.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 5:54 PM
  • I realize that conservatives are often adverse to the concept of the logical thought process.

    Nevertheless it may be worth it to remind you once again that there was no valid, acceptable proof or evidence of fraud during the 2020 election. None of the court cases panned out in any way to convince anyone of fraud, except that is of Donald Trump who had already convinced himself that “the only way he could lose is if the election was rigged.” That alone is one of the most absurd conclusions expounded in the current century or the last one.

    Consider Hitchen’s Razor, Mr. VanGennp….

    “What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence.”

    Therefore, as you are making an assertion of “fraud” without evidence, I am free to dismiss your claim without needing “evidence.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:24 PM
  • *

    Trump lives rent free in poor little Biden Sheep Lettau's head! Any replies yet Lettau to my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments? Now that's bad when you can't defend your leader's failed policies....LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:56 PM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:36 PM
  • *

    "“What can be asserted without evidence, can also be dismissed without evidence.”"

    Leftau, that would negate about 98 % of what you post with all of your supposing and opinions without basis.

    "I realize that conservatives are often adverse to the concept of the logical thought process."

    Nothing wrong with logical thought, the problem is there is so much illogical thinking coming from the left, which you are a cultist member of Leftau.

    Much of your illogical thought process produces the suppositions and so on.

    I will ask you again, when are you going to address the Joe Biden lies and the Joe Biden unconstitutional mandates. Or does he get a free ride because he belongs to the same cult you do?

    What is it with Trump that has you so frightened. The man is no longer President, but the fact escapes you that when he was in office he did a much better job overall of leading the country than Dementia impaired Joe Biden does. Perhaps it is time for Slow Joe to go seek a brain from the Wizard.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 11:14 PM
  • Tell me what you believe are lies.

    Are you finally going to admit Trump's big lie is exactly that, or keep making excuses for him?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 12:20 AM
  • *

    Later Leftau, I have an important appointment that is going to consume most of my morning.

    I think.you know what they are anyway.

    You could try explaining away his dictatorial Covid mandates in the meantime.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 6:45 AM
  • *

    Trump lives rent free in poor little Biden Sheep Lettau's head! Any replies yet Lettau to my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments? Now that's bad when you can't defend your leader's failed policies....LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:56 PM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:36 PM


    Americans are waking up that's why Turnip Brain Biden's approval LOL is only 38% and his VP Harris of ONLY 28%....good grief man get your head from old Turnip's behind.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 9:58 AM

    The Democrats' only defense as to Biden's failed policies is to attack an ex-President who did more good for the USA in 4 years than Obama did in 8 years and the Turnip Brain Biden has in 10 months into his Administration from the Fiery Pit (google friendly).

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 8:33 AM
  • *

    Ya mean hell ?

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 8:35 AM

    Well hell, thought that it would be uncivil - just can't figure out that google censor.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 8:52 AM
  • *

    IMO, No need to worry about a possible income tax increase in 2022, Biden's Hyperinflation Tax is already in play and according to the Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, it will continue well if not into all of 2022. Wasn't the Democrats rallying cry in 2017 that the tax cuts favored the Rich 1%....we middle class didn't benefit from it - now only the Rich 1% will face the new income tax increases......no problem!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 9:05 AM
  • *

    32% of the Build Back Better $1.75 trillion vote buying Democratic scheme is $555 billion for climate and clean energy investments....who's pockets is this money going into? BTW, China & India are considered "developing countries" and are given a Pass to reduce the same amount of emissions as the European and North American countries - now isn't that great!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 9:29 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 9:23 AM

    True, Presidents don't makeup tax laws but their policies create a "tax" even though it's not called that official....but never the less it's a tax/extra expense on all American consumers for example gas went from $1.92 per gal. before Turnip Brain Biden and now it's $3.06 gal. that's a 37% increase.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 9:43 AM
  • *

    The new budget submitted in May 2021 by Biden for the fiscal year 2022 has the military budget at $715 billion up from $704 billion - no decrease, how's that? Maybe Congress will cut this back if they ever get their act together. If not Congress will keep cutting little budgets every couple of months to keep the government running.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 9:54 AM
  • *

    Here's the status of the Keystone Pipeline system per Wikipedia. Phase 1, 2, 3A, 3B, are completed. What Biden canceled was Phase 4 that would have brought additional oil from Canada and the oil fields in Montana and the Dakotas into the system.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 10:55 AM
  • *

    How about teaching our students cyber security instead of CRT , isn't that better time and money well spent ?

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 10:42 AM

    True Dat! Wish there were computers back in the day, I would have gone after a computer science degree....hack, we didn't even have handheld calculators then!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 10:58 AM
  • *

    Kind of feels like they're doing that now . Playing things by ear -- who needs a budget ? Just spend , spend , spend . Worry about the tab later...

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 10:37 AM

    That way more Pork can be entered and voted on at the very last moment before a Government shutdown.


    Good comparing notes with you this morning but have to run, have a great day!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 11:01 AM
  • *

    Leftau, you wanted to know about Joe Biden's lies. How about we start here.

    Sorry for the delay but I was busy explaining all of the in's and out's of a 45 foot motor home I sold to a new owner after being paid in full up front before he ever saw it. I took as much time as needed to fully explain every detail either of us could think of. I felt I owed him more than I did you. His first comment was, My God that thing is bigger than the pictures show. He is on his way home now. If this list of lies isn't comprehensive enough, I am confident we can round up some more

    We aim to please!


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 3:29 PM
  • *

    Leftau, what about the Biden lies, got anything to say about them?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 8:50 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 13, 2021, at 9:18 PM
  • *

    Yo Ho, Leftau, you wanted some Biden lies, I gave them to you. Where is your follow up lies trying to splain them away? You were quick on the draw accusing Trump of lying. Or is it that Dimocrat Cult thing where it's all one way with you?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 7:54 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    There is no doubt that President Biden makes errors, misspeaks, and exaggerates, and if you prefer to call those lies, you're welcome to that.

    The difference is that if he is called on one of those statements, he admits he made a mistake.

    When Trump is called out on his lies, he invariably "doubles-down" and lies more.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 8:47 AM
  • *

    There is no doubt that President Biden makes errors, misspeaks, and exaggerates, and if you prefer to call those lies, you're welcome to that.

    The difference is that if he is called on one of those statements, he admits he made a mistake.

    When Trump is called out on his lies, he invariably "doubles-down" and lies more.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 8:47 AM

    I got it Leftau, if Biden lies it is a misspeak!

    If Trump misspeaks it is a lie!

    Same thing applies for exaggerations.

    You're a good cultist Leftau!

    My philosophy is this Leftau....

    Anything voluntarily uttered that you do not believe yourself is a damed lie!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:17 AM
  • *

    I'm old enough to remember that made in the USA computer chips were made mostly in California - what happened? Are these manufacturing capabilities still there and if so then start them back up with that American know how....after all, it's for the good of the USA!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:20 AM
  • *

    "he admits he made a mistake"

    One thing wrong with these words Leftau....

    They should read where Biden is concerned....

    He is a mistake!!!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:33 AM
  • *

    Biden's program for America defined....


    Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:38 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:37 AM

    Turtle: Hopefully they have those plants on Warp Speed! Maybe this supply chain fiasco will promote more Made In The USA products!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:47 AM
  • *

    Here is a good example of Biden's math! Social Security benefits go up an average of 5.9% per month on 1/1/22 - that's good but the Biden Hyperinflation has already eaten that increase up. Also, the cost of Medicare is going up an average of 14.5% leaving the Seniors with a Negative 8.6% loss for 2022 and that's without more Hyperinflation - now isn't that great!!



    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:07 AM
  • *

    Posted by Schaefer's World on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:07 AM

    Guess I caught some of that Biden math virus! The following should have been written in lieu of the last sentence in this posting!

    Also, the cost of Medicare is going up an average of 14.5% leaving the Seniors with a potential loss for 2022 if their 5.9% increase is not greater than the $21.60 Medicare increase and that's without more Hyperinflation - now isn't that great!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:47 AM
  • *

    what a wonderful First Family the US has in office now.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 2:06 PM
  • You didn't pay a lot of attention to Trump's "grabbing by the..." Did you

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 2:48 PM
  • Scour the internet to your heart's content, whatever fiction you find, Trump has done worse in reality.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 2:58 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 2:48 PM

    I don't remember that being Trump's nice, do you Leftau.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 5:58 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 2:48 PM.

    How about you naming the fiction Leftau?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 6:45 PM
  • *

    Leftau, you claim two different standards for Presidential statements that prove to be inaccurate, if it's a Republican you say it is lying, for a Democrat you say it is misspeaking.

    Could you clairify that for us. We are having a hard time understanding the difference.

    And you keep making unproven statements on how many Americans have died of Covid vs, other countries and the world. Yet when given a statement quoting official numbers that show your numbers based on nothing are false you call it fiction and fail to come up with any proof that it is.

    Your crediility is beginning to hit numbers like Biden's.

    I told you where I got the information, if it is fiction, then show us where it is wrong. Somehow with all afternoon to do so, you have come up with nothing. So I am beginning to suspect you are just blowing hot air.... again!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:14 PM
  • *

    Guess Lettau can't defend Turnip Brain Biden's failed Domestic and Foreign policies.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 9:57 PM
  • *

    Don't think this is going to fit well with the Democrats idea of indoctrination of students with the Critical Race Theory and a lot of other ideas.

    A high school principal who should be President.

    Oh and it's from the internet and doesn't agree with Leftau so he will probably try to label it fiction.

    New High School Principal

    Dennis Prager of Colorado, along with Tom Brokaw were on TV a couple of weeks ago....what a dynamic, down to earth speaker. Even though Brokaw was also a guest speaker, he did little but nod and agree with him. This is the guy that should be running for President in 2024.

    A Speech Every American High School Principal Should Give.

    To the students and faculty of our high school:

    I am your new principal, and honored to be so.

    There is no greater calling than to teach young people.

    I would like to apprise you of some important changes coming to our school. I am making these changes, because I am convinced that most of the ideas that have dominated public education in America have worked against you, against your teachers and against our country.

    First , this school will no longer honor race or ethnicity. I could not care less if your racial makeup is black, brown, red, yellow or white. I could not care less if your origins are African, Latin American, Asian or European, or if your ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower on slave ships. The only identity I care about, the only one this school will recognize, is your individual identity -- your character, your scholarship, your humanity. And the only national identity this school will care about is American.

    This is an American public school, and American public schools were created to make better Americans. If you wish to affirm an ethnic, racial or religious identity through school, you will have to go elsewhere. We will end all ethnicity, race and non-American nationality-based celebrations. They undermine the motto of America, one of its three central values – e pluribus Unum, "from many, one." And this school will be guided by America 's values. This includes all after-school clubs. I will not authorize clubs that divide students based on any identities. This includes race, language, religion, sexual orientation or whatever else may become in vogue in a society divided by political correctness.

    Your clubs will be based on interests and passions, not blood, ethnic, racial or other physically defined ties. Those clubs just cultivate narcissism -- an unhealthy preoccupation with the self -- while the purpose of education is to get you to think beyond yourself. So we will have clubs that transport you to the wonders and glories of art, music, astronomy, languages you do not already speak, carpentry and more. If the only extracurricular activities you can imagine being interested in are those based on ethnic, racial or sexual identity, that means that little outside of yourself really interests you.

    Second, I am uninterested in whether English is your native language. My only interest in terms of language is that you leave this school speaking and writing English as fluently as possible. The English language has united America 's citizens for over 200 years, and it will unite us at this school. It is one of the indispensable reasons this country of immigrants has always come to be one country. And if you leave this school without excellent English language skills, I would be remiss in my duty to ensure that you will be prepared to successfully compete in the American job market. We will learn other languages here -- it is deplorable that most Americans only speak English -- but if you want classes taught in your native language rather than in English, this is not your school.

    Third , because I regard learning as a sacred endeavor, everything in this school will reflect learning's elevated status. This means, among other things, that you and your teachers will dress accordingly. Many people in our society dress more formally for Hollywood events than for church or school. These people have their priorities backward. Therefore, there will be a formal dress code at this school.

    Fourth, no obscene language will be tolerated anywhere on this school's property -- whether in class, in the hallways or at athletic events. If you can't speak without using the f -word, you can't speak. By obscene language I mean the words banned by the Federal Communications Commission, plus epithets such as "*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************.

    Fifth, we will end all self-esteem programs. In this school, self-esteem will be attained in only one way -- the way people attained it until decided otherwise a generation ago -- by earning it. One immediate consequence is that there will be one valedictorian, not eight.

    Sixth, and last, I am reorienting the school toward academics and away from politics and propaganda. No more time will be devoted to scaring you about smoking and caffeine, or terrifying you about sexual harassment or global warming. No more semesters will be devoted to condom wearing and teaching you to regard sexual relations as only or primarily a health issue. There will be no more attempts to convince you that you are a victim because you are not white, or not male, or not heterosexual or not Christian. We will have failed if any one of you graduates this school and does not consider him or herself inordinately fortunate -- to be alive and to be an American.

    Now, please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of our country. As many of you do not know the words, your teachers will hand them out to you.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:37 PM
  • *

    Decided to check this myself and I believe it is misattributed and is a speech that should be made but was the work of a radio show host.

    Got to thinking about it after I posted it and thought somehow it doesn't sound like it is what is being practicced in our schools.

    Sorry I should have checked it before posting it.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Nov 14, 2021, at 10:43 PM
  • I agree with the principal, Dennis Prager, 100%.

    And agree he would make an excellent democratic candidate for president.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:37 AM
  • *

    Agree QAnon Stomper would make an excellent democratic candidate for president.

    First thing you ever said that was true - LOL at you as always Lettau!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:43 AM
  • *

    WOW, "Nearly 30% of lower- and middle-class households would pay more in taxes starting next year if the bill were to become law, according to the study by the liberal-leaning Tax Policy Center, a project of the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute. The report is an in-depth analysis of the tax increases that House Democrats want to see included in the multitrillion-dollar legislation."


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:58 AM
  • *

    WOW, a 30% tax increase for middle to poor income folks along with Biden's Hyperinflation should bring Biden's 38% approval ratings down to VP Camel Harris's 28% easily! Those Mean Tweets don't look sooooo bad now - does it!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:06 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "...two different standards for Presidential statements..."

    That's not the case at all. For example:

    If President Biden says "al-qaida is gone from Afghanistan" and a reporter calls him on it, he would likely say something like, you're correct, they're not 100% gone, but clearly decimated.

    Trump, if called in a similar situation would say something like, you've got fake news, you're a bad reporter.

    Think about it. Trump has to have been told over and over again how he really did in fact lose the election. Nevertheless he keeps repeating the big lie over and over again.

    Do you now see the difference?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:22 AM
  • *

    Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:31 AM

    Back again - what's this your 4th or 5th user name....

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:38 AM
  • *

    QAnon Stomper: How's that Biden Hyperinflation tax working for you....of course, if you're a Biden sheep you will gladly accept it and more - sad!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:40 AM
  • *

    This was planned out 5 years ago .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:50 AM

    Turtle: IMO, the plan was to renew the tax cuts but that didn't work out and now the USA is in quicksand and sinking fast with failed policies.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 9:17 AM
  • *

    It is a lot more better then 2017-2020, you know the Dark Ages.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 9:15 AM

    Keep saying that to yourself as you pay for gas that's up $1.14 per gal in just 10 months while other items are also up but hey you already know that and you are satisfied to be a little Biden sheep....now go back to your cave and stare at your Biden photos.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 9:24 AM
  • *

    Circle Back Jen had to walk back CNN comments in order not to have VP Camel Harris explode!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 9:30 AM
  • *

    Do you now see the difference?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:22 AM

    What difference Leftau., anything less than the truth is a dammed lie!! And misspoke is not an excuse. The President of the United States is undoubtedly the best informed person in the country. But when he cannot even read what is written for him and starts blubbering BS and his own made up statements.... misspoke is no excuse.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:08 AM
  • *

    "QAnon Stomper"

    I see the blubbering tool is back with a new name.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:10 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Still confused?

    The difference is completely obvious.

    If Biden is "caught" in a "lie" he admits he was wrong.

    Trump lied on day one claiming "my crowd was bigger than Obama's..." and still hasn't admitted he was wrong. And worse yet he still doubles down on his big lie.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:28 AM
  • *

    "It is important to remember the Federal Reserve controls the Economy , no one single person controls the economy or money , it doesn't matter Party or person ."

    Turtle: IMO, both the FED and the current president's domestic policies go hand in hand in controlling the economy. Also, personal spending might have to take a back seat to paying one's taxes that are going up up and up while paying for that hidden Biden Hyperinflation "tax" on everything purchased....merry Christmas from Scrooge Biden!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:41 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:28 AM

    The difference could be just as I told you before, Biden knows he is lying and when confronted admits he is lying, which you like to call "misspoken".

    With Trump and his ego, I think he actually believes what he is saying.

    The fact remains, you are willing to excuse a Democrat while condemning a Republican for the same thing. Another fact, show me a politician that does not lie and I will show you one who's lips are no longer moving because he/she is deceased.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:41 AM
  • *

    And Leftau when you want to be childish and calling people confused, you might want to do a little self evaluation.

    From your posting on here you appear to have a very high opinion of yourself, like thinking you know everything, while in reality you are little more than a Dimocratic Cultist.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:46 AM
  • *

    Trump lives rent free in poor little Biden Sheep Lettau's head! Any replies yet Lettau to my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments? Now that's bad when you can't defend your leader's failed policies....LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:56 PM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:36 PM

    Sad for Lettau for not defending the failed Biden domestic and foreign policies - must be satisfied with failures! That's ok guess the DNC webpage has been down and you can't think for yourself.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:52 AM
  • It's hard to believe that you can't see the difference. It has everything to do with Trump's refusal to acknowledge his lies.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:56 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:56 AM

    How dammed dense are you? Can?you read?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:00 AM
  • *

    Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:43 AM

    Gen. Flynn said Should and not Must - your English skills are lacking. BTW, ISLAM is the religion of the Sword. Your welcome!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Remember Lettau is a Democrat, he can't help being unsmart (google friendly). Also, add the Stomper to that can't help being unsmart category.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:05 AM
  • *

    Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:26 AM

    There you go again Stomper not knowing what you're talking about - I said put Prayer back in School and that's it - prove differently!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:37 AM
  • *

    I don't believe the Federal Reserve sets policies , only a President and their Administrations set policies .

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:05 AM


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:38 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:37 AM

    Semo471, I think you need to type slower, QS is having a hard time keeping up!

    But then so is Leftau, maybe I had better do the same thing.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:48 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Your excusing Trump seems to know no bounds.

    Could you be realistic for a second or two?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:03 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:01 PM

    I have no problem with it. I do not believe anyone should be denied their religious choice so long as it does not infringe upon others. I am content with my own beliefs. It is my understanding that right now some religions are being allowed their moment of prayer while others are not. Of course there should be some kind of reasonable limitations as in amount of time and definitely no pushing your beliefs on others.

    All should be respected!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:33 PM
  • *


    I will take this a step further. In my own business, I once had an incident happen where an employee was made to feel bad by another employee over a Christmas zcard and small gift.

    To the employees, I always gave a bonus at the Christmas Holiday season. In response a key employee always took it upon herself to ask for a small donation for a box of candy or something suitable and to sign a Christmas card for my wife and me. One employee objected on religious grounds one year and was made to feel bad for his refusal. It got back to me. I called the employee into my office and apologized for the company to him. Told him it made absolutely no difference and as a matter of fact I respected him for his steadfast belief.

    My opinion, like it or not, is God is everywhere, the classroom is no exception. He is different things to different people and for different reasons.

    We need to shut up and live and let live in that area until beliefs and/or lack of beliefs are being forced upon us.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:48 PM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    Your excusing Trump seems to know no bounds.

    Could you be realistic for a second or two?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:03 PM

    I am excusing nobody Leftau, you invited me to produce some of Biden's lies and I complied. I excuse no one for lying, but it has to be lying. And I have explained that to you before.

    One more thing!

    Trump was not my first choice in 2008. But given who he was running against. I voted for him and would do so again today. Same thing applied to Biden in his condition.

    I love America,and am loyal to America and will never swear blind allegiance to a political party. And believe me, in politics, many times we have to hold our nose and vote for the best of the worst.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 12:59 PM
  • If you love and are loyal to America, the last thing you would do is vote for him again. He and his insurrection have done more damage to America and our democracy than anyone in the past 150 years. Furthermore I don't think he was anyone's choice in 2008.

    "It's not a lie if you truly believe it." This works on Seinfeld but not in reality. Try some common sense for a change.

    If the republican party had a shred of decency and or intelligence they would nominate a candidate other than Trump in 2024 and very possibly win.

    If they try to resurrect the disastrous Trump candidacy they will lose. About 75% of Americans disapprove highly of him.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:07 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:07 PM

    Leftau a question for you and then I will address your BS.

    Have you ever voted for a Republican in your life?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:11 PM
  • *

    Come on Leftau, a simple yes or no will do it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:19 PM
  • *

    Funny the garage Leftau can spread but a simple yes or no escapes him.

    If it takes so long I an beginning to be concerned it will be truthful.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:39 PM
  • *

    Interesting, wonder where Kerry's loyalty lies. Hmmm, didn't he run for President. Wonder if Leftau backed him?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:46 PM
  • Yes.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 3:43 PM
  • *

    Well, if you're being honest with me we are at the point of starting to love America more than a dammed political party.

    I am a Conservative and I can vote for the most Conservative of either major party with no problem. I have never pulled one lever, I go through each and every choice and make mine according to who I think will be the most Conservative Candidate. My Grandfather the Democrat was more Conservative than most Republicans today.

    And you can mark this down as a for sure, I will not vote at all before I vote for a Leftist/Socialist Candidate for any office.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:05 PM
  • *

    Now for this....

    If you love and are loyal to America, the last thing you would do is vote for him again. He and his insurrection have done more damage to America and our democracy than anyone in the past 150 years. Furthermore I don't think he was anyone's choice in 2008.

    Response: I do not believe for one minute that Trump sanctioned that insurrection. Yes it happened and it was wrong.

    Obviously he was someone's choice, he was nominated. And as I said before I voted for Hillary Clinton, I would voter for him again, same thing for Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not mentally there to be our President and the Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for nominating him. I think if you are honest with yourself you would agree.


    "It's not a lie if you truly believe it." This works on Seinfeld but not in reality. Try some common sense for a change.

    Response: I am using common sense. I believe Trump's ego is such that he truly believes he won the election if there was no fraud.

    Personal opinion I think the American people are owed as much of an investigation into this as there was into Russian Collusion. Because at this point I don't feel we have enough information as to who was right and who was wrong in this CF.


    If the republican party had a shred of decency and or intelligence they would nominate a candidate other than Trump in 2024 and very possibly win.

    Response: What are you saying, the Republicans should not do as the Democrats did in 2020 and nominate a man who should not be holding the office?


    If they try to resurrect the disastrous Trump candidacy they will lose. About 75% of Americans disapprove highly of him.

    Response: That remains to be seen. Don't know where you get your 75% number but recent surveys show 61% of Americans do not approve of Biden, and that is a valid survey not a figment of someone's imagination.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:07 PM

    So there are my responses Leftau. Should the Democrats run Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden in 2024 they can count on not getting my vote no matter who runs against them and if I cannot stomach the Republican I will leave the line blank. Neither of the ones I mentioned are fit for the job for some of the same reasons and aome different as well.

    Hillary Clinton is morally bankrupt in my book.

    Joe Biden is a long way from lily white as well and with dementia should not be President.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:22 PM
  • *


    You love America so much, that you would vote for a man who tried to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and make himself President for life? Wow.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:15 PM

    That did not happen Pee Wee and even you are smart enough to know that.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:24 PM
  • *

    So you are say that January 6th never happened? Then where did Ashley Babbitt get the hole in her head from?

    No Pee Wee I did not say Jan 6th never happened nor was it to make Trump President for life. So what are you trying to say?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:39 PM
  • Just for your new little buddy,wheels. Right on his education level…pre school:

    “Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, did all my friends have fun at play?“

    He’s like a bad case of herpes with a different name each time.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:47 PM
  • *

    Guess Lettau can't defend Turnip Brain Biden's failed domestic and Foreign policies.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:58 PM
  • *


    It wasn't, then why did Trump ordered it?

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:48 PM

    Would you like to show me where Trump ordered it Pee Wee?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:58 PM
  • *

    About 75% of Americans disapprove highly of him.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 2:07 PM

    Well Lettau you are right again Biden's approval rating is probably at 25% now and dropping!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:02 PM
  • *

    Just for your new little buddy,wheels. Right on his education level…pre school:

    “Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, did all my friends have fun at play?“

    He’s like a bad case of herpes with a different name each time.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 4:47 PM

    DA, but it's fun. Like messing with a 5 year old. They're so amusing.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:02 PM
  • *


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 3:43 PM

    The question was have you ever voted Republican?

    Doing a survey on what you think....

    Is the answer accurate?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:07 PM
  • *


    But hay you would wish the same one President Biden. So we are not that much different.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:12 PM

    No, I would not, because that is sick and I don't hate anyone bad enough to want them dead.

    You might rot in hell for those kinds of feelings.

    Again Google, I feel it is civil and correct.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:17 PM
  • *

    DA, it must be Cartoon Time on some network, I seem to have lost my playmate.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:21 PM
  • *

    Maybe Mommy caught him on her computer again!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:26 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Maybe it's lights out at the "Big House" and return computers in their upright position. LOL at QAnon Stomper as always - BTW, is Lettau your Dad?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:31 PM
  • Of course my answer is accurate.

    Unlike yourself, I don't affirm alligence to one political party, nor do worship your "dear leader" (and make excuses for his lies.)

    You've probably even convinced yourself that Trump's inaugural crowd was "bigger" than Obama's.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:57 PM
  • *

    Of course my answer is accurate.

    Unlike yourself, I don't affirm alligence to one political party, nor do worship your "dear leader" (and make excuses for his lies.)

    You've probably even convinced yourself that Trump's inaugural crowd was "bigger" than Obama's.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:57 PM

    Leftau, make what you want of it,but if you could read and comprehnd, or maybe just read, you would already know my position on dedication to a political party. You made yourself perfectly transparent over the past half a dozen years where you stand on your dedication to the Democratic Party.

    I stand on what I already said.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 6:55 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 5:31 PM

    Semo471, don't know if Lrftau is his Daddy, but Pee Wee was trying to suck up to him earlier. They belong together!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 6:59 PM
  • *

    Just think , no pipelines needed either , the rigs are already in the Gulf !

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 6:07 PM

    Lease sale but how many drilling permits? The oil from those platform drilling rigs goes from feeder lines of each rig to large trunk lines back to shore and then to the refiners.


    This lease sale IMO is needed to make a down payment for some of Biden's Tax and Spend recent infrastructure $1.2 trillion bill and the Build Back Broke $1.75 trillion proposal.


    There goes Biden's credibility with his climate buddies from last weeks meeting - they now know you can't trust old Untruth Joe Biden!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:06 PM
  • *

    "$1.2 trillion bill was both Parties big handshake"

    Turtle: Very true, the Republicans that voted yes ought to be tar and feathered....the Democrats - what else can you expect from the voter buyers!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:27 PM
  • *

    You two guys are going to make Biden Lover Lettau feel bad if you don't quit talking down about Biden.

    And then there is Pee Wee. Sounds like Mommy must have grabbed him by the ear and stood him in the corner. He got real quiet suddenly.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:54 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 7:44 PM

    IMO, the government gives credit for each child in the form of tax credits/monthly checks, then the more "bountiful" families/women receive a bigger check/credits and sit home with the kids watching tv and eating potato chips while drinking "ice tea"....that's how I see it. Oh, BTW vote for the party that gives more of the free stuff away!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:25 PM
  • *

    Call 'em like I see 'em Wheels .

    Joe Biden is a l:ar .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:22 PM

    You won't get an argument from me on that! 🤔🤫

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:28 PM
  • *

    I'd tell go take care of the family ! It always worked out just fine .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:39 PM

    That's how it use to be when folks acted responsibly!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:47 PM
  • *

    The problem with getting older is that us old folks remember how things were done correctly and with today's Cancel Culture/Political Correctness/Wokeness, they go against the grain and I for one react accordingly.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 8:54 PM
  • *

    Nope, it is that your generation are a bunch of backwards primitives who never did anything right.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:00 PM

    And you, you little government teat nurser, what have you ever done. Most of my generation were hard workers who were self sufficient. And I assure you that includes Schaeffer and Diseased Turtle among others like DT, Ms Dianne etc. etc..

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 11:41 PM
  • *


    Who cares about what your generation did. It means nothing.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 1:00 AM

    Maybe not, but when we're gone, who's going to be left to take care of you little government nurselings.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 7:22 AM
  • *

    Guess Lettau can't defend Turnip Brain Biden's failed Domestic and Foreign policies.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 7:44 AM
  • *

    China warns the USA over a Red Line with Taiwan! Turnip Brain Biden came back with - the USA will stop eating Chinese Food (not really but just as a weak comment). Will the Biden administration release transcripts like the news media wanted from Trump's meeting with Xi?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:10 AM
  • *

    Today is Tuesday, November 16th 2021 and there are still hundreds (500 plus) of American citizens trapped in Afghanistan because Turnip Brain Biden abandoned them to fend for themselves and left $82 billion of useable military equipment behind for the terrorists to use. But hey, let those covid infected Illegals come in give them free housing, free food, free health care, and free transportation to various parts of the USA....good grief what a cluster!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:31 AM
  • *

    Victims, yes Pee Wee, everybody is a victim these days.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 10:02 AM
  • Seems your new little buddy has once again stepped over the line at 9:02.

    I believe that’s a federal crime and the paper isn’t monitoring.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 10:12 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 9:44 AM

    China did this a few years ago and the space junk is still up there but will evidently come back down to earth and burn on up on reentry....pieces traveling at 17,000 mph will go thru just about anything up above.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 10:40 AM
  • *

    Back Later, in for annual physical.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:06 AM
  • *

    How did the US Captain know that the helicopter wasn't loaded with explosives that could damage the ship or kill American sailors? IMO, anything coming within a non-safe distance should be shot down - you know that warning thing!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:11 AM
  • *

    Good grief, this Woke Administration must have taken a warehouse load of nonsmart pills comparing Climate Change as the same national security threat as China/Russia are - does he not know that these two countries could wipe out the USA within 30 minutes while the Climate Change according to the tree huggers are 10 - 15 years from now.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:19 AM
  • *

    Looks like everything is now quiet so out of here for a while!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:32 AM
  • I remember now…..Hello Delta….same O same O.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 12:14 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:33 AM

    Biden's Pentagon spokesperson reported it and CBS confirmed it what further proof is needed? Just saying!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 12:41 PM
  • *

    Funny how the main stream news media has reported Biden 's Infrastructure Bill as $1 trillion however it was $1.2 trillion....guess that $200 billion is just loose change!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 12:47 PM
  • *

    I'm back. Had my physical and a blood test. Good for another 100,000 miles.

    But I been victamized just like QS, they stuck me with needles and gave me the booster shot, then stole some of my blood for further testing. Good to go until June or 100,000 miles whichever comes first.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 2:13 PM
  • *

    Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:06 AM

    Lol, hope the news is bad.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 4:14 PM

    Pee Wee you are what you are. Bet your parents are sure proud of you.

    And Pee Wee, it appears your whining got you more than you hoped for, most of your posts have been deleted. But, it's Ok, before I left for my physical I saved all of them. Jus for posterity so we would know what a POS you really are.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 4:32 PM
  • *

    Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 11:06 AM

    Lol, hope the news is bad.

    -- Posted by QAnon Stomper on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 4:14 PM

    Stomper: Ever heard of Bad Karma?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 5:14 PM
  • Trying to figure out where to rollover that $.16 from July 4th Inflation Joe was so excited about into my overpriced Thanksgiving meal. Prob just put another half pint of gas into the old sleigh to get me to grandmas house and have a boloney and pickle sammich w/tap water.

    Happy Holidays!!

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 5:31 PM
  • Seems someone was finally paying attention to that terrorist threat posted at 9:02am as it’s gone. Wonder if it was reported to the proper authority?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 5:34 PM
  • *

    Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 5:34 PM

    Rock: Doesn't the police always say - see something say something....social media is a good source for the law enforcement agencies to check and hopefully prevent unlawful acts!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 5:44 PM
  • *

    DA, I have a copy. Prsfer to think he's all blow and no go, but, you never know. The world is full of Physco's these days.

    His Daddy should have handled him like mine did me. At about 6 I was handed a hoe and sent to the cornfield to hoe the cocleburrs out of the corn rows. And it wasn't just a suggestion either.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 6:35 PM
  • Rick S.,

    What does the 10th Amendment have to do with a pandemic that has killed about 750,000 Americans, infected almost 50 million and severely the US economy.

    Back up to the Preamble which requires the federal government to “… provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare…”

    If mandating a proven, preventative treatment is not defending the nation and promoting the general welfare of the people of the United States, I don’t know what is.

    There is no reason on this earth that a “mandate” should be necessary, but it is.

    I’d suggest that “unvaccinated” in a pandemic is the new synonym for “lDIOTIC.”

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:13 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Since you are still up, care to defend your unsmart Democratic leader for his failures, or are you just going to give the Dictator-In-Chief a free pass like the mainstream news media are doing?


    Trump lives rent free in poor little Biden Sheep Lettau's head! Any replies yet Lettau to my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments? Now that's bad when you can't defend your leader's failed policies....LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:56 PM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:36 PM

    Sad for Lettau for not defending the failed Biden domestic and foreign policies - must be satisfied with failures! That's ok guess the DNC webpage has been down and you can't think for yourself.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:52 AM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:33 PM
  • *

    I’d suggest that “unvaccinated” in a pandemic is the new synonym for “lDIOTIC.”

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:13 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: WOW, are you having a moment - all caps plus quotation marks - I'm scared! Using your word best describes Turnip Brain Biden and his little sheep followers! LOL at you Lettau as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:38 PM
  • *

    "What does the 10th Amendment have to do with a pandemic that has killed about 750,000 Americans, infected almost 50 million and severely the US economy."

    Leftau, the above are your words. I would like to see your documentation which proves those numbers.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:59 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: What did you think about Turnip Brain Biden's big speech today....I'm trying to find an app to interpret his words into English because I don't know what language he was speaking in.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 9:01 PM
  • How would you claim "it doesn't work" when about 98% of the dead people, since last spring, are unvaccinated.

    That's what's called working.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 9:13 PM
  • *

    How would you claim "it doesn't work" when about 98% of the dead people, since last spring, are unvaccinated.

    That's what's called working.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue,

    You making statements with no documentation Leftau.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 9:22 PM
  • *

    Leftau's number of deaths is nearly 90,000 high according to the number I read. He needs to recheck his talking points.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 9:56 PM
  • *

    The Liberals use to say My Body My Choice - what happened?


    BS Spreader Lettau: Throwing numbers around with no links is about as reliable as a 3 week future weather forecast. Why are the vaccinated folks scared of the unvaccinated folks - don't the shots work and if they don't why bother. The courts will evidently rule that the vaccine mandates are unconstitutional and thousands and thousands of American citizens who were fired from their jobs for not taking the jab will sue the companies and the federal government for these unlawful edicts by Old Senile Demented Biden and his Dr. Doom Fauci who should be locked up!


    BTW Lettau you ever going to defend Old Turnip for his failed policies?

    Guess you've seen where gas went up 5 cents overnight or do you drive one of those Democratic electric cars and don't care about us little folks and our fossil running cars. Wonder if at the next Climate Change meeting, are the 400 of the World's Elites going to fly in their Private Electric Jets....complete BS from the "let's get rich tree huggers" by taxing the workers of the USA while giving China and India who are building more coal fired electric plants a pass! Come on man wake up!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 10:20 PM
  • Per the CDC the current number of Covid-19 deaths is 761,426.

    It's certainty possible that had the founding fathers experienced a pandemic that killed 3/4 of a million citizens, they would have entered an exception into the 10th Amendment.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:30 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "Ask yourself why."

    I did and there is no rational reason for anyone to refuse vaccination and refuse a testing schedule.

    And it is in no way a Constitutional issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:40 AM
  • *

    It was sad to see President Turnip Brain Biden call on the Chinese leader Xi and order a to go box of sweet and sour chicken with rice!


    Since you are up and posting your BS, care to address the failed Domestic and Foreign policies of Turnip Brain Biden - you know the 10% Big Guy!!

    Trump lives rent free in poor little Biden Sheep Lettau's head! Any replies yet Lettau to my Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM comments? Now that's bad when you can't defend your leader's failed policies....LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 1:56 PM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 12, 2021, at 7:36 PM

    Sad for Lettau for not defending the failed Biden domestic and foreign policies - must be satisfied with failures! That's ok guess the DNC webpage has been down and you can't think for yourself.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Nov 15, 2021, at 10:52 AM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Tue, Nov 16, 2021, at 8:33 PM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 8:30 AM
  • *

    It's certainty possible that had the founding fathers experienced a pandemic that killed 3/4 of a million citizens, they would have entered an exception into the 10th Amendment.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:30 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Once again you failed with your BS comments - you might want to read the following - I always liked history of all kinds and when your nonsmart comment was posted some of that history can back to me such as the Smallpox epidemic of 1775 (prior to the 1791 10th Amendment)...enjoy Lettau and you are welcome!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 8:45 AM
  • *

    Lettau, before you hoot about 3/4 of a million, the total of 130,000 back in 1775 is far more in today's population percentage than the 761,000. Your welcome!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 8:50 AM
  • *

    Per the CDC the current number of Covid-19 deaths is 761,426.

    It's certainty possible that had the founding fathers experienced a pandemic that killed 3/4 of a million citizens, they would have entered an exception into the 10th Amendment.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:30 AM

    Leftau, the following article says 663,000 as of Sept 15.


    And there you go supposing and ifing on what might have been done again.

    Two things, our Founding Fathers had history to go by. Therefore they guaranteed against one man rule and one man mandates. Further I do not believe that the fact that Plagues had nearly wiped out countries in Europe in previous history escaped them.

    Your supposing and ifing does not excuse Biden trying Totalitarian Rule in a free country.

    As a Democrat was quoted, Covid was a gift to them. That could be interpreted a lot of ways.. one would be their push to Socialism/Communism and eventually Totalitarian Rule by the power hungry.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 9:06 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 9:19 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Yes there was smallpox, but no vaccine nor inoculations.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 9:31 AM
  • *

    Rick S.,

    "Ask yourself why."

    I did and there is no rational reason for anyone to refuse vaccination and refuse a testing schedule.

    And it is in no way a Constitutional issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:40 AM

    Leftau, your problem is your cultist Democratic thinking. Everybody must believe what you believe.

    We are free American citizens allowed to think as we please. I respect that!

    Personally, I received my shots down thru the booster I received yesterday during my annual physical. No man is telling me what I must or must not do on my health choice and that includes Brain Fried Joe Biden.

    And in my opinion Leftau, you are dead wrong on the Constitutional issue. It does not change because of one man and Joe Biden does not possess Totalitarian Authority and none of your supposing and ifing changes it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 9:34 AM
  • *

    Yes there was smallpox, but no vaccine nor inoculations.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 9:31 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: That wasn't your original comment - good try at twisting and spinning that you are known for. LOL at you as always!

    BTW Lettau: How's that Biden Hyperinflation working for you!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 9:59 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    You've been wrong so many times before, but never so far off base as with this.

    I'll help you understand later.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 10:00 AM
  • *

    I'll help you understand later.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 10:00 AM

    What are you going to do Lettau....place an emergency call into the DNC office for a comment? LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 10:07 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 10:33 AM

    Very informative. Thank You!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 10:58 AM
  • *

    Wonder if the Democrats are going to replace VP Harris with Obama and then do the 25th on Turnip Brain Biden......hummmmmm!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 11:13 AM
  • *

    My knowledge of Pandemics and Plagues is limited. But I have a distant connection and seen some existing evidence.

    My connection was an 1850's Cholera Epidemic in Cincinnati Ohio, where a set of Great Great Grandparents and a number of their children died, leaving only a Great Grandfather and two of his siblings. I researched Cholera and found many of our cities experienced it. Sanitation seemed to be most of the problem with sewage running down streets in some cases. Cannot remember all details but St. Louis experienced one with daily deaths in the 20's causing them to ban new cemeteries in the city limits as they seemed to think there was a connection.

    Then there was the Church that wife and I toured in Vienna Austria, St. Stephens. There was a museum in the basement level. One of the first thing we saw was where they had cut through the basement wall and a container under the street. They then glassed it in. There were skeletons in all kinds of contortions where bodies had been dumped from street level during some episode of Plague.

    Then there was the Oberamergau Germany story of a Plague where the people made a promise to God that they would do a Passion Play every 10 years if he would take the Plague from their village. Seem to remember that being in the 1400's but not sure. Last years was canceled because of Covid. We were there about 30 years ago for it. Both Oberamergau and St Stephens can be found on the internet

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:07 PM
  • *


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:17 PM
  • *

    Rick, why am I not comforted with Fried Brain Biden managing things?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:22 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:17 PM

    "Just flowing oil from one tank owned by the government to another tank owned by private companies doesn’t change oil supply or demand, and is usually ignored by the market.” — Manish Raj, Velandera Energy Partners

    What happens when the USA and China have to replenish their Strategic Reserves....prices up up. Hopefully we can fill up the car a couple of times before the prices go back up.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:31 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:19 PM

    Good news!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:32 PM
  • *

    The Build Back Broke social spending folly will be sunk this Friday when the Budget Office announces the True cost of the pending bill and it won't be Zero!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:36 PM
  • *

    Rick, while I cannot read it, I recognize a history was written.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:58 PM
  • *

    And I bet it makes a lot more sense than FaceBook.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 12:59 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "And.. another thing about that Mandate, it's stopping the flow of Industry."

    It would seem that most businesses welcomed a "mandate" with the testing option. That gave them some cover as they were well aware that mandating was necessary when voluntary shots didn't bring in enough arms. And they knew that getting everyone vaccinated was the right and smart thing to do.

    Even some of the city unions are not successful in opposing the shots. I believe it was in New York where one union claimed it would keep thousands off the job and only about 100 failed to show up.

    It's not the flu and it's not a cold, it's affected over 254 million peple worldwide and killed over 5 million. It spreads faster and disables people to a greater extent and kills more.

    The whole idea that a public health restriction is some manner of intrusion on individual liberty is absurd. One primary reason on why Covid has continued is because we're letting it since enough people didn't get vaccinated in a timely way. Had it been possible instantaneously vaccinate all Americans on a given day, the disease would have been immediately eradicated.

    The point is that the issue is not individual liberty or choice, it's a public health crisis.

    If someone chooses to refuse the vaccination and the testing regime, they can always stay home. Why should they be allowed to spread Covid-19 disease because for some reason they believe they have special privileges.

    Picture what would happen if 25% of Americans, decided all of a sudden, that driving on the right side of the road was an infringement on their individual rights, and they would now drive on the left side or whatever side they felt like.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:16 PM
  • *

    Turtle: Girlfriend and I were lucky enough to visit ChichenItza down in the Mexican Pensinula. In the photo of the pyramid to the left is a sculpture of a snake going down the steps....the Snake God according to their religion. Lots of other interesting buildings there.Took all day exploring.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:22 PM
  • *

    Picture what would happen if 25% of Americans, decided all of a sudden, that driving on the right side of the road was an infringement on their individual rights, and they would now drive on the left side or whatever side they felt like.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:16 PM

    Leftau, that is ignorant even by your standards. Those are laws enacted by duly elected legislators, not mandated by one man who places himyself in the position of dictator or King.

    This is a country of laws written by Lawmakers and signed by our Executive branch in accordance with our Constitution as overseen by our courts.

    The Leftist faction of the Democratic Party is trying to upset that balance.

    Time for you to decide if you are an American or a cultist Democrat.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:55 PM
  • I've been an American all along.

    There is no such thing as a "democratic cult," or a "cultist democrat."

    This is a basic definition of the required leader...

    "A cult of personality, or cult of the leader, arises when a country's regime uses the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, the arts, patriotism, and government-organized demonstrations and rallies to create an idealized and heroic image of a leader, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to apotheosis, except that it is established by modern social engineering techniques."

    This fits Trump and his followers to a "T."

    Neither democrats nor Biden fit this pattern. Sorry but you're wrong one more time.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 2:22 PM
  • *

    Neither democrats nor Biden fit this pattern. Sorry but you're wrong one more time.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 2:22 PM

    I will take that as uneducated as the driving on the left side of the road was. Do you finally get it Leftau? You forgot to say Thank You for the lesson on how our country is structured. But hey, it's OK, you're welcome anyway.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 2:35 PM
  • In a poll recently taken these were more popular than Joe Biden:


    Prostate exam

    Root canal

    Walmart bathrooms

    Gas station sushi

    Replacing wipers in an ice storm

    Mexican tap water

    Wuhan bat soup

    Neighbors barking dog

    Same dog dropping a load on your porch

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 2:49 PM
  • *

    DA, sounds reasonable.

    Did you hear what Leftau said about him and the Leftist Democrats not being a cult or cultists. I think the description fits to a "T".

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 3:01 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 1:22 PM

    Made that one once. A great experience.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 3:23 PM
  • When I see that cult accusation stuff I always think of that “the smeller is the feller”. Fits him to that “T”. Looks like most of that faction has become really woke to what they hath wrought and are bailing on “dear leader”. The koolaid wasn’t as sweet as promised.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:16 PM
  • *

    Neither democrats nor Biden fit this pattern.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 2:22 PM

    BS Speader Lettau: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a hoot best laugh all day! Keep them coming Lettau. LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:28 PM
  • *

    Lettau: Where's your son QAnon Stomper at?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:31 PM
  • *

    DA, the cultist Democrat must do as the party directs. The party goes left and wants Socialism/Communism and you must forget what made America great and go with the party.

    BY the way Biddn is on CNN BS'ing the world.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:45 PM
  • *

    I about choked when he said, "on my word as a Biden".

    Leftau will be along shortly to explain how he just misspoke.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:52 PM
  • More dishonesty from the SO conservative that is unable to bring himself to admit that Trump's big lie is exactly that.

    Seems you and Mr.Schaefer are continuing your competition to be known as the most fervent Trump cultists.

    You're going to have to try harder, Mr. VanGennip, it appears that you're in second place now.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:56 PM
  • *

    When the going gets tough, Leftau gets going. But where did he go.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:57 PM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:56 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: You are in a league of your own - being the least informed poster on these threads - what an honor, Democratic cult sheep! BTW Lettau the Big Lie is that Turnip Brain Biden has enough grey matter between the ears to perform his duties as a wooden string character (google friendly)....LOL at you as always.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 5:20 PM
  • *

    More dishonesty from the SO conservative that is unable to bring himself to admit that Trump's big lie is exactly that.

    Seems you and Mr.Schaefer are continuing your competition to be known as the most fervent Trump cultists.

    You're going to have to try harder, Mr. VanGennip, it appears that you're in second place now.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 4:56 PM

    Leftau, first and foremost, I am not required to explain or justify anything to you

    So, Leftau as far as being a Cultist, I explained my position to you more than once. I voted against Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden and would do so again. Because one is morally bankrupt and the other is mentally impaired. In 2016 and again in 2020 the Democrats nominated the best they had for the of office of President and neither qualified in my book, so I voted against them.

    I'm in 2nd place??? What the he double toothpick am I competing for. I am not aware of it.

    You smoking something funny?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 5:24 PM
  • *

    Guess Lettau can't defend Turnip Brain Biden's failed Domestic and Foreign policies.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 5:31 PM
  • *

    "Guess Lettau can't defend Turnip Brain Biden's failed Domestic and Foreign policies."

    Schaefer, you should be ashamed of yourself to keep pestering Poor Old Leftau with that! Good Lord man, you're asking the impossible. Better people try and fail. It just ain't fair to ask the impossible of someone.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 5:40 PM
  • One of these days Mr Lettau is gonna be correct about something but I give better odds that a monkey with a typewriter will write the Gettysburg Address first.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 6:26 PM
  • *

    very genius mathmatical calculation for heathen Peoples

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 6:21 PM

    Most certainly for any civilization!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 6:50 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 6:21 PM

    Rick those "heathens" were unbelievable in what they left behind. Those pyramids are a work of genius especially given what they had to work with. There are some near Mexico City as well that we visited.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:27 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Not sure about your basis for drawing conclusions, but it can not have any relationship with reality.

    Could help if you quit sourcing your material from Schaefer's fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:39 PM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 7:39 PM

    Hey Lettau, what do you think about the Democratic talk about ditching VP Harris - what are your buddies at the DNC saying? Out with Harris then envoke the 25th against Turnip and then the DNC can anoint the real puppetmaster as president - Obama the Divider!


    Looks like ole Turnip Brain Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate is held up until further notice - if ever! LOL. Now then when the fired employees sue the companies who wrongfully fired them, Biden's bubble will burst and his approval ratings of 38% will seem like a high mark then. The American citizens are wakening up to the failures of Turnip and will vote out the Congressional Dems in 2022 and then retake the White House in 2024....hopefully our enemies won't take advantage of America's current weak civilian and military leadership.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 8:03 PM
  • *

    There is an opening at the Green Meadows Retirement Home for a Bingo Caller - Turnip Brain Biden should apply.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Nov 17, 2021, at 8:26 PM
  • *

    WOW, more news on Biden's Hyperinflation and it's not good.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 7:41 AM
  • *

    Shortage of labor, shortage of labor, you hear it everywhere.

    And the meat head in the White House, his solution, print some more money and pass it around so people don't have to work.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 7:59 AM
  • *

    Wheels: You have to use the same reasoning logic that old Turnip Brain Biden does - if folks are not working they won't spread the virus to their coworkers!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:09 AM
  • *

    Remembering the campaign rhetoric and one of his ardent supporters on here stating (not exact words or phrasing) how much smarter Biden was, how much more honest Biden was and how much more respected Biden was.... oh and I forgot how much more truthful the lying SOB was, surely the pandemic is over and we don't know it yet.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:18 AM
  • *

    Remembering the campaign rhetoric and one of his ardent supporters on here stating (not exact words or phrasing) how much smarter Biden was, how much more honest Biden was and how much more respected Biden was.... oh and I forgot how much more truthful the lying SOB was, surely the pandemic is over and we don't know it yet.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:18 AM
  • *

    Now how did I manage that. I must need another cup of coffee

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:28 AM
  • *

    $15 to flip burgers is way too high, those fast food jobs are for high school and college students not for head of households....learn a trade, go to truck driving school, do computer work, or improve the skills that you already have - just do it!

    Those who are making Record Profits are taking advantage of inflationary times - vaccine makers, and the offshore American turncoat producers are some of the largest offenders of this. Yep, I just as soon have a President who writes a few mean tweets than one like Turnip Brain Biden who doesn't know which way is up.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration and from our enemies who might try to take advantage of our weak civilian and military leaders.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 10:33 AM
  • *

    Also, gas & diesel prices that have gone up since 1/20/21 have fueled the inflation flames causing Hyperinflation since almost everything that Americans buy moves by truck. Also, Rails/Barges/Commerical Air all rely on that fossil fuel thing which when an unsmart leader is in charge of the country will only suffer from higher costs.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 10:39 AM
  • *

    Remember when White Castles were 2 cents a piece ?

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 10:41 AM

    True Dat! Don't remember 2 cents but bought them in St. Louis back in the early 60s for 15 cents each or their fish sandwich!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 10:52 AM
  • *

    My opinion on the child care credits. If someone claims a child care credit they are admitting they cannot take care of what they produced and should be required to voluntarily undergo sterilization before receiving the first dollar. I am sick and tired of baby daddies and women that breed for profit and live off my taxes.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:15 PM
  • *

    Rick, maybe this is over simplification but why aren't those 2.1 million unemployed taking those available jobs?

    I believe there was a time you had to be looking for work to receive a check. What happened to that?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:24 PM
  • *

    I worked from the time I was 6 years old. I invested during my working years so I would not have to receive a welfare check. I was required to get a SS card and number at 15 years old.

    So if you are looking at me for sympathy when you are not looking for work, the best I can offer is to tell you where to find sympathy in the dictionary.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:32 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "...this President is telling them they will get a shot or lose what little they have left..."

    That's not the case at all. If they're as old as you imply they probably were smart enough to have been vaccinated last January or February, but even if that's not the case, all they have to do is keep getting tested.

    What I mentioned above is a Federal mandate gives cover to employers who can "blame" the government. In fact, I believe most business owners are intelligent enough to already require vaccinations. Why would they want to put up with calcitrant workers who prefer to hang around and possibly infect fellow employees and customers with a highly contagious disease?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:32 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:32 PM

    Leftau you're trying to use employers to cover Brain Fried Biden's dictating.

    What an employer requires and what Biden is trying to mandate are two different things entirely.

    Biden is trying to turn the office of President into a Dictatorship. There is no amount of lipstick that will make that oinker look pretty.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:46 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau; Employees with the regular flu have often worked while they were sick....thousands die of the regular flu every winter the only difference is that this covid virus has been politicised by the CDC, Dr Fauci, and the DNC....their buddies the mainstream news media has been their propaganda arm trying to shame the unvaccinated. If you want the multiple shots go right ahead however all Americans can decide for themselves - you know that Freedom thing!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 12:59 PM
  • As usual, Mr. VanGennip, you've been overcome with Trump cultism which seems to force your imagination to run wild.

    Biden and "dictatorship" are polar opposites. Who's the last "wannabe dictator" that fermented an insurrection to take down Congress and "hang Mike Pence?"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 2:22 PM
  • *

    Who's the last "wannabe dictator" Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 2:22 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: That would be Obama followed by his little lamb Biden.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 2:57 PM
  • *

    BTW Lettau: You didn't seem too upset with all the 4 letter words that were voiced against Trump for 4 years so why now with "hang Mike Pence" which probably was started by an FBI informant or a paid BLM/ANTIFA member - who knows for sure. LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 3:02 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Insurrection, didn't you mean to say Peaceful Protest like the Democrats and the mainstream news media said for the hundreds of BLM/ANTIFA riots in 2020 that killed folks and did millions of damage to personal property....good grief man get real!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 3:07 PM
  • *

    As usual, Mr. VanGennip, you've been overcome with Trump cultism which seems to force your imagination to run wild.

    Biden and "dictatorship" are polar opposites. Who's the last "wannabe dictator" that fermented an insurrection to take down Congress and "hang Mike Pence?"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 2:22 PM

    Leftau, this has nothing to do with Trump good or bad, so quit trying to drag a herring across the trail.

    Biden and Dictatorship are synonymous with this dictate on the shots and you know it. And a dictatorial government is where the Leftist Ddmocrats are trying to take us. And you Leftau as a member of the Leftist cult, as is Biden are a part of the problem for a free America.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 3:34 PM
  • Getting a bad feeling over this Rittenhouse jury deliberations taking so long. You never know what the discussion may be but three days isn’t a good sign. Maybe just me but my gut says there’s more talk of what happens if he is found not guilty rather than his innocence.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 5:17 PM
  • *

    WOW, Turnip Brain Biden's approval ratings of only 36% - Americans are wakening up to Biden's failed Domestic and Foreign Policies!

    "Americans give President Biden a negative 36 - 53 percent job approval rating, while 10 percent did not offer an opinion. It's the lowest job approval rating he's received in a Quinnipiac University national poll. In mid-October, he received a negative 37 - 52 percent job approval rating." Quinnipiac University National Poll

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 5:38 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 5:20 PM

    Turtle: Most companies probably have the same safety policies whereas the employers and employees don't need Biden to push his unconstitutional edicts on them - lots of lawsuits have already been filed against companies who have fired employees for not getting the jab....maybe that's how come the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has placed a halt on the Jan. 4 mandate for compliance on all companies that have more than 100 employees.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 5:55 PM
  • *

    Socialism/Communism poke their noses in all factions of life - that controlling function which is starting here in the USA by the Dictator-In-Chief Biden!

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration and from our enemies who might try to take advantage of our weak civilian and military leaders.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 6:31 PM
  • *

    It appears, Leftau is the only Biden Vaccine Mandate supporter on here. Guess he is a loyal Leftist Cultist!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 6:32 PM
  • *

    VP Camel Harris has finally done something right.....she’s brought both sides together - neither the Republicans nor the Democrats like her!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:48 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 8:48 PM

    Oh! Come on, don't be so hard on poor Kammy!

    She's the 2nd best the Democrats had to offer in the 2020 Presidential race, Slow Joe Biden being the best they had to offer for President.

    Can't you just imagine what the top 10 must look like?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 18, 2021, at 9:09 PM
  • *

    America is as strong as its weakest link!! Currently, our weakest link is Turnip Brain Biden!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 8:15 AM
  • *

    Now don't blame me, it's in the Bible:

    Psalm 109:8

    Let his days be few; and let another take his office.

    King James Bible

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 8:26 AM
  • *

    We have Hyperinflation devastating the middle class and the Democrat party wants to spend $1.75 trillion more on their Build Back Broke Socialist/Communist fantasyland BS. This will destroy the economy and turn the USA into a third world Socialist country.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 8:37 AM
  • Let’s see. COP26. The “Thee not Me” climate summit.

    85 car motorcade to get abortion absolution from the Pope. 5 planes,to join the other 400+ private jets,to get Carbon Joe up to Glasgow for his 30 vehicle parade.

    And all that to take a nap. Coulda napped in the solarium on a Zoom call with pudding and pills for an afternoon treat.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:24 AM
  • C’mon Man! Incapable Joe’s polling is dropping faster than Bill Clinton’s pants in an Arkansas trailer park.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:36 AM
  • *


    Maybe Leftau can splain how all of this is good for us. I did not leave with a comfortable feeling just reading how the Biden gang splained it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:54 AM
  • *

    "It takes both Parties to get $25 trillion dollars in debt , it's a team effort."

    Turtle: True, however, I'm worried about the now times and how are we as a nation is going to survive as a free one and not owned by China. The House passed their Build Back Broke $1.75 trillion Pork bill that will only add to the Biden Hyperinflation and sent it over to the Senate for their discussion and vote....we can only hope that Sane Minds there prevail.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:56 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:24 AM

    You really believe he really got absolution, I don't!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:57 AM
  • *

    It appears Elvis, I mean Leftau, has left the building.

    He is falling down on the job of indoctrination.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 10:03 AM
  • *

    - Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:24 AM

    I suspect the conversation went something more like.....

    Joe are you aware you can go to hell for lying same as stealing.

    Yes Google I think it is civil.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 10:07 AM
  • *

    No one single person will change this one way or the other no matter the rhetoric .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 10:51 AM


    Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 9:56 AM

    If your 10:51 am comment is in reply to my 8:56 am comment, I didn't mention one person....however, guess we will have to see what happens....for the sake of the USA hope that you are right.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 11:17 AM
  • Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges so look out after dark when “IT” could start all over protesting not only this verdict but still protesting the shooting of a dirtbag. Joe couldn’t sway that panel calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 12:42 PM
  • *

    Kyle Rittenhouse will soon be a millionaire from the proceeds of the mistruths from CNN and MSNBC and others from a lawsuit!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 2:56 PM
  • Put Accusing Joe on that list,too,along with the Camel.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 3:39 PM
  • I see where Good Pal Joey pardoned the Clintons today.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 5:04 PM
  • Good news is O’Biden apparently passed his colonoscopy. Bad news is they found Obama’s shoe.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 7:38 PM
  • *

    Another move of brilliancy by a misguided tool.

    But hey he got rid of another Trump sucess, just like the Southern Border debacle.

    Wonder if the doctors found old Slow Joe's head while Kammy played President?


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 8:53 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 9:34 AM
  • *

    Yesterday Turnip Brain Biden had a successful brain operation - oops a Colonoscopy!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 9:38 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 9:38 AM

    So they did find his head where they were looking??

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 10:35 AM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Don't see any replies to my questions concerning the failed policies of old Senile Demented Turnip Brain Biden....guess your silence is my answer, you have no defense for Biden's failed policies. Probably that's why Biden's approval ratings has fallen to just 36% - the only approval ratings lower is for VP Camel Harris who only has 28%. WOW, 10 months and they both have been rejected by the voters. BTW Lettau how's that Biden Hyperinflation working for you? Pull up your pants because if this $1.75 trillion Build Back Broke passes in the Senate you and everyone else will become citizens of the United States Of China!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 11:48 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 11:48 AM


    Leftau will blame every Republican President all the way to Ike before he admits Biden is a failure.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 12:24 PM
  • *

    I see where Good Pal Joey pardoned the Clintons today.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Nov 19, 2021, at 5:04 PM

    Yeah a real set of turkeys.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 12:27 PM
  • What’s unremarkable about Pooting Joe transferring temporary power to Heels Up Harris is she did what she has always done as VP…..NOTHING.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Nov 20, 2021, at 4:41 PM
  • *

    WOW, surprise surprise Democrats say one thing and do the opposite - tax cuts for the Rich! Keep letting in and giving the covid infected Illegals all the money that is needed to provide for those new Democratic voters!

    Gas prices locally was $1.92 gal under Trump now $3.05 under Biden - a 59% increase. Bacon 2# package from $8.99 to $13.99 - a 56% increase....most of the items purchased increased in prices due to that Biden's Hyperinflation thing! That's alright keep passing those Trillions of dollars vote buying packages and let the average American citizen pay thru their noses for the necessities of life.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration and keep our enemies at bay while the USA have weak and woke civilian and military leaders.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 21, 2021, at 8:53 AM
  • *

    Turtle: Go ahead and say Trump's name no problem here!

    "Corporate and the Share Holders are making record profits as never seen before in history , Capitolism is alive and well."

    True, IMO shareholders are Americans who have invested their hard earned money into a system that provides for themselves and their families and without these shareholders, companies couldn't exist and provide us all a decent living. Now that Hyperinflation thing was brought about by the failed Domestic policies of Turnip Brain Biden who bears all the blame for that....the Fed controls the money supply and increased it to cover the Democrats stimulus checks and their trillions of dollars in spending since 1/20/21 which started this spiral of inflation....but hey that's only my humble thoughts on the matter.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 21, 2021, at 10:15 AM
  • *

    Money, money, money, the government is always spending more than they take in. Biden needs to send out some more vote buying welfare checks so we go broke more quickly.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 22, 2021, at 12:10 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 22, 2021, at 12:12 AM
  • *

    The Democrats have a majority in the House and are 50 50 in the Senate with VP Carmel Harris casting her vote when the votes are tied.

    2022 will see that Red Wave hitting Congress with hopefully more American loving electees!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 22, 2021, at 7:58 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 22, 2021, at 10:07 AM
  • *

    Everyone have a great, happy, and safe Thanksgiving - out of here and off the grid till the weekend!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 22, 2021, at 10:10 AM
  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Petroleum_Reserve_(United_States)

    See any reason other than complete ineptitude on the part of No Drill Joe to call tapping into this EMERGENCY reserve a National emergency?

    High prices is not an emergency.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 23, 2021, at 7:12 AM
  • So No Drill Joe will release 50 million from the emergency oil reserves. In 2020 daily gasoline usage was around 337 million so 50 might get everyone down to the unemployment office by 8am on just one day. C’mon Man!! What a maroon.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 23, 2021, at 8:47 AM
  • *

    The hits just keep on coming ..who's going to take the fall for this "hyperinflation" .

    Rick, you cannot keep printing money without creating inflation.

    It is a very cruel burden on seniors no longer earning.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 23, 2021, at 2:56 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 23, 2021, at 8:25 PM
  • *

    Daddy is a Gay Dancer

    A fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up - fireman, mechanic, businessman, car salesman... and so forth.

    However, little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his father, he replied, "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes to music in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money."

    The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and took little Justin aside. "Is that really true about your father?"

    "No," the boy said, "He works for the Democratic National Committee and helped to get Biden elected, but it's too embarrassing to say that in front of the other kids."

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Nov 25, 2021, at 10:08 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Nov 26, 2021, at 3:07 PM
  • Just when I give the old boy a pat on the back Joe Brandon shows up.

    Will he close the southern border now?

    Not in the cards. Too political b b b but that’s what Moderate Joe accused Trump of being.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Nov 27, 2021, at 6:13 PM
  • *

    Hey Lettau - LET'S GO BRANDON! With the latest approval ratings, 62% of Americans feel the same way. LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 28, 2021, at 5:57 PM
  • *

    Per the latest news from the CDC & WHO, the new covid variant-Omicron is a by product of the gas passed by Biden from his recent meetings with the Pope and the British royal family!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 28, 2021, at 6:03 PM
  • *

    Turtle: Someone doesn't like your cartoons - maybe try posting a Trump cartoon and you will probably get a Respect!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Nov 28, 2021, at 6:55 PM
  • If I had a dollar for every gender some claim there are I’d have $2 and bunch of counterfeit bills.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Nov 28, 2021, at 8:44 PM
  • *

    Say my name Darrel Brooks Jr.....I'm the accused Christmas parade Murderer of innocent folks and supported by the DNC, biased news media, and President Turnip Brain Biden who have not condemned my actions!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 8:28 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 8:37 AM
  • *

    Just be like little Biden sheep and line up for that 4th shot and make those Pharma folks billions of dollars in profits - BTW, don't forget that 10% for The Big Guy!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 8:53 AM
  • *

    Biden finally does something correct even if it was basically the same thing he criticized Trump for, which makes him a??, and the WHO raises a stink.

    We feed and fan these World Order Operations and then they try to tell us what and what not to do.

    And the big question is what part did the WHO play with the spread of Varient #1 to begin with?

    To blazes with WHO, take care of America first! Then maybe we can survive to babysit the rest of the world.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 9:01 AM
  • *

    While I was off the "grid" did Turnip Brain Biden close the southern border to ensure that any Covid variants don't enter Illegally into the USA?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 9:09 AM
  • *

    Wheels: What did you do to Lettau to make him soooooo quiet?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 9:11 AM
  • *

    The Massacre that the MSM doesn't care about! Waukesha Massacre - 6 killed 62 injured by alleged killer Darrell Brooks who was free on bail. Oh wait, he's connected to BLM the military arm of the DNC....He gets a pass!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Nov 29, 2021, at 6:54 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "Biden's failures continue to mount..."

    You probably noticed that it was an opinion piece written by a girl from the right wing Heritage Foundation.

    Is there any reason to expect anything different. As we know, everything is President Biden's fault.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 1:21 PM
  • Take this example...

    She blames Biden for "record high inflation" conveniently forgetting that in Reagan's first year it was over 10 percent, with republicans giving him a pass since it was all Carter's fault.

    That's the Heritage Foundation's normal "blame game."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 1:41 PM
  • Well,finally a Wuhan Flu name guaranteed to try to scare the Bejesus out of everyone. Omicron!! Futurama or Transformers? I’ve got some names for that next variant before The Joker has to:

    Megatron Predacon Cybertron

    My fave would be MaximaboosterCON.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 2:01 PM
  • I have no reason to overlook actual failures, my objection is to fabricated failures.

    Her reference to "...our fellow Americans left behind in Afghanistan," neglects to mention the 120,000 Americans and allies that were evacuated in about 2 weeks.

    The chaotic failure on day one is overshadowed by the successful airlift. Even the tragic loss of our troops to a suicide bomber, does not negate the operation.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 2:01 PM
  • Furthermore, Americans saw the "handwriting on the wall" in February of 2020 with Trump's "surrender agreement."

    It's highly probable that Americans or Afghan-Americans still there had various reasons for wanting to remain. She never mentions that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 2:06 PM
  • Another thing you could wonder about is why Trump's "surrender agreement" was in February 2020, and yet the "departure date" was this past May. Very likely because that was well after the 2020 elections.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 2:19 PM
  • *

    As we know, everything is President Biden's fault.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 1:21 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: For once you speak the truth!

    Let's see who has control of the House, Senate, and White House....the party of the donkey - that's who's to blame for our CURRENT conditions not back in Bush I term or Reagan's terms....you are blaming what happened years ago to twist and spin Turnip Brain Bidens failures of TODAY - good grief man, wake up. As far as the disastrous Afgahanisan withdraw, it's Biden's fault period - he was president at the time and in charge or was Obama the puppetmaster. Also, the open southern border with the influx of thousands and thousands of new welfare dependents at taxpayers' cost is on Biden's resume of failures. The Biden Hyperinflation extra tax on everything purchased will always be referred to as that of the Jimmy Carter years and with Biden's miscues of these 11 months has moved Carter up a notch from the worst president to the second worst with Biden bringing up the end - what a legacy to have. Well, you and the other sheep voted him in so just deal with it.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration and our enemies who hopefully won't take advantage of our Weak civilian leaders and our Woke military leaders.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 3:13 PM
  • *

    BTW Lettau: It's now has been 108 days since Turnip Brain Biden left behind 500 plus American citizens to fend for themselves in a terrorist country. But hey these citizens are pleased as punch that Biden got all of the military out plus unvetted Afghans while they are at the mercy of the terrorists - good grief man wake up!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 3:18 PM
  • *

    Been a really busy day for me as will be tomorrow.

    Have I really missed something important that requires I go back through the threads and their multiple posts or just skip it as SSDD.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Nov 30, 2021, at 10:04 PM
  • *

    No problems with the booze supply since there are lots of American made booze available!


    My current problems comment is to put the blame on the current president who is supposed to make current decisions on current problems....put the blame where the blame belongs.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 1, 2021, at 7:53 AM
  • *

    Fear & Control! Control & Fear! More Fear & More Control. Mandate Fear & Mandate Control. Any way that you look at it, it's all about using fear to control Americans! When will Biden and his Control Freaks come to fear the American Citizens....perhaps, November 8, 2022! More now than ever the 1st and 2nd Amendments come into play!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 1, 2021, at 9:04 AM
  • *

    For the good of America, the way to control the National Debt is to not increase the Debt Limit and to reject the Build Back Broke proposal. Question: If the BBB isn't going to cost anything according to Turnip Brain Biden, then why increase the Debt Limit?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 1, 2021, at 6:18 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Dec 1, 2021, at 6:22 PM

    Who is having a hissy fit?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 1, 2021, at 7:21 PM
  • *

    The paper was apparently cleaning out those 4 uncivil threads and made a mistake - just guessing.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 2, 2021, at 9:01 AM
  • *

    After the deaths in 2021 passing those of 2020, Turnip Brain Biden follow up on your Big Mouth Statement as recorded and reposted here from Google:

    Democratic candidate Joe Biden excoriated Donald Trump’s response to the disease in an unanswerable indictment of the sitting president. “220,000 Americans dead. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this… Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.”

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 2, 2021, at 9:04 AM
  • *

    Looks as if Joe Biden has a Big Lie to deal with that may not go away.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Dec 3, 2021, at 1:22 AM
  • *

    12/2/17 Trump's approval was 44%

    12/2/21 Bidens' approval was 43%

    From the most reliable polling company Rasmussen Reports.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 3, 2021, at 7:23 AM
  • *

    Funny how all those supposedly Biden voters have disappeared! Just think of all the miscues and failed policies that Turnip Brain Biden has done to the USA in only 11 months and there is still one year to midterms and three years to the presidential elections. Till then, God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration and from our enemies who hopefully won't take advantage of our weak senile demented president and our Woke military leader Gen. Milley!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 3, 2021, at 8:03 AM
  • *

    Funny that the article didn't list those huge tax breaks! There are gimmicks in the proposal that turns the $1.7 trillion BBB into more like $3 trillion....a person has to dig deep into it IMO.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 3, 2021, at 10:43 AM
  • *

    A federal judge in Texas overruled Turnip Brain Biden/DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ termination of Trump’s "Remain in Mexico" policy! Ordering the Biden administration to reinstate it today!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 3, 2021, at 5:29 PM
  • *

    Why is it the Federal Government's duty to provide money for children made from the baby makers trying to increase their monthly checks - Liberals start your bashing 1,2,3

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 8:13 AM
  • *

    It's now been 112 days since Turnip Brain Biden left behind 500 plus American citizens to fend for themselves in a terrorist country. But hey these citizens are pleased as punch that Biden got all of the military out plus unvetted Afghans while they are at the mercy of the terrorists!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 8:52 AM
  • *

    People becoming more upset with the best the Democrats have to offer by the day.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 10:17 AM
  • *

    And Uly is nowhere to be found, to offer comfort and reassurance to us.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 10:24 AM
  • Dr? Fauci says the illegals crossing the border is different than banning flights from S Africa. Wish I had thought of this:

    Take a flight from Africa to Mexico City. Ride a bus to the US border. Enter the US illegally and then get a plane ride to anywhere USA. Easy Peasy and no vaccine.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 10:33 AM
  • *

    It appears, and rightly so, that our courts do not think Biden is King with totalitarian authority.

    He is merely President like those 40 some odd who came before him.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 4:03 PM
  • *

    Oopps, I forgot to include the article that went with my 4:03 pm post


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 4:04 PM
  • I guess when Saule Omarova was shoplifting she should have been part of a smash and grab club. That must be part of her communist thinking. We must share comrade!! I hope the 5 Democrats hold fast and vote nay on her confirmation.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Dec 4, 2021, at 7:59 PM
  • *

    Let's Go Brandon! Truer words were never written!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 8:55 AM
  • *

    Here Comes Omicron

    (The left's Ode to the Variant)

    (Parody of Here Comes Santa Claus)

    Here Comes Omicron, Here Comes Omicron

    Arriving in the nick of time

    Covid fear is fading

    And our power it is waning

    But this variant gives it new life.

    Oh, hear the press

    Foment fear and stress

    While fauxi adds fuel to the fire

    Oh, let's high five

    While we contrive

    To make Omicron's arrival sound dire

    Here Comes Omicron, Here Comes Omicron

    It's nowhere near as bad as we've said

    Patients aren't dying

    But we won't stop lying

    And we'll talk about cases and spread

    We'll mandate the vaxx

    Push for permanent masks

    And threaten new orders by the hour

    And gifts of green

    From big pharma we'll glean

    Oh Omicron will keep us in power.

    Oh, Here Comes Omicron, Here Comes Omicron

    Covid is here to stay

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 1:32 PM
  • *

    Santa Claus Fauci can put the Omicron where the sun doesn't shine!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 1:53 PM
  • *

    This is what happens when America's enemies see a senile demented president of the USA and will take advantage of the situation - God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration and our Woke Military Gen. Milley and Sec. of Defense Austin:



    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 2:26 PM
  • *

    Maybe Biden should ask Putin if he could get someone in the Ukraine fired, would that satisfy him.

    If so, well SOB, consider it done!

    Let's go Brandon!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 2:53 PM
  • *

    Thank you, Biden and the Democratic Party who selected him, and then approved his choice of a VP nominee! You have really set us up. Biden gets canned, look what we have standing in the wings. Even the hired help cannot stand her!


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 4:51 PM
  • *

    Wheels: IMO, Obama picked Hyena Harris as VP - you know that woman of color thing!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 5:28 PM
  • *

    Semo471, Pbama is just half black and Kammy cannot prove nearly that much.

    Personal opinion, race should not be a determining factor. Qualifications, personal history and record of achievemnet in life to the point of running for office, should be the determining factor in who is even considered for running for our highest office. And I don't give a tinker's dam about who's turn it is.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 5, 2021, at 7:23 PM
  • *

    More truth about the covid control/fear from the CDC and Turnip Brain Biden:


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Dec 6, 2021, at 8:03 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Dec 6, 2021, at 8:03 AM

    Now Semo471, we cannot listen to people like Dr. Carson, he's not a Democrat, just ask Leftau. Dr. Biden knows best.

    If Biden is so interested in curbing travel, then put the plug back into the hole he removed, permitting illegal entry on the southern border. And even worse, distributing the diseased illegals throughout our country.

    Then he wants to mandate what American citizens must fo.

    Let's go Brandon!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Dec 6, 2021, at 8:24 AM
  • *

    Remember Pearl Harbor should not be taken likely....America must always be prepared for military action - our enemies are!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 7, 2021, at 7:48 AM
  • *

    Poor old senile demented Biden is taking on Putin today - God Save/Help the USA from this Demented Administration!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 7, 2021, at 8:13 AM
  • *

    Biden gives Putin a wave after apparently forgetting to turn on his microphone during video call....aren't there any technical people in the White House to help poor old Turnip Brain Biden?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 7, 2021, at 11:06 AM
  • *

    IMO, the video meeting between Putin & Biden today proved that One man is a threat to our national security the Other one is the leader of Russia.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 7, 2021, at 8:40 PM
  • *

    It's now been 115 days since Turnip Brain Biden left behind 500 plus American citizens to fend for themselves in a terrorist country. But hey these citizens are pleased as punch that Biden got all of the military out plus unvetted Afghans while they are at the mercy of the terrorists!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 7, 2021, at 9:42 PM
  • *

    Question for Speak Out posters: Will Santa Claus only visit the little boys' and girls' homes that have their vaccination certificates?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 8, 2021, at 11:17 AM
  • *

    Question for Speak Out posters: Will Santa Claus only visit the little boys' and girls' homes that have their vaccination certificates?

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Dec 8, 2021, at 11:17 AM

    If Biden can stop him.... Yes!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Dec 8, 2021, at 4:26 PM
  • *

    Turtle: A great link! Monica Crowley the author, tells it like it is!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 8:36 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Posting a link from a right wing ideologue hardly paints an accurate picture.

    Reads like something the ghost of Rush Limbaugh wrote.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 9:03 AM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 9:03 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: The truth hurts Lettau doesn't it. 38% approval rating for Turnip Brain Biden - guess you were proud of Turnip forgetting to turn his mic on and had to just wave to Putin - God Help/Save the USA from this Demented Administration....wonder how long before Russia invades Ukraine after that weak performance from Biden?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 9:13 AM
  • Rick S.

    Quoting Fox News is far from being open minded.

    For example...

    Anyone trying to enumerate "Trump's stunning achievements" is guilty of living in Schaefer's fantasy world.

    Redefining Trump's surrender to the Taliban as "Biden's defeat in Afghanistan..." is another example of falsification.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 10:09 AM
  • No, but your link says they were "stunning."

    Of course that could be interpreted as "stunningly" absurd.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 10:33 AM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 10:33 AM

    BS Spreader Letttau: You are as full of it as Biden's poopy Depends!

    38% Biden approval and VP Haris 28%, Americans really love this Administration. LOL at you as Always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 10:38 AM
  • *

    Turtle: Like I said before the meeting between Biden and Putin, hope that Turnip Brain Biden doesn't start WWIII.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 12:17 PM
  • *

    Turnip Brain Biden reads instruction off of teleprompter today at his tribute of Robert Dole speech: "End of message."

    Good grief!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 12:26 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 2:27 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 3:15 PM
  • *

    With the possibility of China invading Taiwan and Russia invading Ukraine, good thing that the USA has a smart strong President - wait a minute Trump isn't president and that senile demented Biden is - the USA is (left blank to be google friendly)!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 9, 2021, at 8:15 PM
  • *

    Wonder why China and Russia didn't try these stunts when Trump was president and only when Obama and now Biden as presidents - they can smell weakness in our leaders!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 10, 2021, at 8:25 AM
  • *

    Highest inflation rate of 6.8% since 1982 - thanks Turnip Brain Biden. From this October to November, prices jumped 0.8%....how's that Biden Hyperinflation extra tax working for all of you little Biden sheep?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 10, 2021, at 9:05 AM
  • *

    The result was no hostilities with either China or Russia under Trump and now the USA has by Biden's weakness encouraged them both to flex their muscles.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 10, 2021, at 10:35 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Dec 10, 2021, at 11:03 AM

    It's that Peace through Strength thing!

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Dec 10, 2021, at 11:05 AM

    When was the USA attacked by terrorists under Trump? You need to get Trump out of your head - it's not healthy!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 10, 2021, at 11:50 AM
  • *

    Poor old senile demented Turnip Brain Biden can't get his unconstitutional vaccine mandates and other illegal actions passed by the judges - isn't those items subject for Impeachment - where are Pelosi and Schumer at?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 8:27 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 8:38 AM

    Turtle as usually you are full of misinformation - Biden was the president that surrendered to the Taliban and made the most ill-fated withdrawal by any president in USA history when he ran from Afghanistan while leaving 500 plus American citizens in a hostile country - you know that stuff that recorded in books.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 8:48 AM
  • *

    For those confused about current events, Schaefer's World has a duty to correct those statements that need corrections. Think and re-read comments before hitting that send button would make my job easier!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 8:51 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 8:27 AM

    The article truly points out what Biden is in all definitions of the word. A true one.

    You guessed it Google doesn't like the earned title.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 10:19 AM
  • *

    Turtle: You might want to get your facts together before hitting that keyboard to get that gotcha moment - use to think that you were above such things but not anymore....I won't stomp as low as you so will just IGNORE your nonsense from now on - have a great life.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 11:59 AM
  • *

    autocorrect - stomp should be stoop.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 12:10 PM
  • *

    Hm! A little hate and discontent within the party structure....


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 11, 2021, at 2:08 PM
  • *

    2 of our favorite eating places have increased their menu prices by 5% at one place and 6% at the other one.....thanks Turnip Brain Biden!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 12:23 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 12:23 PM

    Semo471, I find that much less than I would have expected. Of course food costs are only part of a restaurant's overhead and product costs but while I have not kept record of it, our grocery bill seems to be almost double what we had been paying. And that is going to be putting a big hurt on a lot of people on a fixed income.

    We have only seen the beginning. Joe Biden has no idea of the rammifications of spending money we do not have and just printing more. Wait until people with adjustable mortgages start seeing their home payments start jumping and people needing a business loan to get through a bad spot start paying 18% to 20% interest. Jimmy Carter years here we come.

    Mr. Carter if Barrack Hussein Obama didn't save you from being our worst President, Joe Biden stands by to rescue you and to finish the job.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 12:54 PM
  • *

    Wheels: I didn't mention it but those were the second increases in the last 6 months.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 1:57 PM
  • *

    Sem471, I know. Speaking of inflation, in 1964 I purchased a 64 Ford Galaxy 500 with a T-Bird 390 Hi-Performance engine, Air Conditioning, Power Windows, the works. About anything Ford offered. The window sticker price $3838.**. Price that same level Ford today.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 3:43 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Don't concern yourself.

    Trump has absolute worst locked up. Possibly forever.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 5:58 PM
  • *

    Would you like to clarify what you are talking about, or did you find somebody's still out there on the woods?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 6:13 PM
  • *

    "on the woods?"

    Make that...

    In the woods?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 6:21 PM
  • *

    Oh never mind Leftau. I never realized you were running this far behind....

    "Mr. Carter if Barrack Hussein Obama didn't save you from being our worst President, Joe Biden stands by to rescue you and to finish the job."

    But not to worry, I think Carter's position is safe for now anyway.

    You do realize there was no Stagflation during Trump's term. He never left 500 Americans stranded. The world respected us instead of laughing at us.

    I know Leftau being a member of the Leftist Democrat cult all these years and now having the world laughing at your mistake of a President. It hurts!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 6:41 PM
  • *

    Now where did he go?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 7:00 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Turnip Brain Biden will go down as the only USA president that messed in his pants while visiting the Pope! Plus passed gas near the English royalty Duchess Camilla - good grief!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 7:06 PM
  • Seems you're now a full time denizen of Schaefer's fantasy world.

    In the real world it was Trump that embarrassed the US by his unilateral surrender to the Talibsn.

    And do you even know what "stagflation" is?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 7:18 PM
  • *

    And do you even know what "stagflation" is?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 7:18 PM

    You better believe I do Leftau. I was in business when Carter was President. The economy was c***, inflation double digits and interest rates were outlandish. I know a friend who borrowed money to keep his business afloat and paid 20% interest.

    Yeah Leftau, I know what it is.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 7:48 PM
  • *

    I might add Leftsu, I was signing paychecks on the front, not the back. How about you?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 7:49 PM
  • *

    Guess he checked out for the day

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 8:56 PM
  • The unemployment rate needs to be high like the high of 14.8% during Trump.

    Right now it's 4.2% and going down. Guess you really don't know what stagflation is.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 9:21 PM
  • *

    Right now it's 4.2% and going down. Guess you really don't know what stagflation is.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 9:21 PM

    Leftau I guess you missed something. I never said we had Stagflation currently. Pay attention.



    Learn to pronounce


    persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country's economy.

    Jimmy Carter time.

    Leftau it goes along with Democrats theory of buying their way out with money they don't have. So they print some more.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 9:38 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: The Trump unemployment rate was 3.5% prior to the Chinese Virus - you might want to re-read your posts before hitting enter that might save you some embarrassment. That 4.2% is misinformation due to the porch sitters taking that government money and retiring from working....get your facts together! How's that Biden Hyperinflation of 6.8% working for you or do you not buy anything and just stay in your cave in Scopus? Let's Go Brandon!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 9:48 PM
  • *

    Americans have awoken and they don't like Turnip Brain Biden or his policies!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Dec 12, 2021, at 10:25 PM
  • *

    To the Climate Change hoaxers, here are the facts to debunk your lies about the climate change creating these current killer tornados!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 8:45 AM
  • *

    Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 8:45 AM

    A personal side note on the above: Girlfriends grandparents who lived outside of Bloomfield, Mo. lost their farmhouse to the 1925 Tornado and luckily they saw it coming and hid in their nearby "root cellar". No FEMA or government handouts back then so they rebuilt their farmhouse back in the same location.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 8:59 AM
  • *

    How many USA jobs will go to Central America? Just close the Southern Border and save American taxpayers MONEY!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 11:01 AM
  • *

    BBB, Build Back Broke will just do that to the USA treasury and for the USA taxpayers - projected costs: Biden zero costs and CBO 3 trillion.....what a difference - who is right and it's not Biden!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 8:37 PM
  • *

    It's now been 121 days since Turnip Brain Biden left behind 500 plus American citizens to fend for themselves in a terrorist country. But hey these citizens are pleased as punch that Biden got all of the military out plus unvetted Afghans while they are at the mercy of the terrorists!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 9:33 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Dec 13, 2021, at 9:33 PM

    When that is the best the Democrats have to run for President... what can you expect?

    Look what is in 2nd place waiting for him to go down totally.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 12:17 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 4:49 AM

    Got any suggestions for a leader? Hope it's not Broom Hilda.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 7:48 AM
  • *

    Turnip Brain Biden is setting all kinds of records, here is the latest: U.S. producer price inflation jumps 9.6% year over year in November, much higher than expected and highest increase on record.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 8:20 AM
  • *

    Take that Turnip Brain Biden! As usual, Trump was right! If Biden drags his feet on this ruling, will Pelosi then set up an Impeachment proceeding?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 8:57 AM
  • *

    It's all about control and conditioning Americans in order to turn them into Sheep!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 9:07 AM
  • *

    Biden just released a statement saying that he was going to Kentucky tomorrow to inspect the damage from Hurricane Brandon!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 14, 2021, at 3:42 PM
  • *

    Now's a good time for those Biden sheep to go and worship him!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 15, 2021, at 7:59 AM
  • *

    Wish the networks would provide interpreters for Biden's speeches!! Have no clue as to what Turnip is saying - just mumbles!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 15, 2021, at 9:02 AM
  • *

    It's now been 123 days since Turnip Brain Biden left behind 500 plus American citizens to fend for themselves in a terrorist country. But hey these citizens are pleased as punch that Biden got all of the military out plus unvetted Afghans while they are at the mercy of the terrorists!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 15, 2021, at 10:37 PM
  • *

    Putin & Xi can smell the weakness in Biden. Turnip Brain Biden’s diminished gray matter (google friendly) capacity will destabilize the world & is weakening the USA. The people of America see it. The World sees it.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 16, 2021, at 8:49 AM
  • *

    Poor little Democrats shot down once again in their quest to bankrupt the USA Treasury in the BBB (Build Back Broke) proposal.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 16, 2021, at 8:47 PM
  • *

    The Debt Ceiling had to be increased due to the spending of the vote buying Democrats trillions of dollars and the free handouts to the Voting Slaves, Welfare Freeloaders, Illegals, and Indian Reservation Dwellers all living off of the government which is actually the hard working taxpayers. Will there be enough hankie's to dry those tears for Chief Turtle?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 16, 2021, at 9:42 PM
  • *

    Turtle this is fun! Every Trump remark will be met with an Indian comment....have at it!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 16, 2021, at 9:51 PM
  • *

    It's now been 124 days since Turnip Brain Biden left behind 500 plus American citizens to fend for themselves in a terrorist country. But hey these citizens are pleased as punch that Biden got all of the military out plus unvetted Afghans while they are at the mercy of the terrorists!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 16, 2021, at 9:56 PM
  • *

    Turtle, not blaming those injuns for the debt except the part that taxpayers pay for their welfare checks....Trump is no more to blame for this mess that Biden has gotten us into as the injuns are - but go down that road if you want to and I'll do the same - understand?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 8:05 AM
  • *

    Poor Chief Turtle having one of your many meltdowns - as I said my injun comments are playback for your Trump comments....got it now. So play on this is so much fun!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 8:53 AM
  • *

    It's a Miracle dead soldier who received the Medal Of Honor posthumously is standing next to Biden!! What a hoot of a Turnip Brain!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 10:47 AM
  • *

    Need to also give credit to Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema who did not cave to the pressures!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 12:21 PM
  • *

    Thanks Turnip Brain Biden!!

    "Report: Inflation costs families around $3,500 this year - The HeartlanderThe Heartlander" https://heartlandernews.com/2021/12/17/report-inflation-costs-families-around-35...

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 12:36 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 12:36 PM

    It'sJoe Biden and his lack of competence in managing our country's business!

    Let's go Brandon!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Dec 17, 2021, at 11:56 PM
  • Typical republican/conservative reactions.

    No ideas. No positive contributions.

    But they're great at criticism and at spewing obscenities.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 12:51 AM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: What's wrong don't you like that Biden Hyperinflation that is now 6.8% and with a wholesale price inflation rate of 9.6%, it's only going up - the Feds are forecasting the inflation to extend into most of 2022....Thank you Turnip Brain Biden and his little sheep!!

    BTW, most Americans have lost $3,500 in income due to Biden's Hyperinflation this year - yep, look out 2022 election the voters will turn the USA completely Red!!

    Let's Go Brandon!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 8:34 AM
  • *

    But they're great at criticism

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 12:51 AM

    Lettau: What a hoot you are - had to listen to your criticism of Trump for 4 years and it's still going on to this day! So take your non-smart comments and stuff it!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 8:37 AM
  • *

    But they're great at criticism and at spewing obscenities.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 12:51 AM

    Now he thinks he is the Google God as well.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 11:19 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 11:45 AM

    That Scum should spend a lot more time in Tennessee than they had originally planned on. I think the term "lower than a snake's belt buckle" fits them well.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 11:59 AM
  • *

    Folks that loot people's homes that were destroyed in a tornadoe or any natural disaster are they lowest of the low!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Dec 18, 2021, at 1:06 PM
  • *

    How is it that a person running up a $163000 debt on education cannot earn enough to pay it back? I am confused, I turned down a scholarship because I could not come up with living expenses when I left high school.

    Yet, the investment in a building I built 22 years ago and paid for and which returns me money to make sure I don't have to depend on Social Insecurity, needed a new roof a few months back that approached that amount mentioned in the article. The building maintenance account that I funded for the past 22 years, with portion of the income, paid for it because I fund it instead of spending everything that comes in. That maintenance fund is not mine to whizz away at will, it will be used, count on it. I know buildings need maintenance and I plan ahead for it. I made payments on my building because it was meant to be my retirement. Why cannot the well educated pay off their method of earning retirement? Nobody gave me a building and nobody owes a person an education past high school.


    I will add, if the education you received and financed will not support you and pay for itself, you wasted a lot of valuable time. Better you had chosen a path that would have paid for itself and your way in life as well as a retirement fund.

    Being a paid for Truck Driver commands more respect from me than an Engineer indebted to a 20 year old student loan that he cannot pay does.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 19, 2021, at 2:18 PM
  • *

    If you are coming to the conclusion that I am against our taxes paying off student loans, you are correct.

    Given the opportunity to do so, I will work against any politician who supports it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 19, 2021, at 2:24 PM
  • *

    "When Biden was there all recovery and clean-up had to stop due to "security" reasons . This was time lost for the local folks to do what they were trying to do to get some sort of their lives back together."

    But Rick, it gave Biden the floor to stammer snd stutter before the nation.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 19, 2021, at 2:26 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sun, Dec 19, 2021, at 7:29 PM

    Finally, a Democrat with the brains to not spend money we do not have.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Dec 19, 2021, at 8:09 PM
  • *

    When these sorts of members walk away -- either from powerful posts or promising careers -- it send a very clear signal to every single member of the Democratic caucus: Things are bad, I don't see them getting better and now's the time to head for the hills.

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Dec 20, 2021, at 6:10 PM

    Rick there is one partial sentence in that paragraph that we should all recognize as a problem.

    "When these sorts of members walk away -- either from powerful posts or promising careers"

    Where does this career BS come from? That was not what our founders intended. Politics should never be a career. Citizens should come in and do their duty and go back to real life. Career politicians are what founded the swamp in Washington. Lok what we have in the White House, a man that never had a real job, just a career politician who acts for a lifetime on what it takes him to get re-elected. Term limits is what we need in government

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Dec 20, 2021, at 6:49 PM
  • *

    Yes let's reward them and pay them for breaking our laws.

    You really dun guud with that Executive Order Bird Brain. Now let's double down and pay them a reward on top of it. Trump had something working and as one of his first official acts Biden screws it up and is now defying court orders to reinstate it. Atta Boy Slow Joe.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Dec 20, 2021, at 7:20 PM
  • *

    All I want for Christmas is to be FREE from all of the insanity in the world Plus Turnip Brain Biden's failed Domestic and Foreign policies!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Dec 21, 2021, at 8:26 AM
  • *

    You could ask Leftau but then he seems to have left.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Dec 21, 2021, at 9:47 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "...why isn't Panama stopping folks from getting across that Canal."

    Depends on who you're referring to, immigrants travelling from South America on foot would have to cross the canal. Those coming from Central America don't.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Dec 21, 2021, at 11:53 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Tue, Dec 21, 2021, at 12:09 PM

    Rick, I think it is pretty clear, the Democrats have no interest in stopping the illegals crossing our border. They think they can make Democrats and Dependents of them. Voting slaves. There are those who would like to put collars on all of us it appears to me. Totalitarian Rule is why our country was founded. Let's not let them take that away from us. and enslave us again.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Dec 21, 2021, at 4:50 PM
  • Let’s get this straight. Omicron Joe says Omicron not a concern 3 weeks ago. Now he says “we” didn’t see this coming as the CDC says we saw it coming.

    C’mon Joe. Thought you were listening to the science.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 7:15 AM
  • So much for that herd immunity malarkey.

    Nearly 100% of NBA,NFL and NHL players are “vaccinated” yet experiencing more of them in safety protocol and quarantine than ever.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 7:48 AM
  • *

    Amazing more deaths in 2021 from covid with vaccines than in 2020 without any until 12/15/20! Guess Turnip Brain Biden will be resigning any day now in order to keep his promises.

    What the USA needs are meds to fight the virus once a person contacts it like another sicknesses.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 9:42 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 10:03 AM

    True Dat!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 12:42 PM
  • I thought a leader was there to speak and reassure the incorrigibles not go on a gloom and doom rant.

    Doom and gloom Joe. Way to not go.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 5:28 PM
  • Looks like Mr. VanGennip is not the only one having a problem with the truth and facts.

    What aspect of this supposed "gloom and doom" rant scares you so much?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 5:52 PM
  • CDC changing the meaning of “vaccine”:

    Why are they trying to back off of what the definitions used to be? Now they are talking about a vaccine stimulating the immune response but not to “produce immunity.” Now they’re saying a vaccination doesn’t produce immunity but will “produce protection.”

    I guess that is needed to keep us sheep lining up for more boosters.


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 6:25 PM
  • When faced with a complex, highly contagious disease capable of frequent mutations, why would be surprised that condition, treatments and diagnoses change.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 7:56 PM
  • *

    Good grief what will the Turnip Brain Biden come up next to spend American taxpayers' monies on....maybe the 3 out of 4 that suffer from hemorrhoids can now file for a check!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 8:07 PM
  • *

    Looks like Mr. VanGennip is not the only one having a problem with the truth and facts.

    What aspect of this supposed "gloom and doom" rant scares you so much?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 5:52 PM

    Look you lying piece of human debris, I have no problems with facts or the truth.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 8:29 PM
  • *

    Leftau you need to stick with facts when trying to prop up the mistake in the Oval Office.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 8:32 PM
  • *

    Those vaccine mandates going to the SCOTUS for a decision - hopefully, they will follow the Federal Constitution and not politics!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Dec 22, 2021, at 9:35 PM
  • As has happened so often before, rather than facing facts or telling the truth, Mr. VanGennip relies on insults to cover his apparent lack of honesty.

    The truth is that Trump lost the election and the fact is that he lies about it constantly. Spewing childidh insults doesn't change that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 12:25 AM
  • Even with Mr. VanGennip's refusal to admit the truth, former President Trump finally does.

    Ina Tuesday interview regarding his wall, he stated, "...had we won the election..."

    So if Trump can admit that his big lie was exactly that, Mr. VanGennip should now be able to do the same.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 7:05 AM
  • *

    Hopefully, the SCOTUS at its Jan. 7 hearing will veto all of the vaccine mandates! If you want the shot then get one it's that simple!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 7:52 AM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 7:05 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Without a link, it's only your opinion!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 7:53 AM
  • *

    To Turnip Brain Biden and his little sheep: It is NOT your "patriotic duty" to blindly obey your government. It's your patriotic duty to question it.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 3:52 PM
  • *

    The USA will be Built Back Better BBB when the Republicans take back control of Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 4:20 PM
  • *

    The truth is out Biden is president in name only and someone else is actually calling the shots - my bet is Obama who is about as non-smart as Biden is!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 23, 2021, at 4:57 PM
  • *

    Wonder how are the 500 plus American citizens that Turnip Brain Biden and Woke Gen. Milley left behind in Afghanistan are celebrating Christmas this year?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 8:22 AM
  • *

    Merry Christmas to All on these threads - Remember the Reason for the Season!

    Off the grid till Monday - have fun!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 8:48 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 10:00 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 11:15 AM

    Rick, I believe this is the same candidate that promised if you would just elect him the virus would go away.

    And Leftau likes to blow about how Trump mishandled it when it was a whole new thing.

    What a deal, I think we have been lied to,

    ..... Biden has no plan!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 11:53 AM
  • *

    Biden wants to cancel student debt for the less than winners, while a real winner wants to pay the system back.

    Anyone like to make a guess on which class of person I have the most respect for?


    Our American system allows us all to be winners to some degree, if we choose to do so, and will apply ourselves. Then there is the class who prefer to suck the government teat and whine!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 12:14 PM
  • *

    The pride and joy of the Democrats....


    Their baby girl makes herself heard. waaa! waaaa!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Dec 24, 2021, at 4:24 PM
  • *

    He lied to us and now he's quitting the fight on Covid.


    Now if he would just quit/resign we would have one incompetent down with a couple more to go.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Dec 30, 2021, at 11:53 AM
  • *

    This is Turnip Brain Biden's Red Line in the sand with Putin.....remember Obama did the same in Syria and then did the crawdad - what will a senile demented Biden do? Putin is probably scared to death!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Dec 30, 2021, at 7:12 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Jan 1, 2022, at 10:11 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Jan 1, 2022, at 2:31 PM
  • This is the Joe they voted for:


    And what did they get?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Jan 1, 2022, at 5:29 PM
  • *

    - Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Jan 1, 2022, at 5:29 PM

    DA, Leftau will be along in a bit to explain/lie that video away.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Jan 1, 2022, at 7:43 PM
  • *

    I don't like that girly coffee sold at Starbucks anyway - just as soon get one at McDonalds for a whole lot less and just as good!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 3, 2022, at 5:38 PM
  • *

    Those Blue state nonsmart folks (google friendly) can stay up in the cold per Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis!! Biden's has failed once again with more deaths and cases than Pres. Trump had - didn't Trunip Brain Biden once say that Trump should resign over those deaths and cases - go ahead Joe follow up with your big mouth or do the Crawdad like you're good at!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 3, 2022, at 5:48 PM
  • *

    Per Joe Biden - "Let's Go Brandon!"

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 6, 2022, at 9:10 AM
  • *

    Re: Joe Biden...

    “Shal ket!”

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Jan 6, 2022, at 2:37 PM
  • *

    Hey Joe, speak out on this....


    Come on maaannn!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Jan 6, 2022, at 2:42 PM
  • *

    The White House calls a lid at 2:47 pm EST - Biden needs time to Think!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 6, 2022, at 2:51 PM
  • *

    More less than wise decisions supported by Soros and the Leftist Democratic Party


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Jan 6, 2022, at 6:07 PM
  • *

    Wheels: NYC will soon be nothing but criminals and rodents! (google friendly)

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 6, 2022, at 6:37 PM
  • *

    Note to Independents and Free thinkers: If it weren't for the Republicans in Congress protecting the 2nd Amendment from the gun control Democrats there wouldn't be any guns for protection from a Totalitarian government.....just saying!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 7, 2022, at 8:44 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Fri, Jan 7, 2022, at 8:44 AM

    Or to give those pause for a second thought when contemplating breaking into your home while you sleep. There is always that thought in mind that Smith and Wesson just may be on duty and standing guard.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Jan 7, 2022, at 10:26 AM
  • *

    Also those peeps are well aware that they cannot run faster than 1500 t o 1700 feet per second when confronted by a sleepy homeowner.

    Reminds me of the peace loving Quaker who was awakened and confronted a perp telling him....

    Friend, I would not harm Thee for anything in the world, but Thou standest where I am about to shoot.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Jan 7, 2022, at 10:32 AM
  • *

    Isn't it too bad that there are no Independents in Congress, they are either R or D - the same way with the population either R or D that is if you vote those fly by night minuscule political parties don't even count!

    Turnip Brain Biden and his little sheep are the reason since 1/20/21 that the USA is in such a sewer - Biden the Tidy Bowl Man!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 12, 2022, at 8:05 AM
  • *

    You are so hot to get on that keyboard that you didn't see that I said: "the same way with the population either R or D that is if you vote" the keywords if you vote. Just settle down a little and take some time to make some sense every once in a while.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 12, 2022, at 8:26 AM
  • *

    Inflation now up to 7% - low & middle income folks takes another hit that looks like the high inflation will be here for all of 2022 - thanks Democrats and Trunip Brain Biden!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 12, 2022, at 8:41 AM
  • *

    For once you speak the truth, the USA has more current problems that need to be addressed now and not to dwell on the past - are you still fuming over Kennedy's failed Bay Of Pigs fiasco?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 12, 2022, at 9:06 AM
  • *

    Biden's approval rating in the Quinnipiac poll drops again — to 33 percent! WOW, didn't take long for all of Biden supporters to turn and run away!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 13, 2022, at 8:00 AM
  • *

    These threads are getting so boring with only a few posters that are active so I'm off of here for a while till things start picking up!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 13, 2022, at 8:35 AM
  • *

    Yes and he is going to have even worse days come November. He has already been told by the Supreme Court that he is not King and does not have Totalitarian Control of America. So loose the House and possibly the Senate and what is he going to do then. He cannot seem to get anything done now with a majority in the House and Senate, so long as Kammy cooperates.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Jan 16, 2022, at 12:57 AM
  • *

    On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, remember the Republicans freed the slaves and gave them the 1964 Civil Rights Law against the Southern Democratic opposition.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 16, 2022, at 8:49 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Jan 18, 2022, at 5:03 PM
  • *

    To quote the President of the United States of America....

    "Let's go Brandon!"

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Jan 18, 2022, at 5:06 PM
  • *

    I've got my Dick Tracy decoder ring ready to use during Biden's news conference tomorrow!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 18, 2022, at 5:43 PM
  • *

    Biden keeps saying that the vaccines, tests, and now masks are free which is a load of BS....the American taxpayers are paying for them!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 18, 2022, at 5:56 PM
  • *

    Only 3 more years of this circus to go!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Jan 20, 2022, at 7:29 AM
  • *

    Wheels: Only till Jan. 2023 when the House and Senate will impeach and convict Biden for his unconstitutional acts - payback is a Hitch isn't it Democrats!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 20, 2022, at 8:07 AM
  • *


    I think Mr. Huckabee is on to something here and America better wake up to the fact that our President's Elevator doesn't make it to the top floor.

    So to speak and putting it kindly.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Jan 20, 2022, at 8:17 AM
  • *

    Federal Judge of the U.S. District Court puts a Halt on Federal Workers vaccine mandates - what will the SCOTUS decide if the case goes there?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 22, 2022, at 8:28 AM
  • -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 22, 2022, at 8:38 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sat, Jan 22, 2022, at 8:38 AM

    This is nucking futs!!!

    Sounds Ike committee work to me.

    Goes right along with something totally in a different category but as equally "brilliant".

    Are you aware that Healthcare givers may not put up but three of the four rails on a hospital bed for a patient labeled a fall risk. It takes a doctor's order to put up the 4th one because you are confining the person in the bed who could be delirious and get out and fall. Applies to nursing homes as well, as I was told visiting someone there several years ago.

    We can ot fly without a proper ID but an arrest warrant will suffice. How about if I get a speeding ticket key on the way to the airport. Is that a fresh ID or what?

    What this country needs is some more really big controlling government to "HELP" us.

    And hell yes let a delirious patient roll out of bed, it's the American way.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Jan 22, 2022, at 9:06 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Jan 23, 2022, at 4:49 PM
  • *

    Here is something for you Leftau. And you chastised me for saying "Let's go Brandon!".

    And all I was doing was quoting Joe Biden.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Jan 24, 2022, at 8:42 PM
  • *

    Wow, Democrats lectured Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin because they voted against Biden, but they praise Republican Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger because they are against Trump!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 25, 2022, at 9:17 AM
  • *

    It appears to me the resident Democrat waterboy isn't up to the task for this President.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Jan 25, 2022, at 10:48 AM
  • Waiting anxiously for an explanation about obscenities:


    BTW,when was inflation such a good thing?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Jan 25, 2022, at 6:17 PM
  • *

    Biden is going to keep screwing around with this Russia thing until we bite off more than we can chew.

    Exactly what is he going to do with 8500 troops being sent over there. Make them target practice for Russia's 100,000?

    After his last military blunder in the withdrawal, my confidence level on a scale of 1 to 10 is at a -2!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Jan 26, 2022, at 10:04 AM
  • *

    Where's the waterboy to explain this for us?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Jan 26, 2022, at 10:06 AM
  • *

    Now, this is twisted - Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and the MSM make no mention of the thousands of Illegals crossing into the USA from Mexico but wants to send 8,500 American troops to secure the Ukraine border - why not send those to the southern border to secure it from potential terrorists, drug cartels, and covid infected Illegals!!

    Also, hundreds of young adult males are being bused and placed on planes every day to be dispersed all over the USA....why?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 26, 2022, at 10:09 AM
  • *

    Biden Without a Teleprompter Is Bad News, he's got that Deer in the Headlights look or the look of a skydiver without a parachute!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 26, 2022, at 11:20 AM
  • So,Joey is set to nominate a new Supreme Court judge based only on sex and race. Any thought about qualifications?

    What a …..

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Jan 26, 2022, at 6:43 PM
  • *

    Rock: That's how Harris got the VP slot....a mostly black woman. Biden needs to nominate Harris for the Justice seat so he can nominate a new VP who has the experience and the brainpower to take over as president when senile demented Biden resigns, impeach/convicted, or is removed by the 25th Amendment.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 26, 2022, at 6:51 PM
  • *

    Good grief Turnip Brain Biden, if you are looking only for a black woman Supreme Court replacement justice don't announce your intentions ahead of time in order not to discriminate against the other races and genders!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 27, 2022, at 6:03 PM
  • *

    Just saw an interview with Transportation Secretary Pete South Bend Buttigieg and heard him say that the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure monies were in part allowing his department to install traffic cams to reduce speeders and correct more money in fines....guess folks will just have to continue to dodge those huge popholes as they slip along down the interstates. Also, this lane brain said that his goal is ZERO highway deaths which is a great idea but I rather doubt that it will ever happen unless the government takes all of the cars off of the highways!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 27, 2022, at 9:02 PM
  • *

    Democrats are jumping from the Biden ship like Rats!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 8:44 AM
  • The Biden love affair is collapsing faster than that Pittsburgh bridge.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 10:36 AM
  • *

    Yep, if Big Mouth Biden gets the USA into any kind of military action look out gas prices will double,that current supply chain problem will look like a kindergarten class, and that 7% Inflation will go up like an explosion - thanks to old Senile Demented Biden!!

    God Help/Save the USA from this Senile Demented Administration!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 10:40 AM
  • *

    Semo471 you better take a run out to Scopus and check on the Democrats waterboy!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 4:37 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Too Cold to do that! Maybe his water bucket froze up!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 4:46 PM
  • Biden declared it’s a black woman or nothing for the Supreme Court. I’ll bet the smartest in that group is Condoleeza Rice. That’s his next mistake not considering her. Maxine Waters is probably on his list to consider.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 5:53 PM
  • *

    Biden is exposing himself as a racist by allowing race to come into place. He is obligated to the Constitution to nominate the best candidate regardless of all other considerations, including gender.

    And it is a setup to label anyone who we I'll vote against her a racist and a male chauvinist p:g.

    As a President on a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate him at a -2.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Jan 28, 2022, at 7:53 PM
  • *

    Turnip Brain Biden's 2022 State of the Union speech delayed from the usual January speech till March 1....he and the Democrats are still looking for something positive to be done by old senile demented Biden in order for the speech to be more than 5 minutes long. Right now the only thing that Biden has done correctly is to prove to Americans that Trump was right when he said that Biden would be a disaster for the USA!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:00 AM
  • "...to nominate the best candidate..."

    This didn't bother you when Trump ignored this.

    More VanGennip hypocrisy.

    The "best candidate" criteria went out the window when unscrupulous/unprincipled Mitch killed the 60 vote requirement for the SCOTUS.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:13 AM
  • *

    Maybe Pelosi tore up his speech send they only had 1 copy.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:14 AM
  • *

    The "best candidate" criteria went out the window when unscrupulous/unprincipled Mitch killed the 60 vote requirement for the SCOTUS.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:13 AM

    Hmm, if I remember correctly that had something to do with his predecessor having set that president. Paybacks are hell Water BOY.

    The Democrats might want to keep that in mind when it comes to the Filibuster. They like to change the rules to suit their purpose then whine about it when it is turned around and used on them.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:19 AM
  • *

    Precident not President. Thank you autocorrect.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:21 AM
  • *

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 9:13 AM

    BS Spreader lettau: You meant to say thanks to Harry Reid who used the Nuclear option and set the precedent!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 10:10 AM
  • Now that Tater Head Joey has turned ICE into an illegals travel agency shouldn’t that be immediate grounds for impeachment?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Feb 1, 2022, at 12:21 PM
  • https://nypost.com/2022/01/26/leaked-video-reveals-joe-bidens-hush-hush-migrant-...

    Too much silence on this travesty.

    This isn’t an impeachable offense?

    Worried about Ukrainian borders but not ours?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 4:45 AM
  • -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 5:47 AM
  • *

    I am surprised that Biden's Warer BOY hasn't shown us where our concerns are wrong and Biden is doing us a great service. What else are we to do with our money except support a bunch of illegals who will not grab themselves by their bootstraps and pull themselves out of poverty in their own country. A nd the Democratic Party see this as a way to put themselves in permanent power. Anybody besides me see that as a step in the wrong direction for the United States.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 7:48 AM
  • *

    Perhaps we will finally find out just how dirty Slow Joe and his kid are. Can you spell Quid Pro Quo? Quo rhymes with Joe.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 10:37 AM
  • *


    The Democrats spent 4 years investigating Trump, when do they start unearthing the dirt on this circus act?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 11:56 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 12:05 PM
  • *

    Impeach/Convict Biden for his unconstitutional request!! Where are Pelosi and Schumer??


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 12:21 PM
  • What’s happened to all my hippy friends?

    We gonna stick to the man,man!!

    Neil Young with Crosby,Stills and Nash and the Freedom of Speech Tour I believe it was ‘06??.

    Poor old Neil and others running to “The Man” now.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 12:55 PM
  • *

    In a desperate attempt to divert attention away from a failing presidency Tunip Brain Biden is gonna spill American blood in Europe! Does anyone remember the movie - Wag The Dog?


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 1:32 PM
  • Remember Cigar Billy tossing bombs at aspirin factories to divert attention from his dalliance? Didn’t Broom Hillary say something like Ukrainian Joe and Cigar Billy were like twins separated at birth?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 2, 2022, at 1:48 PM
  • Rick S.,

    What's your point? Why would they not be "discussing basic plans?"

    The administration took responsibility last year for its failure to anticipate the Afghan Army essentially giving the Taliban a high speed, "police escort" into Kabul.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Feb 3, 2022, at 12:25 AM
  • *

    The present economic and foreign policies failures of this mented administration are all on its senile mented leader - Turnip Brain Biden....otherwise known as Let's Go Brandon!!

    Whatever happened to all of those Biden supporters or were there that many to begin with??

    There must have been another update of uncivil words because a word that I use to describe Biden that starts with a D doesn't pass the censor - what a joke!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 3, 2022, at 8:22 AM
  • *

    Well Biden read his speech written by someone.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Feb 3, 2022, at 9:39 AM
  • *


    Joe at breakfast with his babysitter Jill.

    Jill: "By the way, an ISIS guy killed himself and his entire family. We're going to take credit for it. You'll be speaking about it later."

    Joe: "Will there be ice cream afterwards?"

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 3, 2022, at 9:49 AM
  • *

    Guess Demented is ok know, guess it was an error on the webmaster.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 3, 2022, at 7:53 PM
  • If only the VP “Border Czar” felt the same way about our border:

    “The bottom line is that we have been clear and consistent for quite some time that we respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and we expect that Russia would do the same and any aggressive action taken by Vladimir Putin will be met with severe consequences. We are prepared to take decisive action if he moves in an aggressive manner into Ukraine.”

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Feb 4, 2022, at 7:17 AM
  • *

    Maybe the USA should go to war against Mexico....that way it would cut off the flow of Illegals and Drugs into the USA - a win win solution!! Hey Turnip Brain Biden and VP Harris, forget about Ukraine it's Mexico we should be fighting!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 4, 2022, at 7:38 AM
  • *

    More Illegals coming in than going out.....read the border patrol reports.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 4, 2022, at 12:53 PM
  • *


    Wonder if anybody woke Slow Joe to put him in the loop?

    Does this worry anybody besides me?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 5, 2022, at 7:34 AM
  • *

    Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 5, 2022, at 7:34 AM

    Wheels: George Soros "gave" the DNC $125 million to be used as they feel fit to do - what's Soros going to get back in exchange? George is one of the world leaders for a "One World Order".


    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Feb 5, 2022, at 7:50 AM

    Turtle: Just like that, Biden further places the USA's need for precious metals on the dependency of China and Russia - good grief the man is a nursing home case! This is another example of the "America Last" agenda of the Democrats.


    Another case of Facebook censorship and IMO when the Republicans take back Congress in the midterm 2022 elections they need to address censorship on these social media platforms: FB, Twitter, YouTube, and the search engine Google.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Feb 5, 2022, at 8:46 AM
  • When you base a choice only on race and gender the present VP is what you get.

    I hear that the VP speech writer is the latest staffer to resign. The real news is that the VP had a speechwriter to begin with.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Feb 5, 2022, at 12:11 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Basing "...a choice on race and gender..." has always been the case.

    From a list of white males the most politically expedient man was selected. Individual experience and actually being the most qualified seldom, if ever, entered the nomination process.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 6:11 AM
  • *

    "From a list of white males......"

    Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 6:11 AM

    BS Spreader Lettau: Don't guess Justice Amy Coney Barrett counts in your make believe Liberal world - try joining reality!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 7:47 AM
  • “being the most qualified seldom, if ever, entered the nomination process.”

    That explains Biden. Thx

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 12:18 PM
  • Not really. But it does explain Pence.

    His half-hearted attempt to dump Trump doesn't excuse 4 years of kow-towing

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 1:30 PM
  • *

    When "Floweres" or "girls" or "young men" is said insert "Biden Voters" in its place.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 1:52 PM
  • *

    Not really. But it does explain Pence.

    His half-hearted attempt to dump Trump doesn't excuse 4 years of kow-towing

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 6, 2022, at 1:30 PM

    And exactly what the hell does that have to do with Biden's failures?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 7, 2022, at 7:31 AM
  • Don’t others get fired for using this language?:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 12:42 PM
  • As usual the rest of the story is conveniently left out…

    Referring to the court case in which the plan was struck down, Biden said “As to the Governor, the Court concluded, quote: ‘The Governor’s opposition to the Nunez plan was predicated in significant part on his delineation of a majority black district centered in Orleans Parish.'”

    Biden then added “And in confidential portions of your staff memo, they brought to your attention the allegation that an important legislator in defeating the Nunez plan in the basement said, quote: ‘We already have a n****r mayor; we don’t need another n****r big-shot.'”

    This is the clip that was edited into an attack on Biden.

    So Biden was quoting someone else, an “important legislator” likely from New Orleans.

    Your apology is accepted.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 1:28 PM
  • I know exactly what was said and by whom and he was only reading/repeating others words but the point is others have said and done less yet get the “treatment”.

    Apology? Ha!

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 3:11 PM
  • Apparently you didn't give any thought to it being about 35 years ago.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 3:15 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Don't matter if Biden repeated someone else's comment, he still said it...good grief man get real!

    Since your big mouth is open, you care to defend Biden's many many failures as listed on the other thread or are you going to hid out there in Scopus?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 4:01 PM
  • *

    Save you some time Lettau here is a partial list of Biden's failures/screw ups:

    How's that 7% and growing Biden Inflation working out for you or that open southern border that has/will allow thousands of covid infected Illegals along with possible terrorists that have been bused/flown all over the USA. Along with the failed domestic policies of Turnip Brain Biden there are also failed foreign policies such as the disastrous Afghan withdrawal and the potential of war with Russia and or China - yep a weak USA leader opens up the likelihood of conflicts with our enemies! "Peace through strength"! President Ronald Reagan

    God Help/Save the USA from this Senile Demented Administration!

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Feb 7, 2022, at 9:08 AM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 4:06 PM
  • *

    Biden doesn't even know where he is at or what he is supposed to do without Jill and Obama telling him what to say and do. LOL, you Democrats picked a good one!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 6:03 PM
  • Good example of the way things are can be found on these pages. Oh my goodness he exclaimed,obscenities obscenities.

    Nasty Joey spouts off an obscenity and suddenly someone goes on mute. Fine example of the “treatment”.

    I guess being embarrassed is reason enough to hide.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 6:38 PM
  • Another "Braswellism."

    Find a quote from 35 years ago, take it out of context, and claim a profound point is made.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 9:09 PM
  • *

    Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Feb 7, 2022, at 9:08 AM

    What no comments from the resident Democratic spokesperson from Scopus! Hard to defend old Turnip Brain Biden failures isn't it?

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Feb 7, 2022, at 10:51 AM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Feb 7, 2022, at 6:41 PM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 7:22 AM

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Tue, Feb 8, 2022, at 12:23 PM

    BS Spreader: Since you got your Big Mouth open why not defend your hero Biden's failed policies?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 9, 2022, at 6:55 AM
  • "Braswellism."

    I love it. I know that was supposed to be some sort of shade thrown as usual when ya got nothing.

    Hope it wasn’t copyrighted.

    I did look it up and it’s described as something true that induces an “ite” (such as a “Bidenite) to whine and shed what known as liberal tears. Also called jerking their chain.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 9, 2022, at 8:18 PM
  • No shade, just fact, and you're welcome to it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 9, 2022, at 8:38 PM
  • *

    To quote Joe Biden....

    "Let's go Brandon!"


    "Well SOB, they fired him!"

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 9, 2022, at 10:14 PM
  • Here’s Nancy inviting baloney Joe:

    “Thank you for your bold vision and patriotic leadership which have guided America out of crisis and into an era of great progress, as we not only recover from the pandemic but Build Back Better!," Pelosi wrote in her letter to Biden. “In that spirit, I am writing to invite you to address a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday, March 1, to share your vision of the State of the Union.”

    There’s the third in charge space cadet’s vision of incompetence.

    Here’s the best short and sweet speech for Mumbling Joey: “It’s a frigging mess”

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 8:13 AM
  • *

    Here’s the best short and sweet speech for Mumbling Joey: “It’s a mess”

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 8:13 AM

    Rock: Very true and he did it all by himself with the help of his string puller - Obama (funny how google won't allow the real word).

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 8:20 AM
  • *

    Inflation up to now 7.5%.....thanks Turnip Brain Biden!!

    I would rather have a couple of mean tweets than 7.5% inflation....Trump's inflation rate was a mere 1.5%.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 9:19 AM
  • Seriously,what in the wide world of poor performance can Tater Head dream up for the poor state of the union?

    Manipulating the employment figures?

    Claiming inflation is great for the economy?

    He’s cured Covid and have cancer cured soon?

    There’s usually a special guest invited by the President. I’m gonna go out in a limb and guess it won’t be Joe Rogan. More appropriate would be George Soros.

    I never watch things like State of the Union “listen while I pat myself on the back” speeches but I’m sure I’ll see lots of Tater Head loyalists clapping like seals as he ums and ers,maybe throw in a whisper and a Alzheimer fueled yell or two if there’s some real reporting of the unedited version.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 11:29 AM
  • *

    It appears the Water Boy has gone dark again.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 12:24 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Guess you have no defense on Turnip Brain Bidens' failures - maybe you'll get a used Hunter Biden's Crack Pipe in the mail as a consolation prize!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 10, 2022, at 10:02 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 6:00 AM

    RICK, the problem with Joe as I see it, he is a career politician who has never done anything of consequence in the real world and is not qualified to lead our country for a number of reasons. A major one, he can no longer put a complete intelligent sentence together without a speech writer. The reason he won't take off the cuff questions from reporters and ender up calling one a stoopid SOB (a favorite set of words for him it appears) recently.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 8:26 AM
  • *

    Guess Lettau won't make any comments till there is some "good news" from the Biden White House - it might be a long drought till Lettau is posting!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 9:05 AM
  • *

    I agree Rick and here is something that is starting to take traction. Trump was happy to take a cognitive test when Democrats suggested he needed to do so. Why won't Biden step to the plate and take one? Is it possible he knows he cannot pass one? Hopefully his Water Boy will agree he should take one as he was proclaiming Biden's intelligence and honesty prior to the election in 2020.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 11:43 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 11:44 AM
  • *

    Welcome to Biden/Carter days of Inflation. Turnip Brain Biden goes off on NBC Lester Holt during the interview!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 5:29 PM
  • *

    Probably as good a place as any to air this....

    Turn your volume up and learn about the BS the left has been feeding us!


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 12, 2022, at 7:09 AM
  • *

    Looks like that good ole Snoopes-R-US CIA is keeping illegal tracks on us poor American Citizens which is illegal as anything - but hey we deployables are a threat to their power!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Feb 12, 2022, at 8:11 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sat, Feb 12, 2022, at 8:09 AM

    Or they are brain deceased!

    For lack of a more common but not Goggle friendly word.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 12, 2022, at 8:13 AM
  • Looks like Putin is rattling swords while Sleepy Joey is just rattling around the house.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Feb 12, 2022, at 7:19 PM
  • The hyena explaining how good it is:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Feb 12, 2022, at 7:59 PM
  • *

    Hmmmm, another brilliant move on the part of our brain deceased President.


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 8:42 AM

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 8:50 AM
  • Amazing,just plain amazing. Sending the VP to handle the Ukrainian border crisis. She can’t handle the southern debacle. Of course,what’s to handle down there? It was the plan all along. Putin just spit out his vodka shot hearing that.

    But hey,she once complained about never going to Europe.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 10:38 AM
  • This is some funny stuff:


    Gotta laugh at that dweeb of a Prez.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 1:09 PM
  • *

    Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 1:09 PM

    Rock: Had to copy and send the video to family and friends. LOL

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 5:44 PM
  • *

    Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 8:50 AM

    Wheels: Out of here for a while and didn't see this. Good grief, VP Harris hasn't even been to or done anything about the Southern Border Fiasco so how in heavens name can she do anything with the Russia/Ukraine problem? All I can say is God Help us all.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 5:47 PM
  • *

    Been a little predisposed myself today. Not a fun day.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 6:04 PM
  • *


    Biden is worried about the Queers of America and I am more concerned about America's straight children.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 13, 2022, at 8:21 PM
  • Good grief! Now a mayor of a San Francisco suburb wants residents to open their homes to homeless. Shoot,Biden can provide pipes and needles and all they have to do is house train them to not squat in the yard. Isn’t this Drunken Nancy’s district? She wants to control the country but can’t take care of her own.

    That’s their vision of America.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Feb 14, 2022, at 11:31 AM
  • John Durham is getting closer. Hope he’s on that Clinton suicide watch.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Feb 14, 2022, at 6:01 PM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Feb 15, 2022, at 8:30 AM
  • *

    Wheels: They are not free as reported.....taxpayers are out $30 million!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Feb 15, 2022, at 12:33 PM
  • *

    "If a huge UFO landed and the Alien folks came out and said , "Take us to your Leader" , where and to who would we take those Aliens ?"

    A very good question!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Feb 15, 2022, at 8:19 PM
  • *

    The "Leader" definitely wouldn't be Biden or Harris!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 8:44 AM
  • *

    Glad you have finally realized the Biden Inflation tax on almost everything is real. Biden has been in power for over a year, ask him for your tax cut....good luck with that!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 1:26 PM
  • *

    Don't know that this belongs here, but couldn't see anything any closer.

    Out politicians make laws many that cater to their own financial well being. Stock trading on inside information is one of them. I do not believe Congress was envisioned to be a place where ordinary citicens become millionaires by our Founding Fathers.


    Now, the question is, how do we expect these future millionaires to honestly regulate themselves and go back home the ordinary citizens they came aboard as instead of career political millionaires?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 5:31 PM
  • *

    Wheels: Term limits!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 5:44 PM
  • I'm sure that Hillary is "shaking in her boots."

    Not very likely, except in SFW.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:24 PM
  • *

    You got your tax cuts under Trump didn't you and they continued while he was in office - now if you think that you need an extension of the tax cuts then asked your buddy Joe Biden for one = simple as that!

    Good that you Democratic sheep are in the same Inflation boat caused by your beloved Joe Biden!

    Guess you are like the MSM and turn a deaf ear to the Truth about Hillary - maybe it's her time for that Orange Jump Suit!

    BTW, did you ever see the movie - Wag the Dog? A new version is starring Joe Biden as he tries to deflect his low low approval ratings by creating a crisis which the Dems are good at!

    God Help/Save the USA from this Senile Demented Administration!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:34 PM
  • *

    BS Spreader Lettau: Yep Hillary is probably having problems sleeping at night nowadays! Trump as always was right when he said that he was being spied on during and after the 2016 campaign. Durham has got Hillary in his target sights - LOL at you Lettau as always!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:38 PM
  • Keep this in mind...

    “A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 38 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.”

    Just read the Mueller Report and the Moscow Project, should find this there.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:41 PM
  • *

    the Mueller Report

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:41 PM

    BS Spreader Lettau: The Mueller Report was determined not worth the money that Hillary paid for it. LOL at you Lettau as always.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:48 PM
  • *

    Hillary spying on a sitting president and launching an espionage campaign to undermine the Executive Branch of the federal government is the closest thing we've seen to an Insurrection - go get her Durham!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 7:58 PM
  • Only in SFW.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 9:02 PM
  • *

    Looks like the Google censor didn't like my response so I cleaned it up a little so that it could be posted with their blessing.

    BS Spreader Lettau: Are you upset that Turnip Brain Biden and soon to be criminally charged Hillary are in deep troubles, what more could possibly go wrong for the Dems? LOL at you as always!

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Wed, Feb 16, 2022, at 10:00 PM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 7:32 AM
  • *

    Criminals are arrested and convicted when breaking the laws of the land which most of us follow - Hillary is not above the Law!

    Good to see after months and months that some have finally accepted that Biden is destroying the Low to Middle Income folks with his 7.5% and growing Inflation tax on almost everything!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 8:36 AM
  • *

    Biden is the Appointed president and not the elected one....my opinion that is shared by millions. The only ones who approve of Biden is the hardcore 35% of the sheep according to the latest honest polls!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 11:48 AM
  • *

    The start of the USA Inflation and not the world's was on day one when Biden canceled the Keystone Pipeline construction and froze new drilling permits in Alaska and in California - yep Biden self inflicted oil/gas shortage which caused the gas/diesel prices to go up immediately and is now 66% higher since 1/20/21. With most consumer items arriving by trucks, it's no doubt the cause and start of Biden's Inflation tax on everyone started with his day one incompetence - Thanks Turnip Brain Biden!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 12:55 PM
  • *

    Look out world VP Harris is in Europe hobnobbing with the elites and God only knows what she will say or do - hopefully she doesn't start a war or like Biden give the green light to Russia for the invasion of Ukraine.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 1:35 PM
  • *

    Turtle: When Trump left office the Inflation rate was a mere 1.5% good try at that Lettau twist and spinning!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 1:45 PM
  • *

    Why don't you take your own advice Turtle - 1.5% Inflation rate at the end of Trump's term....good grief man wake up!!

    Do you approve of the vaccine mandates?

    Do you approve of the open southern border letting thousands of possible covid infected Illegals and terrorists into the USA? You do know that these Illegals are wards of the Federal government and you and I are paying for their health care, housing, and a monthly welfare check?

    Do you approve of giving Crack Pipes to the masses at $30 million of taxpayers' money?

    Do you approve of Biden's approval of the over 500 BLM/ANTIFA riots during the 2020 campaign?

    Do you approve of Biden being the laughing stock of the world?

    Do you approve of the Climate change doomsayers?

    Do you approve of the Corruption of Pelosi and others in Congress by inside trading activity?

    The list can go on and on of what the Democrats have done and will continue to do to this country!! Leave the Darkness and come on over to the Light of the Republican party!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 2:42 PM
  • *

    Do you honestly believe the US of A Government is just going to hand out $6 trillion dollars without getting it back ?

    Turtle: Where did I say that? Making things up again!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 3:32 PM
  • *

    WOW, from one of the few honest polling companies, 68% of voters think that Hillary's Spygate scandal needs to be investigated - guess folks don't think that Hillary is above the Law!!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 3:44 PM
  • *

    Here's another polling saying 66% of voters want Biden to take a mental cognitive test! Yep, folks are finally seeing the Light - guess I can say I told you so!


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 3:48 PM
  • Ban avocados but keep that border open!

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 4:45 PM
  • *

    It doesn't matter who the President would be , the US of A Government is gonna get it's money back .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 3:05 PM

    Rick, I agree with that. But the problem is, they won't get it back from the people they so benevolently passed it out to. They will get it back from the people paying taxes every year. My daughter the CPA is over this evening helping me with her Mother's care and we have been working on my tax return. I am not happy with the government giving money to people who refuse to work. I come from the, "If you don't work, you don't eat", set. And before one of the libs get their bowels in an uproar, I am not speaking of the sick and disabled. I am addressing the slovenly lazy slobs who make their way through life living off what the rest of us pay in taxes.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Feb 17, 2022, at 9:48 PM
  • *

    Looks like Hillary is running scare because she was accusing Trump for her current John Durham problems! What a hoot, Hillary does the crime and then blames the victim - that's the Liberal way!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 7:32 AM
  • *

    Did I Blame All of the USA problems on the Liberals? I was only talking about Hillary....stop making things up you are starting to be like CNN!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 7:59 AM
  • *

    I don't watch the Lies network CNN but I read about all the retractions that they have to make along with those from the rag The New York Times.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 8:13 AM
  • *

    I live in today's reality and point out current problems.

    Before you jump up and down about Hillary, there is no limit on that type of crimes to be Prosecuted.

    Now out for awhile.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 8:42 AM
  • *

    Turtle: You must have a reading comprehension problem, I said before you jump and down!

    The problems that I point out are problems that affects us Now....why would anyone want to talk about previous president's problems that are not important Now.

    People who ignore present reality and lives in the past are taking after the Senile Demented One that resids in the White House now.

    God Help/Save the USA from this Senile Demented Administration and protect us from our enemies since Joe Biden doesn't!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 12:47 PM
  • *

    "You do not accuse me of being a "Democrat" , "pro-Biden" , or "Biden Sheep" on the Biden's Next Mistake Vol III Thread ." Diseased Turtle

    Don't want to disappoint you Turtle so how's that 7.5% Biden Inflation Tax working for you Democrats, Pro-Biden, little sheep?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 1:52 PM
  • *


    Here is what you get when a President has to destroy his predecessor's legacy at all costs. I am sure the Water Boy can make it look pretty and be a truly necessary move.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 8:04 PM
  • *

    Looks like Turtle is having his daily Trump meltdown and starting his attacks on me - I haven't posted since 1:52 PM yesterday however Turtle started his attacks this morning. Go ahead Turtle take your best shot!! Don't go crying when you receive my replies.

    If the little sheep are satisfied paying 7.5% more on anything purchased then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the Illegaal vaccines/masks mandates then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the open Southern Border allowing thousands and thousands of Illegals to gain entry into the USA and becoming wards of the government then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with having a Senile Demented Appointed lower case president then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the Spend Spend Democratic controlled Congress then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the current reality of the USA many many more problems than have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    May God Help/Save the USA from this Senile Demented Administration and protect the USA from our enemies because Joe Biden is not!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Feb 20, 2022, at 8:04 AM
  • *

    Let your Right Wing-Nut Extremist dim light shine .

    -- Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Sun, Feb 20, 2022, at 6:35 AM

    That sweet of you to say you Left Wing-Nut Extremist dim light!!

    Now then go play with Lettau because I'm not wasting one more minute talking to a nonsmart person!!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Feb 20, 2022, at 8:15 AM
  • *

    Yep, that 7.5% Biden Inflation Tax on almost all items purchased is a nothing burger to some.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Feb 21, 2022, at 12:55 PM
  • Cracker shortage? Seems even the empty shelves of Biden have hit here but saltines? Are they the new AWP shortage? Is it the name “cracker” that has someone upset like Aunt Jemima?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Feb 21, 2022, at 2:55 PM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased. . Turtle on Mon, Feb 21, 2022, at 2:24 PM

    WOW, Turtle meltdown city! Since you like my post sooooooo much here it is again!

    If the little sheep are satisfied paying 7.5% more on anything purchased then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the Illegal vaccines/masks mandates then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the open Southern Border allowing thousands and thousands of Illegals to gain entry into the USA and becoming wards of the government then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with having a Senile Demented Appointed lower case president then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the Spend Spend Democratic controlled Congress then have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    If the little sheep are satisfied with the current reality of the USA many many more problems than have at it but don't cry about it on these threads because I'm going to LMAO at you.

    May God Help/Save the USA from this Senile Demented Administration and protect the USA from our enemies because Joe Biden is not!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Feb 21, 2022, at 3:18 PM
  • -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 7:59 AM
  • What never was now is:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 2:34 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 2:34 PM

    Republicans aren't welcome in DC, now Truckers aren't welcome in DC.

    Who will be next who isn't welcome at the People's House?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 4:20 PM
  • What business do these truckers have in DC?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 5:26 PM
  • More to the point,what business does the current administration have in DC other than being what Trump was supposed to be?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 6:09 PM
  • *

    What business do these truckers have in DC?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 5:26 PM

    Same as any other American does Dimwit! You don't have to be a Democrat to have a right to be in DC!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Feb 23, 2022, at 9:59 PM
  • At least Jotater admitted today how he’s effed it all up.

    “Tremendous hardship on Americans already hurting”.

    But hey,Jotater,why the heck is that? Who ya gonna blame?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Feb 24, 2022, at 5:54 PM
  • Putin is scared of Biden. Just ask Jotater:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Feb 24, 2022, at 6:45 PM
  • Jotater is doing another airlift out of Ukrain. Hastily getting Hunters money out with 10% for the “big guy”.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 7:10 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    You need to get back to reality.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:31 AM
  • Think about it...

    Had the Trump insurrection succeeded, he likely to be praising Putin and assuring him that NATO's Article 5 no longer applied.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:37 AM
  • *

    Mr. Braswell,

    You need to get back to reality.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:31 AM

    Like to explain your vision of reality Water Boy??

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:40 AM
  • *

    Think about it...

    Had the Trump insurrection succeeded, he likely to be praising Putin and assuring him that NATO's Article 5 no longer applied.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:37 AM

    Yep, more Trump's fault for Democrat failings. How about taking the blame back to Harry Truman and WW II?

    It would be just as much or more logical!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:44 AM
  • His reality is stuck in neutral.

    Actually I really can’t blame Biden for all the chaos he’s created. It’s the maroons that put him on that fence post with the turtle.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 9:00 AM
  • Neutral? That was wrong. More like stuck in reverse.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 9:18 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    I said nothing about this being Trump's fault.

    I just pointed out how much worse for the world, and how much better for Putin, it would have been had Trump's insurrection succeeded.

    The vast majority of Americans are grateful that Biden, not Trump is in charge.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 9:35 AM
  • *

    Water Boy and I just reminded you that there was a school of thought years ago, that we should have settled With Russia after WW II was settled with Germany and Japan. You need to get your head out of it and deal with reality.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 9:49 AM
  • Not logical at all. Of course, Gen. Patton is said to have insisted that we should fight the Russians now, while we have our Army in Europe.

    He overlooked a minor point, that being the prerequisite of Congress declaring war on the USSR.

    If Congress believes Biden is not doing enough, they can declare war on Russia. Don't hold your breath expecting republicans to act on a bipartisan basis.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 10:23 AM
  • Jotater just broke another Federal Law today and I bet it will never get a mention.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 10:36 AM
  • *

    Think about it...

    Had the Trump insurrection succeeded, he likely to be praising Putin and assuring him that NATO's Article 5 no longer applied.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:37 AM

    Here we go again, the Water Boy is trying to change the topic.

    The fact is Biden applied for the job, he now has it. His failures are his own and his job performance is inadequate and has earned him his 35%, give or take a point or two, favorable rating.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 11:15 AM
  • Listen guys? That there’s some real diplomatic talk,Kackula!


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 12:45 PM
  • *

    It appears Leftau is not going to grace us with a litany of Biden's successes for the past 13 months.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:39 PM
  • *

    It appears Leftau is not going to grace us with a litany of Biden's successes for the past 13 months.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:39 PM
  • More molehills out of anthills.

    Some try to make a points out of a non-issue. Nothing there.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:42 PM
  • It's already available, just keep up with current events.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:48 PM
  • Seems your definition of "failures" includes whatever you and/or Trump are upset by.

    Get over yourself.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:53 PM
  • *

    It's already available, just keep up with current events.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:48 PM

    Must, be a very short list. Anybody else seen it besides The Water Boy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:57 PM
  • *

    It's already available, just keep up with current events.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:48 PM

    Must, be a very short list. Anybody else seen it besides The Water Boy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:57 PM
  • *

    Get over yourself.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 2:53 PM

    We're you muttering to yourself Water Boy?

    Just been trying to keep you current. Trump hasn't been President for 13 months Lefty. Joe Biden is President and bears full responsibility for what has taken place since Jan 20, 2021.

    Not Donald Trump or George Washington, or anybody serving as President between the two men mentioned.

    Got that Water Boy??

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 3:06 PM
  • "...Trump hasn't been President for 13 months..."

    ...and almost all Americans cheered...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 3:25 PM
  • *

    "...Trump hasn't been President for 13 months..."

    ...and almost all Americans cheered...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 3:25 PM

    Childish at best! If you have no adult response, why not try to be man enough to say so.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 3:59 PM
  • *

    "...Trump hasn't been President for 13 months..."

    ...and almost all Americans cheered...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 3:25 PM

    Childish at best! If you have no adult response, why not try to be man enough to say so.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 3:59 PM
  • Hardly childish and completely true.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 4:46 PM
  • *

    I might add something Water Boy. Even if your statement that almost all Americans cheered even Biden was declared the winner wasn't a gross exaggeration, which it definitely was, that number is now down to 35%. And that took roughly pnky 1 year to happen. Does that make you proud Uly?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 4:58 PM
  • *

    I might add something Water Boy. Even if your statement that almost all Americans cheered even Biden was declared the winner wasn't a gross exaggeration, which it definitely was, that number is now down to 35%. And that took roughly pnky 1 year to happen. Does that make you proud Uly?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 4:58 PM
  • *

    "roughly pnky 1 year to happen"

    Should be 'roughly only 1 year to happen

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 5:01 PM
  • *

    1 would like to know how many fellow posters have 100% confidence in Joe Biden's ability to handle the Ukrainian situation safely for America.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 7:12 PM
  • *


    So far nobody. Interesting.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 8:12 PM
  • *

    Look at all of the cyberspace I saved with this question. So far no one with 100% confidence in Joe Biden?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Feb 25, 2022, at 9:11 PM
  • I’m 100% sure that President Biden will not request nor accept a Congressional Declaration of War against Russia.

    I’m 100% sure that financial military aid to Ukraine will continue and be increased as necessary,

    I’m 100% sure that sanctions will remain in place and be increased as required.

    I’m 100% sure that Europe and NATO will stand by Ukraine.

    I’m 100% sure that were Trump in charge, Ukraine and the Ukrainian people would have been thrown under the bus.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Rick S.,

    Of course he'll make a difference. What do you think he should have done differently?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 10:26 AM
  • Rick S.,

    "...has lost multiple Federal Cases before."

    She was an assistant public defender for only about 2 years. What did she lose?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 10:40 AM
  • I know everything has a sponsor or a “brought to you by” advertisement but CNN stooped lower than low having the Russia invasion of Ukraine brought to you by Applebees. Is that where everybody knows your name,Vlad?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 11:22 AM
  • *

    She was an assistant public defender for only about 2 years. What did she lose?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 10:40 AM

    And that qualifies her to be a Supreme Court Judge?

    Good grief Gertrude what has become of our standards in this country?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 11:54 AM
  • "...our standards in this country?"

    Up till now, for the past 5 years, the standards were to be young, white, and anti-choice. Recall Neil, Brett and Amy. Knowledge, judicial experience and non-partisanship had nothing to do with their nominations.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 2:29 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 2:29 PM

    Leftau, you made the statement, show us where it was stated that you had to be White to be on the Supreme Court in the past 5 years. Race and Gender was brought into the picture with the last campaign. Try denying it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 2:54 PM
  • Try being realistic, look who McConnell put on the court.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 3:00 PM
  • *

    Ok Water Boy, you run your mouth and I gave you the opportunity to prove that race and gender weren't a stated motive of the Democrats for the purpose of vote buying, and the best you can come up with is a charge that the past Supreme Court justices were put on by McConnell.

    Puny excuse Uly, puny!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 3:13 PM
  • *

    Can't use the word weak for your excuse Leftau, so I said puny.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 3:15 PM
  • *

    Race and Gender has no place in a requirement for a Supreme Court appointee!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 3:17 PM
  • *

    Further whenever that criteria is used by the sitting President, the appointee should be rejected by the Senate.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 3:37 PM
  • *

    It appears the Water Boy has nothing to say suddenly.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 3:39 PM
  • The best way to judge if race and gender matter is to see who has been nominated.

    Invariably republicans nominate white men, so it appears it matters to them.

    Should the Senate then reject every nominee except for white men?

    The "most qualified" criteria has not been applicable since McConnell politicized the court.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 5:44 PM
  • Invariably republicans nominate white men, so it appears it matters to them.

    Better back that train up.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 6:46 PM
  • Unfortunately, McConnell destroyed the process of selecting the most qualified.

    Actually when judging airline pilots you'll find the vast majority equally well qualified. You'd be wasting your time trying to find the very best and probably miss your flight.

    The Supreme Court is similar in that very many judges are qualified, but there's no reason for the court to not be representative of the general population.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:05 PM
  • *

    "The "most qualified" criteria has not been applicable since McConnell politicized the court."

    "Unfortunately, McConnell destroyed the process of selecting the most qualified."

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022

    Water Boy, you seem to have a very poor understanding of the way our government is set up and operates.

    McConnell does not select candidates. Nor does any other member of the Senate. The President selects the candidate and the Senate has to make a decision on if or not t hat candidate is capable of doing the job of a Supreme Court Justice.

    Not sure why McConnel is a burr under your saddle but you really need to learn what his function is or was. But it definitely was NOT to select a Nominee for Supreme Court Justice.

    You may not like the person the Senate confirms, but that also does not make you correct, like it or not. And I would have thought enough time had elapsed by now that you would have got over your whining about it.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:27 PM
  • *

    "The Supreme Court is similar in that very many judges are qualified, but there's no reason for the court to not be representative of the general population."


    And, in as much as there may be 100 that could be qualified, we should be looking for the MOST qualified.

    When race is even considered it becomes racist in it's ugliest form.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:34 PM
  • *

    One more thing Water Boy, who nominated Jusice Thomas to the Supreme Court?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:39 PM
  • The President was given a list to pick any name from.

    Trump's first selection was because of McConnell's unethical refusal to give Obama's selection a vote.

    Trump's last selection was because of McConnell unethically rushing a nominee through days before an election.

    Trump just picked a name from s Federalist Society list. McConnell made it happen. You don't get out much, apparently.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:45 PM
  • *

    Another thing Water Boy, roughly 14% of our population is Black Americans

    14% of our 9 justices is 1.26%. How do you work that one out Leftau.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:48 PM
  • *

    "14% of our 9 justices is 1.26%. How do you work that one out Leftau."


    14% of our 9 justices is 1.26 justices. How do you work that one out Leftau?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 7:52 PM
  • Since of the past 115 Supreme Court justices, over 100 have been white men, the next 100 would have to be a combination of women and minorities, in order to make it statistically equal.

    As far as I know, no one's been asking for that, but it makes sense to want the composition to mirror the population.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 9:14 PM
  • *

    As far as I know, no one's been asking for that, but it makes sense to want the composition to mirror the population.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 9:14 PM

    Could you show us where that is the requirement set by our Constitution.

    Race and Gender should not be a consideration. The best possible candidate should be drawn from the candidates to serve

    Biden and the Democrats made it an issue when he shot his mouth off with his race and gender promise to gain votes. And you Water Boy, will kiss up and go along with anything

    Over the history of the Supreme Court and the racial factor would you try to make us believe that all happened under the leadership of Republican Presidents?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Feb 26, 2022, at 10:23 PM
  • More VanGennip hypo-crisy.

    You weren't upset when Trump "shot his mouth off" and made his anti-choice "promise to gain votes."

    Typical conservative double standard.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 12:28 AM
  • Was Amy the "best possible candidate?"

    No. She was the "best" female, anti-choice, young, white candidate.

    It's highly unlikely she would have been confirmed had it required 60 Senate votes.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 12:35 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Need to clarify the difference in what Reid did and what McConnell did.

    Over 20 years prior to Obama, about 20 nominees were filibustered.

    Obama had 30 nominees filibustered.

    These had nothing to do with judicial qualifications and everything to do with political power. Reid specifically excluded the Supreme Court.

    McConnell unethically added the Supreme Court, specifically to place partisan judges on the court.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 9:33 AM
  • *

    "Thank you Harry Reid and his "nuke option rule" ."

    "As far as the SCOTUS process Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid first created the "Nuclear Option" when approving presidential appointees. Sorry, but history is history!"

    Now you two boys has got to quit reminding the Water Boy of that!

    It is spoiling his narrative that it is all Trump and the Republican's fault.

    My only comment would be, paybacks are hell!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 9:43 AM
  • As soon as facts come into play SO conservatives freak out.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:01 AM
  • Seems they have extreme problems in differentiating between issues.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:05 AM
  • ...and as always, the default villan is the democrat.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:07 AM
  • Fortunately, most Americans know better.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:07 AM
  • *

    Fortunately, most Americans know better.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:07 AM

    Hey Water Boy, are you trying to say the Nuclear Option wasn't a Harry Reed era rule?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:39 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:43 AM

    What Leftau hasn't figured out yet Sem0471, is that I only blame the wrongdoer. I don't try to lay on someone that which they have not done.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:53 AM
  • *

    Hey Water Boy, you inventing us some more of your facts??

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 11:01 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Since you're still confused, I'll go back to the military 3 part method of passing on information, i.e. tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them.

    What I'm going to say is that Reid only exempted lower courts from the filibuster.

    The fact is that Reid did not include Supreme Court nominations in his rule.

    What you've been told and hopefully understood is that Reid did not include the Supreme Court in his exemption. After Reid, 60 senate votes were still required to confirm a Supreme Court justice.

    As you must be aware, McConnell could not present nominees that could obtain 60 votes, and the rest is republican history.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 11:39 AM
  • It's also customary to follow-up the lesson with a short quiz. Don't worry it's "open book" so you can refer to earlier posts.

    What senator reduced the number of Supreme Court confirmation votes required from 60 to 51?

    (Hint: It was not Reid.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 12:08 PM
  • This should also determine whether or not SO participants retain a sense of humor, that is, if conservatism has not drummed it out of them.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 12:10 PM
  • *

    Water Boy, tell us what you find wrong with a Democrat changing number of votes for his purpose and a Republican doing the same for his purpose.

    If one is permitted to change the rules, so is the other.

    Reed, Reid, Read, not the issue here.

    Who changed the rules first Water Boy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 12:23 PM
  • *

    Semo471, the Democrat's Water Carrier likes to find fault with Democrat inventions if they are used back on them. Nothing wrong with the Dims using them though.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 12:54 PM
  • Still confused aren't you, Mr. VanGennip.

    When McConnell took over the Senate, it required 60 votes to confirm a Supreme Court justice.

    Gorsuch got about 52. So why is he on the Supreme Court?

    It astounding that you're blind to McConnell duplicity.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:02 PM
  • *

    Water Boy, try explaining to us why it was right for Reid to change the rules but wrong for McConnell to do it.

    Are there different rules for Republicans than Democrats.

    Quit your yammering about McConnell for a few minutes and discuss the issue. Or aren't you capable of a rational discussion?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:12 PM
  • *

    It astounding that you're blind to McConnell duplicity.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:02 PM

    noun: duplicity


    deceitfulness; double-dealing.

    "he was accused of duplicity and branded a traitor"














    sharp practice


















    dirty tricks


    monkey business

    funny business















    You really think so Leftau? And he is the only one?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:19 PM
  • *

    It astounding that you're blind to McConnell duplicity.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:02 PM

    noun: duplicity


    deceitfulness; double-dealing.

    "he was accused of duplicity and branded a traitor"














    sharp practice


















    dirty tricks


    monkey business

    funny business















    You really think so Leftau? And he is the only one?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:19 PM
  • How many times do these facts have to be explained to.

    Reid took necessary action because the republicans filibustered about 30 nominees strictly on political grounds. There are about 800 federal judges and Reid's action did not alter the overall judiciary.

    McConnell unethically and specifically altered the filibuster to politize the Supreme Court. If you can rationally analyze the issue you can see how the two actions differed.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:25 PM
  • McConnell is the poster child for duplicity.

    A Supreme Court vacancy occurs during the Obama administration. McConnell unethically refuses to give Garland even a hearing.

    A Supreme Court vacancy occurs in the last days of the Trump administration and McConnell moves heaven and earth to confirm a marginally qualified candidate.

    It's called duplicity.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 1:40 PM
  • When the rules get changed don’t get your panties in a twist when it comes back you.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 2:07 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    The "rules" were changed for a very specific reason. Thereafter, republicans were rightfully able to confirm lower court nominees with 51 or more votes.

    McConnell changed an entirely different "rule" for an entirely different reason.

    That shouldn't be so hard to comprehend.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 2:43 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 2:43 PM

    Let's see if I get this. Democrats are allowed to change a rule for a specific reason and then Republicans must live by that. However when Republicans are in charge there is no reason good enough to change a rule.

    Water Boy do you understand how brazenly one way that is?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 3:56 PM
  • Seems you still don't get it. Try this.

    Reid was faced with 30 republican filibusters, and lack of judicial experience was not the justification.

    McConnell had no nominees filibustered but made the change nevertheless for purely partisan reasons.

    That is a very significant difference and with your request for a relational discussion, this should help.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 4:17 PM
  • Soooo,this new nominee only gets confirmation with that nuclear option. Still gonna be crying foul,Mx Lettau? Make that whining.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 6:40 PM
  • Soooo,this new nominee only gets confirmation with that nuclear option. Still gonna be crying foul,Mx Lettau? Make that whining.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 6:40 PM
  • We'll have to wait and see. If it's one of these issues where republicans are told how to vote it could be an issue.

    However, if there vote were by a secret ballot she'd possibly get more than 60 votes.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 7:01 PM
  • I’d laugh but it’s really sad.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 7:29 PM
  • How about an easy question.

    Do you recall vote on Liz Cheney's ouster from her party?

    Do you also recall that there was an earlier vote challenging her leadership position. In that secret ballot, 61 republicans voted to oust her and 145 voted to keep her.

    That's clear evidence that republicans are not permitted to openly vote their conscience.

    That's what's really sad.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 7:50 PM
  • As far as the "I'd laugh..." goes. It just shows you don't contribute much, except for the occasional "Braswellism."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 8:02 PM
  • *

    Seems you still don't get it. Try this.

    Reid was faced with 30 republican filibusters, and lack of judicial experience was not the justification.

    McConnell had no nominees filibustered but made the change nevertheless for purely partisan reasons.

    That is a very significant difference and with your request for a relational discussion, this should help.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 4:17 PM

    Oh, I got it Water Boy, Reid wanted to ram the nominees through for political reasons and the Republicans didn't want it to happen and were going to Filibuster to keep Reid from ramming them through, so Reid changed the rules!

    Change the names around and you have McConnell pulling a Reid and the world is coming to an end.

    What about that cannot you get through your warped brain Water Boy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 9:52 PM
  • Still having trouble with facts, again, no surprise there.

    I can see how it's much easier to defend McConnell when you make up your own facts. Except it doesn't work that way.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 10:03 PM
  • *

    No problem with facts Water Boy, the facts are, Reid changed the rules, and by your warped reasoning, that is OK. McConnell changed the Rules and you get your bowels in an uproar

    One is as valid as the other and vice versa. Your one sided look at things says only a Democrat can switch horses in midstream.

    I understand your warped reasoning, it goes with the territory when you're packing water, or whatever for the Democrats.

    Rules are rules, live with them or quit your whining when you're paid back in spades.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 11:22 PM
  • *

    Out of here for the night. Got to be up at the Crack of Dawn.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sun, Feb 27, 2022, at 11:23 PM
  • It's called rationalization, and it doesn't work

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 2:20 AM
  • It's also a perfect example of the false equivalence that conservatives are so fond of.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 5:29 AM
  • *

    It's also a perfect example of the false equivalence that conservatives are so fond of.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 5:29 AM

    Ok Big Mouth, you tell us why it is ok for the Democrats to change the rules to accomplish what they want but wrong for the Republicans to do the same thing. Both of their goals were the same, approve for an office who they wanted.

    I am waiting to read your fairy tale that justifies it.

    You have been trying to belittle those of us who do not agree with your one sided approach to the issue.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 7:17 AM
  • *

    - Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 7:46 AM

    Come on Leftau, surely you have a rebuttal for Semo471's assesment of the situation and how this is Trump and these unnameable (for Google) Conservative Republican's fault for the mess poor old Slow Joe finds himself in.

    Don't disappoint us now.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 8:03 AM
  • "...their goals were the same..."

    That's where you are still grossly and I believe intentionally, missing the point.

    The republicans under McConnell filibustered about 30 nominees for lower courts, by denying them an up or down vote. What was McConnell afraid of?

    No republican nominees were filibustered. McConnell simply wanted marginally qualified candidates to be considered that he knew would not get 60 votes, because they had to hold positions inconsistent with popular opinion.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 9:49 AM
  • *

    No republican nominees were filibustered. McConnell simply wanted marginally qualified candidates to be considered that he knew would not get 60 votes, because they had to hold positions inconsistent with popular opinion.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 9:49 AM

    A lie, plain and simple. They were qualified, just didn't dance to the Leftist's tunes.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 10:19 AM
  • *

    Rules are rules, live with them or quit your whining when you're paid back in spades.

    This still applies Water Boy! Like it or not.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 10:43 AM
  • *

    Reid changed the rules to suit himself and established a President. The less than honest Dims cheered.

    McConnell changed the rules and the Dims haven't quit whining about it since.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 10:51 AM
  • Are you implying that Neil Brett and Amy were the most qualified individuals for those positions.

    If so, that's another one of your lies.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 11:39 AM
  • *

    Are you implying that Neil Brett and Amy were the most qualified individuals for those positions.

    If so, that's another one of your lies.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 11:39 AM

    I imply nothing Water Boy. If I have something to say, I will put it in words, I am not shy. So cease and desist trying to put words in my mouth that were never verbalized.

    Further, I would like to ask you a question, were you implying that the candidates that Reid was so dedicated in approving that he would change the rules setting a new precedent, were the best possible candidates?

    See how that works Water Boy, you try putting words in my mouth and I will put them right back into yours.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 5:28 PM
  • You're still confused...

    Since there were about 30 being prevented from even an up or down vote, I'd suggest they probably ranged in qualifications from very good to excellent. If they were marginally qualified, McConnell should not have feared Senators voting on them.

    In the same way, had Neil, Brett and Amy met the highest standards and qualifications, McConnell would not have had to make exceptions for them.

    As it was, the qualifications allowing their selection were being white, young and anti-choice.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 6:06 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 6:06 PM

    Water Boy, I hope you don't believe that BS you posted. What you are trying to tell us is that only Nominees picked by Democrats are qualified.

    I am not confused in the slightest. You are easier to see through than a screen door.

    Reid set THE precident to get what he wanted. Live with it and quit your whining.

    If Trump nominated judges who would go against murdering the unborn, good for him. I personally am against legalizing murder of the unborn. Anybody with a grain of decency in their body should be. Obviously you support murder of the unborn. That labels you, doesn't it?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Mon, Feb 28, 2022, at 9:27 PM
  • Not at all, but it obviously labels you.

    Selecting the most qualified is apparently not the priority.

    McConnell alone set the rule for the Supreme Court. Nothing more to be said unless you're able to discuss this rationally. Didn't think so.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 12:30 AM
  • There is zero precedent for politicizing the Supreme Court of the United States.

    That was McConnell's goal and very unfortunately for our nation, that's what he was able to do.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 12:43 AM
  • Rick S.,

    Harry Reid didn't "create" anything. All the "Nuke Option" does is bypass the filibuster by one side or the other. It's been used for years by both sides for spending, taxes, or whatever.

    Reid only applied it because the republicans blocked about 30 judges from even getting an up or down vote.

    And you're right the judicial branch, specifically the Supreme Court, must be non-partisan, which is why the 60 vote requirement was in place. That's what McConnell destroyed by making it a "red" court.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 8:01 AM
  • Rick S.,

    The phrase "nuclear option" was coined by Trent Lott in 2003.

    McConnell preventing 30 judges from even getting a vote is more than adequate justification to Nuke republicans.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 11:56 AM
  • Furthermore, it was never an issue of not being able to get 60 votes for those candidates, it was they were prevented from even being considered.

    McConnell on the other hand, was aware that the most qualified candidates available (that could have received 60 votes) were not what the Trump administration wanted (i.e. young, white and anti-choice.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 1:10 PM
  • Because Trump said so...

    "Despite his wildly fluctuating stance on abortion rights over the years, presidential hopeful Donald Trump said on Tuesday that if elected, he would appoint Supreme Court justices who would likely overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that legalized abortion in America."


    The white part was not stated but understood, and the young part was so have maximum time on the Supreme Court.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 1:56 PM
  • "...will McConnell doom her fate -- he's rumored to have 30 experience as you claim and he wants a "red" Court..."

    He would if he could. He was only able to do what he did in the past because he had a majority.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 1:59 PM
  • *

    The Water Boy, carrying for the Democrats, as usual, is hung up on the idea that only Democrats have honorable intentions and the right to use the Nuclear Option. All others are forbidden to do the slimy stuff allowed by Dims.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 5:57 PM
  • Amazing that someone appearing to be knowledgeable in all things, can't unravel the difference.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 6:17 PM
  • *

    Amazing that someone appearing to be knowledgeable in all things, can't unravel the difference.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 6:17 PM

    It is equally as amazing to me that you are so dense that you do not understand that what is fair for one is fair for the other. The Democrats went first and the Republicans paid them back in Spades.

    Rules are put in place to be followed by all. So you don't like what the Republicans planned to do that was allowed by the rules, what makes you so dense that you think it is acceptable by the Democrats to change the Rules and the Republicans cannot do so at a future date?

    I understand perfectly Water Boy, I have had people try to screw me over. They tried to take 5 I made sure I got back 10 if possible. You know the moral of that Water Boy. Stick by the rules.

    The facts are they both were trying to stack a court. So it was a lower court, the Democrats tried to stack. They should have thought it out as to how it could play out in the future.

    Paybacks are hell Leftau, grow up and quit your whining about it. If it were illegal somebody would have done something.

    Now I am going to watch Biden make a tool of himself.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 8:06 PM
  • No matter how long you continue to stumble around, you're trying to say that an apple is an orange because they're both fruits.

    Different issues have different causes, but should you choose deny that, it's your right.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 9:07 PM
  • *

    No matter how long you continue to stumble around, you're trying to say that an apple is an orange because they're both fruits.

    Different issues have different causes, but should you choose deny that, it's your right.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 9:07 PM

    Water Boy, I don't stumble around, I have made myself perfectly clear a number of times. You are either too hard headed or too dense to understand.

    I don't give a rat's rear end if it is a Democrat or a Republican, you change a rule to get your way, you set a precident and the other party has the right to do the same thing, no matter how much more or less important the case may be. What are rules for if you can change them Willy nilly.

    The Demcrats changed the rules and got their way, the Republicans retaliated and got their way.

    The fact that the Republicans got 10 after the Democrats took 5, tough stuff. The 5 and 10 is just my way of accounting for a situation. As I said earlier. Screw me out of 5 and I am going to go after 10 as retaliation. It's worth something for teaching them a lesson.

    So grow up, stop your whining and act like a man.

    Understand, I don't care about your different petty issues, grow up deal with it and leave the rules alone halfway through the game.

    If you don't get it yet, read my print (lips) don,t try changing the rules in the middle of the game. Like it or not that is my issue, you set a precident for others to follow.

    Further, you are the one who cannot get their head wrapped around the situation. I understand perfectly what happened, Water Boy.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Tue, Mar 1, 2022, at 11:03 PM
  • -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 4:38 AM
  • *

    DA, is that kind of like in Uranus?

    Must be where he pulled the name from. And all the while we thought they were from the Ukraine

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:11 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    You're still lurching around verbally like a punch drunk boxer.

    The filibuster rules have been changed hundreds of times by both parties.

    However, the issue in question, from the start, was McConnell's action to allow him to politicize the Supreme Court of the United State.

    It is a fact that McConnell did this.

    Your rationalization doesn't change it.

    Your use of false equivalence doesn't change it

    Your querulous claims of, "He hit me first," doesn't change it.

    Senator Mitch McConnell made the Supreme Court political. Nothing else needs to be said.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:19 AM
  • *

    "However, the issue in question, from the start, was McConnell's action to allow him to politicize the Supreme Court of the United State"

    That is simply the issue you are trying to make of it Water Boy.

    I don't see it that way and all of your pandering to the Democratic Party won't change a thing.

    One party has a right to change the rules midstream, so does the other. The Democrats should have thought about it before establishing a precident. I understand rules changes that are voted on, not arbitrarily change by the will of one party.

    Get over it. Maybe one day we will quit slaughtering the unborn in this country at the will of people like you.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:29 AM
  • See it how ever you like...

    Makes no difference to the rest of the nation.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:44 AM
  • Another "Braswellism" for our enjoyment.

    You really know how to get right to the most important aspect of any issue.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:46 AM
  • I claim “Braswellism” proudly. Pointing out the “Bidenisms” of old Jotater is easy and sadly enjoyable. Easy because it’s a daily gaffe and sadly enjoyable because….well it’s Jotater. But hey,how much worse can it get after only one year? Three more years of a steady stream of Jotater yucks helps ease the pain.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 8:13 AM
  • *

    Makes no difference to the rest of the nation.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:44 AM

    Whoa up there Water Boy. Don't even try to establish the thought that the rest of the nation sees things your way. The majority wants to see this country stay free instead of the Socialistic/Communistic Totalitarian Eutopia you far Leftist Democrats see us dragged into.

    Now I am out most of the day so go for it and spread some more lies.

    I will peak in as I can to try and help educate you.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 8:40 AM
  • *

    Dang autocorrect.

    Make that I will peek.....

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 9:01 AM
  • Someone kept up with the 17 audacious lies Jotater told last night but a couple stood out to me.

    “I will always be honest with you”

    Not the exact wording but bragging about “creating” 6.5 million jobs.

    I called that one. So you,Jotater,put people out of work,pay them to stay home and then claim “creating” jobs when the guvmint dole runs out and they return to work. Only a 33%’er would believe that malarkey.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 10:10 AM
  • *

    You guys are going to get on the Water Boy's bad side. He will be here complaining about Conservatives. Being an Independent won't spare you Rick.😉🤔🤭

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 12:33 PM
  • Wondering why with all these sanctions on Russia energy was not included? Hmm?

    One thing about Russia invading Ukraine I never hear about is the Ukrainian natural gas line that transported Russian product to Europe. Think Nordstream. Putin did not want to destroy the Ukrainian pipeline until he had its replacement,nordstream completed. Who halted its completion but who reversed that decision and how fast did Putin get it done? That’s Jotater’s Ukrainian problem and his alone.

    One other note about Russian oil and gas. Who benefits from not cutting that supply to the US? Why Jotater’s mostly liberal states in the northeast. Anyone not a 33%’er can see right through it all.

    This administration is subsidizing Putin.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 1:38 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    You missed a few things...

    Nordstream 1 has been operating since 2012.

    The US gets less than 3% of our oil from Russia.

    Europe is more dependent so that is their decision.

    The US "administration" stopped "subsidizing Putin," when Trump was "fired.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 1:54 PM
  • Wrong again.

    I see the number of House democrats retiring before ‘22 is up to 30 now. That’s rising faster than gas prices.

    The rats are scurrying. Fancy will be on the back row if not relegated to washroom attendant.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 1:58 PM
  • "...the thought that the rest of the nation sees things your way."

    Nothing like that was said.

    More pesky facts:

    84% of Americans want the Supreme Court Justices to leave their politics at home.

    This is a problem because the last three were selected because of their politics.

    In the 90's the Supreme Court's approval level was 80% or better. Now it's 40% or less.

    This is indicative of the compromise of court impartiality ushered in by McConnell.

    Sometimes you have to do more that follow conservative talking point and think for yourself.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 2:06 PM
  • "...‘22 is up to 30 now."

    If the republicans put up 30 Trumpian candidates, it should be easy.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 2:10 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 2:10 PM

    Keep on packing water for the Democrats Water Boy. You're living up to your expectations.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 3:25 PM
  • Great, Mr. VanGennip, you realize that one of my expectations is that it's still worthwhile to keep on countering conservative misinformation and misconceptions.

    Glad you agree it's working.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 6:00 PM
  • Wasn’t it strange that just a day or so ago Jotater was doing dementia shuffle with not a person in sight outdoors but wearing a mask then shows up at the SOTU slobbering his way to the podium maskless. I’m beginning to realize it’s not a mask but a muzzle afraid he’ll go off script when the press is near.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:05 PM
  • This was stranger than Jotater “riding the horse”.


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:24 PM
  • Jotater wasn’t even going to mention his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal then he got reminded with a well timed shout last night.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 7:46 PM
  • Congratulations, Mr. Braswell, you've clearly graduated to full citizenship in Schaefer's fantasy world.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 8:52 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 6:00 PM*-

    Water Boy, don't flatter yourself. Where in there did you see where I said it was working. Your lies haven't convinced anyone here that I can see. You should be old enough to know that thinking you know everything is a real sign of character weakness. Refusing to listen to others keeps you from learning new ideas and hampers you from gaining knowledge.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 10:47 PM
  • Your last sentence describes SO conservatives perfectly.

    Apparently you've learned something after all.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 11:11 PM
  • Finally caught up to the old lecher:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 4:12 AM
  • Finally caught up to the old lecher:


    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 6:21 AM
  • What could possibly be of more importance to the Jotater administration than Putin invading Ukraine? Putin not cooperating on climate change is what’s more concerning.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 6:30 AM
  • *

    Your last sentence describes SO conservatives perfectly.

    Apparently you've learned something after all.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Mar 2, 2022, at 11:11 PM

    I see I hit a nerve. Water Boy, I had this figured out years ago.

    Your response is typical of a 3rd Grade Student. Grow UP!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 7:17 AM
  • *

    Something tp think about....


    He may not have been the smartest man to ever exist by IQ Standards, but he certainly would be the wisest.

    I think this should be required watching for every Swamp Dweller in DC. And the current resident sitting in the Oval Offuce certainly is not in his league.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 4:40 PM
  • *

    Office not "Offuce".


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 4:44 PM
  • Boy was I misled. I’d a swore it was that the smartest was allegedly living in Scopus. Why? Cause he says so.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 5:18 PM
  • *

    Boy was I misled. I’d a swore it was that the smartest was allegedly living in Scopus. Why? Cause he says so.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 5:18 PM

    "Why? Cause he says so."

    DA, you forgot to mention there is no big cheering section on here testifying to that assumption!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 7:22 PM
  • I finally heard the best one line description of Jotater’s SOTU:

    It was like watching him run out of batteries.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 8:51 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 8:51 PM

    DAIf it wasn't so pathetically scary with him being the leader of the free world that it would be funny. But I cannot laugh, just thinking of the possible consequences of what is going on right now.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Mar 3, 2022, at 10:28 PM
  • Not really...

    What's pathetically scary is when the "leader of the free world" actively tries to undermine and "disunite" NATO, threatening to ignore Article 5.

    Oh wait, that wasn't Biden doing that, it was our one-term, twice impeached former President. His incompetence made him really scary.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 8:21 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 8:21 AM

    Water Boy, to bring you up to date:

    George Washington is no longer President

    Abraham Lincoln is no longer President

    Jefferson Davis is no longer President of the Confederacy

    Harry Truman is no longer President

    & to skip a few..........

    Donald Trump is no longer President

    None of the above is the President, nor can do anything to cause us problems.

    What is scary is that Joe Biden, who is a brick short of a load is President. He is the only one on this list that can cause us problems at this stage of our lives and create situations we cannot tolerate.

    You,re welcome!

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 8:55 AM
  • *

    Gone for a bit, somebody needs to make the Water Boy understand that Trump is not President nor has he been for the past nearly 14 months and can do nothing to harm us. The current acting President can create us problems.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 9:10 AM
  • Yes he can. At least until he's imprisoned, or legally prevented from holding federal office (14th Amendment) or the republican party comes to their collective senses and dumps him.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 9:35 AM
  • *

    Yes he can. At least until he's imprisoned, or legally prevented from holding federal office (14th Amendment) or the republican party comes to their collective senses and dumps him.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 9:35 AM

    Water Boy, your venom for Trump is going to make you crazy. Settle down, my bet is he will not be the next nominee. I think the Republicans will see the mistake the Democrats made in their last Presidential Nominee and not repeat the error.

    Yes Leftau, I am ahead of you, the Democrat's nominee is sitting in the oval office. But there is more than just winning. The idea is to present your best candidate, not just one that can win because of likeability or pity, but one that can handle his job without someone non-elected pulling his strings. I am about capability not likeability and Joe Biden does not have capability and his likeability is at a very low point. If Joe Biden is the best the Democrats have then they do not deserve the office. I was not a fan of Trump being the selection in 2016, but there are a very few people who would not get my vote if they were running against Hillary Clinton.

    For all of his mouth, Trump was a better candidate for the job than Joe Biden on any day. Yes I know the Democrats hated him. They showed it from day one with their investigate, investigate, investigate, distracting from the job of running the country. Then when all of that failed they tried with many lies the impeachment process and failed to get a conviction three times in a row. Something you like to blow your horn about on a regular basis. Leftau, it is sick to have such hatred for a single individual. Give it a break. He beat Hillary Clinton and she followed the Al Gore agenda of litigating it in one way or another and failed. Trump followed with even greater passion. I find it sick that you can discuss one without bringing the other two declared non winners into the picture. It wouldn't be pure politics by any chance would it Water Boy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 10:57 AM
  • *

    PS: Leftau, if you are so concerned about Trump wining office, all the Democrats has to do is present a better candidate, but if their best is what they nominated the last time, they have a problem on their hands. People may think before they go to the polls next time. From the popularity of old Slow Joe, it appears plenty of people have their regrets right now.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 11:03 AM
  • The best nominated last time beat Trump like a drum.

    I don't think Biden should run again. Besides he's done more than enough in getting Trump fired and managing the recovery from Trump damage.

    As of today my choices, not in order are Tim Ryan, Robert O'Rourke, or Steve Bullock.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 11:14 AM
  • *

    Water Boy, are those three the best the Democrats have to offer, or are they just candidates that you think can win because of likeability like Joe Biden.

    And you do understand, it is Hillary's turn. Surely you would like to see her be President, or are you an MCP?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 12:08 PM
  • *

    "The best nominated last time beat Trump like a drum."

    It appears you are saying that Joe Biden was the best the Democrats had to offer, is that correct?

    If not, please correct me, or I will assume that is what you were saying as it wasn't quite clear.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 12:13 PM
  • You've been wrong all along. "Best to offer" is not the issue, have you forgotten, it was an election where the purpose was to win.

    As you know the "best" the democrats put up, handily beat the "best" the republicans had to offer.

    And now the republican "m0rons" to quote Mitt Romney, are trying to nominate him again. Unless you can support someone else (mini-Trump DeSantis), one can only conclude that you prefer to give the worst republican President in the last couple of hundred years another chance.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 12:30 PM
  • *

    "You've been wrong all along. "Best to offer" is not the issue, have you forgotten, it was an election where the purpose was to win."

    Glad you made that clear Water Boy, the best for the country had nothing to do with anything. It was strictly put the Democrats in power and they figured they could pull the strings on the puppet they put in power, to hell with the country. And the power grab is in play, they already pulled Biden's strings and tried totalitarian power with the Virus shots mandate. Glad you made it clear for us Leftau. Now we know what we can expect out of the Left in as much as Socialism/Communism being in play.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 1:37 PM
  • You keep forgetting the putting up the "best" would not have been an issue if the republican party had not put up the worst they had to offer.

    And as usual your goofy obsession with commies is totally meaningless and has zero to do with reality.

    Are you actually trying to claim that Trump was the best republicans had to offer? Even conservatives couldn't take that seriously.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 2:09 PM
  • *

    "You keep forgetting the putting up the "best" would not have been an issue if the republican party had not put up the worst they had to offer."

    You might want to check the dates of the two parties Conventions and rethink that word salad sentence.

    How did the Dims know who their opposition was for sure?

    Another of your poorly thought out issues.

    If either of the major parties gave a Tinker's Dam about the well being of the country they would nominate the best they had to offer.

    And so far as being concerned about Communism, you bet I am with the current trend of the Democrats. The last thing I want to leave my children and grandchildren is a Totalitarian government where their freedoms are gone. Now try to deny the far left of your party is pushing the envelope there. And you will continue to pack water for them when it happens.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 2:42 PM
  • So you're finally admitting republicans put up the worst they had to offer.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 2:55 PM
  • *

    So you're finally admitting republicans put up the worst they had to offer.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 2:55 PM

    No Leftau I am admitting nothing to you, but it is obvious from your posts that you only cared about one thing, putting up a candidate that could win and to blazes with a candidate who could lead. And from all appearances the voters that fell for the lies that went with the Democratic candidate are letting their voices be heard in dissatisfaction with the recent poles now. Would you like to brag a little on Slow Joe's performance and popularity with the voters?

    I have never voiced total satisfaction with anybody but given the opportunity at this scary time in history, I would take Trump back in a heartbeat over what we have.

    Do I speak clearly enough that even you can understand it Water Boy?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 3:27 PM
  • It's clear that you seem to have totally lost any connection to reality. Based on Trump's history, and his Putin "bromance," if he were in charge he'd still be trying to dismantle NATO to open the door.

    Recall how he praised Putin's actions.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:13 PM
  • *

    It's clear that you seem to have totally lost any connection to reality. Based on Trump's history, and his Putin "bromance," if he were in charge he'd still be trying to dismantle NATO to open the door.

    Recall how he praised Putin's actions.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:13 PM

    Obiously Leftau, you would support Hillary Clinton but you forget her selling out on the Uranium Deal with the Russians. Let me think real hard now, wasn't Putin in power then? And Ummmm, wasn't your boy Obama the President then?

    Knowing your ability to forget things like that I felt it important to remind you. And while I see no Bromance as if Trump is anything, it is not queer.

    So yes I would trust him in our best interests over Slow Joe any day. In case you forgot....


    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:22 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:13 PM

    As a matter of fact Leftau, Putin returning that Uranium to us in the form of a bomb is a real concern of mine.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:27 PM
  • *

    One more thing for you Water Boy. While your main man Obama was President, and the acquisition of Uranium was accomplished by Putin, that same Obama is now pulling the strings that operate the puppet Biden. Any comment there?

    Ever heard the old saying that goes something to the effect that you shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house?

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:44 PM
  • *

    "Open southern border allowing covid infected Illegals into the USA along with possible Terrorists."

    Semo471, I remember the time I came back into the U.S. with about a $20 trinket that I had purchased and lost the receipt for. Thought I was going to have to stay there. Now with Biden as President we could have Bombs, drugs or no telling coming in with these so called undocumented future Democrats.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 4:50 PM
  • That's easy, both your claims are false.

    If you have actual proof, let's see it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 5:04 PM
  • *

    Not sure just what you think is false Water Boy, would you be specific?

    Busy watching Dateline and a Missouri Murder.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 8:17 PM
  • Going halfway around the world again to get the best critique of the SOTU:


    Uncle Joe is back? From where? Vacation?

    And what dance was that from Pelosi?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 4:16 AM
  • -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 7:27 AM
  • *

    That's easy, both your claims are false.

    If you have actual proof, let's see it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 5:04 PM

    Respect comment Don't respect

    ! Report comment to editor


    Not sure just what you think is false Water Boy, would you be specific?

    Busy watching Dateline and a Missouri Murder.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 8:17 PM


    Come on Water Boy, which claims are false? You make the claim. A couple of us made some statements. Why not let us know where you think we erred.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 8:23 AM
  • *

    Gave him 12 hours and 6 minutes and still no specifics, all Leftau can come up with is whatever you say about the Dims is false.

    Guess that post demonstrating how Kammie made a tool of herself on the St. Louis radio station was false also.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 8:49 AM
  • I got 300 for $5/with free shipping but looks like I’m not the only one putting those Jotater “I did that” stickers on gas pumps. They are everywhere and if the sticker is gone(those darn 33%’ers) there’s a lot of glue evidence.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 10:06 AM
  • -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 11:21 AM
  • Burst out laughing when I opened the link. Scanned part but it's nothing more than Trump bs.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 11:59 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Perhaps you can find something Trump was right about...

    He was wrong about covid-19.

    He was wrong about Russia

    He was wrong about NATO.

    He was wrong about his economy being the greatest ever.

    He was wrong about North Korea.

    He was wrong about election fraud.

    He was wrong about "fake news."

    He was wrong about Ukraine.

    He was wrong about his crowd size.

    Need more?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 12:12 PM
  • *

    Water Boy, could you clarify this post for us?


    That's easy, both your claims are false.

    If you have actual proof, let's see it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Mar 4, 2022, at 5:04 PM

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 12:22 PM
  • *

    All you do is deny what someone else posts any more Water Boy.

    Beginning to look as if you are simply in Denial. But it's ok, I would deny as well if I had to try and justify the current Democratic Party and their most recent Presidential Nominee.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 12:25 PM
  • One would have thought that it was not hard to understand.

    There was never any wrongdoing in the Uranium One transaction.

    There is no evidence of "bombs" being smuggled across the border, and the vast majority of drugs are hidden in vehicles and trucks going through legal border crossings.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Mar 5, 2022, at 1:39 PM
  • Looks like Putin is rattling swords while Sleepy Joey is just rattling around the house.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 30, 2022, at 3:18 PM
  • Amazing,just plain amazing. Sending the VP to handle the Ukrainian border crisis. She can’t handle the southern debacle. Of course,what’s to handle down there? It was the plan all along. Putin just spit out his vodka shot hearing that.

    But hey,she once complained about never going to Europe.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Wed, Mar 30, 2022, at 9:16 PM
  • This is some funny stuff:


    Gotta laugh at that dweeb of a Prez.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Mar 31, 2022, at 5:04 AM
  • His reality is stuck in neutral.

    Actually I really can’t blame Biden for all the chaos he’s created. It’s the maroons that put him on that fence post with the turtle.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Apr 14, 2022, at 6:16 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    "...Putin is rattling swords..."

    Not paying much attention, are you?

    How did his "take Kyiv in 2 days" plan work for him?

    If we could see inside the Kremlin, we'd possibly see him "rattling around" while Biden is handing out "swords" to the Ukrainians.

    If you're a big Putin fan, hope the truth doesn't upset you too much.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 14, 2022, at 7:10 AM
  • "...the chaos he's created," is pretty much in the fantasy world you seem to share with Mr. Schaefer.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Apr 14, 2022, at 7:13 AM
  • This is some funny stuff:


    Gotta laugh at that dweeb of a Prez.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, May 31, 2022, at 10:29 AM

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