Speak Out: Speak Out 9/24/21

Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Sep 26, 2021, at 5:58 PM:

Vaccine mandate

After listening to all of these politicians say that Biden's vaccination mandates are unconstitutional, I have to ask: Where in the Constitution does it say a president has no right to try to save American lives?

Runaway spending

The greatest threat to our country is not climate change. Our greatest threat is the runaway spending by our government. The national debt will be our demise if it is not brought under control and reduced. As Ronald Reagan said, "Washington does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem."

SCOTUS term limits

The Supreme Court has been bought and paid for. It is way past time for term limits and more judges are needed to overcome the rot to the very core.

What's different?

The same people who received the polio, smallpox, tetanus, diphtheria, measles and flu vaccines didn't scream about their personal freedoms. So why now?

I am exempt

I'm identifying as an immigrant who crossed illegally at the southern border. Therefore, according to the current administration's policy, I'm exempted from COVID-19 vaccinations.

Blocked view

The mall and Cape stores need to check their entrances for trees and bushes that block a driver's view.

Motorcycle crashes

The reports of motorcycle wrecks with fatalities should be required to list whether the driver was wearing a helmet and insured. Bad law promoted by crooked politicians need to be exposed and on the record.

Jared Schmitz

Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, a native of Wentzville, Missouri, was killed by a homicide bomber in Kabul, Afghanistan on August 26. He was brought home on Sept. 8 to his final resting place. Who cares about what happened in Afghanistan? The thousands of people who lined the freeway, stood on every overpass between Saint Louis International Airport and Cave Springs exit in St Charles, and the people in a mile's long escort care about the event that took the lives of 13 American soldiers. The multitudes came to pay their respects to Missouri's hometown hero. Rest in peace, Lance Corporal. Semper Fidelis.

Rigged complaints

Republicans were claiming a rigged election before the first ballots were cast in the California recall because they knew they would lose. That's how predictable they've become and we will see the same thing in 2022 and 2024. Larry Elder lost the recall election because no one wanted him to be governor. Donald Trump lost because no one wanted him to be president ever again. No cheating, just rejection, plain and simple.

More money?

The most powerful governments on earth have failed to stop the spread of a virus. But they claim, if you pay more taxes, they can change the earth's temperature. Is that possible?

Replies (8)

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    Vaccine mandate: Nowhere caller - however, American citizens have Freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

    Runaway spending: Very true, both parties need to tighten their spending belts. Need to reduce the free giveaway programs to the Illegals and those drawing unemployment with jobs going begging!

    SCOTUS term limits: Spoken like a true Democrat from not getting their normal ways!

    What's different: Guess it's that Freedom of Choice thing....you want the vaccine. then get it - you're protected, right?

    I am exempt: Right you are caller! Then to make matters worst the covid infected Illegals are bused all over the USA to become Super Spreaders!

    Blocked view: Very true - the bushes at "Rulers" for example block the traffic. Also drivers, the parking lots are not roadways to speed on.

    Motorcycle crashes: Drivers watch out for motorcycles and motorcycles riders watch out for automobile drivers!

    Jared Schmitz: A senseless killing of 13 brave American heroes! God bless the families and the USA!

    Rigged complaints: When the voters in California were given the ok to print their own ballots - that was a sign of maybe problems ahead....we all know that Democratic controlled California is as pure as VP Harris was when she was their Senator. Nutsome must not have been a good governor or he wouldn't have been subject to a recall election.

    More money: Only comment to those supporting climate change taxes - LOL LOL.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Sunday, September 26, 2021.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Sep 26, 2021, at 5:59 PM
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    Turtle: What's wrong little Turtle did you run out of weed?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Sep 26, 2021, at 8:26 PM
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    I'm just trolling here for the argument to get better. 😁😁😁😁😁😁

    -- Posted by dbennett on Mon, Sep 27, 2021, at 5:31 AM
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    dbennett: Just join in, the more the better!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Sep 27, 2021, at 7:29 AM
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    I'm trying to be Switzerland lol. I like you both.

    -- Posted by dbennett on Mon, Sep 27, 2021, at 9:56 AM
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    "More money?

    The most powerful governments on earth have failed to stop the spread of a virus. But they claim, if you pay more taxes, they can change the earth's temperature. Is that possible?"

    Yes, we're you not taught growing up that money buys and solves everything?

    Just keep in mind, money helps to create problems, and then "THEY" create a solution to that problem, which costs more money, so thus, money does fix anything. As long as you're buying, they're selling.


    -- Posted by Murphy Law on Mon, Sep 27, 2021, at 10:05 AM
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    dbennett: No problem 😀

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Sep 27, 2021, at 10:08 AM
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    Murphy Law: Watch it, you will only confuse the tree huggers with the truth.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Sep 27, 2021, at 10:10 AM

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