Speak Out: Orginizational chart of the house democrates health plan

Posted by gman on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 11:36 AM:

Just ran across the new organizational chart for the new health care plan. It can be found at http://docs.house.gov/gopleader/House-Democrats-Health-Plan.pdf . What are your thoughts?

Replies (9)

  • I'll keep my MSA and the rates charged by my Dr and Hospital (which I negotiated for, huge discounts for guaranteed cash payments).

    I would say something about this chart being kinda "Rube Goldberg".. But I wouldn't want to besmirch the memory of Mr. Goldberg.

    -- Posted by scottm52 on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 12:06 PM
  • Do freakin' what, gman? Are you trying to make another funny???

    -- Posted by Turnip on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 12:50 PM
  • Turnip,

    Nope, wish I was. Saw this earlier both on Drudge Report www.drudgereport.com and on Fox news www.foxnews.com websites.

    -- Posted by gman on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 1:04 PM
  • The download linked on Drudge was from house.gov So yes, it's a real document from the House of Representatives...

    -- Posted by scottm52 on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 6:43 PM
  • A big thanks for the links, gman! A really super chart, and it's SO pretty and colorful ... suitable for framing and hanging in the bathroom--maybe one for every doctor's office ... and only 1,000 pages ... sounds like another winner to me!

    Megal, Megal ... it's SUPPOSED to be confusing! If it weren't, someone (even a politician) might understand it all, and we certainly cannot have that, now can we?

    -- Posted by gurusmom on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 10:18 PM
  • You might want to look at the source listed in the bottom left corner. It's a REPUBLICAN made chart of the DEMOCRATIC plan. Does that sound like they'd try to make it look good?

    The only thing worse than listening to a politician is listening to a politician tell you what his opponent is thinking.

    -- Posted by Professor_Bubba on Wed, Jul 15, 2009, at 11:16 PM
  • It does not matter who made the chart (Rep. or Dem) bottom line. If it passes we all pay or childern pay, grandchildren, ect, ect, ect.

    -- Posted by Airborne 95B on Thu, Jul 16, 2009, at 8:52 AM
  • It's all about winners and losers. Guess who they will be!

    Why can't government, if they feel they need to be involved at all in healthcare, not sit down with the industry and figure out what is good and what is bad about our current system and work to improve it.

    When in business (or on a personal level for that matter) and I had a decision to make that could involve serious consequences for me and my employees, I started with a sheet of paper and in one column listed the positives and in another the negatives of moving forward. Pretty simplistic maybe but after considering each positive and negative with a few notes, it did help in deciding if or not to move forward. Didn't take a thousand pages either.

    This thing is being rammed through as if it were a life or death emergency, and Obama is going to take whatever he can get and sign it because as more and more people are waking up, his chances of passing anything are rapidly diminishing. Leaves him with a political defeat which he wants to avoid at any cost.

    Do we want another failed bill to pass muster and Congress does not even read it. If each and every Congressman and Senator, and yes the President also, is willing under oath to testify they have read the entire bill and will agree to take the health plan as passed, then I believe America will be safe under what is passed. Less than that, we should vote each and everyone voting for it out of office.

    And if somebody simply does not want health care, if or not they can afford the consequences, so be it. It is not the government's job to dictate to the citizenry.

    -- Posted by Have_Wheels_Will_Travel on Thu, Jul 16, 2009, at 10:12 AM
  • Compliments on your post, Wheels.

    Doubtful the chart would look much different (using the same chart concept) regardless of which party devised it.

    The speed with which some are trying to push this bill into passage is in itself indicative of the flaws it contains ... flaws which might be obvious to lawmakers AND the citizens if there was more time to study it. Those politicians pushing for a 'deadline' are well aware of that fact, which should make all of us suspicious of their motives.

    "Act in haste, repent in leisure."

    -- Posted by gurusmom on Thu, Jul 16, 2009, at 2:05 PM

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