Speak Out: Statement from Treasury Secretary Geithner

Posted by Alan Kridelbaugh, CPA on Mon, Jul 13, 2009, at 4:40 PM:

Here is a link to a statement issued today by the United States Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner on the emergence of GM and Chrysler from bankruptcy:


Replies (1)

  • Alan,

    That is rich!

    How many billions of taxes did it take for Chrysler / GM to ultimately declare bankruptsy? I have heard somewhere in the neighborhood of $80 billion for GM alone. I guess that qualifies as "efficient" in Geithner's Weird America.

    I also recall a defient SuperPrez declaring to anyone who was listening that the US government was not interested in running the day to day affairs of the US auto industry, while firing GM's CEO and reminding them to scrap unprofitable divisions in the same breath.

    Geithner's statement only re-enforces the fact that the ultimate goal of this government is complete control of the US auto industry.

    Real Patriots will never purchase another GM or Chrysler product again. There is nothing American about these "American" auto makers.

    Buy a Ford if you are feeling guilty.

    The only thing left for SuperPrez and his henchmen to do is to spend and legislate Ford out of existence, and force us to buy their GM and Chrysler crapmobiles.

    -- Posted by Lumpy on Mon, Jul 13, 2009, at 8:05 PM

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