Speak Out: Republican Party has Reached a Day of Reckoning-

Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 6:34 PM:

“One usually has to go to outlets like MSNBC and the Washington Post to find people on the right who will forcefully critique the president. But GOP consultant Stuart Stevens is not shy about criticizing the direction of the Republican Party under Trump, and a Post op-ed published on New Year’s Day voices some of his complaints.”

Replies (234)

  • “Trump didn’t hijack the GOP and bend it to his will,” Stevens asserts. “He did something far easier: he looked at the party, saw its fault lines and then offered himself as a pure distillation of accumulated white grievance and anger. He bet that Republican voters didn’t really care about free trade or mutual security, or about the environment or Europe, much less deficits. He rebranded kindness and compassion as ‘PC’ and elevated division and bigotry as the admirable goals of just being politically incorrect.”

    “Trump, according to Stevens, “didn’t make Americans more racist; he just normalized the resentments that were simmering in many households. In short, he let a lot of long-suppressed demons out of the box.”

    "The GOP, Stevens laments, “stands for all the wrong things now.”

    “Republicans are now officially the character doesn’t count party, the personal responsibility just proves you have failed to blame-the-other- guy party, the deficit-doesn’t-matter party, the Russia-is-our-ally-party, and the I’m-right-and-you-are-human-scum party,” Stevens observes. “Yes, it’s President Trump’s party now, but it stands only for what he has just tweeted.”


    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Keep in mind that this is a republican contribution.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 6:36 PM
  • *

    To folks with brains and not sawdust between the ears, Stuart Stevens is a writer and GOP political consultant who is working with a political action committee that backs Bill Weld for President.😂 BTW, Mr. Weld is a turncoat Republican ex-Governor of Massachusetts who ran for vice president on the Gary Johnson’s Libertarian Party ticket in 2016.

    An article by Stevens would be the same as a Democratic political consultant writing a hit piece on Joe Biden who backs Bernie Sanders - Big Deal Mr. Lettau. You must be grasping for straws (no plastic ones) in order to push the Liberal Socialist Democratic agenda....sad when that's all you got.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 7:26 PM
  • It would seem that truthful republicans are not allowed to express honest opinions in Mr. Schaefer's fantasy world.

    What else is new?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 7:49 PM
  • *

    It would seem that truthful republicans are not allowed to express honest opinions in Mr. Schaefer's fantasy world.

    What else is new?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 7:49 PM

    Lettau, you claiming to be a Republican now?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 7:56 PM
  • *

    Wheels: The Democrats have nothing so when anyone on the Right makes a negative statement about President Trump the Dems raise that person's status to Sainthood since the Dems have nothing but Schiff on their faces.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 8:00 PM
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    Mr. Lettau: Looks like ole Bernie did a hit piece on Uncle Joe today. Keep in mind that this is a Democratic contribution. LOL at you as always.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 8:17 PM
  • Wow, just now checking forums and all I can say about this thread so far is: "Well, There he goes again."

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 8:29 PM
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    No response from Uly, guess he is glue to the TV watching what is going on in Bagdad and looking for something to be critical of.

    It is no Benghazi is it Uly? No red lines, just action to protect our people and resources.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 8:43 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Who's the "he?" Schaefer, VanGennip, or Stevens.

    Since the author of the quoted material is a republican, what is the problem? Or is it simply that a fellow republican is being honest and telling the truth?

    Pointing out that the "republicans are now officially the character doesn't count party..." seems like the GOP being regressing to the POT.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 8:58 PM
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    Richard the problem with Uly, he is well versed, in his own mind, on what is wrong with the Republican Party, but is very limited on telling us what is right with the Democratic Party.

    Wonder if he knows what a RINO is?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 9:05 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    As is so often the case, you end up stumbling over your own misconceptions, engulfed in confusion. For example, the link is not me telling you what’s wrong with the republican party, it’s a fellow republican telling you the truth about today’s “republican” party, better known as the Party of Trump.

    As far as democratic party is concerned, their primary goal is to do what’s right for all Americans to include a realistic health care program, a fair bi-partisan immigration plan, sound border security without a "vanity wall," regaining respect for America throughout the world, rationalizing and reforming the tax code, balancing the budget and restoring deficit reduction.

    These democratic objectives are actually more “conservative” than the POT’s are.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 9:47 PM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    Try looking up how Cruz and Trump described each other during their campaign. If you have trouble finding that I'll help you tomorrow.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 9:54 PM
  • ...and as you know, Cruz was the republican telling the truth.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 9:59 PM
  • What does POT stand for?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 10:18 PM
  • Someone tell me about that democrat Realistic health program.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 10:23 PM
  • *

    As far as democratic party is concerned, their primary goal is to do what’s right for all Americans to include a realistic health care program, a fair bi-partisan immigration plan, sound border security without a "vanity wall," regaining respect for America throughout the world, rationalizing and reforming the tax code, balancing the budget and restoring deficit reduction.

    These democratic objectives are actually more “conservative” than the POT’s are.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 9:47 PM

    Butter wouldn't melt in their mouth would it Uly?

    Hard to get that much BS into one paragraph isn't it Mr. Lettau? And this one is the most ridiculous claim of all..... "balancing the budget and restoring deficit reduction."

    Never in history, going back to George Washington has any President done to our deficit what your hero Barack Hussein Obama did. Worse yet if any of those clowns currently running for President should make it, they will make Obama look like a Piker when it comes to spending.

    You are hilarious you know. :-)

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 10:31 PM
  • Never mind about POT, I googled it and got this:

    Mr. Bess, Could be you’re spending too much time associating with confused people and it’s rubbing off. Not sure which “someone” you’re referring to, but to clarify some of your misunderstandings… My opinion of the republican party’s future is that they are rapidly becoming the party of old white men, and that group is shrinking. The “irrelevance” of the party only surfaced when it became the “party of Trump.” Remember when the republican party stood for fiscal responsibility,...

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 10:35 PM
  • *

    - Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 9:54 PM

    Mr. Lettau: Just showing you that the Dems turn on themselves also. What's the problem you can't take it when proven wrong. LOL at you as always.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 10:42 PM
  • "Trump's been tweeting big words of bravdo for a couple of years now and can't back out...plus , which Ally will help the USA now ?"

    DT, Which ally won't and if they don't are they really allies?

    Some of them are only allies when we foot the bill.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 11:25 PM
  • "As far as democratic party is concerned, their primary goal is to do what’s right for all Americans to include a realistic health care program, a fair bi-partisan immigration plan, sound border security without a "vanity wall," regaining respect for America throughout the world, rationalizing and reforming the tax code, balancing the budget and restoring deficit reduction."

    I almost spit coffee everywhere over that line.

    -- Posted by motrans on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 7:16 AM
  • Mr. Motrans,

    Why would you do something like that?

    Mr. VanGennip asked about what's right with the democratic party, and he was given the answer.

    If your only knowledge of democratic goals comes from sources such as Limbaugh or Hannity, your inability to control your coffee or yourself is no surprise.

    Let me know if I can help you further.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 7:37 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    The most realistic approach to improving health care programs is to allow for a gradual expansion of Medicare through a public option.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 7:42 AM
  • *

    "As far as democratic party is concerned, their primary goal is to do what’s right for all Americans to include a realistic health care program, a fair bi-partisan immigration plan, sound border security without a "vanity wall," regaining respect for America throughout the world, rationalizing and reforming the tax code, balancing the budget and restoring deficit reduction."

    Mr. Lettau: If you would delete the following words - Democratic & without a vanity wall - then you would have the Republican platform....welcome Mr. Lettau to the GOP, I knew you would come around from the Dark Side eventually.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:09 AM
  • *

    Looks like one of my comments has been deleted - don't think the Google god likes me. I know one of the human censors doesn't because we had a little conversation a while back.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:12 AM
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    "17% decrease in revenue"

    Rick: You keep saying this, where is your proof. Doesn't businesses make jobs (thousands every month)(unemployment rate of 3.7%) and thereby increases the tax revenues from these new jobs....Econ 101.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:17 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    Sorry about your loss. The republican party or GOP is now the POT.

    The POT has no healthcare plan.

    The POT has an anti-immigration plan based on a $20 million per mile vanity wall, and the separation of children from parents.

    The POT has been laughed at in the UN and at NATO meetings. The world has written off the POT as a disaster, and is patiently waiting till America comes back to its senses.

    The POT tax code is great for billionaires and leaves the middle class out in the cold.

    The Obama administration had annual national debt increases as low as $327 billion. The POT in this 4 year term has a projected debt increase of $5.1 trillion for a annual average of $1.27 trillion.

    The POT has turned republican/conservative fiscal responsibility on its head. Remember how candidate Trump promised to eliminate the debt (another promise broken.)

    And finally, President Trump's slogan of "America first", has all along actually been "fake news."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:29 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:29 AM

    Mr. Lettau: Looks like your comments are from someone on POT....did you go over to Illinois to get some fresh supplies.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:35 AM
  • Mr. Schaefer,

    “Try looking up how Cruz and Trump described each other during their campaign. If you have trouble finding that I'll help you tomorrow.”

    Here’s the help I promised…

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    “A couple of hours after Donald Trump connected Ted Cruz's father to John F. Kennedy's assassin, Cruz made an announcement to reporters that made it fairly evident that should Trump become the nominee, he will not have Cruz's support.

    "I'm going to do something I haven't done for the entire campaign, for those of you all who've traveled with me, all across the country. I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump," Cruz said. "This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth." And Cruz added, "The man is utterly amoral. Morality does not exist for him."

    “He went on to characterize Trump's rhetoric as "a mindless yell," and he called him "a narcissist at a level I don't think this country's ever seen. Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and goes, 'Dude, what's your problem?'"


    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Keep in mind that this is not a “trump bashing” post. It is by republicans being honest.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:39 AM
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    Did I miss something, or is Uly using a silly acronym he cannot define. Must be something from the DNC they forgot to define. Look for it to start popping up on all of the Leftist so called news outlets.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:44 AM
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    Keep in mind that this is not a “trump bashing” post. It is by republicans being honest.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:39 AM

    That is a total lie. The thread was started by you Mister Lettau using political rhetoric from one of Trump's political opponents.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:50 AM
  • *

    Wow, it only took a few minutes for the human censor to delete my comments today - guess the paper doesn't respect Freedom of Speech.

    No need for me to make further comments on these forums if they are going to be deleted. Guess the paper would have deleted the early Patriots' comments back in 1776 for being uncivil. Everyone have a great 2020. Trump/Pence 2020. America First!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:52 AM
  • Day of reckoning? Another way perhaps to mask a very difficult decision coming up for democrat voters. The vote of reckoning? How far,or low,will Mr Lettau and other staunch anti,Trumpsters have to go with the choices they have? Looks like the DNC rules have weeded out people of color.

    The front runner shows all the signs of dementia with full blown Alzheimer’s closing in fast. A billionaire to be jealous of leaving a couple of hardcore socialists. I’d say pickins are slim or none at this point but hey,anyone to get that bad orange man out.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 9:04 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "That is a total lie." How so? The link and posts are from republicans telling the truth. If you believe they are "lying", take it up with them.

    If that upsets you, it seems to be your personal problem.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 9:39 AM
  • Mr. Braswell.

    "I’d say pickins are slim or none at this point but hey,anyone to get that bad orange man out."

    You're welcome to your opinion, but consider who they would be running against.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 9:40 AM
  • You're welcome to your opinion, but consider who they would be running against.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 9:40 AM

    Just like I said. No need to reinforce your intentions.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 10:24 AM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Not sure what you believe my "intentions" are.

    But when you refer to someone as a "bad orange man," it just confirms how "the truth is oft spoke in jest."

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 11:15 AM
  • *

    Lettau is beside himself. Just had it proven we have a Commander In Chief, and he just heard that Nancy is not going to run the Senate.

    Further we have been told the 99 rules approved by 100 Senators are in effect.

    Not starting off to be a New Year with the results he would like.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 12:20 PM
  • *

    Keep in mind that this is not a “trump bashing” post. It is by republicans being honest.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:39 AM

    Mr. VanGennip,

    "That is a total lie." How so? The link and posts are from republicans telling the truth. If you believe they are "lying", take it up with them.

    If you must know "How so" Mr. Lettau. You state that the post is by Repupblicans. No the Post is by you bashing Trump and using a quote from a Republican representing an opponent of Trump.

    There is a difference and the difference is, YOU made the post not Stuart Stevens.... there is a difference. You posted Steven's opinion (in or out context does not matter) not the Republican Party's. Stuart does not represent the Republican Party

    Why not just stick to the truth, it is easier. You post one man's opinion as if it represented all. That was a part of the lie.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 6:33 PM
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    "Mr. VanGennip,

    "That is a total lie." How so? The link and posts are from republicans telling the truth. If you believe they are "lying", take it up with them."

    Oh dear me, I forgot the quotation marks. The above is a correction...... Sure wouldn't want Mister Lettau thinking I was stealing his words. It really wasn't "intellectual" property anyway but who knows how he would consider it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 6:53 PM
  • Wheels, Maybe his professor decided on another angle.

    This one is too easy to see through.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 8:41 PM
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    Old John, it must be tough to hate so badly. Didn't think I would ever see the day when losing an election would create such chaos. And that in spite of his grandiose post on how we should show respect for the Presidency and for the occupant of the office. What a deal.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 9:24 PM
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    Ironically , a few just loved Obama , the man walked on sacred ground . Today , they spit at the current President , these same folks . It is sort of obvious to see where this thread was going when it was first posted .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 9:33 PM

    Rick, true enough and the author of this thread showed his true colors early. Check out his three year old thread, posted within 48 hours of Trump being anounced the winner. And he is just one of thousands that cannot accept defeat gracefully and get on with life.

    And when there is a democrat occupying the office he criticizes others, pontificating how we must be respectful of the Presidency and the party holding the office. Can you spell h y p o c r i t e !


    Speak Out: Trumpspeak...

    Post reply More threads Create thread

    Posted by commonsensematters on Thu, Nov 10, 2016, at 11:00 AM:

    Now that Mr. Trump has elevated himself to a "pedestal," it's more important than ever to document what he says.

    Replies (2204)

    Today's example...

    November 8th Pre – Election

    “The criminal conduct of Hillary Clinton threatens the foundations of democracy. I mean that,”

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    November 9th Post – Election

    “I mean, she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.

    I mean that very sincerely.”

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Which is the lie?

    Either way, the height of hypocrisy, it’s been there all along so why stop now.

    It appears that someone taught Mr. Trump that once you've mastered fake sincerity, you've got it made and can fool most people.

    -- Posted by commonsensematters on Thu, Nov 10, 2016, at 11:06 AM

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 10:57 PM
  • This thread reflects the reasoning behind the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Unfortunately, the established power of career politicians are tolerant of a progressive direction for our country so they can enrich themselves at the cost of ceding our liberty and freedom. They see Trump as an enemy and are willing to credit anyone that is against him.

    That is politics but those who side with the terrorist regimes who shout death to America and strive to kill our citizens here and abroad have taken the enemy of my enemy idea too far.

    Several Democrats are doing their best to undermine the presidents decision to quit appeasing the aggressors.

    That is equivalent of aiding and abetting the enemies of our nation.

    I suspect Mr. Lettua agrees with the Democrats and media talking heads espousing such rhetoric. It seems the next step in Trump hating.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 11:00 PM
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    Richard, if Trump had taken the House Democrats into his confidence on the drone attack, which one do you suppose would have leaked the information so the attack would have failed. Schiff, Pelosi or Nadler? Any one of them hates him bad enough to have done it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 11:22 PM
  • Would have been in the NY times a day before.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 11:28 PM
  • *

    Yep Richard, an act of Treason would have been the outvome.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 11:39 PM
  • Uly must be too busy to continue to defend and justify his wisdom.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 3, 2020, at 11:42 PM
  • *

    Yeah, probably went to bed. And that is where I am heading

    Good night.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 12:01 AM
  • It's interesting to observe how our SO conservatives react to facts and the truth. It's understandable that they tend to "reflexibly" deny information that deviates from their preconceived positions, but it's even stranger when that react with "panic" when a fellow republican tells the truth.

    Of course this may no longer be a debatable issue since last night in Miami, President Trump declared that God is on his side.

    That changes everything...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 7:35 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 8:02 AM

    Rick, a big difference these folks are not required to, or are forced to wear this garb. It is a matter of free choice to join an order within the Church, knowing this is required dress code. Which for the most part has changed considerably.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 10:45 AM
  • *

    Of course this may no longer be a debatable issue since last night in Miami, President Trump declared that God is on his side.

    That changes everything...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 7:35 AM

    At least we know where he is coming from, unlike the previous king's ring kissing Muslim who described that wailing that goes on in their communities as the most beautiful music he ever heard.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 11:04 AM
  • *

    Since Mister Lettau could not get the democrat agenda into print correctly, I will give you an unknown to me author's version......

    A sobering reminder.

    Almost exactly sixty years ago since Russia’s Khrushchev delivered his message to the UN; … prediction for America.

    Do you remember September 29, 1959?

    TV coverage of him banging his shoe on the podium. At that time, the word ‘communism’ was feared throughout our nation. Now here is some food for thought if it does not make us choke! THIS WAS HIS ENTIRE QUOTE:

    "Your children's children will live under communism, You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find you already have Communism. We will not have to fight you; We will so weaken your economy, until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who

    would not."

    Remember, socialism leads to Communism. So, how do you create a Socialistic State ? There are 8 levels of control; read the following recipe.

    1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.

    2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.

    3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

    4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government That way you are able to create a police state.

    5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect (food, housing, income) of their lives because that will make them fully dependent on the government.

    6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to and take control of what children learn in school.

    7) Religion - Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools because the people need to believe in ONLY the government knowing what is best for the people.

    8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Eliminate the middle class. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with the support of the poor

    This - is - the Democrat agenda!!!!!

    Author Unknown

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 12:07 PM
  • It's completely understandable that the "author" of something so silly and irrational would desire to remain anonymous.

    It's also probable that SO conservatives would believe it.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 2:42 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 2:42 PM

    Mister Lettau exactly what is wrong with any of those 8 points in your opinion. Each and every one of them is based in fact in today's left leaning democratic party.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 3:55 PM
  • Only in your own mind.

    Try to find an actual quote where a Democrat supports any of your fabrications.

    Your wanting desparately for something to be true does not make it factual.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 4:07 PM
  • *

    Lettau, have you listened to any of your Presidential wannabes?

    Do you remember the Obama administration actually advertising to put people on one or another types of welfare?

    I could go on but do not have the time right now.

    You are obviously in denial.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 4:46 PM
  • No one is in a panic over what makes Mr Lettau giddy.

    "Try to find an actual quote where a Democrat supports any of your fabrications."

    Don't have to, it's still fresh in the memories of those who heard the Democrat candidate saying of course we will take your guns. Most of what Ralph listed was published as Alinski's Rules for Radicals, certainly not a conservative.

    Who proposes medicare and free healthcare for all? Not a conservative.

    Which wealthy Democrat in congress does not favor taxing the rich to give to the poor? Surely no conservative.

    Why do you think you can continue to make up what is and is not fact and expect anyone to believe your propaganda.

    Just think, You could be getting paid to stand outside the White House to send a message to the world that we are divided in our resolve of reaction to terrorist.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 5:33 PM
  • *

    Richard, and how often has Uly proposed national health insurance for all. Obamacare was a disastrous beginning.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 6:26 PM
  • Ralph, Key word phrase was 'Single payer' till he then changed it to 'Based on the Medicare Model' Then it realistic health care that gradually covers all.

    Get ready for a series of questions and diversions or hopefully for our entertainment, another word salad.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 7:02 PM
  • So you can't find quotes to support your contentions, then you fall back on absurd, unverified Alinsky claims, and then you make up things that cadidates that aren't even running, didn't say.

    For conservatives, that seems to be a pretty weak response, but not unexpected.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 7:44 PM
  • If you still need more help, let me know tomorrow.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 7:56 PM
  • As I said, Don't need to provide you quotes and those candidates are not running because no one wants those ideas. [or at least the party financiers won't back a candidate that says it]

    All you can do is deny it was said and accuse me of doing what you are doing. Look up Alinski's Rules. I'm not going to post them again for you.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 8:03 PM
  • - Posted by Rick Lettau on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 7:56 PM

    I'll be here waiting for your help early and all day as your dribble is the most important thing concerning the threat to conservative thinking of all times.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 4, 2020, at 8:10 PM
  • *

    Richard, I wonder if Lettau ever stopped to think about how conceited and silly he sounds with that be back tomorrow to help you business?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 12:12 AM
  • "Richard, I wonder if [VanGennip] ever stopped to think..."

    ...at all, ever.

    Does anyone actually believe (as opposed to parroting what someone else said) that the democratic party stands for nationalizing health care, raising the poverty level, increasing national debt to be unmanageable, confiscating all guns, forcing all Americans on to welfare, controlling free public schools, removing the belief in God, buoying the wealthy, denigrating the poor and eradicating the middle class?

    If he does, Mr. VanGennip needs more help than what can be provided on SO.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 7:57 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "...the threat to conservative thinking of all times."

    The biggest threat appears to be conservatives.

    What is your definition of "conservative thinking" anyway? What does it mean?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 8:01 AM
  • "...wait, didn't you parrot someone to post this thread?"

    No. With regard to the quoted link, I am fully aware of what it said and understood completely what was meant.

    Thanks anyhow.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 8:05 AM
  • My definition includes...

    "...to copy or repeat what someone says without thinking about it or understanding it properly..."

    "...a copycat who does not understand the words or acts being imitated"

    "repeat mindlessly"

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 8:37 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 7:57 AM

    What are you trying to say Mister Lettau, the democrats making those statements and claims should not be believed, that they are lying?

    Guess it would stand to reason, they are democrats after all and lying seems to go with the territory.

    And then again, you are a democrat and probably lying again.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 8:42 AM
  • We got the question and some word salad now I wait for some more diversion and questions.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 9:04 AM
  • DT, I was taught Isaac was Abraham's son and both religions agree. "Ishmael left his father's house" is where the confusion begins. Would not Abraham be his stepfather in modern terms? Thus Ishmael left his father's house.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 11:20 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    You put out 8 fictional, inaccurate statements by an anonymous author, then topped that by asserting that these were democratic "positions" on issues.

    I simply asked you to provide actual quotes from democratic candidates to confirm your claims. As usual, you were unable to backup your mouth, with facts.

    You may as well give up. No need to pile up lies upon lies.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 11:30 AM
  • *

    1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people.


    No Mister Lettau, none of these people are going to say they want to control the people. That much should be obvious to a lackey like you.

    Please note, you can expand the candidates answers to get their personal statements in the link I attached.

    Digest this and we can move to Point #2

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 12:40 PM
  • None say they want to "control the people," so number one is a lie.

    Press on to lie number two.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 1:36 PM
  • *

    None say they want to "control the people," so number one is a lie.

    I already told you that, none of them are going to admit that is what they want... however, when they have 100% of the market tied up in any government healhcare system, they do control you. What is so complicated about that?

    Number 2 coming when I get to it. You have already failed to discount Number 1.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 2:00 PM
  • *

    2) Poverty - Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them.


    This is too easy, Obama had the highest number of people in poverty in 50 years. And go back 50 years, the mid 60's who was in office.... democrats of course through nearly all of the 60's as a matter of fact.

    The Obama administration as I said earlier was advertising to put people on welfare.... and it is welfare Uly, not entitlements.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 2:11 PM
  • Number 1 is a lie.

    Number 2 is a lie. The poverty level does not make people poor. Right now it's about $27,000 which is hardly being destitute. It's a lie to say they are being provided everything. No one has everything provided.

    Go on to lie number 3.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 2:54 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 2:54 PM

    No time right now Lettau, but in due time. And neither are a lie, we are steadily moving in that direction under your democrats and if this latest Leftist crop has their way.... look out.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 3:57 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Each one of your fictitious claims contain blatant lies.

    It would be to your advantage to just give it up. Your anonymous benfactor/author is doing nothing other than making you appear foolish.

    Numbers 1 and 2 were shown to be obvious lies. The remaining 6 are equally fake.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 4:12 PM
  • Looks like same as usual, Lettau starts a thread on what he reckons and then proceeds to call anyone with an opposing opinion liars.

    I reckon that's entertainment lacking anything learned or anything new from him.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 8:56 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    I'm sure you're aware of the fact that the thread started with a quote from a Republican giving an honest assessment of the current administration.

    It had nothing to do with my personal opinion.

    Our friend Mr. VanGennip, then added a series of "opinions" fabricated by an anonymous author, and made the spurious claim that these were democratic positions. As usual neither of you were able to backup these fictions with quotes from actual people.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 9:28 PM
  • Lettau, You don't get it, do you?

    What is entertaining is your constant theme of flawed SO conservative logic and then you bring up a Republican railing against conservative principles. Then those that recognize your purpose is rooted in the progressive/socialist ambitions of the Democrat party since soon after Reconstruction are called liars.

    You should give it up. You will never convince any logical person. Go write opinions to college news pamphlets where you can influence some minds still empty of the history of how tyranny comes about.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 10:01 PM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    Per your post above “…predicting the demise of the Republican Party.”

    What was said, to my recollection, is that in becoming a party with a preponderance of “old white men,” the future of the republican party is hitched to a diminishing demographic.

    But that was back them, what’s happened now is considerably worse. The GOP once had a set of characteristics that were fairly well defined and accepted by a sizable segment of the population.

    The problem today is that in becoming the party of Trump, GOP attributes have become unrecognizable. For example…

    The GOP had been in favor of free trade, the TOP is the party of tariffs and protectionism.

    The GOP had been strongly anti-communist, the TOP is pro-Putin, therefore leans to pro-communist.

    The GOP was for smaller government, the TOP increases the size and cost.

    The GOP had respected our military and intelligence agencies, the TOP takes the word of Putin over our intel.

    The GOP had been in favor of flexible and fair immigration, the TOP is anti-immigrant (except maybe for Norwegians and selected Slovenians.)

    The GOP had promoted democracy, the TOP embraces and praises authoritarian dictators.

    The GOP had been for fiscal responsibility, the TOP passes budgets with unprecedented deficit spending.

    The GOP was for reducing the national debt, the TOP increases it.

    The GOP was for honesty, ethics and morality in government, the TOP ignores those characteristics.

    The GOP has been for fair and open national elections, the TOP seeks help and interference from foreign government.

    ----- ---- --- -- -

    Perhaps Mr. VanGennip, you can explain what happened to the GOP.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Dec 29, 2019, at 10:31 AM

    Mister Lettau, did you publish the nonsense above or was it an imposter using your name?

    I never bothered calling it a pack of lies because it is obviously nothing more than the opinions of a twisted mind. Yours obviously.

    But you come totally unglued when I published 8 points that is pushing America into socialism by the demcrats and you want to label everything a lie because you will not accept proof of what is going on.

    Been busy, I will work on the rest of them for you as time permits, since you don't seem to want to accept what is happening.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 5, 2020, at 11:14 PM
  • -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 12:36 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 4:42 AM

    I would love to meet the man, but is not possible to leave here at this time. Hope you are going.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 9:28 AM
  • "Perhaps Mr. VanGennip, you can explain what happened to the GOP."

    Apparently he is unable explain the moral decline of the GOP, as it regressed and devolved to the POT, as in the "party of Trump."

    (Incidentally all those "TOP's" were supposed to be "POT's." Apologize for that. Perhaps that's what confused Mr. VanGennip.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 11:52 AM
  • Sending impeachment articles to the Senate has been delayed as the Democrats are all going to Iran for a funeral.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 11:52 AM
  • POT. Good one as in P.O.O.

    Party Of Obama?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 1:47 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    Which democrats are going to the funeral?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 3:13 PM
  • *

    Apparently he is unable explain the moral decline of the GOP, as it regressed and devolved to the POT, as in the "party of Trump."

    (Incidentally all those "TOP's" were supposed to be "POT's." Apologize for that. Perhaps that's what confused Mr. VanGennip.)

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 11:52 AM

    I already explained your little word salad on the GOP to you once. Have trouble understanding it? Would draw pictures for you if the Missourian supported it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 3:23 PM
  • *

    Which democrats are going to the funeral?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 3:13 PM

    Only those in DC who lie. They're looking for more larger planes.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 5:10 PM
  • I was wondering if Lettau had come around to recognizing his Democrat idols as the Party Opposite Truth.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 5:30 PM
  • *

    Richard, he is awfully slow if he hasn't recognized it by now.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 5:46 PM
  • Dunno why that Iranian General was put in a full size coffin when he would have fit in a Omaha Steaks box.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 5:57 PM
  • *

    Have never ordered Omaha Steaks. Now i know I won't,just in case.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 6:20 PM
  • I haven’t either but a box of ground meat sounded appropriate.

    BTW-when mentioning that Iranian I was not allowed the term “Iranian T/ends with ist” if you get my drift. That’s pretty low SE Missourian.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 7:26 PM
  • The Muslim rules are to bury right after the prayer for the deceased except in special circumstances. Many from New York are sent back to their family in the home country partly because burial is expensive in NY and extravagant expense for burial is prohibited. Some countries pay the transport costs.

    The terrorist has outstayed his time if he is in that box.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 9:17 PM
  • *

    Yeah they had to go drop Bin Laden in the water and quickly. Often wondered it that was so identity could never be properly checked by DNA.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 6, 2020, at 11:17 PM
  • Interesting: "Russian president Vladimir Putin has arrived in Damascus on a surprise visit to meet his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad." Shows written 9 hours ago.


    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Jan 7, 2020, at 10:15 PM
  • I would not have been surprised of the news if the US had landed a large, loud nonlethal flash bomb close to the great Iranian religious leader or the tyrannical dictator today.

    [Not sure what why I get the "are you sure" warning]

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Jan 8, 2020, at 5:21 PM
  • Me thinks Speaker Pelosi is off her nut.

    [Yes, IMO it's more civil than the norm in accepted free speech]

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 10:46 AM
  • Nancy said some stuff this morning that she clearly wishes were true.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 11:07 AM
  • Seems our Mr Lettau and the rest of his American Mullahs sure are upset about that Iranian terrrorist getting his due. How many more American bodies are they willing to sacrifice before sending one down this guys throat?

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 5:58 PM
  • Mr. Braswell,

    What possible reason could you have for claiming that I am "upset" about Soliemani being taken out?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 7:41 PM
  • *

    Just a guess Mister Lettau, DA will have to answer for himself, but I am thinking it is because you wizz and moan about everything else Trump has done. You started Nov 8th, 2016.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 7:50 PM
  • Dt, FDR told Ed Murrow everything he knew about the Japanese attack way before the "Day in infamy" speech and not one word was broadcast about FDR's intentions to ask for a declaration of war. Also throughout the war the press reported what was cleared by the war dept.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 9:16 PM
  • Mr Lettau, Are you saying President Trump did the right thing in taking out Soliemani?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 9, 2020, at 9:20 PM
  • I see where Nick Sandman wiped the smirk off CNN.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 7:46 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    I am not saying it was, or was not, the "right thing" to do. None of us know what the consequences will be. The Iranian counterattack was designed to allow President Trump to avoid escalation and further retaliation. What will happen next is still up in the air.

    That Soliemani is gone is a good. The likelihood that his replacement will be a clone is fairly high, which suggests that little has been changed.

    If taking out bad characters is the new normal, where are Assad, Putin, Kim, Erdogan, Duterte, etc. on the list. President Trump maintains that we should not be the world's policeman, then neither should we be the world's executioner.

    Another factor in any action, rash or otherwise, are the unintended consequences. While it is clearly not "our fault" and is plainly Iran's fault, the shooting down of the Ukrainian airliner is an unintended consequence. How SO conservatives will rationalize this fact, will soon be determined, but t will remain one of these "pesky truths."

    Another unintended consequence is that many of the Iranian people, who had been protesting their government, are now united behind it.

    The other question remaining is whether we are "safer" now. For us in the US, there is little change. For our troops in the Middle East, they are plainly less safe, otherwise, why would we have sent additional airborne units to defend our presence.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 7:49 AM
  • DT, I did not mean FDR knew before the attack but what he new just after and before the declaration of war. Murrow had a worldwide radio audience and could have shared some of what he was told. In those days reporters were trusted to be on America's side.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 11:10 AM
  • Mr. Lettau, I disagree that many of the Iranian people, who had been protesting their government, are now united behind it.

    Regarding "safer", additional troops were not sent to "defend our presence" in the region but to squelch an attack on our embassy.

    The tragic loss of life when Iran shot down a passenger plane cannot be seen as U.S. fault but consequence of Iran's behavior.

    I'm sure the Trump haters will continue to spin in any direction they think bad for the president.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 11:25 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "...cannot be seen as U.S. fault but consequence of Iran's behavior."

    I agree it was not the fault of the US, but I'm fairly sure that you are aware of what unintended consequences are.

    "...but to squelch an attack on our embassy."

    What attack? The President said it was in the "plans" but our Intelligence Agencies said there was nothing like that in their briefings to Congress. So there was no "plan."

    ...not sent to "defend our presence" in the region but to squelch an attack on our embassy."

    I'd suggest the "squelching an attack" is exactly what defending our presence does.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 1:25 PM
  • Ah,the old “he needed to be killed but since Trump did it” complaint.

    Where was all this outrage when the previous administration was dropping bombs all over the Middle East. oops,forgot....P.O.O.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 5:45 PM
  • Posted by Rick Lettau on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 1:25 PM

    You ask What attack and then suggest the "squelching an attack" is exactly what defending our presence does.

    How do you know what Intelligence Agencies said to congress?

    Unintended consequences are one thing and predictable outcome of the last 20 years policies dealing with a tyrannical ruler bent on controlling the region with a goal of world dominance through his radical religion is another thing.

    You should recognize change in foreign policy a positive for our national security.

    Not sure I understand all the mourning for the death of the terrorist. Would think they would celebrate his rewards in alla land.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 6:51 PM
  • *

    Trump sent a designated muslim terrist to meet his 72 virgins. Thank you President Trump. Thank you U.S. Military!

    You have to spell like teenagers texting to please The google god.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 8:02 PM
  • I heard some some of the mourners died by "stampede" for lack of another word.

    Someone else claimed their God is so powerful His hand steered our missiles away from the targets.

    So maybe President Trump is taking a bit too much credit for no loss of military personnel.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 10:34 PM
  • *

    Well Richard, one positive, Fancy Nancy has decided she is not going to be given control of the US Senate and is going to turn over the Phony Political Impeachment Papers to the Senate. Also doesn't look like McConnell is going to turn over his seat to the head dummy on the other side of the isle in the Senate either.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 10, 2020, at 10:44 PM
  • *

    "When did the Democratic Party reach it's Day of Reckoning ? This seems to be the 4th time I've queried now . Curious that."

    November 8th, 2016??


    Rick, I believe Iran has finally admitted they shot the plane down by mistake. Thought it was incoming aircraft. A very advanced civilization that cannot tell the difference between aircraft taking off from your own airports and incoming enemy aircraft.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 9:06 AM
  • *

    Our fearless Democratic leaders and candidates for President would rather praise and support a known terrorist and condemn his killing and give propaganda aid to a terrorist country then to support the President of the USA.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 9:44 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 9:53 AM

    Imagined the House Democrats gave the money to the Illegals in exchange for their votes....Queen Nancy didn't want it to go towards the Wall. Be glad this November when Legal Americans vote the Dems out of the House.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 10:45 AM
  • *

    It just gets curiouser and couriouser . It might be interesting to find out the list of passengers on that flight , methinks somebody was trying to get away but failed .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 9:30 AM

    Hmmmmm! Never thought about it, but you may have nailed it. Ok to off 159 people to get 1???? Sounds like a pretty radical way to do things, but then we are dealing with radicals here. Don't care if Obama does think their infernal wailing is the prettiest thing he ever heard.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 12:00 PM
  • *

    How do you know Pelosi didn't want it to go towards the Wall.

    Rick: Pelosi didn't approve it did she - as Speaker of the House she controls the agenda for the House.

    just where did that $34 billion go?

    Rick: Already answered that.

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 11:21 AM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 12:50 PM
  • *

    I don't feel you've answered my question , where is your 100% proof positive Pelosi personally mandated all 100% of the House not to Appropriate the $34 billion for the Wall .

    Rick: Sorry but is anything 100% proof positive? Heard and seen Queen Pelosi herding her fellow Democrats into livestock pens while she tells them what to do - haven't you?

    I wonder , when you are out and about , like maybe in Wal-Mart , can you tell who is a Democrat or not ? How about Republican ? Why do you appear to have such deep distain for other Americans

    Rick: The only distain that I have are for the Illegals and our own domestic freeloaders - these you can tell due to they all have their hands out looking for a free handout. Now that you mention it girlfriend and I need to go to Walmart to stock up on some supplies. Have a good night!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 4:02 PM
  • *

    Rick: I do know how to tell a Democrat and Republican apart.


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 4:09 PM
  • *

    Rick, a note came up on my computer saying it was Rick's Birthd as y tomorrow

    Happy Birthdsy!!!

    If you're up north, make sure they make you something special to eat.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 5:05 PM
  • DT, The speaker decides what gets voted on, it is the job of the whip to see that all of the party vote for or against and not all fall in line. If you were affected by Obamacare, Pelosi affected your life.

    Not sure where the bad guy money went but surely the courts would decide that and it would have to be in treasury before congress could appropriate it. IMO

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 5:05 PM
  • *

    That's no answer

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 4:33 PM

    Rick: Tough! Is your last name Rust? Ask your fellow Sit Down peoples what the answer is.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 7:12 PM
  • *

    Why didn't Trump or the Republican Congress include money for the Wall in their budgets .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 7:37 AM

    Rick: They did but your buddies in the Democratic controlled House refused to include it into the monies for the year. Before you say Paul Paul Paul, he was an anti-Trump establishment Republican and like Pelosi didn't want to do anything to help President Trump.

    who is Rust?

    Rick: Look at whose name is on the paper as owner.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 8:15 AM
  • *

    "I don't feel you've answered my question , where is your 100% proof positive Pelosi personally mandated all 100% of the House not to Appropriate the $34 billion for the Wall ."

    That's no answer.

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 11, 2020, at 4:33 PM

    What do I have to do with Rust ? I don't get that one.

    Rick: Your demanding an answer when I give you one that you don't agree with. Acting like the paper and this column is yours.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 12:00 PM
  • Rick S.,

    “Why didn't Trump or the Republican Congress include money for the Wall in their budgets?”

    The President commanded the republicans to include a “vanity wall” in the budget, but it could not pass in Congress because the Senate and House did not come to agreement.

    The vast majority of Americans are united in favoring rational border security to include enhanced security fencing where needed, technical electronic, video and drone surveillance, added personal, and improved drug and contraband detection at legal border crossings (which is where drugs flow.)

    Very few Americans want a 30 foot, $16 million per mile, Trump Vanity Wall, which is why legal funding was denied. The ability of druggies to cut through the wall with a low cost power saw available at Home Depot confirms their views.

    At last look, he was attempting to divert military construction funds toward his wall. In actuality we had about 650 miles of existing primary barrier which hasn’t increased, but a few hundred miles have been upgraded.

    The point is that the majority of Americans, and Congress do not want his vanity wall, but as mentioned above want border security. And that's why it didn't pass in Congress. Funds in the 2020 budget can still be withdrawn next year.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 12:19 PM
  • *

    Thanks Mr. Lettau for your multiple paragraphs of B.S. Guess you like paying billions of taxpayers money to give the Illegals free health care and monthly welfare checks - cheaper to build the Wall one time then it is to pay these billions every year - but hey that would cut down on the new voters for the Democratic party....is that what you are afraid of. If the cutting of the bars is your problem than change the design. BTW, it's not Trump's vanity wall as you have repeated again and again but America's Security Wall. Sad to be a brainwashed Dem such as you are.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 12:44 PM
  • "...to give the Illegals free health care and monthly welfare checks..."

    Only in Schaefer's fantasy world...

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 12:51 PM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Only in the ostrich head in the sand view that you seem to expel in. LOL at you as always.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 1:01 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 7:10 AM

    Rick, you keep going, you're going to get to be an "Old Geezer" like some if the rest of us. 😊😎

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 2:18 PM
  • M Lettau, You repeated the following more than once: "The President commanded the republicans to include a “vanity wall”.

    Can you show me a believable link so I can hear him saying that?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 2:34 PM
  • *

    Oj: It exists only in Ostrich Land. Mr. Lettau is good at spinning and twisting facts that are made up by him and his pet Ostriches.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 3:31 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Glad to. I'll get to it after the game.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 4:33 PM
  • *

    Mr. Bess, ULY is a little busy trying to master his version of rithmatik.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 5:34 PM
  • *

    I can only hope to live to be as wise as y'all !

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 6:34 PM

    Rick, better be careful what you wish for. :=)

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 6:47 PM
  • *

    OJ: The game must be the Super Bowl. lol

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 7:05 PM
  • semo, Bread and circus comes first with SO progressives.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 9:06 PM
  • *

    But you've taught me so much !

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtleon Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 6:57 PM

    Uh Oh, now you are in real trouble. 😎

    Seriously, I hope you had an enjoyable Birthday.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 9:44 PM
  • *

    Happy Belated Birthday Rick!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 10:15 PM
  • Think I'll have to wait for Uly's answer. The suspense is killing me, always look forward to his entertainment.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 12:21 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Maybe it’s about time to let you in on the secret of “entertaining” SO conservatives.

    Here’s why it’s so easy. All that’s involved is providing them the facts and telling the truth. Since they get little to no honesty and valid information from their other sources (Limbaugh/Hannity/Fox/Schaefer-VanGennip fantasy world) they seem to become captivated and mesmerized by simple facts.

    I'll get back to the "commanding presence" later.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 6:37 AM
  • Mr. Bess,

    Here are the facts for your "entertainment"...

    The Constitution designates the President as the Commander-in-Chief of the military, but it also states that, “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America,” making him basically the “chief executive” but not the commander, ruler, dictator, king, etc.

    His powers are ultimately exercised through Congressional action and for about 250 years, presidential decision making was a matter of reconciling different views and courses of action to arrive at an optimum determination that reflected the wishes and desires of the majority in Congress and/or the American people.

    With few exceptions, the President should make decisions based on what is most beneficial for most of the population. The last thing he should do is make decisions based on his personal whim or interest.

    For example, with regard to the “vanity wall,” almost all Americans, from both parties, favored increased border security. Very few believed that the “wall” was the only and best strategy, and yet the President bypassed Congress, declared a bogus “national emergency, and diverted Military Construction funds fraudulently, and “commanded” the “vanity wall” be built.

    A second example is his action to withdraw from the 6 party Iran Deal. The majority of Americans were against it, the DOD, the State Department, DOE, the UN, our European allies and all of the plan members including Russian and China, were all against his personal desire to kill the deal. The members and Iran were in full compliance with the stipulations. This style of decision making is a characteristic of dictators or emperors, not the chief executive of the United States. And it’s already clear how much damage his blunder has done to our country.

    So, Mr. Bess, that’s why the term “commanded” was used.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 8:47 AM
  • *

    "Since they get little to no honesty and valid information from their other sources (Limbaugh/Hannity/Fox/Schaefer-VanGennip fantasy world) they seem to become captivated and mesmerized by simple facts."

    Hmmmm! Facts all from the guy who told us the stock market increased 300% during the Obama administration, well it was only 280%, ok it was only 203%. Multiple choice? No simply BS, it was really 103%

    ULY if BS was a Brass Band, there would be a parade in Scopus on a daily basis!

    Sorry for chiming in Old John but the Bollinger County Sage (brush) used my name in vain.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 9:20 AM
  • *

    Another multiple paragraphs of BS from Mr. Ostrich (Lettau).

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 9:31 AM
  • M Lettau, You repeated the following more than once: "The President commanded the republicans to include a “vanity wall”.

    Can you show me a believable link so I can hear him saying that?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 10:26 AM
  • "The Constitution designates the President as the Commander-in-Chief of the military, but it also states that, “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America,” making him basically the “chief executive” but not the commander, ruler, dictator, king, etc."

    Do you ever read your word salads before pouring your artificially flavored truth dressing on it?

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 10:33 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    "Sorry for chiming in Old John..."

    You're welcome to pick your own numbers for whatever you want. Keep in mind, however, the best thing to do when you're in a hole is to stop digging (and stop spinning.)

    No matter how many times you repeat yourself (delusion), taking 103% of 9745 will always come out to be 10,037.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 12:35 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "First you post ""The Constitution designates the President as the Commander-in-Chief of the military" but then you post they are an Executive and not the "the commander"

    He is the Commander-in-Chief of the military. He is not the "Commander-in-Chief" or "ruler" of Congress or of the Supreme Court or of all of the American people. He is supposed to "serve the people" not force people to "serve" him and his slightest whim.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 12:40 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "Can you show me a believable link..."


    "But while Trump directed the "immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border," the executive orders do not cover the cost of the wall. Trump has repeatedly promised that Mexico will reimburse US taxpayers for the construction costs, a suggestion Mexican officials have rejected out of hand."

    Guess his "command" did not cover Mexican participation...

    That's an old link. I'm sure you'll be able to find a better one. If you can't, don't worry about it. He's sure to bring it up again soon.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 12:50 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "...where was this logic while Obama was President?"

    I'd suggest, it was where it had always been. No one ever suggested that President Obama was "...a ruler, dictator, king, etc...."

    I know that I've never said that.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 12:54 PM
  • Mr. Bess,

    "Do you ever read your..."

    Of course. How often have I invited you to identify specifically what you object to or don't understand. That's still the case, just let me know what I can help you with.

    The "command" terminology was explained above.

    Don't you think that the President feels that every order or direction he gives, must be immediately obeyed as in a "command?" I kind of think he does.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 1:00 PM
  • *

    No matter how many times you repeat yourself (delusion), taking 103% of 9745 will always come out to be 10,037.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 12:35 PM

    Fine I am glad I could be of some help in correcting your delusion that it was a 300% increase. For a while there I was in doubt, but it appears you do still have somewhat of a learning capability.

    Let me pose a question to you.....

    Do you believe that the guy who purchased a stock or commodity at $17,567 before the slide and was able to sell it for $19,804 at the end of Obama's term in office thinks he made a 103% profit.

    Obama did not show a spectacular growth in the market, but a very weak one actually. What he showed was the slowest recovery since the 1930's.


    The following from yesterday just for your review Uly, just in case you forgot the details leading up to your re-education.

    You're Welcome!


    The market for January 2009 closed @ $9,745. On Jan 19, 2017 the market closed @ $19,804. That is a rise of $10,059. Don't know whose hat you are pulling those numbers out of but the statistics agree with me. I get a 103.2% rise out of that.\

    And that is not growth in the market, that is recovery + growth. Growth from the markets high point of $17,567 in 1999 was a dismal $2237 or 12.7%.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 1:48 PM
  • *

    Don't you think that the President feels that every order or direction he gives, must be immediately obeyed as in a "command?" I kind of think he does.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 1:00 PM


    There he goes again, fudging on what he originally stated as fact.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 1:50 PM
  • Don't you think that the President feels that every order or direction he gives, must be immediately obeyed as in a "command?"


    You made it up. Trump never said what you claim and you keep dancing.

    Entertainment! You will never be believable when you keep fabricating your fantasies into facts.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 2:53 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Give it up. Your math instincts are as weak as your political viewpoints.

    I feel badly for you. Must be that you've got too much time on your hands.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 3:17 PM
  • *

    Where does that place you Mister Lettau. I out ciphored you yesterday.

    You had to settle for my 103% number when you started at 300%.... right quiz kid?

    You're unbelievable, proven over and over and when caught you act like you're proud of it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 3:35 PM
  • Don't be upset, but your confusion is being ignored.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 4:06 PM
  • *

    Wheels: There is no need to try to educate Mr. Ostrich Lettau, his brains have wasted away while going to the DNC school of higher Math.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 7:09 PM
  • *

    Uncle Uly, you aren't fooling anybody with the Don't Respects and the Respects for yourself.

    Has your self esteem really sunk to that level?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 9:10 PM
  • Sorry Mr. VanGennip, I have nothing to do with that. If someone "doesn't respect you," that's your problem. I've never marked any of them.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 9:26 PM
  • *

    Sorry Mr. VanGennip, I have nothing to do with that. If someone "doesn't respect you," that's your problem. I've never marked any of them.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 9:26 PM

    Yeah? Well I don't believe you! You have lied about too many other things on here to be believable without more than your words.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Jan 13, 2020, at 11:21 PM
  • All that is, is your warped opinion. Anyone that seems to believe everything the President says, has zero credibility.

    If you want me to explain things that you don't understand and therefore are under the mistaken impression that they are untrue, just tell me what they are. I'm always looking to help you out.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 12:53 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau, my comment to you is under review (don't know why - biased reviewers). Just know that it wasn't have a nice day.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:00 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 12:53 AM

    First, the insinuation that I believe everything any politician says is true is pure nonsense.

    Need none of your explaining to understand what is going on. Unlike you, who seems to need a lot of help in the area, I can easily answer what 103% is of whatever number you put up. However I am not going to answer the same number repeatedly in print, if you don't have the ability to look back for the answer, you're out of luck here.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 11:23 AM
  • So you still can't answer.

    Let me make it easier for you Mr. VanGennip, by converting the percentage to a decimal number.

    Try this 1.03 times 9745 = what?

    Is that easier?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 12:07 PM
  • I can"t remember an election year of the past 40 years when Democrats didn't claim Republicans wanted to cut Social Security.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 2:18 PM
  • *

    Rick: You might want to check the date of your link: Dec.9, 2016. Seems the Dems can't come up with anything new so they resort to something old.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 3:51 PM
  • *

    Well the Google god didn't approve my little comment to mr. Ostrich Lettau. Like I said before the paper is biased towards Conservatives. Free speech my

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 3:56 PM
  • *

    So you still can't answer.

    Let me make it easier for you Mr. VanGennip, by converting the percentage to a decimal number.

    Try this 1.03 times 9745 = what?

    Is that easier?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 12:07 PM

    Yes, Mister Lettau, I can answer, just haven't wanted to show up your faulty logic another time.

    Yes 9745 X 1.03 = 10037

    $10037 shows the amount of market increase during Obama's, term in office, actually the real number is $10059 but somewhere along there you wanted to drop the decimal point. Apparently it was confusing you. The real increase including recover and a small gain was 103.2%, unless you want to carry that out about 8 places.

    Now maybe you can under stand this a little better

    Obama was coronated King and the market was $ 9,745

    The market increased by 103.2% 10,059

    The market closed Jan 19, 2017 the market was 19,804

    Surely even you can understand that. This whole fiasco is beginning to sound like an episode from my 3rd grade year in school. There was a little girl who could not get her head wrapped around upper case letters, better know as capitol letters in that day. Finally in total exasperation the Nun after asking the little girl the difference between a capitol A and a small a, asked the little girl well maybe you can tell me the difference between a capitol A and a mule. The little girl thought for a minute and then said , the a don't got not ears. True story, the little girl was a first grader and obviouly not rocket science material.

    You aren't that little girl who went into the military for one of them changes are you?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 5:35 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Congratulations. You finally figured it out. Amazing.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 5:46 PM
  • *

    Mr. VanGennip,

    Congratulations. You finally figured it out. Amazing.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 5:46 PM

    Lettau, I had it figured out from the begining. Back when you were fudging numbers on both ends and claiming a 300% increase.

    If this isn't the old Pigeon on the Chessboard, nothing ever was.

    You finally came around to my numbers and logic and you win. Dam ain't that convenient?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:03 PM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Are you still obsessed with the market that stood at 6547 on the 9th of March, 2009 and closed at 19827 at the end of President Obama's term.

    Seems that 303% times 6547 equals 19827. See how easy that is if you pick the right dates. Maybe you should try chess again.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:13 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:13 PM

    Cherry picking dates and using fuzzy math can get you all kinds of meaningless numbers. Obama didn't come into office on the 9th of March, he came aboard on Jan 20th and had the most dismal first 100 days in the history of the market according to an article I read.

    Forget your percentages and pick the day Trump was elected and we find that Trump had a better run in 3 short years than Obama did in 8 and it is all new ground, not market recovery. Percentages can be used to make stats look better than what they really are. Actual dollars tell a different story

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:34 PM
  • *

    No idea Rick. Wonder since he was fudging dates and numbers to get the results he wanted.... why did Uly pick a number out of say, Harry Truman's term and give Obama credit for everything since.

    Facts are, when the market drops, there is a regain no matter who sits with his feet on the people's desk.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:42 PM
  • *

    In case ole Ostrich Lettau didn't see my comment here is a repeat:

    Mr. Lettau: Let's just stick with the numbers. Obama's stock market advanced 10,059 points in 8 long years whereas Trump's stock market advanced 10,491 points in just a little over 3 years. Wow, what will be the advancement of the stock market in Trump's second term.

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Sun, Jan 12, 2020, at 9:01 AM

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 7:35 PM
  • *

    What is the Stock Market today ?

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 6:35 PM


    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 7:38 PM
  • *

    It's going to be a wild Democratic debate tonight - cowboy (Bernie) vs injuns (Warren) - let the better Socialist win!

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 7:41 PM
  • *

    I wasted about 20 minutes this evening watching the best of the worst try to out promise one another.

    If that is the best stable of candidates to put out there, God help the country if one of them should win.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 14, 2020, at 10:20 PM
  • *

    On the lighter side - "2020 Democratic Party Candidates - Beatles Parody" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSHAD1-O63U

    -- Posted by fxpwt on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 5:07 AM
  • *

    Rick: Here is Tuesday’s Close:




    You can as I do double check from various sources the news - but you know that.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 6:25 AM
  • *

    Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 6:47 AM

    Rick: For America it's a good thing.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 7:10 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by fxpwt on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 5:07 AM

    Fxpwt that one hit the nail on the head.

    The following came up when I watched it. Talk about some politicians and talking heads that were 180 degrees off their call.


    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 4:45 PM
  • This particular party has checked the news today to find a continuous loop of same o same o of whichever flavor you want to hear. Who Knows What News Lurks In other places? :)

    Nothing interesting on TV and Uly is not entertaining us so nothing left but wish everyone a good night.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 11:25 PM
  • *

    Good night John Boy!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Jan 15, 2020, at 11:40 PM
  • Rick S.,

    "When did the Democratic Party reached it's day of reckoning?"

    Your linked page is a perfect example of fake news, complete fabrications, or total fiction. What on there is true?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 11:02 AM
  • *

    Rick: That's what I have been gripping about. To me my posts look fine but to a biased reviewer who I have had words with is trying to show his manhood. He told me to post after hours when he's gone for the day. No need to protest because the paper is in love with this civility thing.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 3:34 PM
  • *

    Have you had the honor of be banned yet ?

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 3:59 PM

    Rick: Yes, the same time that Wheels was - didn't last long.


    Today , you can't pry a "Make America Great Again" hat off People's head with a crowbar .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 6:48 PM

    Rick: You have seen everyone in the USA wear a KAGA hat and not take it off for a funeral procession....that's an accomplishment.


    Have you heard the latest Trump scandal - he removed the tag on his new pillow....sounds about as crazy as the two articles of impeachment.

    Now come on Google god - what is wrong with this comment?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 7:37 PM
  • *

    What's a KAGA hat ?

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 8:17 PM

    Rick: Could it be a keystroke error - do you ever type something wrong?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 8:24 PM
  • Watched the ceremony today and tried to keep an eye on that pen they all used to sign, Wonder who got to take it home.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 16, 2020, at 9:55 PM
  • *

    Taken for observation, glad that's all. IMO, the Democrats were secretly upset about the results of the attack.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 3:04 PM
  • *

    This can not be undone or unsaid .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 5:56 PM

    That's what the military told President Trump at first reports. Guess we have to impeach the military Generals.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 10:26 PM
  • *

    Wonder what happened to our Fuzzy Math Major?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 10:32 PM
  • Ralph, He may be busy dividing up plots on his lawn to rent out for the 2024 eclipse. Ha Ha!!!

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 10:56 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 10:56 PM

    Yeah Richard someone was telling me SE Missouri is going to be the spot to visit for the eclipse.

    Last eclipse, I was all prepared to watch it from the comfort of my couch. Then as is his MO, Number one Grandson calls and wants Grandpa and Grandma to ride with him to the epi center somewhere down around Potosi, cannot remember exact area. It was interesting and enjoyable and a good experience.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 11:22 PM
  • So. Call. Ole. Poor. Uly. Soon. to reserve your spot. :)

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 12:05 AM
  • *

    We drove over to southern Illinois to a less populated area to view the eclipse last time. This will be right over the Sikeston/Cape area. President Trump can come and view it during his second term.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 7:02 AM
  • *

    Yep Richard, just dial 1 800 SCOPUS.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 2:30 PM
  • *

    Rick: Believe you would blame President Trump for a cloudy day.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 5:22 PM
  • *

    Nor will I lock the doors and hide at night from the evil Democrat/liberal boogeyman .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 5:48 PM

    Who does that?

    I lock the doors at night to keep the crooks and freeloaders from harming my love ones and from taking what I worked all my life for.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 6:56 PM
  • Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 5:48 PM

    I agree with "I will not worship one man" and change one to any. That does not mean I can't see the difference in a republic and a democracy.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sat, Jan 18, 2020, at 11:31 PM
  • The difference in a republic and a democracy has little to do with political parties.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Sun, Jan 19, 2020, at 10:37 PM
  • *

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 7:40 AM

    Rick: Poor ole Chuck Schumer is now eating his own words.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 8:45 AM
  • *

    Rick: The Schumer statement was in 1999 long before the current biased fake news of 2017 and forward by the majority of the news outlets - good try to spin and twist.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 9:04 AM
  • *

    Those who were fake before aren't now .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 10:22 AM

    Rick: Schumer's remarks on 2/11/99 was almost 21 years ago when the news reporters reported the news and not their opinions.


    Those deadbeat no good freeloaders need to get up off the couch and go find a job !

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 10:44 AM

    Rick: No one called the folks who lost their jobs at Rubbermaid deadbeats or freeloaders due to losing their jobs. I feel sorry for them since I too was a lost job victim, however; with job training available at no cost and a great job market they will only be deadbeats or freeloaders if they chose to be. If management at Rubbermaid couldn't survived even with a 17% tax credit then it was meant to be like the company that I worked for that folded long ago.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 11:29 AM
  • *

    they will only be deadbeats or freeloaders if they chose to be

    -- Posted by Schaefer's World on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 11:29 AM

    Rick: You might want to read the whole comment before banging on the keyboard.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 12:07 PM
  • *

    For a year you've assumed folks are deadbeats and won't do like you .

    -- Posted by Diseased_Turtle on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 12:09 PM

    Rick: For the last time, a deadbeat/freeloader lives off the government when they are physically able to work. Enough said - out of here, enjoy your day.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Mon, Jan 20, 2020, at 12:25 PM
  • The real day of reckoning is today with the start of the impeachment trial. Regrettably it’s not for President Trump, who has been guaranteed or at least “assured” that republicans in the Senate would knowingly disregard and repudiate both their Constitutional oath of office and their separate oath on impeachment, by becoming oblivious to facts and the truth.

    It is a day of reckoning for the 100 Senators, particularly those who have gone beyond “don’t confuse me with the facts, I’ve already made up my mind” to the even higher and more corrupt level of “don’t confuse me with the facts, I’ve already been ordered how to vote.”

    It is an amazing spectacle when 51 republican Senators all march in lock step to the tunes played by a President who has blatantly abused his power and been openly contemptuous of Congresses’ Constitutional right of oversight and flagrantly obstructed the duties of Congress.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 8:44 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 8:44 AM

    Ah the Leftist Fuzzy Math Major speaks. Obviously you want all prosecution witnesses and no defense witnesses. The House of Liars brings their weak case forward and the Senate is supposed to bow to their wishes.

    Let the 1999 Impeachment Trial be the guidelines. If it was good enough for democrats, it is good enough for Republicans.

    I suggest we redefine "is".

    And while you are at it Uly, throw in some percentages to wow us with.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 9:58 AM
  • *

    when 51 republican Senators

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 8:44 AM

    Mr. Lettau: There's that fuzzy math again. Republicans have 53 Senators while the Democrats have 45 plus 2 Independents who votes with the Democrats. Your welcome.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 11:16 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Don't worry the Senate trial will be just as fair as was the scam House impeachment inquiry. Trump/Pence 2020

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 11:18 AM
  • *

    Since Nov 9, 2016 some Democrats have vowed to remove Trump since he won against Hillary Clinton. Once again they are going to fail!

    Anybody keeping count on how many failures they have had? Probably the Mueller Investigation lasting nearly two years was their biggest and most expensive failure for taxpaying Americans.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 12:08 PM
  • *

    Watched only enough today of the impeachment of President Trump to see Adam, Schiff in his pants.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 3:42 PM
  • *

    I have been expecting the Math Major from Scopus come outwith a percentage chance of the Democrats winning. Wonder if it will be 300%?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 6:35 PM
  • If only Mr Lettau had that “git him” enthusiasm during the last administration but,hey,he has a tiny non-blue pill induced chub going now. At his age that’s a good thing.

    -- Posted by DA Braswell on Tue, Jan 21, 2020, at 7:06 PM
  • The day of reckoning is drawing closer for our Senators. How are they going to reconcile their Oaths to defend the Constitution and be impartial in this trial, while disallowing witnesses, documents and evidence that is essential to deciding the issue fairly?

    How will they respond when their constituents ask them how they could envision a fair trial with no evidence presented and no witnesses allowed to speak? Is it possible that they believe that their opponents in the next election will overlook the fact that they violated their oaths, did not call out the lies of the President’s lawyers, and misrepresented the people of their state?

    That is the “reckoning” on the horizon.

    The republican Senators should by now, be well aware, that according to a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll, about 65% of voters believe that he President encouraging the President of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden is a serious or very serious problem.

    Furthermore, “…83% of voters polled responded that they were “not so surprised” or “not surprised at all” that Trump made the request. Only 16% they were surprised.”

    Based on that percentage, and the supposition that Senators are at least marginally better informed than the general population, it’s safe to presume that 100% of them are not surprised that the President made the request.

    It’s also the reason that none on the republican side claim “nothing happened” (they all know what he did) and their defense of President is limited to “it’s no big deal,” or “he did it, but it shouldn’t be impeachable.”

    All the more reason they should be seeing more evidence and hearing from more witnesses.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 8:35 AM
  • *

    Mr. Lettau: Where are your links to support your claims or is it just your opinions. BTW, did you google the makeup of the Senate political parties after I corrected your fuzzy math?

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 9:30 AM
  • *

    Never fear Mr. Lettau the Senate trial will be just as fair as was the scam House impeachment inquiry. LOL

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 9:32 AM
  • *

    Lettau, it is not the job of the Senate to impeach a President, that is the House's job.

    It is the job of the Senate to hear the case the House brings to them, however weak it is, then decide if more witnesses are needed. That was a 100% decision by the Senate in 1999 and it should be good enough for you lying democrats now.

    This is a railroaded job beginning Nov 9, 2016 and you will not be happy until your dirty work is completed.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 10:13 AM
  • *

    Something else Mr Lettau, I think you can count on Uncle Joe and his druggie kid testifying if the democrats keep pushing, and at the proper time of course by the Clinton Rules.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 11:18 AM
  • *

    Will things go well? Will things go badly? Tune in today for the next episode of "Overpaid Orators Behaving Badly"... :-)~

    -- Posted by fxpwt on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 11:28 AM
  • *

    Things I trust more than Adam Schiff:

    Traveling to Wuhan, China

    Mexican tap water

    Jeffery Epstein killed himself

    Gas station sushi

    A Bigfoot sighting

    A walk in the woods with Hillary

    (author unknown)

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Wed, Jan 22, 2020, at 4:13 PM
  • A few more facts that we can consider with respect to the republicans “day of reckoning.”


    Over the next several years, the economy will grow more slowly. Unemployment is expected to remain low, as will inflation.

    Economic Growth

    U.S. GDP growth will slow to 2.0% in 2020 from 2.2% in 2019. It will be 1.9% in 2021 and 1.8% in 2022. That's according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on December 11, 2019.1 The projected slowdown in 2019 and beyond is a side effect of the trade war.


    The unemployment rate will average 3.5% in 2020.1 It will bump up to 3.6% in 2021 and 3.7% in 2022. That's lower than the Fed's 6.7% target. Some people have been out of work for so long that they'll never be able to return to the high-paying jobs they used to have. As a result, structural unemployment has increased.


    Will the President stress this in his next rally?

    Maybe not.

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 8:06 AM
  • *

    Well, well, it appears that Mister Lettau has already moved past the "Schumer Schiff Sham Show" in the Senate and realized his much worshipped Democrat Party has once again failed to git Trump at any cost and will have to face him at the polls once again.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 9:59 AM
  • A few more facts that we can consider with respect to the republicans “day of reckoning.”............................

    Just because you type such does not make them facts.

    -- Posted by R. W. Bess on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 10:37 AM
  • *

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 8:06 AM

    Mr. Ostrich Lettau: On your forecasting link I didn't see the names of any of those so call experts - maybe a anti-Trump Liberal Socialist Democrat was the source of these expert forecasts.

    I'm just as reliable in forecasting as any other expert. My list is:

    Trump to be reelected by this November's elections.

    The economy GDP will continue to grow at an avg. of 3% per year.

    The unemployment rate will be between 3.5% and 4% thru 2024.

    The House will go back to Republican control with this Nov. elections.

    The Freeloaders will still be living off the government until Congress takes action.

    The Illegals will still be sucking money from the taxpayers until Congress takes action.

    The China/US trade war will be settle with the USA taking the wind out of the sails of the Chinese.

    The North Korean Kim will settle for a nuke free NK.

    All of this to be accomplished prior to Nov. 2024 during Trump's second term.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 10:44 AM
  • Mr. VanGennip,

    Why would you imply that I ever thought the President would be removed from office because of having been impeached?

    I believe I pointed out that the republican Senators would ignore both of their oaths, and let him get away with it.

    So the likely conclusions are that he will forever remain impeached and he was released without having to face witnesses and factual evidence.

    How many independent voters do you feel those facts will sway?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 12:24 PM
  • *

    How many independent voters do you feel those facts will sway?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 12:24 PM

    Regarding your "Lettau Facts" I suggest those are nothing but your opinions!

    So my answer would be next to none. If you are hanging your hat on that GFL.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 12:32 PM
  • *

    Mister Lettau,

    The thought occurs to me that during the 2016 campaign you had a horrible candidate and I believe you once alluded to that yourself. But looking at your current crop of wannabees you don't have anything nearly that good on the horizon.

    I think the Democratic Party owes America something better if they want to sit in the White House,

    I don't want a Socialist/Communist to ever rule America.... do you?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 12:41 PM
  • *

    Mr. Ostrich Lettau: There will be an * mark next to Trump's name as being impeached by a partisan Democratic controlled House which means that any President who has an opposing majority in the House is likely to be impeached in the future.

    Google god, looks civil to me.

    -- Posted by Truth Slinger on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 12:44 PM
  • *

    Hmmm, looks like Uly did a hit and run and didn't stick around for rebuttal.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Thu, Jan 30, 2020, at 10:31 PM

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