Speak Out: Speak Out 9/27/19

Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 27, 2019, at 7:32 AM:

Good work

I couldn't be more impressed with the work Ben Matthews did at the Old McKendree Chapel event on Sunday. I've worked for dailies myself, and often seen a photographer show up, get a picture, and be gone in minutes. Ben worked extremely hard to capture every aspect of the event in an artistic manner, from the opening comments to the conclusion. You could tell he was intently focused on the technical aspects of his photography as well as being considerate of the event and those around him. I wasn't surprised to see how outstanding his photos were when they were posted online. Thank you for the coverage.


With the news that Trump tried to get the President of the Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden's son, it is time to rush through impeachment. And remove him by Christmas.

Not appropriate

If a coach cusses at a High School student-athlete, you can bet he or she cusses at his wife and kids at home.

Jackson culture

A recent article claimed, "Uptown Jackson plays important role in city's culture." No, no it doesn't. Our culture has little to do with promoting bars across from churches, some knickknack shops, a couple alcohol-drinking events and an organization that doesn't support our Homecomers traditions. Our culture is rooted in our traditions of churches, schools and neighborhood homes.

Greta's gusto

Greta Thunberg at the age of 16 is a real hero. Her stand against Climate Change is an inspiration to all mankind.

Roundabout ridicule

People will really go to any lengths to slam anything new or something they don't like. One recent Speak Out comment talked about how ugly roundabouts are. Really? Roundabouts are usually neatly trimmed and almost park-like. You think those are uglier than a bright red octagonal sign? It is usually rusting and leaning over. Or a chunky electronic apparatus hanging from above? Just admit it you don't like roundabouts because they're different and you have to learn something!

Ready for Shipyard

I had a great time at the Shipyard Music Festival last year and can't wait for it to begin. I'm especially looking forward to Jukebox the Ghost. But all of the bands look great

Replies (15)

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    Good work: Thanks Ben for calling into Speak Out.

    Impeachment: Believe you need proof and not wishes. President Trump will be re-elected thanks to the Socialist Democrats with their free give away programs that no sound of mind voter will support.

    Not appropriate: Guess you don't either.

    Jackson culture: Guess the downtown area doesn't exist as part of Jackson.

    Greta's gusto: Good example of brainwashing by the chicken littles of the doomsday climate cooling/warming/change group.

    Roundabout ridicule: Don't use them if your are scared of them.

    Ready for Shipyard: Sounds like a wreck to me....but hey different strokes for different folks.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Friday September 27, 2019.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Fri, Sep 27, 2019, at 7:51 AM
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    "Impeachment...just hang on a second , Trump was automatically deemed innocent in 2016 but now Biden is automatically guilty . That door of big-Government swings both ways."

    Rick, Trump underwent 22 months of extreme investigation and came out without a single thing to charge him on. Don't you think it would be fair to see if Crazy Uncle Joe could stand the same scrutiny. After all he was tooting his horn on camera and bragging about how he told the Ukraine President to either fire his prosecutor or he was leaving in 6 hours and they wouldn't get the money we promised them.

    Are there two seperate rules for how administrations are to interact with foreign governments?

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Sep 27, 2019, at 2:27 PM
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    Rick, I was considering him to be America's Crazy Uncle Joe not yours personally. :-)

    And I think the considering guilty before investigations begin is typical in our political world today. Trump was considered guilty before he took office, might as well consider Uncle Joe guilty. What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander.

    And now Pencil neck, or pencil whatever the case may be, has him guilty again.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Sep 27, 2019, at 4:03 PM
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    "I find it curious , and a little suspicious , Trump now uses the same accusation on Biden that Trump was accused of doing himself."


    Rick, I believe Biden predates anything Trump may or may not have done with Ukraine. Biden's little indiscretion which he brags about in the video happened while he was Vice President which ended January 20, 2017.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Sep 27, 2019, at 5:48 PM
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    The Democrats and some Republicans have been fighting Trump since the day he got the Republican nomination. Do you really blame him for fighting back. He is a street fighter type. They punch him, he punches back.

    Really, do you blame him? Would you fight back if it were you in his shoes? I think so. As I know you, you fight back and quite frankly, I like that in a person.

    They say the meek shall inherit the earth. Personally I have a theory about that. I believe the meek will inherit the earth after everybody else is done with it.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Fri, Sep 27, 2019, at 8:10 PM
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    More info on the US is a Corporation - Myth.


    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sat, Sep 28, 2019, at 7:50 AM
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    Rick, not quite sure where to start, but will begin here....

    "If I were Trump I'd say nothing"

    I believe you would try, but I don't think it is in your nature to succeed at being quiet.

    "For instance , The Act of 1871: The “United States” Is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions."

    Guess I need to bone up on that suject, before I display my lack of knowledge on the subject.

    "If a person were to check , more and more Rights are being morphed into prividges that can be given or taken away as needed."

    I certainly would not disagree with that.

    Further I would say our creeping Socialism is a huge problem. Just think of all the Government Departments created to give away our taxes on Congress's vote buying mission. Nowhere in the Constitution do they mention our government being a charitable institution.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 28, 2019, at 9:07 AM
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    "..and , those with the most wealth should not be given more power over all the People"

    Rick, in some cases wealth undeniably buys privileges so far as government is concerned. Then on the other hand God must love poor and average people, because he made so many of them. And this larger class has the power to tax the rich at a higher rate. Otherwise there would not be a graduated system and for sure there would not be an Earned Income Tax Credit system giving refunds to those who do not pay earnings taxes to begin with.

    Wait until the AOC's of the Democratic Party get what they want, where the government takes all of our money and dispenses it as they see fit. The new ruling class will not be equally poor as they make everybody else. And by the way, they are not Democrats as I knew them. They are nothing but Socialists who have worked their way into the party under false pretenses.

    Now as far as the voters being intelligent, I am sure they are, but too many are too lazy to become informed, so they vote the party. That is where the sheep mentality comes in.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sat, Sep 28, 2019, at 10:22 AM
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    My concern is, if one of those wack jobs ever gets on the national ballot, will the rank and file vote them into real power, cross the line and vote, or just sit on their hands come election day?

    The D and the R are here to stay I am afraid and too many people fail to think things out. Instead they go to the polls and vote the party of Grandpa and Daddy.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 9:14 AM
  • "Very vain for a woman of Muslim belief."

    Why do you think she Muslim?

    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 10:25 AM
  • Insert "is" between "she" and "Muslim."


    -- Posted by Rick Lettau on Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 12:23 PM
  • Rick, AOC represents New York. She is not Muslim. You have her mixed up.

    -- Posted by Jeffrey Bollinger on Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 2:34 PM
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    Yeah Rick, AOC brings with her sterling credentials for the job... she is an ex-bartender. Her religion is Socialism!

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 3:26 PM
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    Socialism....the cry of the Democrats - everything is free just vote for us and never mind who pays for it.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Sun, Sep 29, 2019, at 4:09 PM
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    Alexandrite Ortega Cortez, or close, is her name. AOC for short.

    Ex bartender from New York and newly elected to the House of Representatives. Her claim to fame, has a mouth the size of a wash tub and a brain apparently about the size of a pea.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Sep 30, 2019, at 8:39 AM

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