Speak Out: Speak Out 9/23/19

Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 23, 2019, at 6:02 PM:

Heidi Hall

It was sad to see the news about Heidi Hall. Those were good years for the Southeast Missourian — Heidi and her tales of Mr. Half were funny and something to look forward to. Bob Miller and his wife’s cute his-and-her takes on life. And of course, Joe Sullivan’s musings about life around his bird feeders. Thanks for the memories, Heidi, and best wishes to Mr. Half.

More roundabouts

The newly constructed roundabouts in Cape and Jackson are the best thing for traffic flow. The problem comes from those who don’t know how to use them. There are many intersections in the area that could benefit from them. One in particular that has high traffic is 61/Deerwood, just north of Jackson. With the additional building going on in that area and especially the new church and sports center, it is difficult to turn left from either way. Another road that needs attention due to more houses being built and obviously more traffic is Harmony that turns west off of Highway 61, just north of Jackson. It is very narrow with dangerous blind curves and hills.

Ugly things

Whether you are for or against roundabouts, one thing is certain: aesthetically, they look terrible.

Replies (4)

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    Heidi Hall: Sad indeed. Heidi's writings will live on.

    More roundabouts: Heavens no how will these anti-roundabout folks ever get any where.

    Ugly things: Plant flowers in the middle of them. With all that's wrong in the world today, two speakout calls concerning roundabouts is the greatest evils.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Monday September 23, 2019.

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Mon, Sep 23, 2019, at 6:03 PM
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    Semo471, it's still my opinion if you cannot do a Round About on two wheels you should turn in your driver's license.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Mon, Sep 23, 2019, at 8:42 PM
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    Wheels: I always like the roundabouts down in the islands where they drive on the left. All I do is pick a lane close my eyes and see how loud girlfriend can scream.lol

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by David Schaefer on Tue, Sep 24, 2019, at 7:20 AM
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    I have driven a car in a good number of foreign countries, but I chose public transportation in those places where they drive on the wrong side of the road. Bad enough to be a passenger in those places.

    I remember a small manufacturer who took a number of his best customers on one of those island trips. He watched with concern as a good number of them rented scooters and wobbled out into traffic. As they disappeared he said to his wife, come on Ann, let's walk around and see if we can find the hospital. Pretty sure one of them will be brought in and we will be called.

    -- Posted by Ralph VanGennip on Tue, Sep 24, 2019, at 8:47 AM

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