Speak Out: Speak Out 5/12/19

Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:14 AM:

Flooding safety

With all the flooding of county roads by the Mississippi River and its tributaries, why do people drive past road closed signs? Is it curiosity or just plain ignorance? Stay off these roads for your safety and the safety of the people who actually live on them.

Sheriff's office

The Cape sheriff office recently announced that they'll no longer place barricades to block off flooded roads, but I can still get a ticket if I blow my grass clippings onto the street. Brilliant!


The DOJ offered four prominent Democrats an opportunity to read a less redacted version of the Mueller Report. Do you know how many of them showed up to read it? Zero! Congressional Democrats are grandstanding to appease the sheep in their base. They have no interest in legislating or in conducting real oversight.

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    Flooding safety: Also, stay off of the flooded roads in order to protect those who have to come out to rescue those who disobey the closed signs.

    Sheriff's office: Are you sure that there won't be any barricades....if this is true then the sheriff office is not doing their job to protect the motorists.

    Grandstanding: To add to the caller's comment, the Mueller Report referred to is one with NO redactions so why is the Democratic leadership all bent out of shape....can you say pulling the wool over their voting base.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Sunday May 12, 2019.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Mon, May 13, 2019, at 7:25 AM

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